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Robby's hands messed at his gi, looking for the string to tie it, becoming annoyed and yanking it off. Moon hummed. "Yup, you two are definitely related."

The ref shrugged toward Hawk, making him strip his off and throw toward the side as well. Fleur gave a grin toward Moon. "Yeah, i'd probably get back together with him too if I was you."

"Would you shut already!" Moon chuckled slightly, pushing her arm.

"Next point wins. Good luck, gentlemen. Ready?" the ref got between the two. "Fight!"

Robby kicked first, bouncing off his legs to kick high, hoping to end this, only for Eli to duck and dodge it. He did it again, his feet pressing into his thigh as he kicked backwards, flipping in the air as Eli fell against the mat. He was pushing off his palms and onto his feet before Robby was fully up, running toward to wrap his legs around his shoulders and swinging him against, only for it to backfire as his back was against the mat, Robbys fist rose before his eyes fell onto Kenny, who was yelling and cheering him on.

It gave Eli the perfect opportunity to kick him in the shoulder, separating the pair.

Robby dodged and back up at the multiple kicks Eli was throwing and twisting around to send his way. Robby ducked under his arm and was on the opposite side, both breathing heavy and tired like. Robby swung around to try and kick him in the face, blocking a punch with a harsh kick to the side, not scoring the point. Eli stumbled in minor pain. Fleur winced.

They backed off a second, Eli turned around on his left leg, wrapping it right around Robbys waist, taking him down on the mat with him, a kick straight to the chest. Fleurs jaw dropped. "Point! Winner!"

"Holy shit!" she struggled to stand with the help of her crutches. "Holy shit! Winner! Eli! Winner!"

Moon stood, the pair cheering as Miygi-Do hugged him. Daryl passed him the trophy, a cheer coming from the boy as he held it into the air with a yell. Fleur yelled back with a bright grin, clapping her hands together as she saw Robby storming off in the corner of her eye. This was it. "Hey, i'll be right back."

"Fleur-" Moon began, but the lavender-blonde was already hobbling away and into the hallway, looking for Robby.

It was bare, heading around the corner. "Robby, are you in the bathroom?"

The door opened, he looked at her in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Looking for you." she struggling to stay stood with the crutches. "Are you, like, are you okay?"

"Why would you care?" he was angry, and it showed, storming past her.

"I have to tell you something really important!" Fleur called, slowly turning around on the crutches, Robby sighed as he turned back to her. "I should have told you a long time ago. I was mad at your dad for not telling me, and here I am doing the exact same thing to you. I'm a hypocrite."

Robby looked in confusion and annoyance. "What are you talking about, Fleur?"

"So, we're related, actually." Fleur cleared her throat, a tight lipped smile on her lips. "Like- you know, your dad dads and my dad are brothers. So, me and you, we're, you know, second cousins."

Robby's face fell as he blinked, staring over at her. Fleur felt awkward with how silent he was, clearing her throat. "I just- I just know what it feels like, you know? It feel like you don't have a family, because right now, Johnnys all I have. And i'm really tired of it being that way."

Whatever she was hoping for didn't go to plan, because her eyes were burning and her words cracked. "I know we have this rivalry thing going on, and I get it, whatever. But I- I just don't have a good relationship with my dad, and I barley knew my mom. And I just felt- I felt really alone for, like, so long. And, you know, and I just wanted to tell you that. Incase you feel like how I do."

Robby walked her way, and Fleur swore he was gonna hurt her, or yell at her, shove her away. But, he didn't, no, he didn't. Like she did, he cried. Cried in pain, cried in relief, joy, every single emotion hit them at once. Fleur lost her crutches, not even being able to focus on her pain as she latched onto Robby tightly, so tight she could have snapped his ribs if she wanted to. He hugged her back, crying into her shoulder. "I feel alone too."

Fleur smiled sadly, leaning on the side of his face, the pain in her knee worsening, squeezing his body tighter then she knew she could.

Fleur found Moon again, falling in the seat with a sigh. "A lot of pain."

Moon patted her leg, making Fleur prop her leg up on hers. She looked around, seeing Sam and Tory bow to each other. "I hope Sam doesn't try to do what I did."

