「 10; Arguement 」

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"Just the three of us now.." K said after the lights just went back on. They saw the body right near the front door with the note:

'just dont trust anyone please !'

"We have one more move left and it's a one out of three chance"

Time passed by quickly and they haven't said a word nor do they know who to vote. They were anxious and hesitant that their breathing became heavier.

"I- I don't know who to choose─"

"neither do I" Both Heeseung and Sunoo said while fidgeting. They sometimes stole glances from each other and then go back to playing with their fingers as their heartbeat fastened.

"Hold on, I remembered something in the votings.. there was always one who voted K out─" Heeseung stated distancing himself from the eldest. 'but it could also be Sunoo or─ agh I don't know!'

He backed away from the both of them breathing even more heavily than before. He didn't know who to trust.

"Heeseung-ah, it's not me I swear.. I couldn't even dare to see the body of our young friends." K said trying to defend himself.

"What if all you did was.. an act?" Sunoo spoke back with a confused expression along with Heeseung who's still questioning who to believe.

"What if Heeseung is the murderer"

"Hyung it can't be him you saw how he acted it was clear that he's just as citizen!" Heeseung widened his eyes after hearing what they both said.

'it's not me of course, I'm just a weak citizen who did nothing but to follow others without arguing and such.. I'm just a burden to the team, I can't even defend my own self.'

"You know let's just vote him he's just useless to them team or maybe he's not in the team" The oldest said that made Sunoo annoyed.

"Do you know how selfish you are?? I can't believe I'm still calling you hyung. You even vote out the other hyungs without a clear explanation! You only care about yourself and your favorites but oh no you can't even protect them."

"DONT BRING THE YOUNGERS INTO THIS!!" That's it, K snapped thinking of the maknaes who are now gone. He swore he's gonna kill the murderer. He doesn't care if it's the deer or the fox.

"Heeseung who do you choose?"

"I.. don't even know.."

"time is ticking..."

All three of them felt even more pressured as the voice reminded them that they are now wasting time being silent or going after another's throat.

"You know, I found this" The younger held up a small piece of paper that looked like a note.

'dont trust K─'

The eldest widened his eyes in disbelief. He doesn't have any words to defend himself anymore. Sunoo has the upperhand now.

"I trust Sunoo.." Heeseung stole a glance at K before moving towards Sunoo who doesn't look fazed by his action.

"Of course you would side with him cause I'm not just a citizen." K sighed in annoyance as he glared at the younger once again.

"I did my best 'till the end right?"


K, 2  Sunoo, 1

"Fuck you Kim Sunoo"




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