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- After

Aurora James and Hardin Scott we're in the blonde's teen dorm, they were both sprawled out on her bed as Hardin was writing in his journal glancing over at Aurora now and then who was on her phone strolling through Instagram only for her to toss her phone to the side when she felt his gaze on her, " what are you always writing in there?" She questioned with a curious look on her face sitting up right on her silk covers.

"None of your business"Hardin playfully replied with a smirk on his face making Aurora roll her eyes in annoyance as she crawled across the bed towards Hardin reaching for his journal only to groan as he kept pulling it out of her reach, "come on, show me. How bad could it be?" Hardin chuckled at the blonde's frustration shaking his head with a serious expression on his face, "No. no chance" he mused raising his brows at the James teen with an amused smile on his lips.

Aurora huffed tilting her head to the side staring at Hardin with a scowl on her face, narrowing her eyes at him with an irritated look as she climbed onto his lap straddling him as she tried to reach for the journal only for him to quickly hide it under one of her pillows, "come on, I just want to see what you're..." she trailed off letting out a heavy sigh when Hardin leaned forward pressing his lips against hers causing her to gasp in surprise forgetting all about the journal as she cupped his face pushing her body flush against his.

What started as a gentle kiss turns into a lot more heated one when Aurora suddenly pulled away slightly lifting up his his shirt and helping him pull it off before her lips connected with his once again. She tugs at his hair at the nape of his neck and he started to pull off her cardigan throwing it to the side. Wrapping her arms around his neck as he squeezes her ass and she moans into his mouth, the kiss deepening and none of them wanted to stop anytime soon.

Aurora trailed her hands down his body, tracing his tattoos with her fingers as their tongues are fighting for dominance but Aurora eventually lets Hardin win when she felt a soft surface at her back and he is now hovering over her with her legs wrapped around his waist pressing him more into her body just as Hardin leaned down to kiss her again the door opened only for Aurora's eyes to widened at the sight of her mother as she pushed Hardin off her, " Rory, sweetie, I've been calling all day..." Natalie trailed off with a look of shock on her face at the sight of her daughters flushed state and disheveled hair.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Aurora asked climbing out of her bed as Natalie walked further into the room looking between her daughter and Hardin, " what the hell is going on?" She questioned with a disappointment look on her face as she known since she first met Hardin he was no good especially for her daughter since when it comes to boys Aurora can be a little naive as she falls in love easy only to get heartbroken or disappointed by said guy.

Aurora folded her arms across her chest, rolling her eyes at her mother who wants to decide every decision in her life including who she starts going out with, " nothing is going on, Mom" she muttered under her breathe only for Natalie to roll her eyes once again in agitation glancing over at the shirtless boy laid on her daughters bed, " are you actually kidding me, right now? Is this the guy that Harry told me about? So this is how you spend you time instead of going to class"

" I think I should go" Hardin mused as he awkwardly sat up glancing between the mother and daughter duo who were arguing with one another. " you think?" Her mom sarcastically commented glaring over at Hardin causing Aurora to scowl at her mother letting out a sigh and pleaded with Natalie, " can we talk about this outside please? Please?"

Natalie stayed silent for a moment before sighing in defeat, " you go. You come with me" Aurora sent an apologetic look to Hardin at her mothers actions towards the boy as she gave him a quick kiss before rushing after her mother down the stairs and towards the entrance of the dorms, " you have got to be kidding me. I knew as soon as I saw that roommate that something like this would happen. I mean, look what happened with Nate"

"Are you serious right now? Hardin is nothing like Nate!" Aurora snapped with a firm tone, Natalie spun around to face the blonde with a hardened gaze as she continued, " and after all this work and you are gonna throw it away for some boy" Aurora frowned in confusion with a disbelief look on her face as she exclaimed, " what are you talking about? I'm not throwing away anything..."

