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- After

Aurora awoke the next day with a killer migraine, she winced as she turned over, attempting to go back to sleep as she was still tired from after unpacking all her belongings but before she could go back to sleep the shrill tone of her cell phone emitted around the room. Groaning, Aurora answered it not opening her eyes, " What?" She spat into the phone in annoyance as all she wanted to do was go back to sleep for a little while before her lessons started.

A laugh was heard on the other side of the phone, " it's lovely to talk to you too, Rory" a familiar voice spoke causing Aurora to immediately sit up in alarm when she realised who it was that had called her causing her to clench her jaw with an irritating expression on her face, " Nate. Why are you calling me? Didn't I tell you that I wanted nothing to do with you"

"You've blocked me on everything and the only way I could contact you is by using my brothers phone" he stated causing Aurora to roll her eyes as she could imagine him standing in his room with a smirk on his lips, " what do you want, Nate? And don't beat about the bush... tell me the truth for once" Aurora curiously questioned as she ran her hand through her long blonde hair.

"Well, the last time that I saw you, you insisted you hated me for sleeping with your best friend and don't get me started on that brother of yours that beat me to a pulb since that annoying friend of yours told him" Nate sarcastically replied with a slight anger to his tone. Aurora winced slightly as she remember arguing with Nate outside of the town square as she didn't want to continue this endless circle of toxicity and ended up breaking up with him for good but what she didn't know was a friend from cheerleading had told her brother what had happened and Harry had sucker punched him much to Nate's and Aurora surprise.

Harry had warned Nate to stay away from his sister and to not contact her anymore which is why Aurora had blocked him on social media, " Look, Nate what happened between us is in the past. You need to let me go so we can move on with our lives and go out separate ways" Nate huffed in frustration as he let out a heavy sigh and softly mumbled, " I want to see you, Rory. I just wanna talk"

" that's not a good idea. We having nothing left to talk about so don't contact me again" Aurora finished before ending the call on him. The blonde haired girl groaned in irritation, burying her head further into her pillow letting out an frustrated scream as it was much easier when she lived in New Castle knowing Nate wouldn't even think about calling her due to him being afraid of her brother.


An hour later, Aurora had gotten dressed for the day before making her way towards her English class which is the building opposite to the girls dorms room. The blonde looked down at her Apple Watch to see it was only 7:50 and class didn't start till 8 causing her to groan cursing Nate under her breathe for waking her up so early.

Aurora walked into the building approaching a classroom where a blonde girl was standing outside next to a tall boy with jet black curly hair, " Hey, is this econ 101?" Aurora inquired with a warm smile causing the boy to nod his head in confirmation as he informed the blonde girl, " Yeah, but the doors locked. We've already tried to open the door"

"Oh, alright" Aurora replied as she chuckled quietly in amused at the two when the blonde girl turned her attention to the beautiful girl standing in front of her and introduced herself as well as the boy standing next to her, " Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Tessa and this is Landon" Aurora nodded her head as she glanced between the two and replied, " it's lovely to meet you both. I'm Aurora but just call me Rory"

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps was heard causing Aurora to turn around with her brows raised only to see a teacher approaching the trio making the three of them take a step back making room for the teacher to unlock the door as he commented, "couple of early birds, huh? Have fun in there" Aurora followed after Tessa and Landon to the middle row of the seats sitting next to the blonde girl who was sat in the middle between Landon and Aurora.

"Are you both in first year too?" Tessa curiously questioned causing Aurora and Landon to both nod their heads in confirmation as they began taking out their books that they'll need for the class. " are you an econ major?" Landon inquired glancing between the two blondes but it was Tessa that answered first, "that's the plan"

Landon hummed before turning his attention towards Aurora who let out a sigh pushing her hair out of her eyes and informed, " I'm heading towards English major. What about you? What's your major?" She curiously asked causing Landon to shrug his shoulders casually with a small smile and replied, " The same as you, an English major"

Aurora leaned back in her seat watching as the classroom began to fill up with teenagers when the professor walked in placing his brief case on the table before turning around with a clap of his hands facing his students, " good morning. i'm professor alexander, and welcome to econ 101. this might be the most important class you take here, so i expect everyone here to closely pay attention and benefit from the 25 year career i had on wall street. now let's get started."


After Finishing all of her classes for the day, Aurora quickly left her last class heading towards her dorm when suddenly her phone rang in her pocket, causing her to slow down slightly as she pulled out her mobile phone to see 'Harry' flashing across her screen causing a smile to appear on her lips, " Hey, Harry" Aurora spoke her fingers twisting around the chain of her necklace.

"Hey, Rory. So, how did your fist day go?" Harry curiously questioned causing the blonde to frown hearing shuffling from the other side of the phone, " it's going pretty great, actually. Going to all my classes and it's a different from New castle. A good different" Aurora spoke with a smile on her lips

Harry sighed heavily yelling at his friends in the background that was messing around, " that's good. I'm happy your settling in - Taylor misses you she's been asking for you" Aurora couldn't help but chuckle lightly with a shake of her head and resorted, " are you sure it's Tay that misses me or is it you seeing as you never know how to cope with our four year old sister"

" that's not true! Look, I just wanted to check in on you see how everything's going. I have to go I'm going out but I'll call you later alright?" Harry questioned causing Aurora to hum as she nodded her head in acknowledgment and replied, " that's fine. Talk to you later, Harry" Aurora sighed as she hung up the phone placing it back in her back pocket just as she turned the corner bumping into somebody's chest causing her books to fall to the ground.

A pair of hands wrapped around her waist to keep her from falling to the floor causing the blonde to gasp slightly in surprise as she placed her hand against his chest looking up only for her dark brown eyes to connect with Hardin's piercing green ones who was smirking down at Aurora in amusement causing her to push herself out of his grasp, " can this day get any worse" she muttered pushing her hair behind her ears as she bend down picking up her books.

"Here you go" Hardin spoke holding out one of Aurora English books causing the blonde to stand up as she grabbed her book placing it on top, " you know you should really watch where your going. Unless you wanted to bump into me in the first place, huh?" Aurora scoffed in disbelief narrowing her eyes at him and replied, " don't flatter yourself. watch where I'm going? Are you actually kidding me? Your the one that bumped into me! God, why are guys such assholes"

Aurora was about to walk away when she turned back around pointing a finger to his chest with a look of annoyance and added in, " and for your information not everyone thinks your attractive and just maybe your ego needs to be brought down a peg or two " the blonde sent him one last fake smile turning on her heel and continued making her way out of the building looking over her shoulder to see Hardin still staring at her with a smirk on his face.

Hardin couldn't help but be curious and interested with the blonde beauty as she wasn't like most girls she had this fire in her that intrigued him that she was sweet and innocent but she wasn't the type of person to be pushed around and when push comes to shove she would speak her mind not caring about what other thought of her she didn't see the point seeing as she couldn't give a damn about the majority people at campus so why would she care what people think off her when she could be getting on with her life with the people that matter most to her.

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