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"Demetri, dude, put your back into it." Fleur spoke the next day as her and Demetri carried large plants from the small wagon. Fleur felt as though she was doing all the work, feeling it start to tip on one side.

"I have no back." he said in disbelief, "And i'm tired, I was awake all night."

Demetri had been awake the whole night, researching every school in Easton, PA. He looked at every one and yet still hadn't found a single school with any record of Fleur Khouri. Demetri began to think she left that note in his door as a joke, a way of getting pay back for something.

"I was awake all night." she mocked him in a high pitch tone, "Okay, break."

Demetri sighed in relief as they set the plant down a moment, looking around at the destroyed backyard. When the pair arrived this morning, Miyagi Do was completed wrecked with a message from Cobra Kai on one of the cars. Daniel worked hard to get it off while the four attempting to clean up the backyard, "I can't believe your painting got ruined."

Fleur glanced over at the miyagi do painting she'd done, staring at the large, red x that was across it.

"Security cameras." she spoke up quickly, loudly. Demetri gave a odd look as Fleur shrugged, "We should really put up security cameras."

But the way she said it, the tone she possessed with it. Demetri didn't think she she said it because of what happened. He watched her walk off, heading toward the koi pond and leaving him with the plant, "Fleur, the plant!"

"Use your back!" she called back out, taking her shoes off and slowly crawling into the pond.

"I have no back!" he called back to her with a loud sigh, resulting in dragging the planet rather then holding it.

"Oh god!" Fleur called out from the pond, "The koi's are still alive!"

"Uh, excuse me." a voice spoke up, eyeing Fleur oddly. Three boys all walked through the fence and stood near the front, "Is this Miyagi-Do?"

Fleur threw a few things out of the pond before she looked up. Her eyes focused on the boy in the front, bringing a hand up to block the sun. Robby was storming his way in no time, "You come back from another beating?"

"Are you the penis who attacked Demetri?" Fleur spoke up in disbelief, squinting to see better, "You are!"

Sam flinched as Fleur fell out of the pond on her attempt to crawl out, walking over and helping her up.

"Robby, Robby!" Daniel stopped him from getting to up in the guys face.

"This was one of the guys who was beating on Demetri." Robby spoke fast and in disbelief, pointing at the one in the front. Fleur pulled her blue combat boots off, Demetri glanced over as she began walking forward. His eyes set on her ankles, seeing a large scar across her right ankle, "Probably helped trash the dojo."

"We didn't have anything to do with that." he defended himself in a soft manor, a shake of his head. Fleur stood by Robbys side, pushing up on her toes and pooring the water in her shoe on the boys head. Demetri snorted at the sight while Sam and Robby looked in disbelief.

"Wh- Fleur." Daniel scolded her, "Apologize."

"Absolutely not, justice for Demetri, man." she spoke, glaring at the now soaking wet boy, "Say your sorry to my friend, penis."

"That's one reason I came over here." he spoke honestly, looking over her toward Demetri, "I'm sorry for what happened at the mall. We just wanna learn Miyagi Do karate."

Robby and Fleur shared a look from where they stood side by side.

"I'd be carful about this, Mr.L!" Demetri called out from the right of Sam, "Letting the Cobra Kai's into Miyagi- Do. It's like letting the wildlings into the wall."

Daniel turned to look at him, "Didn't the wildings help Jon Snow win the Battle of the Bastards?"

Demetri scolded himself with a huff, "Should have picked a different analogy."

"We're happy to have you." Daniel grinned at the three boys. Fleur pulled her wet shoes back on, turning on her heels and throwing her arms up in disbelief.

"I didn't diss you. It was constructive criticism." Demetri argued with Chris not even a hour later, the pair starting a subtle fight over the plant he broke.

"Yeah! You get him, Demetri! Whoo!" Fleur called out from where she was painting over the X on the fence.

"Okay, what's going on here?" Daniel called out to the pair as he hurried out of the dojo.

"This nerd called me an imbecile." Chris spoke to Daniel in disbelief. Fleur held back a laugh as she faced the fence, whipping the sweat off her head as the paint smeared across her, "I told him he can't just drop a challenge and leave."

"I didn't drop a challenge." Demetri mocked him. Fleur turned around to watch this place out, dropping the brush in the paint and crossing her flannel covered arms, "He dropped the potted plant."

