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- After

Aurora was sat in the passenger seat in Hardin's 1970 Ford Capri softly singing to Chris brown ' under the influence' Hardin lips slowly turns up as he glances over at her as he puts his foot down on the gas building up more speed watching as the wind increase due to speed he is driving causing the blonde girl to giggle as her hair blows everywhere leaning her head out the window.

The James teen closed her eyes enjoying the way the wind felt as it blew through her hair causing Hardin smile to widened as it was like watching her in slow motion as she was captivating as he's never met anyone as care free as the girl sitting next to him as she didn't seem so bothered as her entire body was relaxed and he couldn't help but admire her beauty as it was radiate more than usual and couldn't help but think she was some sort of Angel as her hair glowed brightly due to the sun shining down on them.

This was definitely something unusual and the girls he had been with previously only wanted him for one thing or because he brings a certain adventure into their boring lives but he had never met a girl like Aurora who is wild, fun and doesn't pretend to be somebody she's not where some girls pretend to be something there not just to impress the person they were currently interested in and that is where Aurora is different as she doesn't give a crap what people think about her and will continue to live her life to the fullest with the people she loves and cares about around her.

Aurora sighed as she lifted her head up leaning against the window opening her eyes noticing the curious look that Hardin was sending her way causing her to smile slightly as she pushed her hair out of her face as her eyes scanned the scenery wondering where Hardin was actually taking her as she was quite nervous as she didn't know him that well and didn't know if he actually wanted to take her somewhere or if he was a serial killer and took her out here to murder her.

After a couple of minutes, Hardin pulled up outside of the woods causing a frown to appear on Aurora face as she watched Hardin climb out of the car causing her to let out a sigh as she slowly followed after him with an hesitant expression, " it's down this way, come on." Aurora raised her brows as she followed him down a small hill and sarcastically told him, " you better of not brought me here just to kill me"

Hardin couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips at the blonde girl comment as he shook his head in amusement, " has anyone ever told you that you have major trust issues?" He curiously questioned glancing over the blonde over his shoulder who shot him an unamused look shrugging her shoulders and replied, " Hmm, all the time. To be honest I don't trust anyone anymore it just gives them a reason to disappoint me in the long run"

The Scott boy frown deepened at the blondes words as he continued to lead them down the small hill and towards a lake as it was quite clear that she doesn't trust many people and the only people that she does trust is her family. Aurora gasped in awe as her brown eyes scanned around the beautiful lake and couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face as it was somewhere you would go with your friends and family - it was memorising as it was peaceful and quiet and understood why Hardin had taken her to his spot as it was his place to escape reality.

"Welcome to my favourite place" Hardin spoke up gesturing towards the lake causing Aurora to glance around with a beaming smile on her lips before turning her head to look at Hardin as she breathed out, " it's beautiful" Aurora followed after Hardin who was making his way towards the end of the peir when he turned around to face the blonde beauty gesturing his head towards the like and inquired, " how about a swim?"

Aurora eyes widened slightly in surprise as she frowned in confusion, "Hmm?" She hummed with an puzzled expression on her face only for her to gasp quietly when she noticed that Hardin was taking off his black shirt as she couldn't help but admire the tattoos that he had but a slight blush appeared on her cheeks when he began to take off his jeans, " what are... what are you doing?" She curiously questioned avoiding eye contact with Hardin.

" I'm going swimming" Hardin answered like it was obvious shaking his head in amusement at Aurora at the shocked facial expression on her face as the blonde snorted slightly folding her arms across the chest not taking him seriously as she shot him a look with her brows furrowed, " Hardin" Aurora trailed off only for Hardin to smirk with an mischievous glint in his eyes before jumping into the lake making the blonde roll her eyes as she walked towards the end of the pier calling out his name once again, " Hardin!"

Hardin resurfaced from the water chuckling lightly at Aurora as he couldn't help but admire her beauty watching the way her blonde waves blew in the wind snapping out of his thoughts he grinned at her and called out, " come in!" Aurora scoffed with her brows raised gesturing towards her red dress with her hand, " you can wear my T-shirt. It feels amazing. Oh, come on where's the girl that jumped off the roof at the frat party"

Aurora sighed in defeat as she picked up his back shirt before shifting her gaze back to Hardin who hasn't taken his eyes off her causing her to send him a knowing look, " a little privacy, please" Hardin turned around in the water so he was facing the other way causing Aurora to take off her trainers before she began to slip her dress off her shoulders letting it pool around her feet as she softly kicked her dress towards her trainers before pulling the black shirt over her head.

