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"You're crazy, man. Crazy!" Fleur explained as Daniel followed her out of the frozen yogurt shop, "I don't wanna be apart of the stupid karate anymore."

"Fleur, I know things got rough." he explains, hoping she'd slow down and at least hear him out, "And I know I didn't tell you everything-"

"Everything? You told me nothing." Fleur said in disbelief as she turned around, one of the red strands slapped her in the eye, "You just failed to mention all the childish drama between Miyagi Do and Cobra Kai is pretty much your fault?"

"My fault? How is it my fault?" he questioned her in disbelief.

"Making a free karate dojo the second Cobra Kai has there's up and is doing good? Childish." Fleur spoke before she began walking again, stopping a second to look his way, "I don't wanna be apart of something like this anyone. I had fun. But a kid is in the hospital now and paralyzed from the waist down. Everyone hates each other and it's just all so childish. I'm done, leave me alone."

And he did leave her alone after that.

"Fleur, I just think we could do this together." Demetri explained as he fell onto her bed head first, "Don't you want to know how to fight?"

"I know how to fight." Fleur defended herself.

"You don't-" Demetri began before his leg was grabbed and he was pulled off the bed suddenly, "Ow!"

"I know how to fight." Fleur repeated herself, looking down at him, "How am I the only one seeing how problematic both dojo's are?"

Demetri grabbed her arm and pulled her down, Fleur huffed when she hit the carpet, "You could learn to do that."

Fleur twisted her body and hooked her legs around his waist, flipping them so he was pinned down and her fist was infront of his face, "Don't need too."

"Touché." he said with a wide eyed look, "Fine, don't join. But could you at least skate me there? I can't drive."

"You can't drive?" she asked, crawling off of him and heading toward her closet, "Since when?"

"Since never. I get distracted by the birds and crashed my moms car."he said back, standing up while Fleur grabbed her board, "Did you hear what happened at school?"

"The soccer thing?" Fleur laughed as he gave her a pout, "You'll have fun in detention for a while."

"Whatever. It was worth it." Demetri said, waiting for Fleur to get on her board before doing the same, "Go slow."

"Absolutely not." Fleur gave a single laugh, "Don't jump off this time."

When she began skating Demetri panicked, "No promises!"

After Fleur dropped Demetri off, she headed home. Before she had the chance to even make it through the gate, she was met face to face with a piece of paper. It had been similar to the one that was taped on Demetris door the night of the party. Written in red and on a odd white paper with a tear at the top. Yet this time there was a address and a time.

Fleur took the paper and looked over her shoulder weary like. She waited, waited for something to tell her this wasn't real, that she had more time to prepare. But she hadn't, and the last thing she wanted was to involve anyone. So instead of going back into her new home, she took the paper and skated off to the location it wanted her at.

The address wasn't one Fleur recognized. She could imagine why when she showed up and took a look at the place. It was dark with faint lighting, they flickered. The alley smelt like piss and Fleur swore she thought it would linger on her if she hadn't moved. Her shoes walked through faint water spills and muddy puddles, making her cringe slightly.

By the time she made it through the small walk way, she stood behind a warehouse. It was lit with bright spot lights but looked as though no one truly lived there. Empty boxes were thrown around, the warier feeling rose in her chest when she opened her mouth, "Dad?"

Her heart hit her rib cage so hard it felt like she was seconds away from dying.

"Fleur." he spoke up from behind her. Fleur turned around quickly and came face to face with her father. He looked worse then he usually did. His beard was grown out more and his glasses were cracked, eyes blood shot red. Fleur took a step back, "I'm here now."

Fleur shook her head, she was trying to find words, "I don't wanna be with you anymore."

"Fleur, I'm protecting you from your mother, from the world." he tired to reason with gentle eyes.

"You locked me in a fucking basement!" she hollered back suddenly, not being able to hold herself back.

"To protect you, Fleur! The world is a horrible place." he grabbed her arms, ignoring her trying to shrug them off, "I'm your father."

