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"Oh, look at you, pretty man!" Fleur grinned at the sight of the purple mowhawk, walking toward the pair with her books held to her chest. "I dig it. Do I need to dye mine now?"

"Hell yeah." Eli agreed with a grin, Fleur squeezing through the pair. "Wait, you should do lavender."

"Stop, I should." Fleur gushed in return.

"Hello?" Demetri spoke up. "Oh, hey, Demetri. You look great today. Oh, thanks, Fleur, so do you. That's so funny, I was just thinking about all the many ways I could say hello to you."

Fleur locked their arms. "Bonjour!"

"You go with french?" he asked in disbelief with a crazy look down at her. "Hola?"

"Show Fleur what you found." Hawk spoke up, nodding to the ipad.

"Remember the guy that showed up at the dojo yesterday? Went all weird on senseis?" Demetri asked, getting a nod from the girl. "Vietnam vet turned buisnessman. Had a few ups and downs, but still turned out pretty rich. Not much dirt other then some toxic waste scandal in Borneo back in the '80s."

"Can't forget that toxic waste scandal." Fleur gave a knowing point of her finger.

"Sounds like a Renaissance man. How'd you find out his name?" Eli asked from the other side, adjusting his backpack strap.

"I took a picture at the dojo, found an old facial recognition beta test and tweaked the code to make it compatible with HEIC." Demetri nodded casually with a minor shrug of his shoulders.

"I love it when you talk nerdy." a new voice cut in, Fleur looking to see Yasmine walking over, twirling her blonde hair.

"You are both the first and my favorite person to say that." Demetri pointed out with a cheeky grin. Fleur inhaled with a minor cringing look, hoping this would stop soon.

Yasmine giggled, locking lips with Demetri. Fleur wined, looking away immediately to see Moon. She gave a shove of Hawks arm, making him stumble toward the brunette slightly. The purple haired boy cleared his throat. "Sorry, Moon."

"I love the new hue." Moon nodded to his hair with a small smile. Fleur found watching the two of them was a lot better then watching Yasmine and Demetri. "Purples the color of the crown chakra, you know? It symbolizes enlightenment."

"Um, yeah, that's what I was going for. So.." he gave a shy smile. Fleur would have smiled if her ears weren't filled with annoying kissing noises coming from the bitch she hated and the boy she loved.

"Jesus, I need a lover." Fleur huffed, feeling extremely left out. "Too bad Miguel and Sam got together."

"Fleur." Moon gapped at her.

"Listen. I have bad news." Yasmine pulled away from Demetris lips with a guilty look at him. "I just found out my dads wedding is gonna be in Sydney."

"Sydney, Nova Scotia?" Demetri rose his eyebrows at her.

"Australia." she corrected him with an odd look. Fleur looked toward Hawk as he gave her a sad grin, rubbing the back of her half up, half down hair. "Since it's in May, it means I won't be here for prom or the tournament."

"Oh." Demetri nodded his head.

"But i'll still root for you." Yasmine reassured him.

"From Sydney." Fleur mumbled under her breath.

"Consider me an admirer form afar." Yasmine grinned slightly, Demetri forcing a laugh.

"Hey, I will take whatever I can get." Demetri smiled. This time, Fleur didn't cringe, she just felt in pain.

With a look toward Moon and Hawk, a minor nod left her. "I'm gonna go."

"See you at lunch." he nodded his head at her, one final head rub.

"Have a good day, Fleur." Moon called as she walked away, Demetri taking his eyes off Yasmine to watch her go. Moon looked at Hawk with a shake of her head. "She isn't gonna have a good day."

"What the hell?" Fleur asked in disbelief, in the process of getting her hair dyed, falling across her cousins twitter and seeing the string of angry tweets, targeting a fight with Daniel. "Jesus, christ."

With a dial, she rose her phone to her ear to call Miguel. The streaks of red were turning purple, wrapped in foil. Miguel picked up. "You see this?"

"Are you gonna talk to him?" Fleur asked over the phone quickly. "I could come with you."

"I'm infront of the apartments right now." Miguel said back to her from the other line. "I'll call you after and let you know how it goes? I might need some backup if this doesn't work."

"Totally." Fleur nodded, seeing her hair dresser coming over to rinse her hair. "Hit me up after, all right? You've got this."

"Okay, give me a few." Miguel said back, hitting the end button.

