The First Kiss ✔️

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( in which they kiss for the very first time )

Lily Evans was frustated.

Like, very, very frustated. And everyone knew that a frustated Lily Evans was dangerous.

Now, the main question. Why was she frustated? The reason was James-whatever-his-middle-name-is-Potter. Since the starting of this year, he had been completely ignoring her. She should be happy, right? But she wasn't.

You see, she developed a crush on James Potter.

And currently, she was glaring at the back of James' head. Her hands wanted to stroke his soft, messy black hair. She wanted to play with it. She wanted to feel the silky strands between her fingers.

Her best friend, Marlene McKinnon, leaned towards her.

' are smitten.' She whispered. Lily blushed furiously and glared at her. Marlene smirked and went back to passing notes to Sirius. And judging by the uncomfortable shifting of Sirius, she didn't want to know what those notes said.

She rested her head on her desk, her dark red hair spilling around her. She opened a stunning emerald green eye and saw Professor Smith standing beside James' desk, he had a stern expression on his face.

'Detention Mr. Potter!' He barked. James grinned sheepishly and nodded.

'Miss Evans...'


'Oi, Evans!'


'Fuck off.' Lily mumbled sleepily.

'WHAT SORT OF LANGUAGE IS THIS!?' Professor Smith shouted. Lily sat bolt upright with wide eyes.

'It's called swearing professor. S-W-E-A-R-I-N-G.' Sirius smirked. Smith scowled.

'Detention to Ms. Evans as well as you Mr. Black!' He snapped. Lily looked horrified while Sirius merely shrugged, looking perfectly normal. Lily groaned and buried her head in her arms. Marlene stroked her hair. She leaned towards Lily's ear.

'Maybe you can snog James' brains out during the detention?' She whispered. Lily smacked her. Marlene only laughter.

Friendship and sibling goals, those two.


James stared at her.

I don't need to tell you who this 'she' is. This girl is Lily Jasmine Evans. The beautiful, clever green-eyed redhead goddess who owned James' heart. She was the only girl he had ever loved and would ever love.

Without James Potter, there was no Lily Evans. And without Lily Evans, there was no James Potter.

He was the moon, she was the stars.

He was the water, she was the fire.

He was the sky, she was the ocean.

And together, they were Lily and James. Jily.

He watched as she turned and her auburn hair whipped around. The faint dusting of freckles on her nose, her green, green eyes. Her pale-as-milk skin, her dazzling smile...

Merlin help him, he was absolutely dead for Lily Evans.

It was love. True love. Soulmate love. Whatever kind of love, it was true love. She was the source of his happiness and he was the reason behind that smile.

They were made for each other.

But she would never love him like he loved her. She would never like him. He would always be Potter The Toe-Rag.


Lily groaned as she erased another old slip of detention.

Across from the room, James looked at her smugly.

'Tired much Evans?' He smiled knowingly. Lily nodded and rubbed her eyes, feeling sleepy. He slid closer to her. Lily's breath hitched in her throat when she sensed the closeness between them.

Her eyes traced his tanned, muscled forearms. His large hand as he scribbled on the papers. He pushed his glasses further up his nose. Lily swallowed when he bit his lower lip, frowning at a piece of parchment.

Pervert-kind thoughts aside, she had to focus on the task at hand.


Lily jumped a bit when she heard James' soft voice. She took in a shaky breath and looked at him from beneath her long lashes.

'Y-yeah?' She said.

He examined her, his hazel eyes piercing hers. She drew in another shaky breath.

'Are you fine? You don't look 'fine' recently. Ever since...' he trailed off. Lily knew what he was talking about. Since her parents died three months ago, she wasn't the same Lily Evans.

She was sad, depressed. Tears welled up in her eyes.

'I-I am scared James.' She choked. 'I am scared for m-myself and m-my friends. I'm scared of losing the people I love. Marlene, Alice, Remus, Frank, Sirius, you--'

She stopped suddenly. The cheeks became crimson.


'James? What would you say if I told you that I love you?' Lily mumbled.

'It depends.' James said stupidly.

'I love you.' She said.

What happened next was quick.

James grinned and kissed her softly. She kissed him back. Pulling back, he ruffled his hair.

'Go out with me Evans?' He smiled.

'Do I look like I'm going to refuse Potter?' Lily smirked.

A/N 100% original, I swear. Hope you like it. Take care and stay safe.


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