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       The two Decepticons left from the fight walk into a massive alien fortress. A figure sits on a throne, their red eyes staring down at them. "You have failed me." Particle glances at his comrade Wrangle. The massive decepticon stands from his throne and steps down to them. His black metal gleams in the little light that shone. The Optimus look alike from before. "And I do not like failure." A blade emerges from his hand and he slices the two decepticon in half with a single swipe.

      Optimus Prime steps out of the dark and walks up to the black decepticon. His eyes are shining a bright red. More of the missing autobots step into the light, all eyes are red. "Bring forth the prisoner." Two evil!autobots drag a fighting Hot Rod into the room. "Unhand me!" The dark decepticon steps up to Hot Rod and hits him. Hot Rod looks at him and his eyes widen. "You."

      The Optimus look alike pulls out a circular device. He raises it into the light, and it shines a bright green. He lowers it so the green light shines in Hot Rod's face. He yells in pain, then falls silent. His head rises and his blue eyes now shine a bright red.


      Morgan gasps awake and looks around. She was back in the hangar. She leans back and sighs, running a hand down her face. These dreams... they feel so real. Like she's there. But they weren't. Right? Something pokes Morgan's leg and she removes her hand from her face to see Bee. "Hey." Bee buzzes at her. "Sleep... talking... are you scared?... talk to me baby." Morgan sighs and looks up at the ceiling.

      "I don't know what is going on Bee. These dreams..." She shakes her head. "They feel so real and I keep seeing the missing autobots. This time though..." She sits up and looks at Bee. "I saw Optimus and Hot Rod." Bee's eyes widen and he nods for Morgan to continue. She runs a hand through her hair. "The decepticon that looks like Optimus had this... " She makes a circle with her hands.

      "Device. I think he's using it to control the autobots." Bee looks confused. He's never heard about anything like that. Morgan chews her lip a bit. "I swear, it seemed like Hot Rod recognised him." She shakes her head and looks over at the autobots they rescued. "There's a storm coming Bee," She looks at Bee. "And we're right in the center of it."


      Fury wasn't mad. No. He was pissed. No, furious. When he found out that the Avengers weren't even looking for the autobots and their human helper, and they were actually sitting on asses.

      Now there was an alien threat that he had to yell at them about. "Romanoff." Fury snaps as he walks into the Avengers Mansion. Natasha stands. "Gather the Avengers." Natasha nods and walks off. Fury storms into the Avengers meeting room and connects the projector to his thumb drive. He looks at the image of the massive alien fortress. SHIELD had been trying to infiltrate it for months, but every agent that went in, never came out.

      He needed the Avengers.

      "What's this about Fury?" Steve asks as they rush into the meeting room. Fury glares at them all and points to his screen. "This. An alien threat has arisen, and you are all sitting on your asses." Tony rolls his eyes. "Well actually--" Fury cuts him off. "And you have made no progress on finding the traitorous human scum that is helping the autobot fugitives."

      During his sentence Morgan walks into the room, and smirks at what he calls her. Fury narrows his eyes at her. "Who are you?" Morgan smirks and Tony smiles, putting an arm around her shoulders. "This would be the traitorous human scum." Fury gapes at her, and Morgan waves sarcastically. She notices the picture behind him and her eyes widen. "Where is this?" She asks as she steps up to the image.

      Fury looks at her for a moment, then looks to Natasha. The assassin nods, silently telling him she can be trusted. "The ship landed in the Arctic almost a year ago." Morgan creases her brows. "Right around when Optimus disappeared..." Fury crosses her arms. "What do you mean he's disappeared?" Morgan turns to him and sighs. "I mean he's gone. Him and several other autobots dropped off the face of the Earth over this past year."

      She crosses her arms. "Me and the other autobots have been searching for them, and we haven't found much, but yesterday," She nodded at Stark. "Stark, Bumblebee and I made some headway a few days ago. Saved some autobots before they were taken by decepticons." Fury frowns. "The autobots are here?" Morgan smirks, and Fury glares at the Avengers. "Who is their leader? Since Optimus is gone." Morgan smirks.