"It was a accident." Chris argued quickly.

"Okay, guys. Relax." Daniel reasoned, raising his hands knowingly, "What- what's your name?"

"Chris." he answered back.

"Chris, this is Demetri." Daniel introduced the two. Fleur hit her forehead in disbelief.

"Yeah, we're acquainted." Demetri said with a huff of disbelief, "He tried to kick the crap out of me, remember?"

"Okay, so you have some beef with each other." Daniels confirmed as Fleur began walking over toward the trio.

"More like chicken." she commented with a snap of her fingers, mocking a sudden chicken noise.

"Fleur, what is this exact talk? Did he try and beat you up too?" Daniel tried to understand why she'd involved herself in the conversation so quickly.

"I'm Demetris wing woman." Fleur shrugged her shoulders as she slapped Demetri on the back, "We're a matching set now, Hiss and I got beef too now."

"It's Chris." He said in disbelief her way.

"Ah, hiss and chicken combined then." Fleur confirmed with a fake smile.

"Okay, okay." Daniel called her off.

"This isn't a two sided to every story situation. He was the clear cut aggressor." Demetri spoke up, pointing a finger at Chris suddenly.

"I already told you I was sorry!" Chris said in disbelief his way.

"Guys, enough." Daniel said quickly in a calm manor, "I'm gonna give you both a mission. You see this stone? You're gonna pick it back up."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Demetri asked in disbelief.

"Good old fashioned teamwork." Daniel shrugged his shoulders with a grin. He then looked to Fleur, "And you, you're still on painting duty."

Fleur huffed, hitting Demetri on the back and glaring at Chris, before turning on her heels and heading back to the fence.

Fleurs painting didn't last very long until Demetri and Chris began arguing again. She chose to ignore it at first, taking Daniels advice. But when she heard a small groan, Fleur was turned around so fast it nearly gave her whiplash.

"Demetri! Demetri, are you okay?" Sam hurried over to Demetris side, helping him off the ground. Fleur ran over quickly, wrapping her arms around Chris' middle and taking him down to the ground with all her force.

"Fleur! Chris! Woah! What are you doing? We're on the same team now!" Daniel called out as he charged out of the dojo after hearing Chris shove Demetri, getting outside just as Fleur tackled him. Robby helped her up, Fleur huffed in disbelief.

"Once a Cobra Kai, always a Cobra Kai." Robby spoke up knowingly as he motioned toward Chris. Demetri waved Fleur over as she stood by his side, arms crossed and watching Chris slowly stand up from the ground.

"That's not true." Daniel spoke fast, a sense of defense in his tone, "I know it's not true cause.... I use to be a Cobra Kai."

"You're gonna have the sorest body tomorrow." Fleur spoke to Demetri as the pair walked out of the dojo together. After Daniels speech, Chris and Demetri saw the other in a new light and managed to work together to get the rock up, "Bet you've got a back now."

"I feel no back." he spoke, walking slowly as he soreness already set in, "I'm so out of shape, maybe the walk home will help."

"How far do you live from here?" Fleur spoke up, kicking her skateboard off the fence and keeping it still under her feet.

"Four streets down." he spoke, standing up straighter.

"Hop on, i'll take you." she nodded, resting one foot closer toward the front of the board.

"What?" Demetri asked her in disbelief with a odd look.

"It's easy, you just have to hang on and don't move." Fleur spoke as he stared at her, "If we fall, you can take the lead the rest of the way."

"Do you have any clue how dangerous this is?" Demetri asked in disbelief, trying the balance on the back. Fleur reached back and placed his hands on her waist, "Oh wow, okay."

"Don't let go." Fleur grinned over her shoulder, kicking off as the wheels rolled under them. Demetri wrapped his arm around her tightly, their height difference playing a large part in his lack of safety feeling. Demetri hunched over, holding onto Fleur tightly and trying now to move. Fleur was effortless with her actions, balancing them both so well and not stumbling once.

Demetri relaxed once she got around the curb and was three streets away now, looking out at the sunset as they rode. He'd never in his life even attempted skateboarding, yet it felt so nice feeling the wind hit you just right. Demetri gripped Fleur tighter as she held the arm around her when they turned, making sure neither of them fell.

kylie speaks

the way this moment
was what made me want
to make this book in the
first place! so cute.

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