i. π’π‘πž 𝐬𝐑𝐚π₯π₯ π›πž 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐒𝐟𝐞

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"Can you believe such a thing was said?" Griffin walked into the room to interrupt Eloise's dance lessons. "Me? Arrogant? How must anyone think I am arrogant?"

"Perhaps when you interrupt dreadful dancing, Brother." Benedict hummed from the couch.

"Might I be done on Griffins account?" Eloise pulled away from her youngest brother with a begging looking toward her Mama.

"If you are to catch the Queen's eye after that interruption, you must be perfection." Violet spoke to her knowingly with a hand risen.

"I believe it was the interruption that was perfection." Eloise spoke in return.

"Does no one bother to hear me when I speak?" Griffin spoke up again with risen eyebrows. "I am speaking with the english language, am I not?"

"What is it you're going on about?" Eloise used the excuse to break away from Gregory once again.

"Lady Whistledown." Griffin held up the small paper. "She says I am possibly too arrogant to attend the ball this evening because of last years...malfunction."

"Well, she possibly is right." Violet stated knowingly to her son. "I do hope you don't repeat such a mess."

"But, arrogance?" Griffin frowned his eyebrows. "If anything, that was only to express my gratitude."

"Gratitude?" Benedict laughed loudly. "Shall we all run through the ball in our undergarments to express our gratitude?"

"Was anyone else aware that dear Colin has decided to add Albania or some such place to his itinerary as he gads about the world?" Anthony walked in as he looked around to his Mama and siblings.

"No. But how happy for him that he can simply decide to do that." Eloise spoke, attending her dancing again.

"Joining us for tea, Anthony?" Violet looked toward her oldest son.

"Um, i'm afraid I must pass. Too many calls on my funds todays." he spoke in return.

"Perhaps you can give Lady Whistledown a call and explain to her how very humid it felt in a room with multiple lords and ladies." Griffin spoke as he sat down and accepted the cup of tea.

"And the running part was because..." Eloise trailed off with a questionable look.

Griffin waved his hands around his face. "To strike up a much needed breeze."

"Now that the season has started, I shall need to fill your coffers at the modiste and oversee the hiring of extra staff." Anthony went on as he spoke to Violet. "And your ring. When you get the chance, I shall need it. The fields by Ferryhallow. I was thinking we might hold off on leasing them due to the hard frost."

"I beg your pardon?" Violet looked in shock his way.

"The frost hardens the soil, socks it of nutrients." Anthony explained.

"Like your heart, brother?" Griffin gave a questionable look as he fell back against the couch.

"That is very well. But you requested my ring?" Violet cut in again before Anthony had the chance to leave.

"Father's betrothal ring." Anthony nodded his head.

"Did someone catch your eye at the presentation, Brother?" Benedict looked in his direction.

"Shall we finally have a Lady Bridgerton rather then a Duke and a crying baby?" Griffin asked hopefully.

"I thought all the young ladies looked beautiful." Hyacinth looked back to her older brother.

"Not particularly. And all the young ladies looked the same. Like ladies." Anthony corrected her. "I'd simply like to be prepared for when the opportunity presents itself."

"The opportunity?" Violet rose her eyebrows.

"I've already compiled an index of the season's eligible misses and arranged interviews." Anthony said in return.

"Interviews!" Violent laughed as they all looked her way. "Dearest, I shall be more than happy to give you my ring when you find someone with whom you are very much in love. Besides, it is in safekeeping at Aubrey Hall."

"Very well." Anthony gave a nod.

"See that he is quite well." she said with her back turned, looking to Benedict.

"With his interviews and frosted heart." Griffin touched his own heart with an inhale. "So very well."

"I'm not in need of codling!" Anthony called from the door way. "I assure you all, everything is in order."

"Do keep your clothes on, Dearest." Violet brushed off Griffins shoulders. "You do look very handsome, it would be a shame to see it go to waste."

"I can assure you, no such thing will accure tonight." Griffin smiled as he placed a hand onto his heart and looked to his Mama, walking into the ball with his respectable family.

"Stop fussing with your dress." Anthony scolded Eloise.

"You look lovely, dear." Violet reassured her.

"Everyone does say we resemble each other the most, sister." Griffin rubbed her back. "Of course you look lovely."

"I look like a prize calf, trusted up for auction." Eloise corrected each of them in annoyance. Benedict mimicked a moo in her ear with a scolding from their mother.

"Even Daphne felt most apprehensive at her first official ball, and look how well her season turned out." Violet reassured Eloise as she held her arms.

"Ah, yes. The Dutchess that can not attend tonight because she is tending to a crying baby. That could be you next season, Eloise." Griffin teased her as she looked as though he'd turned her nightmares into a reality.

A red head boy walked toward Eloise as Benedict cut in. "Come, Sister. The cakes at these occasions are surprisingly good."

"It's not nearly as breezy as I wished it had been." Griffin waved on his neck slightly.

"Griffin, do not." Anthony warned him. "It truly is a sparse crop."

"Oh, I am sure there is someone here who will charm you." Violet waved off his negative words. Her voice rose. "After all, this is the season the viscount intends to find a wife."

Griffin gave a snort. "And you still believe my act last year was the disgrace?"

"You honestly just did that?" Anthony asked his mother in disbelief.

"I believe I did." she smiled in return.

"All the luck to you, Brother." Griffin patted his back, dodging all the young ladies that had began to crowd his Mama and Brother. His eyes set upon a new face, one he was not so sure of, looking frightened of the crowd around her.

How exquisitely beautiful he thought she was.

Her eyes, as well Lady Danbury and the two other ladies, had their eyes fixed upon Anthony as well. That had been until Lord Corning walked their way, ruining Griffins view. The beautiful girl took his hand and walked with him to the dance floor.

"She shall be my wife." Griffin announced.

"Who is it you are speaking to, Brother?" Eloise asked Griffin as him and Penelope overheard him.

"Miss Featherington." Griffin gave Penelope a small smile. "My sister is too much of a pain to tell me the truth, do you believe me to be husband worthy?"

"Oh, he wishes to be husband worthy." Eloise laughed.

"Well.." Penelope blinked, Griffin started her way. "I believe so, my lord."

He smiled, turning back to the girl and her dancing partner. "I shall make her my wife."


kylie speaks


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