Memories and Portraits ✔️

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A/N: So, set after the war. Seventh year, Harry's Head Boy and Hermione's Head Girl. Anyway, Harry stumbles upon a treehouse made by his parents and inside is a pensieve, holding some memories.

"Dammit," Harry Potter cursed as his foot hit a thick, dark oak root. Grumbling, he stood straight and gazed at the forest laid out in front of him. The sun was setting and the grounds turning dark.

The change after Voldemort's Death was strange. People were still sad, but at least no more Cruciatus Curses and flying hexes and jinxes. Harry had to 'check up' on the forest for Hagrid. He was impatient and wanted to go back to the castle and stay with Ginny, but when has anyone ever heard his wishes? Let alone fulfill it.

He touched the bark of the tree. The wood was smooth but had small, shaped craters in it. Squinting, Harry moved closer to it and read:

L. E. + J. P.
Our Humble Abode #4

Harry leapt back, eyes wide amd heart hammering in his chest. L. E., it stood for Lily Evans, his mother. J. P. stood for James Potter, his father. And he remembered their 'ship names'. He had heard Sirius and Tonks argue over Jily and Lames while Remus and Emmeline Vance argued over Jamily and Flowerpot.

The memory of them made him sad now. Sirius's death was bad enough and now Remus and Tonks too? What was destiny's problem with him?!

Taking a deep breath, Harry took out his wand and murmured, "Alohomora." There was a soft creaking sound as the door to the treehouse opened. Harry realised that it was enlarged with that charm Hermione had used on her purse last year.

He lit his wand, closed the door and entered the room. It was small and cozy. The walls had once been forest green and the carpet was dusty, but it was definitely Gryffindor-themed. He managed a weak smile. That would be his Dad.

The sofa was white, or used to be white. The fireplace was empty, but above it rested a picture frame. Harry picked it up. He gently wiped the dust and saw his parents, laughing as they sat in a large sitting room: The Potter Manor.

It was actually preserved all these years, kept in the safety of Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. She and Kingsley had returned him the Manor as it belonged to him now.

Harry stared at the picture. They looked so happy, not knowing their lives would end so soon. He replaced the picture and took a deep breath, trying not to cry.

He then moved towards the staircase. It was weak, sort of. But strong enough to hold his weight. He reached a room with a brass doorknob. He opened it.

Inside was a kind of bedroom with a bed and a large window. The wall behind the bed had a collage of photos stuck to it, all of 'Marauders Era' as the time was known among the teachers.

Harry approached the wall. There was a photo of Sirius, young, laughing, cheerful Sirius with a blonde girl: Marlene McKinnon, Sirius's dead fianceé.

Then there were Frank Longbottom and Alice Fortescue, smiling happily at the camera. Sane and cheerful. Emmeline Vance with her dead wife: Dorcas Meadowes. His parents' wedding photo. His mother and her friends at Diagon Alley. The Marauders at The Potter many.

Eyes slightly wet, Harry moved towards the table. On it rested a...pensieve.

Unlike Dumbledore's, this one had small words written on it in cursive:

Something to remember us when we are old, grey and gone.

--Lily and James Potter. Well I, James, wrote it but Lily insisted on adding her name HAHAHA. Ain't I kind?

Harry laughed shakily. Sirius had told him that his Dad was funny, kind, smart and brave, what not? Talking about James Potter was hard for him, but he managed to control the pain amd tears for the sake of his godson.

Harry bent over the pensieve and closed his eyes. And then he was being sucked into the memories.

His feet landed on the ground and he opened his eyes. He was standing in an empty classroom, well empty apart from his parents.

"Evans, please, I'm sorry!" James was speaking.

"What sorry, Potter? You arrogant toe-rag? Sorry for bullying him? Forcing him to call me a Mudblood?" Lily spat angrily.

"For everything!" James said, desperately. "But can't you see it? He's joined Voldemort! Do you still want to be friends with him? After you saw what he did to Remus?"

At this, Lily shook her head angrily. She said: "No one said I wanted to be friends with him. We're done. But you forced him to say that! As for Remus, Snape will pay for it. The slimeball won't get away with that."

"I know, I know and I'm sorry! Please forgive me, I'll at least try to repay everything!" James said. Lily narrowed her eyes.

Gods, Harry thought, Dad's mad about her.

"Will you leave Snape alone?" She asked.

"I will," James answered.

"Will you stop bullying Slytherins?" She asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Will you give up on me?" She asked. At this, James looked reluctant but nodded weakly. Satisfied, she looked at him.

"Then," she said slowly, "I suppose we can be friends." James smiled at her.

