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- After

Aurora made her way out of the house and towards Charlie's black SUV, she clenched her fingers around the steering wheel as she couldn't help but recall every moment she had with Hardin as he first started acting weird when he took her to the aquarium but she just brushed it to the side as she wanted to believe in her relationship and that Hardin wouldn't do anything to hurt her or put her in the same situation she had with Nate as he knew what he had put her through.

The James teen didn't necessarily want to spend her night looking for her boyfriend for answers, but if Jace had the answers then she would hear him out as she knew that his friends also knew what was going on seeing the fact Molly kept making snide remarks behind her back and Aurora won't back down until she gets the truth either from Hardin himself or one of his friends.

After a couple of minutes, Aurora pulled up in the car park beside Hardin's car causing her to frown in confusion seeing Jace sitting in her boyfriends car pulling up her hood as she climbed out of her car and jogged over to Hardin climbing into the passenger seat beside Jace who was smoking a blunt coughing slightly as he was startled by the blonde, " what are you doing in Hardin's car?" Aurora curiously questioned narrowing her eyes at him suspiciously.

"What? I can't borrow his car?" Jace scoffed raising his brows at the blonde beauty who rolled her eyes not impressed by the slightest and was fed up with the boy beating around the bush as she turned her body to face him and snapped, " Jace, just tell me where he is" he stayed silent for a moment smirking in amusement as he leaned forward and informed Aurora, " maybe he's at Blind Bob's"

Aurora rolled her eyes as she grabbed the car handle and muttered under her breathe, " I don't see why you couldn't just tell me that in the first place" Jace watched the blonde with an mischievous look in his eyes as she climbed out of the car and back into her own before she pulled out the car park and headed towards Blind Bob's.

A couple of moments later, Aurora arrived at the restaurant pushing the door open as her eyes scanned around searching for Hardin but he was nowhere in sight only to groan in irritation and annoyance when she spotted Molly who was sitting with Olivia, Steph, Zed and Tessa as she slowly made her way over towards them leaning against the table, " Oh, my gosh, Hey! Rory. I haven't seen you in ages" Olivia exclaimed happily as she brought the blonde girl into a tight embrace.

Olivia pulled away but her smile fell when she noticed the look on Aurora face placing her hands on her arm rubbing it softly with an concerned look on her face and asked, " what's the matter?" Aurora glared over at Molly for a moment not noticing that everyone notified the thick tension between the two girls, " are you okay?" Aurora placed a small smile on her lips nodding her head as she took a seat next to Olivia and assured the raven haired girl, " Yeah"

"You want some fries? Are you hungry?" Steph questioned from her place across the table pushing her plate towards the blonde with a warm smile on her face but Aurora smiled back kindly shaking her head as Molly took a sip of her drink shooting Zed a look from beside her making Aurora glare at the pink haired girl noticing the look she was sending to Zed.

Olivia glanced between the two girls before focusing her attention on Aurora and stated, " I haven't seen you since you moved out" Aurora stayed silent for a couple of moments before speaking up without breaking eye contact with Molly, " Um... I've been living with Hardin off campus" Tessa shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she furrowed her brows in confusion as she knew Hardin and Aurora were together but she didn't know that they were living together, " wait. You two are living together?"

"Yeah" Aurora nodded her head in confirmation not noticing the look of envy and jealously that appeared on Tessa face as she glared down at her plate. Zed and Molly exchanged a look once again as Steph smirked teasing the blonde beauty, " Wow, Rory. I didn't know you two were that serious" Aurora hummed nodding her head slightly and replied, " Yeah, well we are"

"How long has this been going on for and...." Tessa began to question staring at Aurora but she was interrupted when Jace walked into the restaurant with Hardin with his arm wrapped around his shoulder, " Look who I found" he called out only for Hardin smile to drop from his lips at the sight of both Tessa and Aurora. " Oh, hey, Jace. Hey, Hardin." Steph greeted the two boys with a smile on her face not noticing the awkward tension that had appeared between the group of teens.