Hardin turned his head slightly getting a glimpse of her as she pulled his back shirt down her body causing him to turn back around when Aurora folded her arms across her chest and called out to Hardin, " Okay" Hardin spun around with a small smile seeing that she was now wearing his back shirt that stopped at her mid-thigh as Aurora frowned noticing the look he was sending her and asked, " what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

" I like it better on you" Hardin stated shrugging his shoulders casually causing Aurora to chuckle lightly trying to hide the blush that appeared on her cheeks with her hair. Aurora blinked with a shake of her head as she slowly sat down at the edge of the pier placing her feet in the water as Hardin swam over towards her placing his hands firmly on her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck allowing him to help her into the water.

Aurora couldn't help but giggle as her hands trailed down his arms as Hardin led them away from the pier when she grinned splashing water towards him squealing and swimming away before he could do the same to her. Aurora was swimming around taking in the peaceful scenery when she turned to face Hardin and curiously questioned, " Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Do I even have a choice?" Hardin resorted raising his eyebrows in response making Aurora roll her eyes with a smile on her lips as she stared at him in curiosity and inquired, " who do you love most in the world?" Hardin stayed silent for a couple of moments with an hesitant expression on his face before a smirk suddenly appeared on his lips as he confidently answered, " Easy. Myself"

Aurora scoffed with an amused expression on her face, shaking her head in disbelief as she let out a sigh and replied, " why am I not surprised. Of course you do" Hardin moved forward slightly so he was in directly in front of her as the two kept swimming around one another as he curiously questioned, " now it's my turn to ask a question. That guy that turned up at the party who is he?"

"My ex boyfriend" Aurora shrugged her shoulders with an confused look on her face wondering why he had asked her that question as he nodded his head in acknowledgment and continued to question the blonde teen, " what was your ex boyfriend name?" Aurora sighed in frustration as she shot him an annoyed look, " it's Nate"

"Nate. So what happened between the two of you" he questioned watching Aurora closely who looked like she didn't want to talk about her relationship with Nate, " we were high school sweethearts if that's what you want to call it. I was head cheer captain and he was on the football team. In the beginning things were great and then things started to change"

"I guess I should of noticed but he was very charming which probably meant I should of ran for the hills" Aurora continued with a shake of her head as she looked at Hardin and told him, "I didn't even notice he was cheating on me with my best friend until prom night. I promised myself that I wouldn't put myself in another toxic relationship. It's why I don't trust anyone as easily anymore because the two people I though would never hurt me did they complete opposite"

Hardin frowned as he listened intently to the blonde who was swimming in front of him as he looked at her longingly and spoke, " Well, he's an complete idiot as any guy would be lucky to have you. Your beautiful, full of life and so smart..." Aurora couldn't help the smile on her face as she ran her hand through her wet hair as Hardin swam more closely to Aurora and asked, " can I show you something?"

Aurora nodded her head in agreement keeping eye contact with him as he told her, " hold your breathe" Hardin had his arms wrapped around her waist as the two took a deep breathe before they went under water with Aurora looking around as her blonde waves flowed in the water as all she could head was water running it was peaceful she was snapped out of her trance when Hardin grabbed her hand pulling her back up to resurface the water.

"The silence. it's peaceful. Do you think that's weird?" Hardin curiously questioned tilting his head to the side as Aurora shook her head in response and softly muttered, " No, not at all" Aurora splashed him with a giggle before leaning her head back into the water before raisins her head noticing Hardin attention was on her as he shifted closer to her wrapping his arms around her waist, gently lifting her causing her to wrap her legs around his waist.

"I thought that you just wanted to be friends" The James girl commented as she stared down at his lips leaning forward as their lips were just centre meters apart as Hardin shook his head tightening his hold on the blonde and responded, " I don't think we can ever be just friends" Aurora looked between his green eyes and towards his lips before leaning forward and pressing their lips together passionately as he removed one of his hands from her thigh and running it through her hair.

Aurora gasped lightly into the kiss as she gripped the back of his neck pressing her body against his in attempt to bring their bodies closer towards one another before her hand travelled down his chest causing them to break the kiss breathing heavily with smiles on their faces as Hardin was the one that reconnected their kiss as he brings his hand onto her cheek, his thumb slightly rubbing against her cheek smiling into the kiss wrapping his arms tightly around her body, bringing her more closer to him.

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