The Turned Tables ✔️

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A/N: Chapter dedicated to @anvi_lovegood for the prompt. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!

"Marry me."

His startled hazel eyes met her blazing emerald eyes. The fire in them was burning passionately, without waiting for his response she continued:

"I don't care about us being young, just marry me. We can start a family together, live together. If I have to die in this war, I'll die with the satisfaction of being with my love during my last moments. Will you, James Fleamont Potter, marry me, Lilith Ruby Evans?"

The Hall was dead silent as the two Head Students stared at each other. There was a slow sound of footsteps as James approached his fellow Head and girlfriend.

Bending down to her height, he whispered: "Do you even have to ask?"

And then, in front of the students and teachers (which included Euphemia Potter, the DADA teacher), he bent down on one knee and took out a emerald green velvet box. He opened it to reveal an amazing engagement ring.

Silently, he looked into her eyes, askung for permission. She smiled in response. A grin broke over his face as he slipped the ring on her finger.

The Hall erupted in cheers and claps as James Potter stood up and kissed his fianceé.

"HOLY SHIT, YES! I'LL BE THE GODFATHER!" Sirius Black yelled.

"AND ME, GODMOTHER!" Marlene McKinnon shouted.

"MAID OF HONOUR, ME!" Alice grinned broadly.

Over at the teacher's table, Minerva McGonagall handed Euphemia Potter ten galleons. Dumbledore, smiling merrily, accepted the twenty galleons, five sickles and two knuts from a awed Horace Slughorn.

"Ha! I knew she would propose!" Emmeline Vance said triumphantly.

"Yeah, yeah," Dorcas Meadowes rolled her eyes as she handed her girlfriend ten sickles.

At the Slytherin table, Severus Snape watched in horror as his Lily smiled at that arrogant idiot.

"Knew it would happen," Narcissa Black exchanged a smirk with her cousin, Regulus Black.

"Look at Siri," Bellatrix Black whispered, a smile on her face. "He looks so happy!"

"Shut up," Severus hissed angrily.

Narcissa pointed her wand at him and narrowed her eyes. She said: "Told you, Snape, love wins over obsession. Look closely, they are freaking soulmates, you dumb idiot."

He looked away, furious. He thought about the lies she had told him, she had betrayed him. She was a Mudblood, a Mudblood who played with people's feelings. She was scum, filth. He shouldn't care about her, but he did. Because he loved her.

"Oh no, you don't," said Bellatrix, as though she had read his mind. "She was always made for James Potter, you are just slow, Snivellus."

The newly engaged couple smiled at each other and over at the Gryffindor table, Remus Lupin whispered, "The tables have turned. Thought James would propose, but I like this version better."

"I love you to the moon and back," Lily whispered to her fiancé.

"I love you to Pluto and back," he smiled back and kissed her. And then, no one mattered. It was just them. Lily and James. No one else.

A/N: Drabble, 100%, short, 100%, cute, 1000000000000%. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH..and yeah, all Black kids were black sheeps here, lmfao. Take care and stay safe!


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