" what's up? I got you" Jace spoke up fist bumping Molly who had a smirk on her face who was looking between Aurora and Tessa with an evil glint in her eyes when Hardin looked at his girlfriend with wide eyes leaning against the table and inquired, " Rory? What are you doing here?" Hardin moved around the table taking a seat next to Molly sitting directly across from Aurora but before she could say anything the pink haired girl cut her off, " Hi, Hardin. Aurora was just telling us about the latest. Rory, here has been filling us in on all the details"

Zed scrunched his face up in disgust as he didn't have anything against the girl she was kind, wild and full of life but he felt sorry for the blonde girl who had fallen in love with him without knowing the whole truth what has been going on, " moving in together" Molly smiled sarcastically glancing over at Aurora before averting her eyes back over to Hardin and added in, " and you guys are so adorable. Is there anything you wanna tell Aurora?"

Aurora furrowed her brows nodding her head in agreement narrowing her eyes at Hardin and demanded, " Yeah, like what's been going on between you and her?" Gesturing her head towards her boyfriend and Molly but Hardin furrowed his brows leaning against the table and exclaimed, " nothing is going on between me and her" the blonde shook her head frantically as while she wanted to believe him there's this voice at the back off her head telling her not to trust him, " Well, I don't believe you"

Hardin turned around in his seat to face Molly as his glare deepened and harshly snapped, " what have you said?" Molly smirked in amusement not saying a word as Hardin turned around to face Aurora, " Rory, I swear...." Aurora cut him off as she let out a scoff in disbelief and snapped, " I saw the texts that she sent you" Hardin sighed as he leaned back in his seat and attempted to explain, " what? They didn't mean anything. I didn't even reply to them. They meant nothing"

"You have got to be kidding me" Aurora shook her head as she glanced around the table as Hardin sent her a pleading look for her to believe him, " Rory, nothing is going on." Molly smirked as she looked at Tessa before moving her attention back to Rory, " it's not about what's going on with me and him... it's more of what's going on between him and Tessa" Aurora frowned as she looked at Tessa who avoided eye contact with a guilty expression on her face staring directly at Hardin.

Aurora glanced between the two of them when she suddenly scoffed knowing exactly what Molly was hinting at, " you have got to fucking kidding me. This is happening to me again. You know what happened with Nate and that I had trust issues but you somehow fooled me and got me to believe your not like other guys." Molly turned to face Hardin with a look of irritation and annoyance on her face and questioned, " don't you think this thing has gone a little too far?"

"What thing, Hardin?" Aurora demanded sending a glare to him clenching her jaw in anger but when he stayed silent not saying a word Molly spoke up once again and informed, "Something's going on, but it's not what you think" Hardin cut off Molly with a furious look on his face and hissed, "Molly, shut up." He then turned to face Aurora with a soft look and pleaded with her, " Rory, let's get out of here, I'll explain everything, I promise"

Hardin stood up from the table staring at her with a pleading look but she had an hesitant expression on her face as she didn't know if he would tell her the truth or not but before she could give him a chance Molly spoke up once again looking between the two girls and questioned, " remember truth or dare?" Tessa and Aurora shared an confused look before they questioned simultaneously, " what?"

"Molly, don't!" Hardin hissed glaring at the girl with a look of hatred on his face. " Molly!" Zed warned the pink haired girl but she ignored the two boys pulling out her phone to show the two girls the reason why Hardin had been acting weird with both girls because he didn't want the truth to come out.

