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"Fleur! I can't believe you're home!" Sam gushed, throwing her arms around Fleur when she got to the car wash, "How was the trip?"

Fleur, Moon, and Demetri put together a white lie that Fleur had took a last minute summer trip to Santa Monica before school started back.

"Good, Santa Monica is great, nice beaches." Fleur said back, glancing toward her small table, "Can I interest you in a snow cone?"

"Maybe later, I should go thank Moon for bringing the cheerleaders." Sam said, giving her arm one last squeeze before walking off. Fleur headed back to her station, working on freezing the ice better before a, nearly impossible to miss, figure stop before her, "Hey, stranger."

"Hey." Hawk said back with a faint grin, "What are you doing here?"

"Making snow cones?" Fleurs statement came out more of a question, putting the ice shards into a small paper cup, "What are you doing here?"

"Saw you when we drove by, wants to say hey." he said back, watching her make the snow cone, "You know, paying for Miguel's surgery isn't what we need to do."

"We?" Fleur asked with a raise of her eyebrow, "You and your friend?"

"Miyagi Do is what put Miguel the hospital." Hawk stated, ignoring her witty comment, "They're feeling guilty and putting on this car wash."

"I thought Robby was the one that put him in the hospital?" Fleur questioned, taking a wild guess he was into pineapples and mixing the syrup with the ice.

"Yeah, who was apart of Miyagi Do." Hawk said back, like he was trying to prove something to her in some way, "And then the fight broke out in the first place because Sam kissed Miguel."

Fleur nodded, "Right. But why blame all of Miyagi Do for hers and Robbys mistakes? He's in jail and she feels guilty. But the car wash is to help pay for his surgery, which is a lot."

Eli stared at her in disbelief, "You don't get it."

"No, I don't. So what is it?" Fleur asked, knowing there were always two sides to a story, yet she'd only heard one.

Fleur had someone take over her station for her, taking her chances and hoping on the back of a motorcycle. She was driven to the Cobra Kai parking lot, no one had been there aside the two of them. Hawk told Fleur about where the rivalry started, back in the day with Johnny and Daniel. He then told her about how they had to learn what mercy was and that had gotten Miguel hurt.

"So, he only told y'all to show mercy because it was his son?" Fleur asked, in disbelief at his words, though Hawk hadn't told her the story completely right, "And then Miguel did and that's why he got hurt?"

"Yeah. Keene kicked him right over the railing. Sensei Kreese took over after that, we know not to let stuff like that happen anymore." Eli nodded, stretching his legs out infront of him a moment, "It's how we were taught at first, before Lawrence went all soft."

Fleur thought about it a moment, "Yeah, I get why you're mad. I'd be pretty pissed if it were the other way around."

"Exactly. Like if Miguel kicked Robby off of the staircase, LaRusso would be freaking the hell out and doing the exact same thing we are." Hawk agreed. Fleur thought about it, and she could see Sam being angry, she could see Chris and maybe even Demetri hating Cobra Kai. It seemed as though the already did, they seemed to blame them for most things. Fleur knew she'd react the same way Eli was right now, she knew for sure she would if they'd had hurt Robby like he did Miguel.

"Miyagi Do never taught us to show no mercy. We learned self defense and the ability to heal and control." Fleur explained, flexing her feet slightly as they started to go numb, "I don't know where that came from. Did you see it happen?"

"Yeah. Miguel let him go and Robby stood up and kicked him right off the side." the red haired boy said back, confidently, "After that, everyone stopped fighting."

It was crazy for Fleur to believe Robby did such a thing, but then again she wasn't there, and this was the most anyone had told her about the situation.

"No one told me everything that happened. All I knew was Robby accidentally pushed Miguel in the middle of the fight." Fleur said, feeling lied to more then anything and angry, "I didn't know the cause or anything aside from all you guys attacking each other."

"It wasn't a accident, he knew what he was doing. All of them did. When Sam kissed Miguel, even though he had a girlfriend. Assface when he left Cobra Kai. Demetri when-" Hawk stopped talking when he said it, glancing Fleurs way before looking away again, "Whatever."

"He said you guys stopped talking once you got deep in Cobra Kai." Fleur said back, she wanted to trust Demetri but he hide so many important things that had happened at that fight from her, she was having difficulty doing so, "Is that really what happened?"

"Sorta, I guess. He's such a pussy and wrote a bad review, remember the mall? He went on yelp and completely bashed our dojo just because it wasn't his style of karate, that's why we did it. But it wasn't just that." Eli explained to her with a roll of his eyes, clear annoyance for the topic floating around his head, "After Cobra Kai won the All Valley, he walked around acting like he was apart of our dojo just so people would think he was cool. And no matter how many times I said it, he never once had anything good to say about the flipping of the script."

"Flipping of the script?" she asked with a odd look, looking his way. Hawk motioned to his hair and body, making Fleur understand, "Did he say why?"

"No, I didn't care to ask." Hawk rolled his eyes, "If it was the other way around, I wouldn't have acted the way he did."

"Yeah, I get that." Fleur nodded, turning to face him again, "That probably really sucked, not feeling accepted by your best friend. I use to feel that way, with my mom, not in the same aspect but similar. I always felt like I was trying so hard and she never had anything good to say when she'd actually pay attention to me."

"It's annoying." he confirmed, Fleur nodded.

"But look at it in Demetris eyes. I'm not saying the way he acting was right or anything, but just take a second." Fleur said, waiting to see if he'd try and fight her or tell her off, "He knew you as one way your whole life. A big change was probably difficult to handle since you were all he's ever had. A long conversation would have taken you both a long way."

"Okay, but what about when he joined Miyagi Do? My biggest enemy." Hawk said back, a part of him knew she was right but didn't want to give into that, "I told you what big of rivals we have been since way long ago. That was low, even for him."

Fleur didn't think it had been a big deal until he explained everything to her on the history between Cobra Kai and Miyagi Do. She wondered if Demetri knew about it, if he knew why they'd been enemies and that there was no in between on sides. She'd be mad too if the roles were reversed, extremely. But then again, Eli had overreacted and failed to communicate well.

"I think you're both dumb idiots that need therapy." Fleur confirmed with a nod of her head, standing to her feet, "Come on, drive me home so I don't get stolen."

Hawk took her out reached hand and stood up, "Are you gonna join Miyagi Do again if it reopens?"

Fleur would have said yes if she hadn't known they were the root of a lot of issues that traveled to Cobra Kai in the first place, "I don't think so anymore."

kylie speaks

a fleur and
demetri argument
nextchapter? i think

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