"It's looking good." Fleurs hair dresser smiled, checking her hair. "My sons gonna rinse you while I grab another customer. Is that all right?"

"That's great." Fleur nodded. The new place she was attending, via Hawks advice, was a little place in the same shopping center Cobra Kai was in. Thankfully, she didn't catch a hard time walking in. Only one woman worked here, not being able to afford other workers, her teenage son helping out.

"Hi." Fleur smiled as she walked toward the back rooms, a boy that went to school with her look over. "You're in my math class."

"Yeah." he smiled, pushing some of the chocolate colored hair off his forehead, holding out his hand. "I'm Kody."

"Fleur." she shook his head, taking a seat in the chair as he headed over. "I'm a bit nervous."

"Why?" he chuckled down at her, finding the right toner, shampoo, and conditioner for her hair.

"My friend thought I should do lavender, but now i'm scared it won't look as good on me as the red did." Fleur admitted honestly, feeling him pull the foil from her hair.

"Your friend with the Mohawk?" Kody asked, getting a hum. "Yeah, my mom did his purple. I think it'll look great, don't worry."

Fleur gave a small smile up at him, his green eyes focused on coating her hair in a toner. "I hope so."

"Fleur." Demetri gasped as she walked into Daniels backyard that night. "I'm stupidly obsessed with you."

Like Kody had said, the lavender looked great. It didn't make her look washed out, nor did it blend in too much with her hair. Plus, her usually half up, half down, hair style had it all blending nicely. Fleur gave a twirl. "Is it phenomenal?"

"It's phenomenal." he agreed, passing her a little thing of popcorn, putting an arm around her. "About as phenomenal as this is gonna be."

"I tried." Miguel found her side with a sigh. "Some backup."

"I'm sorry." Fleur apologized, linking arms with Miguel for an arm hug. "I was on my way over but then I remembered your mom and Yaya don't like me-"

"My mom and Yaya do like you." Miguel corrected her, getting an odd look. "They just... don't like that you decided to take french instead of spanish."

"Exactly, they do not like me." Fleur agreed with a nod, watching Johnny walk onto the mat with a gied up Daniel. Demetri tightened his arm around Fleur, rubbing her shoulders relentlessly as they watched what was gonna play out.

Sam and Miguel walked onto the mat. "Face us. Bow."

"Is Eli not coming?" Fleur asked Demetri.

"He's suppose to be." the tall boy said back.

"Face each other. Bow." Sam encouraged, making the pair do so. Taking their stances, Miguel and Sam waved the flag between the pair. "Fight!"

Johnny kicked at Daniel a few times, Fleurs finger tips digging into Demetris side as they watched together. With a few hand to hand combat, Johnny punch Daniel in the side. The crowd oouued as Sam stepped forward, waving the flag. "Point, Lawrence."

"Sensei Lawrence strikes first!" Chris called.

"Jesus, this is gonna be the worst part of the year." Fleur shook her head. "And that's saying a lot considering I already jumped off a building."

"True to the motto painting of his former dojo wall and carved into his very being!" Mitch added in to Chris's words, getting a weird look. "What? I'm trying to capture spirit of th-the thing."

"Score, 1-0 Lawrence." Miguel spoke from behind his sensei.

They went back to fighting, testing each other, swinging their hands as Daniel did a mini crane, kicking Johnny harshly. Miguel waved the flag. "Point, LaRusso!"

"Yeah, this is gonna be bad." Demetri agreed, tightening his arm around Fleur.

"Sore 1-1." Miguel announced, him and Sam holding the flags out again as the pair took their stance. "Ready!"

"Fight!" Sam called, the couple backing up as Johnny sent a string of kicks toward Daniel, missing him each time. They performed hand to hand combat, Daniel knocking Johnny in the stomach.

The crowd yelled out in loud cheers. Chris held his camera. "Hell yeah! Two-to-one. LaRusso takes the lead."

"He's gonna do something insane." Fleur shook her head as she watched her cousin. "I know that because I would do something insane!"

"All he has to do is score one more point and LaRusso is the winner." Mitch spoke from Chris' other side.

Sam and Miguel took the middle again, flags rose. "Scores 2-1 LaRusso. Ready!"

Daniel pulled some hand movements, ones he'd taught his Miygai-Dos plenty of times.