Hardin straighten up as Aurora leaned forward slightly so that their lips were only centimetres apart before before he could pull the blonde closer to kiss her she took a step back with a mischievous smirk on her face and stated, " I'm done playing this game. I'm gonna go but I'm sure Molly won't mind finishing off my dare since you've had you're tongue down her throat most of the night"

Hardin raised his brows impressed with the blonde bold actions watching her make her way through the crowd who were ignoring his friends who were laughing at his rejection from the beautiful blonde girl, " Oh, it sucks to suck. Hardin Scott got his first rejection" Molly laughed as she continued recording Hardin as Tessa cleared her throat and informed, " Yeah, I'm gonna go get some fresh air"

Hardin turned to face Molly with a smirk who had her phone out recording him, "You lot don't think I can make it happen?" Molly then replied back from behind her phone and questioned, " make what happen?" Hardin had a thoughtful look on his face before a smirk appeared on his lips and stated, " here's a dare. Make her fall in love with me and then I'll just..." snapped his fingers with a shrug of his shoulders, " turn it off"

" why not make things interesting... if you can take Tessa virginity too within the next 2 months I'll give you $1000" Jace said eyeing Hardin who smirked nodding his head in agreement, " deal." Olivia narrowed her eyes at the two boys and snapped, " you can't actually be serious! Hardin!" Molly then ended the video glancing between both Aurora and Tessa with a devious smirk on his face, "It was all a game."

Aurora who was staring down at the table with tears in eyes didn't say a word and couldn't help but feel her heart break in two that Hardin never truly cared about her it was all about the bet and the money, " Rory, Rory. Rory please... you have to believe me" he began to say reaching forward to touch her arm but she moves away from his touch.

The blonde turned to face Tessa who had tears steaming down her face as she knew how much Aurora liked him but she slept with him anyway even if she was attracted to him it was clear he didn't love her like he did with Aurora, " did you have sex with him?" Tessa nodded her head closing her eyes as tears fell down her cheek as Aurora placed her hand over her mouth in shock and betrayal, " Rory, that was before everything. Before I got to know you"

" and what about sleeping with Tessa behind my back? Was that before you got to me know too?!" Aurora sobbed causing hardin to look down at the ground in guilt at the sight of one girl he's fallen in love break down in front of him. Aurora then turned to face Olivia with a look of betrayal and asked, " is it true?" Olivia stayed silent as she sent her an apologetic and sympathetic look before Aurora looked around at everyone else, " and all of you knew"

Everyone stayed quietly silently confirming that they all knew about the bet causing the blonde to breathe heavily as she looked at Hardin shaking her head as she couldn't deal with this right now and just wanted to escape so she stood up from the chair spinning around walking away, " Rory! Rory! I love you!" He called out causing her to stop in her tracks as she turned around to glare at him, " you love me? Are you actually serious right now? You don't go doing what you've done to the people that you love. Which means that you never actually cared about me and all that you wanted was to get in my pants"

"What? That's not true, Rory!" Hardin shook his head frantically not noticing the look of surprise and shock on everyone's face that it was never just a game with Aurora that he did actually fall in love with her but it was too late as instead of him telling her in the beginning she now found out from the girl she hates with all her being. " God, you are just like every other guy and the sad thing is Hardin is I actually thought you were different. Asshole"

Aurora then spun around, speed walking out of the restaurant with Hardin following after her with the sound of thunder and lightning with rain pouring heavily, " Rory, wait. Rory!" The blonde spun around to face Hardin sending him a glare as she snapped, " so what exactly did you tell them then?" Hardin shook his head glancing at his friends through the window, " nothing"

"None of it was real. I actually thought... I thought that..." Aurora trailed off wiping her tears from her face, " you're just a liar!" Hardin had tears in his own eyes as he looked down at the James girl and tried to make an excuse, " that was all before..." Aurora interrupted up as her glare deepened and hissed, " before what? Before you slept with Tessa? Before you snapped your fingers and turned it off?"

"You said nothing could change the way you felt about me" Hardin stated as he desperately wanting Aurora to forgive him as he's never felt this way before but not because of his self he's ruined everything. " then I guess we're both liars. Goodbye Hardin" she spoke before jogging towards her car opening the door climbing inside as Hardin watched her start the car before driving away running his fingers through his air in frustration as his his heart broke further as she drove away from him.

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