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"Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow." the ref spoke, Tory and Fleur stood on either side of the mat. "Fight!"

"Oh my god, i'm gonna shit on myself." Demetri bounced on his heels in the slightest. "I can't do this."

"Pull yourself together." Eli jabbed him in the side.

Tory swung at Fleur, having her duck. She blocked her kick she sent her way, shoving her leg back as they circling each other slightly. Tory gave two kicked toward Fleur, the Khori girl latching onto her ankle, throwing her onto the mat and going with her. Tory rolled to get her off, Fleur small enough to duck under her and kick her face. "Point!"

"Yes!" Daniel and Johnny cheered on sync for her.

Tory and Fleur took their marks again Fleur looked weary at the anger in Torys eyes as she held her jaw a second. "Fight!"

Tory was quick, swinging her fist in Fleurs direction, having it blocked. She pulled her by the arms, bending down as Fleurs body came over her back, Tory hitting her in the chest. "Point!"

Fleur grunted in anger, getting up as she bounced on her feet, her nose twitching in anger. Daniel sighed, because she looked just like Johnny. "Fight!"

Fleur gave a yell, striking first as she gave a kick to Torys knee, making her stumble but block Fleurs punches her way. The Khori girl ducked, arms tightening around Torys waist as they drove to the mat. Fleur hit her in the stomach. "Point!"

Tory shoved Fleur off her, waiting for her to get up to kicked her way, hitting Fleur in the back as she stumbled forward. Tory grabbed her arm, yanking her around as Fleur pressed her back firmly into Torys, trying to pull her over her shoulder, but not having the strength as Tory spun her quickly, a kick straight to her face as Fleur fell backwards. "Point! Next one wins."

"You've got this, Fleur!" Demetri cheered for her. "You're doing amazing!"

Fleur shook her wrist, meeting Tory's eye as the two took their marks once more. "Fight!"

Fleur used Johnnys tactic this time, not waiting to block, striking first with a harsh kick in Torys direction, kicking her hip as the Nicholas girl used the position to her advantage, throwing a punch to Fleur, hitting her shoulder. The Miyagi-Do had gotten too comfortable with ducking down, too comfortable with knowing that's how she was gonna fight. Tory had caught on by now, so when Fleur ducked, she went to move out of the way, her stronger leg wrapped around Fleurs left, yanking her with her.


Fleur cried out, falling onto the mat as Tory turned in a panic. She truly didn't mean to, she didn't mean to hurt Fleur like that. She didn't even realize their legs were wrapped together when she was hurrying to get away, but the yell that came from her lips was enough to know it hurt badly. "Fleur!"

The Khori girl held her knee in pain, a pained noise leaving her lips. Demetris eyes went wide in a panic. "Oh, shit. Fleur! Fleur!"

Johnny waved the medic over, leaving Eagle Fang to run to her side. Demetri ran past Tory, getting to her as he kneeled. "Hey. Hey, Fleur. What happened?"

"It popped out of place, I can feel it." Fleur moaned in pain as she held her knee. "I can pop it back."

"No, don't touch it." the medic kneeled next to her.

"I didn't mean to." Tory spoke over Demetris shoulder. "Fleur, I didn't mean to."

"It's out of place." the medic confirmed. "We need to get her off the mat."

"Out of place? Does she need to go to the hospital?" Johnny asked, Daniel was over quickly as he encouraged Sam and Eli to stay back.

"Not likely." the medic shook his head, looking to Fleur. "Can you put pressure on it?"

"I don't know. Can I still compete?" she asked, Demetri stood up as he held her hands.

"Fleur, let's just get you out of here before we think about it." Daniel shook his head, watching as Johnny pulled her to her feet while Demetri pulled her hands. "You think you can put pressure on it?"

"Fleur." Tory was trying still.

Fleur placed her foot on the ground, pressing down as she shook her head. "No."

Johnny wrapped her arms around his shoulder while Demetri did the same. Tory looked at her pained face. "I didn't mean too."

"I know." Fleur finally said back, meeting her eye before it was broken off when she was helped move away.

Fleur leaned on Demetris shoulders, he stood by the little bench while the medic popped Fleurs knee back in. She winced, giving a little noise. It wasn't necessarily painful to get back in, just extremely uncomfortable. Her pant leg was rolled up, her knee swollen and a bright red. Daniel and Johnny were in the room with them. "It'll be sore. You need to ice it and stay off it."

"But, no hospital?" Fleur shook her head.

"Not unless it pops out of place again." the medic gave a serious look. "I don't recommend you finish the tournament."

Fleur gave a sad look toward Daniel as he shook his head. "That's okay. You did amazing out there. I'm proud of you."

"You sure you're okay, kid?" Johnny grabbed her neck with a knowing nod. "Let's get her some crutches so she's not stuck back here."

"I don't even know how that happened." Fleur said, taking the ibuprofen she was given for the pain. "I really thought I had her."

"Your leg was between her knees, she hurried to move and yanked it right with her." Demetri explained, rubbing the side of her face from how she laid on him. "Who cares? Hey, screw the All Valley."

Johnny gave a questionable look as Demetri went on. "All that matters is you're okay, and you did phenomenal out there. Who cares about a stupid trophy?"

Fleur cracked a minor grin. "Probably the two senseis you're in the room with."

Daniel shook his head with a little grin. "No, Demetri is right. You're okay, that's all that matters."

Johnny held her neck a second longer. "You gonna get back out there and root for the rest of us?"

"Yeah, in a minute." Fleur said with a small smile. Johnny nodded, hesitating big time before pressing a kiss to her forehead. Daniel followed him out of the room, leaving the couple alone. "Do you think I could have won if that didn't happen?"

"Totally. You looked insane out there." Demetri smile, his chest vibrated when he spoke. "Like Princess Leia level."

Fleur laughed slightly. "I still need to watch the remakes."

"Yeah, you do." he agreed, looking at her iced knee. "You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

"Hospitals ask a lot of questions." Fleur shook her head, thinking about her identity. "I'm not ready to have to pretend and lie for hours."

Demetri didn't understand, but he tried to. He kissed the crown of her head. "Want me to carry you out of here?"

Fleur laughed, leaning off his chest. "Maybe to Amanda."

"You got it, lady." he dipped down, easy on her knee, lifting her up and walking out of the room. "Okay, watch your head."

Fleur moved to avoid it knocking with the door. She held Demetris neck as he carried her. "How romantic is this?"

"Oh, yeah. Best first date ever." he joked, looking down at her as Fleur kissed his cheek. "If you feel up for it, maybe after this, we could try a second one."

"Will it involve walking?" Fleur rose her eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah, i've got a hike planned." he said back sarcastically, giving a cheeky grin as Fleur slapped his right cheek some. "No, maybe something easier."

"Then, count me in." the lavender-blonde grinned, their eyes meeting as Demetri carried her to the group of woman in the stands.

kylie speaks


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