      "You're lookin' at her." Fury raises an eyebrow. "You?" Morgan shrugs, and Fury sighs and nods. "Have you established any contact with the decepticons, or Optimus?" Morgan shakes her head. "No, but..." She sighs. "I think I've been seeing them in my dreams. They're so vivid, they have to be real. Plus, it wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened to me." Tony frowns. "Why didn't you say anything?"

      Morgan shrugs. "I thought it was paranoia. But after last night, something has to be up." Fury steps closer to her. "What happened?" Morgan pulls a paper out of her back pocket and places it on the table. On it is a drawn image of the deception she's been seeing. She points at the image. "I think this is who is controlling the other Autobots. I saw him use some kind of device on Hot Rod." She frowns and looks at the image. "He looks just like Optimus." Tony mumbles. Morgan nods. "It's not him. I saw this guy and Optimus in my dream. Together, but Optimus' eyes were red."

      Fury looks at Morgan for a moment. "SHIELD has also picked up on a frequency coming from the ship." Morgan looks up. "We've been trying to decode it, but it's just like the one the deceptions used to hack into the pentagon." Morgan slides her tongue over her teeth. "I'll be right back." She points at Fury as she leaves the room. "Get that frequency ready for me to look at." Morgan leaves the room and Steve looks at Tony. "Where's she going?" Tony shakes his head. "Not a clue."


      Morgan and Bee pull up to Glen's house. It's dark out and all the lights are out in the house. Bee transforms and Morgan walks up to the front door. "Keep an eye out." Bee nods, and Morgan picks the lock on the door. She walks up to Glen's room and pushes the door open. Morgan hits his arm and Glen yelps awake. "Wake up. I'm kidnapping you." Glen looks at her horrified, and Bee's face appears in Glen's window.

      Morgan grabs Glen's arm. "Hurry up. I don't wanna deal with Granny Whitmann" Glen stumbles behind her as she drags him out to Bee who transforms and Glen and Morgan get in. "Why exactly are you kidnapping me?" Bee pulls away from the house and Morgan clenches her jaw. "SHIELD picked up on a deception signal coming from a ship that landed on the arctic a year ago." Glen purses his lips. "And you want me to see what it's for." Morgan nods.


      Glen looks around the hangar and the Autobots in it. Hound pokes his stomach. "He's so... squishy." Morgan smirks and shakes her head. "Martinez! What—" Fury skids to a stop when he sees the eight Autobots. Bumblebee looks down at him and puts his hands on his hips. Morgan can't help but smirk. "Got something for me Nick?" Fury pulls his eyes away from the Autobots and glares at Morgan. "We're talking about this," He gestures to the Autobots. "Later." He hands her a high tech thumb drive and she passes it on to Glen. "Work your magic. I need something I can read."

      Fury stares at Glen for a moment. "Can he be trusted?" She shrugs. "He did this when the decepticons first showed up." Fury nods, then frowns. "You said you needed something to read?" Morgan nods and walks over to her tool bench. The Autobots transform into their vehicles. "I can read and write cybertronian. Took years to figure it out." She first walks over to Bee and pats his hood. He pops his hood and Morgan looks over everything. "I need to ask." She glances at Fury.

      "Where have you been hiding them?" Morgan tightens a few things under Bee's hood. "SHIELD has been looking but..." Morgan smirks and looks at him. Bee closes his hood. "Think about it." She gestures her hands out. "Where better to hide a bunch of scrap metal than a junkyard." The Autobots honk their horns in protest, and Morgan turns to them. "I will remove your horns. Don't test me." The instantly stop honking and she smirks.

      Fury glares at her and when Morgan turns back to him, her eyes widen. "You little..." She shoves Fury out of the way and kicks Wheelie. "How did you get out?!" She marches up to him and grabs him. Fury watches as Morgan yells at the small autobot in Spanish, then carries him over to a safe. She shoves him inside and locks in. Morgan kicks the safe. "Puta." She sighs and walks over to Glen. "How long will this take you?" Glen purses his lip. "Five hours, tops. Plus I need to call Granny and tell her I'm not in jail." Morgan laughs.

      Fury leaves the Hangar and Morgan goes back to tuning up the Autobots. She was getting close, and she was determined to not let anything get in her way. 

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