Moon iced her knee for her, the two watching closely. "Fight!"

Tory struck first with an angry kick, Sam blocking it with her own leg. She went at her again, swinging her foot as Tory tried to kick her legs out from under her, the LaRusso girl twisting around and kicking her across the face. Fleur rose her eyebrows. "Heck, yeah."

Tory walk toward Terry and Kreese, Fleur shook her head. "I should -"

"Remember." Moon reminded her, demonstrating the breathing in tactic.

They took their marks again, Tory bounced on the mat infront of Sam, kicking forward and swinging a punch backwards when circling her. Sam dodged it, blocking her kick, sending her own, forearms coming up and blocking the string of punches Tory threw at her. Sam kicked to the side, Tory punching her in the stomach and scoring the point. "Score, one-one. Fight!"

Sam kicked toward Tory, having it blocked before Tory twisted around, kicking in return to get her once again. "Point! Two-one, Nichols."

Fleur took Moons hand again, the same feeling from before back.

Sam stood infront of Tory, using balancing hand motions, Fleur knew them well. Tory looked oddly before Sam ended it with one fist above her head, the other before her. The ref nodded. "Ready? And fight!"

Tory struck first, kicking as Sma blocked them, Tory side kicking her in the ribs as Sam threw her fist her way, Tory blocking it. The Miyagi-Do tossed her leg over Torys head, taking her original position again as they backed up away from each other for a second. Tory swung around twice, trying to kick her, having each blocked. She blocked Sams hits in return, linking their arms together and yanking her harshly.

Sam broke free, ducking as Tory swung her fist above her head. Sam hit her in the chest, Tory stumbling back over the line. "No point. Out of bounce."

"What!" Fleur called in disbelief. "Redue! I saw her!"

"Fleur." Moon whispered up at her.

"There's no redues in karate!" Terry called her way.

"Oh yeah?" Fleur called back at him. "There is redues at the hair salon though, maybe keep that in mind."

The ref whistles at her, making Moon pull her down.

Johnny called out in announce. "Come on, Ref! She went out after she got hit!"

The two took their stance again, one of Sams legs rose in her final position. With a full kick forward, she swung her fist as Tory blocked them, kicking at her, Sam blocking it. The two were moving quickly this round. Sam hit Tory in the chest, scoring herself a point, causing the Khori girl to cheer from the crowd. "Scores two to two. Next point wins. Ready? Fight!"

Tory threw her legs in Sams direction, her getting a hit, but it was blocked. They both rose their hands, each having them blocked above their heads before Sam kicked Tory, being shoved away. Sam kicked her again, Tory grasping under Sams leg and throwing her down on the mat, Sam flipping over her and got to her feet, grabbing Torys middle and forward rolling as Torys elbow collided with her eye.

Fleur winced, Moon gasped.

"Warning. Elbow to the face. Go to your senseis." the ref called.

"Warning? Should be a point deduction!" Johnny yelled his way.

"I didn't mean to. No, it was an accident." Tory got on her feet and looked down at Sam, who held her eye in pain, squinting and running toward her senseis.

"God, I should be over there." Fleur spoke with a huff, looking toward Daniel and Johnny speaking to Sam. Demetri gave Fleur a thumbs up to translate for her, the two watching Sam and Tory get before each other again.


Sam kicked her way, having it blocked. They circled each other slightly, Tory throwing a kick toward Sams head, having it blocked immediately as was her punch toward the chest and the elbow. Sam kicked Tory, her arms blocking it. The Nichols girls was so close to hitting Sams chest, but she was too quick, and too good at blocking.

Sam came close to kicking Tory, having it blocked quickly as Tory landed a kick to her back. Twisting around, she kicked Sam harshly, despite her blocking it, Sams shorter body stumbling back. Tory fell to the floor, giving Sam another kick, scoring herself the point. "Winner!"

Fleurs face fell, holding her crutches. "Sam."

And no matter how bad it hurt, no matter how embarrassing it would have been if she fell, Fleur did everything she could to get to the LaRusso girls side.

kylie speaks

not okay know the next
chapter is the last.

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