The memory changed. Now, Harry was in an empty corridor. He heard footsteps. He saw his mother come through another corridor. She seemed to be patrolling.

He also saw a very ugly guy and Snape come up from behind a tapestry. The ugly dude sneered at his mother, who had stopped in her tracks and was clutching her wand, glaring at them.

"Off to your dormitories! Twenty points from Slytherin," Lily said, her voice even and wand focused directly at Ugly Dude's chest.

"Aw, I'm scared of the Mudblood!" Ugly Dude said mockingly.

"Off to your dormitories, Avery. Do you not understand english? Or are you too dumb to learn our official language?" Lily snarled.

"Bitch, shut up! Petrificus Totalus!"

"PROTEGO!" Lily defended herself. The Ugly Dude, Avery, cursed as the spell rebounded on him.

Harry was tempted to shout "GO MUM! STAN MUM!"

"EXPELLIARMUS!" Snape shouted.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALAS!" This was a totally different voice, cold and masculine.

Harry saw his Godfather rush up to Lily, moon-grey eyes cold and angry. Sirius kicked Ugly Dude Avery as he examined Lily for any cuts or injuries.

"I'm fine, Black!" Lily sighed. "These idiots are not. Call Madam Clementine and McGonagall. They need detention and treatment."

Sirius grinned at her and said: "Quite a badass you are, Evans. Proud of you and yes, we need Mini St. Mungo's and Minnie the Danger."

Harry smiled at the duo. They were so sibling-like, exactly like him and Hermione.

The memory changed again. This time, it was at Hogsmead. Death Eaters had attacked it. He saw Snape's hood fall back slightly as he pointed his wand at...Harry's father and yell, "SECTUSEMPRA!"

Harry watched in horror as cuts appeared on his father's chest and torso. His crisp white shirt turned red and he fell to the ground. Snape ran away.


Harry saw his mother running towards his father. She wasn't in good state either, a cut on her arm was bleeding badly and her face was pale. She dropped to her knees beside James and pulled his head into her lap.

"JAMES! WAKE UP, YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!" She screamed, tears falling onto his father's pale face.

"PROTEGO! EXPELLIARMUS! PADFOOT, LILY AND PRONGS!" Remus shouted from somewhere.

"EVANS, PRONGS!" Sirius hurried from behind a damaged building. He leviated James in the air and helped Lily to her feet.

"MARLS! LILY, HELP HER TO THE CASTLE!" He shouted to Marlene McKinnon. She gasped when she saw James. Sirius ran off and Marlene helped Lily to the castle.

"EMMY, REMUS, TAKE CARE OF THE OTHERS!" Marlene shouted before hurrying towards the castle.

Harry hurried after them, mind reeling and eyes in danger of popping out of his head. Severus freaking Snape used that curse on his father, Harry's father. The slimeball, how dare he?

Back at the castle, Sirius arrived at the hospital wing and shouted loudly: "POPPY, EMILY! 17, MALE. POTTER, JAMES. INTERNAL BLEEDING AND THREE BROKEN RIBS. QUICK!"

Holy Merlin, Harry thought, Sirius was learning healing?!

He saw a younger Madame Pomfrey hurry towards them, followed by a woman Harry didn't know. He guessed it was the previous head of the hospital wing.

"Quick, Poppy! Three potions from the right cupboard and two from my desk! I said quick!" Healer Emily said.

She healed up James pretty quickly, but with hard work. The cuts opened up after every seven minutes. But Healer Emily Clementine managed to make that stop.

Harry swore he'd never forgive Snape for this.

The memory changed once again. This time, it was his parents' wedding. Both looked so happy, so carefree...Harry had to smile. But it dropped when he realised that it was 1979. Two years before their...death.

Harry was pulled out of the memory when his parents kissed. He found himself once again in the old room. Sobbing quietly, he came out of the treehouse, locking it behind him. He wiped his eyes and ran towards the castle.

He was just in time for dinner. He saw Ginny hurry towards him and hug him tightly. He realised she was crying.

"Gin? What happened?" Harry asked her, wiping her tears with his thumb. She sniffled.

"P-professor M-McGonagall, s-she hung the photos of a-all f-fallen p-people in the-the wars. I-I tal-talked to Fr-Fred," she sobbed.


Harry and Ginny turned. They saw McGonagall regarding Harry with a serious look, they swore she was smiling.

"Lily, James and Sirius. Their portraits are in an abandoned classroom on the seventh floor. They are--er--very impatient to talk to you..."

Harry, smiling broadly, thanked her, kissed Ginny and ran as fast ad he could towards the seventh floor classroom.

A/N: 1690 words and don't I love it...Oh man, I'm getting good ideas now. Take care and stay safe.


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