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         Peter stares up at Bumblebee. Bee waves at him and Peter is knocked out of his state of shock and points at Bee. "If he's..." Peter looks at Morgan. "Then you..." She nods and smirks. Peter puts his head in his hands. "Then that means...." He looks over at the hangar door. "And they don't..." Morgan shakes her head. Peter points at himself. "And I..." He smiles brightly. "Wow..."

         Morgan laughs and Peter walks up to Bee. "Can I...?" Morgan and Bee nod. Bee crouches down and Peter touches his face. "So cool." Bee buzzes and 'Cooler Than Me' starts playing through his radio. Morgan shakes her head and Peter looks at her. "He can't talk?" She shakes her head. "His voice box was broken years ago." Morgan and Peter watch Bee dance around the hangar.

         Peter frowns. "Why did you tell me?" Morgan shrugs. "You remind me of my little brother." She puts a hand on Peter's shoulder. "You're strong just like him." Peter glances at Bee. "Does he know? Your brother?" Morgan shakes her head. "No. I haven't seen him since I left for the military." Peter looks back at Bee and purses his lips. "Where are the other autobots?"

         Morgan puffs out her chest. "In hiding and some have gone missing." Morgan walks over to her tool bench, and Peter looks at her confused. "What do you mean 'missing'?" he walks over to her and Morgan plugs the thumb drive into the computer in front of her. Peter looks at all the images. "It started with Optimus," Peter's eyes widened and he smiled. He is standing next to someone who has literally fought with the autobots.

         SO COOL.

         "He dropped off the map with no trace left behind. Then a bunch of other autobots followed in suit." Morgan signs and shakes her head. She's looked at these images countless times trying to come up with any way to find her missing friends. "Me and Bee have been looking for a year." Peter jumps a bit when Bee's head appears between him and Morgan. She looks at Bee. "Any news from the others?" Bee stands up and shakes his head.

         Morgan sighs and looks up at the ceiling. "I swear, if Grimlock eats all my cars I'll be pissed." Bee laughs and Peter stares at her in shock. "You mean that giant dinosaur? You know that guy?!" Morgan smirks. "I do. And he's like an oversized murder puppy." The door to the hangar opens and Bee quickly transforms. Peter looks bemused, but turns to face Tony who looked pissed.

         He walks up to them and looks at Morgan. "Thanks for getting him out of there." She shrugs, then Tony makes a face and looks around. "What were you guys doing out here anyway?" Morgan closes her laptop and pulls out the thumb drive. She looks at Peter and he gapes a bit. "We were just..." He glances at Bee. "Talking. Just talking." Morgan smiles at Peter, then before she can speak an alarm on Morgan's watch goes off. She looks at it and her eyes bulge. "Shit!" She runs out of the hangar and Peter and Tony share a look before following her outside.

         Morgan looks in the bright sky. "Where is it?" She mutters to herself, then she spots it. Her eyes widened. "Morgan what...?" Tony's sentence is caught off my Peter who's Spidey-sense was going off the radar and finally spots the dot in the sky. "What is that?" He squints in the sunlight. "Looks like a missile." Tony looks around but doesn't see it. "It is." Morgan mumbles. She sees where it's about to land and her eyes widen. "Watch out!" She shoves Peter and Tony out of the way, but another missile hits the ground and explodes.

         Morgan uses her body as a human shield, but Tony and Peter still get knocked out. A decepticon, the identity of unknown, steps over Morgan and gets in her face. "You're coming with me." He hits her and Morgan is knocked out. Bee runs out of the hangar and tries to attack the decepticon, but he fires a blast at Bumblebee and electricity courses through his body. Bee falls to the ground.


         Morgan groans awake and looks around the room she's in. It was a dark concrete room and she was alone. Wait. No. Someone was in there with her. "Who's there? Show yourself!" An unknown man steps out of the shadows and walks up to Morgan. "You're awake." He states planely. Morgan looks him over for any notable features. No badge, logo, or insignia. She has no idea who he is. She pulls against her restraints. "Where is Bumblebee?!" She demands.

         The man ignores her and gets in her face. She almost cringes at his bad breath. "I'm going to ask you this once. Where is Optimus Prime?" Morgan stares at him straight in the face. She makes sure her poker face doesn't fall despite how confused she was. Here she was thinking this guy was responsible for the missing autobots and yet he was asking her where they were.

         "You tell me." She shoots back. The man pulls out a gun and pistol whips Morgan. Her head luls to the side as she spits out blood. "Liten buddy, this isn't my first rodeo. You can give me all you got, but I'm not talkin." He hits her again and this time Morgan falls to the side. "Tell me!!" The man yells. Morgan uses her 'weakened' state as a cover to twist her watch and have her transformium blade appear.

         She cuts free from her metal restraints and attacks the man. Her transformium blade shifts into a gun and she points it in the man's face now. He quivers in fear and Morgan smirks. "Not so tough guy now, huh?" With her available hand she grabs the gun he was holding and puts it in her belt. Then, she reaches down to his ankle and takes the gun that was hidden under his pants.

         Morgan hits him in the face with the side of her blaster, knocking him out. She goes to the metal door and knocks. Someone opens it and walks in, gun points out. Morgan sneaks up from behind him and points the gun she stole at his head. "Drop it." He slowly puts his hands up and drops the gun. Morgan knocks him out too. She looks down at the two of them and scoffs. "Pathetic."

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