Last First Kiss

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A/N: ONE DIRECTION SPECIAL! IDEA BY THE AMAZING Revetaar and chapter dedicated to her! Muggle AU, enjoy peeps :)

( In which they are together because of One Direction )


( Saint Monica Beach, First Year )

"Hey Evans, just one date," James Potter said with a grin as he jogged alongside the pretty redhead at the Santa Monica beach, Los Angeles.

Lily swept her hair away from her face and shot him a disgusted look. "No means no, Potter, fucking accept it," she said with an eye roll.

"But ssssssssstill!" James said, dragging out the word four times its normal length. "One chance, Evans, please."

"No, Potter. Good day to you," Lily answered primly as she opened the door to her car and hopped inside, starting off the ignition and leaving James to place his hands on his hips and sigh dramatically.

"Where do broken hearts goooooooo," he sang, running a hand through his hair.

He was pretty sure he saw her smile in the rear view mirror and grinned widely. Baby steps, James-y boy, he thought.


( University of California, Third Year )

Over the past year, James had somehow managed to get in Lily's good books. He still flirted with her and jokingly asked her out (he was serious as ever, but that was Lily's opinion), but it was more out of teasing now. They were often found at Rhode Café at campus, laughing and studying.

As weird as it sounds, Lily had came to enjoy his company. He was funny, cute, good-looking and smart. He was pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering and Lily in chemical engineering, so they could easily go along and their interactions were smooth. And they hanged out with each other so much, they had picked up small things about each other.

For example, one normal thing like coffee: James knew that Lily liked her coffee hot and sugary, without much milk, and Lily knew that James preferred his coffee of average temperature and with a lot of milk, and not much sugar. James knew that Lily's favourite color was caramel brown, as most of her wardrobe was full of the clothes of that color. Lily knew that James preferred to use sandalwood cologne as it was rather "manly", as he like to say. (Not that Lily would ever admit this, but she loved his scent. Shh!)

So, it wasn't much of a shock to her friends when she told them about her newly developed crush on him.

Marlene McKinnon had smirked, Alice Prewett and laughed, Emmeline Vance had chuckled and Dorcas Meadowes had grinned. No "WHAT THE FUCK?"s and "AM I DREAMING?"s came from them, maybe because they could see it coming. That guy could be really charming when he wanted to be.

"You two make Larry Stylinson look like dudes who know they love each other," Dorcas guffawed, flipping the pages of her electronical engineering book.

"Eh, can't they just kiss already?" Alice complained, running a hairbrush through her hair. Seeing as Lily's apartment was rather spacious, they preferred to hang out there. And it was close to the University, of if you are late, no worries! All you gotta do is stuff a toast in your mouth, run your hands through your hair, throw on a jacket and run. Simple!

"Hey, Lils, didn't you have a study date with James?" Emmeline teased, tossing her fashion magazine aside.

"We're just meeting to study," Lily spluttered, blushing like crazy. "Okay, I've to head off to his disgustingly expensive apartment. See ya babes!"

"Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure you'll get a lot of study done," Marlene muttered under her breath, smirking. Lily's face burned red, but she grabbed her books, bag and car keys and walked out of her apartment.

James's apartment was more like a mini super expensive mansion instead of your good ol' apartments with boring grey sofas and scratched coffee tables. Oh no, his apartment was disgustingly expensive (makes sense for a guy who lives in the biggest residential mansion in all of tye US).

The first thing you noticed after your entrace was the stunning view his balcony gave you. It was absolutely gorgeous. The whole city of Los Angeles was visible from that place, and the tiny multicolored lights during nights just made it even more amazing. His TV was huge and his sofas were pure midnight blue velvet. The walls were painted pale green for his living room and his bedroom had creme walls.

Lily sat down on a sofa near the balcony and called out, "Potter!"

"I'm coming!" his voice called out from his bedroom.

Lily shrugged and took out of her pens and idly doodled on the palm of her hand. She wasn't paying any particular attention to what she was doodling and, much to her horror, she found out that she had scribbled:

L. J. P.

"Oh hey, whose initials are that?"

Lily jumped as one of James's hands held hers close to his face. His eyes were narrowed as he examined it. (Not that he would admit it, but his brain was thinking about all the guys in college with the initials LJP.)

"Oh that!" Lily squeaked, her voice sounding more like a rat's than a grown woman's. "Those are the initials James Payne!"

She thought that something in James's expression changed. Something like...relief?

"Wait- you like 1D too?" he asked interestedly, sitting down beside her.

"I love them!" Lily practically shouted.

"Easy, tigeress," James laughed.

Lily grinned and shrugged. "But yeah, I love One Direction. I've been to their every concert and Larry Stylinson is religion."

James nodded in agreement. "You know, the only reason Sirius has long hair is because of Harry Styles."

"Expected," Lily chuckled.

Pretty soon, they had forgotten all about study (wow, Marlene must be feeling so proud) and were talking about 1D, occasionally shouting "CAN'T THEY JUST KISS ALREADY?" and "LARRY IS REAL, FIGHT ME BITCH."

However, God knows how, they had come really very close. Close enough so their eyes were connected and neither wanted to break away the eye-contact. As his habit was, James's hand immediately went to his hair and Lily's eyes followed the path of his hand. She leaned forward, bumping her nose against his playfully before kissing him.

"Shit," James muttered, pulling back quickly. Lily gripped his hair and forced his lips back to hers.

"You know," she murmured, "you are so oblivious sometimes. More oblivious than Harry and Louis, really. I've been crushing on you for ages and you just can't see it."

James blinked, once, twice, thrice and said, "Really?"

"Oh yes," Lily said with a smile as she kissed the corner of his mouth, which twitched up in a smirk.

"I always said I'd get you," James said smugly. "And I did. Really, Evans, I intended to be your last first kiss."

"You achieved that," Lily giggled.

"Yeah?" James grinned and kissed her again. "I guess I'll take you for a proper date now. Meet at eight today?"

"Sure thing," Lily said.

Suddenly, they heard their phones buzz and opened them to see messages from one single chat.

UoC 2010-2014 Batch
Ally, Dorks, Emmy, Frank......

At least close the fucking window shitheads

I told you which 'study' they'll get done

Babe, I love you, but that was oBvIoUs-

You want a break up, Sirius?


That was quite a show lmao

Hush, dont tease them now!


James and Lily looked at each other, then started laughing.

"Honestly, you make my day like nobody else," James said, grinning at his girlfriend.

A/N: *singing What Makes You Beautiful at full volume* ...GETS ME OVERWHELMED--! Oh, you completed reading? Hope you enjoyed then! Take care and stay safe.


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