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In last night's dream it looked like it was one of the early days in our friendship. This was because your hair was shorter like the day we first met and your face was a bit puffier. It was cute.

That day, I introduced you to Jimin. We instantly got along and I wondered how you so easily could make friends with anyone.

Jimin and I started revising the dance before class would start and you sat against the wall on the other side of the room, writing something down. You were so into it, you didn't even notice me coming to sit beside you. Jimin was still practicing on his own.

"What're you writing?" I asked and you almost jumped out of surprise, clutching your chest. I burst out laughing and later you couldn't help but laugh too.

"Don't scare me like that," you got out between laughs of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," I laughed. "What got you so caught up that you didn't even realize me sitting here?" I asked.

"I, uh, like writing songs sometimes," you answered, slightly awkward and embarrassed.

My eyes grew wide. "No way! I like writing songs too," I exclaimed out of excitement.

You got excited too. "Really? None of my friends before have ever been interested in it. They always laugh at me," you said.

"Well, I don't think it's funny. I think it's pretty cool," I said, smiling to you. "Can I see?" I asked.

You smiled back too. "Sure," you said, handing the book over to me.

You had tons of songs inside of it and they were all amazing. "Wow, you wrote all of this?" I asked, amazed. "You need to teach me how to write amazing songs like these," I praised. "Please?"

You laughed shyly. "They're not that great, but sure," he agreed. "I'm sure you write pretty good songs already though," you added.

I laughed. "You're way too modest. You must have a gift. Don't hide it too much. The world deserves to see your talent," I complimented cheerfully.

You laughed and became so shy. It was all so cute. Maybe this is how we got so close. We must have loved a lot of the same things that other people wouldn't understand.

It was a sweet dream. I still can't stop smiling, thinking of your shy smile.

You have the cutest smile. I hope I get to see it in real life one day.

Jung Hoseok

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