"Fight!" Sam added, the two backing up as they did twice before. Johnny spun to try and kick Daniel, the LaRusso man blocking him with his raised hands each time. He hit him in the arm, getting a wince from Lawrence. Johnny looked in disbelief, jumping up as his legs went around Daniels waist, pulling him down on the mat with a hit to the chest. The crowd cheered again, Miguel giving the point to Johnny.

"We should do this." Fleur elbowed Demetri. "If I win, you get me a new skateboard."

Demetri looked at her in disbelief. "And if I win?"

Fleur thought about it. "I hold you in the air like I do my watermelon?"

"You're on." he fist bumped her as Miguel and Sam announced the 2-2 score again, waving their flags, yelling for them to fight. Johnny charged at Daniel full speed, trying to kick him as Daniel dodged each one. Daniel got hold of his shoulders, throwing him over as Johnny did a forward roll.

As they stood, the pair punched at each other, Johnny moving as Daniel fell into one of the wooden post. Fleur winced as the crowd did the same, Johnny attempting to finish him with a kick, Daniel dodging it once again. They went through a string of punches once again, taking turns blocking each other, doing the same with their kicks.

Spinning around, Daniel kicked Johnny in the face as Johnny punched him in the face, the pair both hitting the mat.

"Oh, shit!" Fleur yelled out with a crazy look, not being able to hold back her laugher.

"Point, LaRusso!"

"Point, Lawrence!"

Miguel looked to Sam. "Are you sure?"

"Are you sure?" she asked him right back.

"Check the replay!" Demetri cut in toward Chris.

"Yeah, check the replay!" Fleur agreed, using his same tone.

Chris played the video as they all watched. Johnny shook his head. "Go to another angle."

Chris looked back at him. "There is no other angle."

"Don't you guys have another phone?" the blonde man gave a stupid look.

"This isn't WWE." Fleur shook her head up at him.

"Hawk?" Miguel voice rung, making them look over as the boy in a black hoodie emerged from the fence.

Fleur noticed he had been crying. "Eli, what happened?"

He slowly rose his hands, pulling the hood back as it revealed his mowhawk chopped off, only a few purple hairs left. The crowd gapped in shock. Fleurs heart sunk, feeling the warmth leave her body as she stared at his sad eyes and confidence gone.

Johnny pushed through to stand infront of him. "Who did this?"

"Cobra Kai." Eli said back after a second, keeping his eyes down. He pulled his hood back on, making Fleur frown.

"Kreese and Silver did this. They need to pay." Johnny spoke up.

"Yeah." Fleur agreed. "Now."

"Jesus, Johnny. Please." Daniel said in disbelief. "Kreese tried to kill you. You wanna fight them both?"

"Why not? Look what they did!" Fleur spoke in anger to Daniel as he looked back at her. "You want them to just walk happily after assaulting Eli? Mediating isn't gonna get him any justice."

"Look what they did." Johnny threw an angered finger backwards toward Hawk, siding with Fleur.

"Dousing the fire with gasoline, that's your answer?" the LaRusso sensei asked him in return. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Sensei, stop." Miguel cut in with a soft look toward Johnny.

"You still think your way is the only way." Johnny glared at Daniel. "You were so proud when they pulled their little sprinkler prank the other day. But if they stood their ground and kicked some ass like I taught them, this never would've happened."

"And if they fight every time they're provoked, where does that lead?" Daniel shot back at him soon after. "Back to the hospital? Or to jail? Come on, just because you've spent your share time in both-"

"Enough, Dad." Sam cut in, grabbing his arm to pull him back. "Johnnys right. It doesn't matter how many times we stand up to Cobra Kai, if we don't strike back, they're gonna keep coming at us."

"And hurting our friends." Fleur added in, getting his attention. "Sitting back and doing nothing is bullshit. We're not even striking first, we're just giving them what they deserve."

Daniel stared at Johnny in disbelief. "And you were worried about my influence on your kids? Is this what you want, Johnny? To have my daughter and the rest of my students acting like you?"

Johnny stared at him with a glare. "You don't have to worry about it anymore. Cause we're done."

Daniel nodded. "Works for me."

"Eagle Fangs, let's go." Johnny turned around, walking off as his students followed.

Fleur looked at Demetri, seeing the look he was giving. She shook her head. "I'm sorry."

And she followed her cousin, wrapping a comforting arm around Eli as they went.

kylie speaks


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