Natalie interrupted her daughter with a stern expression on her face and demanded, " you're gonna break up with this boy and you are gonna focus on your school work" the blonde folded her arms across her chest shaking her head frantically as their was no way she was going to end things with Hardin just because her mother doesn't accept her relationship with him,"do you even know what it has been like trying to be perfect for you? Having you mold my life into the way that you wanted it to be. I'm so so sorry, Mom that your life didn't work out the way you wanted it to. I really am. But this is my life and you need to let me start living it the way I want to"

"is that really what you want?" Natalie inquired taking in her daughters words with a heavy sigh, Aurora nodded her head in confirmation as she just wanted her mother to stop controlling her life and let her do what she wants to do. Aurora knew her mother was just trying to protect her because of Nate but she has to let make her own mistakes and learn from them, " Yes"

Natalie stayed silent for a moment nodding her head, turning around as she was about to leave the dorms only to come to stop as she turned to face her daughter and warned, " if I leave now... you're cut off" Aurora still didn't budge as she narrowed her eyes at Natalie stubbornly, " he's gonna break your heart. I know boys like him, Rory. It may feel like he would do anything for you but when it comes to the hard part he'll run. Boys like him always do"


It's been a couple of days since the argument with her mother who had cut Aurora off because of relationship with Hardin and hoped that she would see sense that Hardin isn't good enough for her daughter and will end up hurting her or worse he ends up breaking her heart and Natalie would have to be the one to pick up the pieces just like when Nate had cheated on Aurora as she didn't want to see her little girl get hurt again as it nearly broke her the first time.

Aurora entered the coffee shop as she arranged to meet Landon there ignoring everyone's eyes that landed on her as she hugged Landon in greeting sitting down as she told him everything that had happened these past couple of days, " she's cutting you off because of Hardin. I'm just a little worried, is all" Rory smiled gratefully as she grabbed his hand in assurance and told him, "I can take of myself, Landon. I've been doing it for a long time. You worry to much"

"Hardin is... Hardin is complicated" Landon trailed off trying to find the right words to describe the Scott teen as Aurora nodded her head in understanding as she knew he was was trying to protect her but she didn't need him to be as she sees a different side to him that everyone else doesn't, "Yeah, I know but he's different around me. I can't explain it he's just..."Landon smiled at Aurora with an amused smile but still had a look of worry and concern on his face as he warned her," just be careful with him, okay"

After having coffee with Landon, Aurora made her way outside where Hardin was just pulling up in his car causing her to walk towards the car leaning down to see him through the window, " you okay?" Hardin questioned turning to face the blonde noticing the look on her face. Aurora hummed with a small smile on lips pushing a strand of her hair behind of her ear and curiously inquired, "Yeah, where have you been?"

Hardin had a mischievous look on his face smirking at Aurora who sent him a suspicious look, "jump in and I'll show you" he teased causing the blonde who frowned deepened staring at him for a moment before climbing into the car as Hardin pulled away from cafe and headed towards the destination that he wants to show the blonde beauty.

Hardin had his hand over Aurora's eyes when he turned the door knob to an unfamiliar apartment pulling the door open allowing the two of them to enter the house. The James teen couldn't help but giggle as she held one of his hands as he directed her to stand in the middle of the room, " are you ready?" He questioned with a smile looking down at the blonde with a look of adoration.

Aurora hook her head frantically as her eyes fluttered underneath his hand, biting her lip nervously and softly spoke, " Yes" Hardin couldn't help the grin on his face as he looked down at the girl in his arms and whispered in her ear, " are you sure?" He asked causing Maya to sigh in frustration and exclaimed in excitement, " yes!" Hardin couldn't help but chuckle in amusement at the blondes girl excitement as she was beginning to get impatient causing him to slowly remove his hand.

Aurora's her brown eyes scanned around the room with a look of confusion in n her face as she moved more into the room glancing over at the boy over her shoulder and curiously questioned, " Hardin, what's going on? Who's place is this?" Hardin placed the keys down on the table removing his jacket and informed, " A friend of my father's. A professor." The blonde moved further into the apartment looking around in awe and amazement before turning her gaze back on Hardin and questioned, "where are they?"

Hardin wrapped his arms around Aurora causing her to spin around holding onto his arms a he told her, " she's in Italy, all year. I'm meant to be watering the plants" Aurora looked up at Hardin after looking around the room as she raised her eyebrows and excitedly stated, " Hmm, and she paints too" placing her hands on his chest she began to push him towards the bed straddling his hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, " it's really nice but I don't understand why you brought me here"

"imagine if it were our place" Hardin anxiously spoke up looking up at Aurora with raised brows as he nodded his head around the room causing the blonde to roll her eyes in amusement not taking him seriously as she commented, "Sure, why not, huh?" Hardin looked up at Aurora with a serious expression on his face and told her, " it can be"

The amusement that flashed on her face disappeared as she looked at him in surprise and curiously questioned, " What? You mean like... live together?" She trailed off with a frown on her face as Hardin nodded his head in confirmation causing Aurora to glance around the room one last time with a small smile on her face and commented, " are you sure you want this? Moving in together is a huge decision and I've been told I can quite annoying"