"No you're not." she glared, spitting in his face. It gave her enough time to twist his arms away from her, kicking him in the stomach as he stumbled forward. Fleur went to go at him again before a pair of arms wrapped around her, "Put me down!"

"Get her in the car." Derek said as the man drug Fleur toward a van. Two other large figured were suddenly around her, grabbing her bag she dropped and the other helping her dad.

"I said get off of me!" Fleur yelled out again, sending her elbow backwards and hitting the man in the face. He dropped her and grabbed his nose. Fleur head butted him suddenly and sweeped his legs out from under him. The other dropped her bag and went to grab her from behind before a figure ran down the alley way and kicked him a few feet away.

Fleur didn't get the chance to see who it was before she made sure the man on the ground was knocked out before facing the third man in black. Fleur took her chances of running forward first, sending a side kick to his ribs before a upper cut into his jaw. She threw him on the ground and send a final punch in the face before standing up again.

"You okay, kid?" the person that helped her asked. When Fleur looked over, she recognized him immediately. Johnny Lawrence. They'd never spoke before but she knew his face and who he was. And the horrible person he was made out to be, just helped possibly save her life.

"Fleur-" her father began before the sirens heard, coming down the alley as their lights flashed in the darkness. Derek looked around in disbelief, staring at his daughter as his hands went up.

"On your knees!" one of the officers yelled out. Derek didn't break eye contact with Fleur when he went to his knees.

"That's my daughter." he spoke when the officer handcuffed him, "She ran away from home."

The officer drug him off but her partner glanced towards Fleur. She shook her head and pulled her bag off the ground, "I don't know who these men are. I was skating back here and they just attacked me."

"Okay, sweetie." she spoke gently. Fleur never liked police much but was willing to pretend she had for now, "Do you have ID? Do you know this man?"

"He's my sensei." Fleur lied, pulling her ID out of her bag, "I live just a few blocks away with my family. I have no clue who these men are. They came out of nowhere."

The officer took her fake ID and scanned it over. She looked back at the police car and then handed Fleur her ID back, "We've been looking for him for a while now."

"You know who this dude is?" Johnny asked, showing his ID and his old Cobra Kai dojo card to back Fleurs story.

"Pennsylvania PD gave us a tip a few months ago saying he might have traveled down here." she said, scanning the ID before passing it back to him, "He's been on the run a few years now. Kidnapped his daughter, he thinks it's her."

"Why would he think that?" Johnny asked. Fleur wanted to tell him to shut up and just hope the officer didn't realize how similar she looked to the wanted posters of her younger self.

"Mental disorder. We always suspected he killed his daughter and then ran for it." she said back honestly. The lights flashed from one of the other officer once she got the four men in the police cars, "You two get out of here. It's a bad part of town."

"Thank you." Fleur said to the office. She waiting until they drove off to face the man infront of her, "Thank you."

"You don't know that guy?" he asked. Fleur shook her head, "The one that might have killed his daughter."

"Not might." Fleur stated as she stared a moment, "He did kill her."

Because in some way, Derek had killed her. He killed Daisy, killed the innocent and sweet girl she once was. Fleur was reborn in her place. A red haired girl that had trust issues and never felt safe. He killed his daughter, the police had been right about that one.

"Did you follow me?" she asked with a frown of her eyebrows.

"My car broke down, I pulled over to fix it." he said back to her, pointing toward the car at the end of the alley way, "What are you doing back here?"

"I told you, I was skating." Fleur lied, picking her board off the ground, "Thank you, again. I don't think I could have handled all four of them on my own."

"You did pretty good without me." he said back honestly, "You're LaRussos girl, aren't you?"

"Not anymore." Fleur said back, "How's Miguel?"

"He's getting there." he lied to her, "You need a ride home?"

Fleur looked around and sighed, "I really don't want to go have to explain all this to anyone yet."

Johnny nodded understandable before walking off, "Come on."

kylie speaks

fleur, i love you.
johnny, i love you.

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