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"Do not yank the wicket!" Eloise scolded Griffin when he made it outside. "You're making this so incredibly easy to defeat you."

"Defeat does not exist within my soul, Sister." Griffin spoke in return as went to grab his mallet, having Anthony smack his hand away. "Hey!"

"You know the rules." he scolded him.

"Last year, you said youngest went first," Eloise protested.

"We pick based on alphabetical order." Anthony argued with a knowing point.

"We should pick based on most attractive to least." Griffin cleared his throat as he adjusted his bow tie. "Naturally, I shall go first. Anthony last."

"Everyone, please, now." Daphne cut in to stop all the arguing. "The only fair thing to do is to let our invited guest choose their mallets and strike first."

"Yes." Griffin smiles. "Miss Edwina, please do the honors of taking the first pick."

"Yes, please do." Anthony added soon after as him and his brother shared a look.

She approached the mallets, grasping one as Anthony pulled it free for her. "An excellent choice."

Kate yanked one free of her own, making Griffin laugh loudly and clap his hands. "The mallet of death!"

"Would you look at that, Brother?" Benedict smiled toward Anthony.

"Is this yours?" Kate challenged Anthony with a questionable look.

"Not at all. You're welcome to it." he hid his annoyance with a shrug.

"You nearly threatened to beat me last time I touched-" Colin began.

"You exaggerate." Anthony cut in.

"Not true. He is very often threatening to beat us. Terrible partner and father he shall be." Griffin cut in with a look toward Edwina.

"Full of jokes." Anthony smiled at her, getting one in return.

"Are you the superstitious sort?" Kate cut in with a questionable look. "I know some men cannot perform without their familiar tools. Like a child with a blanket."

The Bridgerton siblings laughed in shock with Kate.

"I can play perfectly well with any mallet." Anthony dared in her direction. "I wish you the best of luck."

"Are we to stand around deliberating all day, or shall we play?" Eloise suggested.

"I wish to start!" Griffin yanked a mallet from the holder. "For the good luck Anthony so wishes to grant Miss Sharma."

"Ah, how kind." Kate hummed in agreement.

"Yes, i'm quite kind. Much kinder then my oldest brother." Griffin agreed as they each got their mallets, leaving Anthony with the final one. "And much quicker, if I dare to add."

Anthony shot him a look in the corner of his eye. Griffin lead the group to the first wicket, hitting the ball. It was a chain reaction, everyone beginning to play soon after. Kate was doing spectacular, cheering and clapping. Edwina had caught Griffins eye, looking over as she stood awkwardly to the side. He waited for Anthony to take his shot, missing, Kate scoring hers after.

"Not having a good time, Miss Edwina?" Griffin asked her with curious eyes. "Do you wish to be attending somewhere else?"

"Not at all, my Lord." she gave him a smile. "I believe I am next."

"Indeed." Anthony cut in as he followed her forward. "I did not wish to leave my ball in your path, so i've left an open space so you can send yours."

"How very kind of you, my lord." she gave him a smile as Anthony backed up.

Griffin cheered for her. "You shall show the rest of us how it is played, Miss Edwina!"

She lowered her mallet, hit it h the ball as it hit the side of the wicket. They clapped for her. Griffin waved it off. "Oh, only an inched away. Better then Anthony has done."

"Thank you, my lord." Edwina gave him an embarrassed smile.

The round went around again, Kate and Anthony neck in neck. Griffin hoisted his mallet over his head when he made his shot. "Yes!"

He dropped his mallet, grabbing the buttons of his shirt.

"Keep the clothes on, Darling!" Violet called to her son.

"Yes, Mother!" he removed his hands and picked up his mallet once more.

"You have the chance to best him." Kate looked to Colin as she walked forward.

"That would not be very sportsmanship, would it?" he asked her in return.

"I was told unsportsmanlike conduct was a requirement for this game." Kate tilted her head knowingly as she leaned upon her mallet.

"You were told correctly." Griffin agreed, cracking her a grin as he squinted from the sun.

"A fast learned you are indeed, Miss Sharma." Daphne agreed from her brothers side.

Kate looked to Anthony. "What do you say, my lord? Are you in a losing mood?"

"My mood shall remain unchanged, regardless of your choice." Anthony challenged her tone in return.

"Ah, is that so? You sound bravely near the crushing shame of defeat?" Kate rose her eyebrows in his direction.

"Play pleasant, Didi." Edwina whispered in a begging manor.

"Not to worry, Miss Edwina." Anthony reassured her. "In light of my brothers and sisters tactics, Miss Sharma conducts herself with much grace indeed."

"Huh." she gushed. "Then you shall not mind this."

She turned, hitting her ball as it bounced far away, falling deeper into the woods. Griffin placed a hand above his eyes to shield from the sun. "Ah, what a shot that was. Completely lost my eye sight."

"Well done!" Daphne gushed as they all clapped for her.

"Miss Edwina." Benedict called for her. "It's your turn."

She was hesitant, walking forward to stand before the ball. With a small swing, the ball flew into the bushes. They all clapped for her regardless as she looked back embarrassed. "I am bested, I see."

"Still, played the best i've ever seen." Griffin complimented her with a smile and a face scrunch from the sun.

"You could still retrieve your ball if you wish to stay in the game." Daphne walked forward slightly.

Edwina looked to the bushes, frowned. "I think I shall cut out."

As she walked away, Anthony ran after her. Griffin watched the pair interact, awaiting the moment to hurry forward when Anthony returned to the group. "Miss Edwina!"

"My lord." she gave a smile.

"Never enjoyed the game much." he tossed his mallet to the side. "I believe i've got something you'd much rather enjoy. Care to join me?"

Edwina gave him a smile, following.

"Ah, how beautiful." Edwina gushed as Griffin pushed his bedroom window open to reveal the baby breath flowers he promised her. "The blue ones!"

"I keep a promise." Griffin smile, meeting her happy gaze. "Do you wish to take a closer look?"

She gave a weary look to the open window. Griffin held his hand out. "Take my hand. I won't let you loose your footing."

Edwina took his hand, his heart swells as she did so. She leaned out of the window some to get a closer look, Griffins eyes followed the open back of her dress, soaking up all the exposed skin she'd grant him the eye of. "So beautiful."

"Indeed." he removed his eyes from her back and met her smile. "Take some."

"Oh, I couldn't." she shook her head.

"Please." he encouraged. "I'm in need of a few for my book marks. You'll be granting me a favor."

Edwinas hand tightened onto his, pulling a few from the soil before crawling back into the room. Griffin smiled as she held them. "Is this okay?"

"Perfection." he promised, taking two. "Keep the rest."

"Thank you." she gave a small bow as he pulled a few books from the shelf, flipping one open as she took sight of the flower pressed already within the book.

"Such beautiful flower presses, my lord." she complimented, walking closer to take a look.

"Would you do the honors?" he smiled, placing the two in the middle of the book and laying the book shove. "Just push down upon the cover."

Edwina hesitated, doing so a good few seconds before Griffin pulled the book open. "Ah, just as I expected. Perfection!"

Edwina smiled up at him, the two lingering together before she blinked. "We should head back to our mamas. It's not wise to be spending time alone together."

"I suppose not, no." Griffin agreed, handing her the flower presses she'd made. "For you, Miss Edwina."


kylie speaks

griffin being a better
husband part 262727??

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