"When you said your mum was going to cut you off, I had to do something. We can stay here for the rest of the year. Just you and me" the Scott boy commented with a determined expression on his face as he entwined their fingers together as Aurora stayed silent for a moment before looking down at Hardin softly and curiously asked, " you did all this for me?" Hardin nodded his head once again causing Aurora to shake her head chuckling lightly as she grabbed the front of his shirt pulling his body towards her and pressed her lips against his.

she placed both hands on either sides of his face as he grabbed her waist and lightly pushed her on the bed beside him causing her to squeal loudly before she erupted into giggles. Hardin laid down on the bed with one of his arms behind his head as AuroraΒ  pushed her hair over her shoulder as she leans into him looking down at Hardin with a smile on her face as he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear as he leaned up pressing a passionate kiss to her lips causing her to respond with a beaming smile on her face.


It had been a week since Rory moved in with Hardin, in that week the blonde haired girl spent half of her time with Olivia and Landon otherwise she would be with Hardin and it came to a complete surprise that even though she's known him a short time she's fallen for him hard as she's never felt this way before even when she was with Nate they acted more like friends.

The James teenΒ  used to think that the love you see in movies isn't real but when she thinks about Hardin she couldn't help but admit what they have is a great love and even epic love if that even exists. The couple had ordered Chinese and Aurora was eating some noodles when Hardin reached over and took her chopsticks off her and picked up a piece of chicken holding it out for Maya.

The blonde haired girl couldn't help but shake her head in amusement as she leaned forward trying to take a bite but Hardin kept moving the chopsticks away from her causing her to scoff before leaning forward once again and Hardin allowed her to take it as she took a bit. Aurora giggled loudly as the two read from their fortunes cookies shaking her head as Hardin as he leaned forward pulling her onto the bed as the two end up talking about everything and nothing in particular.

Aurora was in the middle of reading one of her favourite books when Hardin fingers trailed up her leg tickling her causing her to screeched loudly moving away from Hardin as she grabbed a pillow hitting the Scott boy causing him to snatch it from her hitting her back causing her to gasp letting out a laugh as she exclaimed, " Whoa!""

A couple of days later, Hardin and aurora was sat outside on the green grass having a picnic. Hardin was leaning on his side propped up on his elbow as the blonde was leaned against his leg with a grin on her face as the two started eating the food he brought with them. Aurora turned her head brushing her nose against his as he moved her hair away from her face and pressed a kiss to her lips, cupping the side of her face as he couldn't help the feeling he felt when he was with her no one had made him feel this way before.

The following day, Aurora had dragged Hardin out with her to go and see the aquarium, she was standing by the jellyfish tank staring at them with great interest with a smile on her face she didn't even notice Hardin taking a photo of her until she heard the sound of a click causing her spin around. Aurora smiled brightly with a shake of her head as she took the camera off him taking a photo off the two of them with the Scott boy kissing her cheek.

She handed his camera back to him as she entwined their fingers walking through the glass tunnels that had multiple of different fishes swimming around, "Check out that one, It looks a bit like you" Hardin commented pointing towards a shark swimming past them causing her to let out a scoff of disbelief with a mock offended look on her face as she playfully pushes him, " this is crazy" Aurora softly spoke walking backwards and she spun around glancing around admiring all of the sea creatures.

Hardin grabbed ahold of her hand pulling her to his chest as he let out a heavy sigh looking down at Aurora with nothing but love and stated, " i still can't believe it" Aurora frowned in confusion as she tilted her head to the side, " Hmm, believe what?" She curiously questioned raising her brows at him. " that you're mine" Hardin admitted as he lifted up his hands placing them against both of her cheeks causing the blondeΒ  to playfully roll her eyes with a smile and commented, " not this again"

Hardin stayed quiet for a couple of moments admiring her beauty with a guilty look on his face not that Aurora didn't notice, "I don't deserve you" he muttered quietly under his breathe as he enjoyed the time they've spent with each other and while he wants to come clean like Olivia had told him he's afraid to tell her the truth only for her to hate him and probably won't forgive him especially when she finds out about Tessa.

Aurora leaned forward giving the Scott boy a lovingly kiss before she pulled away, her brown eyes shining brightly as she assured Hardin, " nothing could ever change the way that I feel about you" Hardin smiled brightly at her words leaning down and pressed his lips against hers with so much love and passion pulling her body flush towards his.

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