xii. ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐†๐ซ๐ข๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง

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"That Lady Whistledown and I are having problems, I tell you." Griffin spoke to Edwina after speaking quite some time with her when Kate fell unconscious. "How could she write such a thing about my sister? My very own sister."

"I'm truly sorry about Eloise." Edwina spoke as she joined him near Kates couch.

"Has her fever gone up again?" Griffin looked toward the unconscious Sharma.

"No, it's only a matter of when she'll wake." she frowned, shoulders sinking.

"But, she will." Griffin smiled as he turned to her some. "No need to worry about her."

Edwina poured herself a cup of tea. "Would you like some?"

"I've almost forgot." Griffin had a moment of realization, reaching into his pocket. "Benedict gave me this. He says it's from Colin's trip and taste lovely in tea."

"I've never seen such a thing." Edwina spoke as she looked at the bag. "A sugar?"

"Not sure." Griffin rose his eyebrows. "Shall we do the honors?"

Edwina smiled, holding the two cups forward.

"I've never seen a sun look so beautiful." Edwina spoke as her and Griffin laid on the hill behind Lady Danburys home, staring at the sun. "So beautiful I feel as though I will cry."

"I believe I am." Griffin said honestly as his eyes leaked from the bright sun. "Are we still on the ground?"

Edwina touched her hand to the grass. "I believe so. Unless the hill is not on the ground."

Griffin gasped as he sat up. "The hill isn't on the ground!"

"What!" Edwina sat up quickly with wide eyes.

"We must get back to London!" Griffin helped her up as he took off down the hill. "Lower us back to earth!"

"Lower us back to earth!" Edwina mimicked his words, running close behind him before taking a tumble

"Miss Edwina." Griffin turned back, taking her hand. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay." she held his hand as they ran down the hill again. "Who took the hill?"

"Benedict!" Griffin called, the pair continuing to run full speed. "He-"

His words were cut short by hitting water, the pair coming to the end of the hill just to fall into a pond. Griffin sat up fast, spitting out water as Edwina was close after, tossing her hand out of her face. She laughed, staring at him. "We are on the ground."

"No, we're in a pond." he corrected her, going to the side and helping her out as they collapsed onto the ground. "Did you get news of the Featherington ball?"

"Mama received the invitation." she turned her head as he did the same, the pair looking at each other, soaked in water, under a very bright sun. "You'll be attending?"

"I believe so." he hummed, his pinkie touched the drop of water on her face. "Eyelash."

"Oh." she began to try and brush it away.

"Hold on." Griffin smiled, sitting up some and picking it off her cheek gently. "Do you want to make a wish?"

"A wish?" she seemed confused.

"My father always said to make a wish when you loose an eyelash." he gave her a smile, holding his pinkie closer. "Do you wish to?"

Edwina gave him a small smile, leaning closer and blowing the eyelash off his pinkie.

"Aw, Darling." Violet brushed Griffins shoulders slightly as he watched Miss Edwina and Miss Sharma together on the dance floor. "There is other young ladies that would love to be courted by you."

"And they are lovely young ladies." he nodded, hadn't taken his eyes away. "They just aren't her."

He continued to watch her speak to Kate as she watched Anthony, Griffin took it upon himself to start to walk over. He gave the two enough space to speak for the moment, waiting for Edwina to walk away from Kate to approach. "Miss Edwina."

"My lord." she smiled widely.

"You shall call me Griffin now." he held his hand out. "I believe we're close enough, don't you?"

Edwina blinked in shock, taking his hand. "Excuse me for being so rude, but do you wish to dance, Griffin?"

He smiled, feeling his own face flush. His hand tightened in hers. "Lead the way."

She had, the pair on opposite sides of the ballroom then Kate and Anthony as their hands joined. Griffin smiled, spinning her gently as their feet danced as one. She smiled up at him, Griffin shook his head down to her. "What's that face for?"

"Nothing." she bite back a smile again, his hand tightened with hers as it lowered past her face. "Do you believe that saying? The one about how all things happen for a reason?"

"I don't." his words made her face fell, the music following as they froze. "Until I met you."

Her face softened, holding his hand for a moment, going to speak.

"Everyone, outside. I have a surprise for you all." the Queens voice cut them short. Griffin cleared his throat, holding his arm out for Edwina to lock it with her own. They followed the pairs outside, loosing sight of Kate and Anthony.

"I believe your brother and I didn't work out because he was meant for my sister." Edwina admitted as the two accompanied the night sky and faint breeze. "I've grown to realize it. I believe that everyone has someone, and I believe he is it for her."

"I believe so too." Griffin met Kates eye from a few feet away, giving her a little smile for the time being. "Only, I don't believe anyone would blame you if you remained heartbroken for a little long, Miss Edwina."

"Edwina." she corrected him, Griffin smiled. "I'm not heartbroken. I believe this has made me stop to look at things differently. If Anthony and I had married, I wouldn't have-"

She was cut off by fireworks going off, the pair jumping as they looked out. Edwina laughed, holding Griffins hands a moment. "I wouldn't have stop to realize what had been right infront of me, this whole time."

Griffin stared down at her, his heart was beating terribly fast and her hands were tightening around his palms. He took a breath. "I have loved you ever since i've known you. That day, at the ball, when I asked you to dance, I tried to tell you. All of which I told you, not knowing how to breath until they met you, I had meant my own feelings. It wasn't hypothetical."

Edwina held his hands tighter. "I know. I didn't at the time, but after the wedding, I started to realize what a perfect pairing we make. I've never known anyone to love me as much as you have, my l-My Griffin."

His eyes started to watery when he smiled, nodding his hand. "No one ever will, either."

Edwina laughed. "Well, are you going to ask me?"

"Oh, yes." he dropped to one knee, holding her hands. "I don't have a ring, nor a speech planned, and far from an audience, I haven't even received Kates permission, nor am I sure exactly how to plan a wedding. But I am sure of you, Edwina. Knowing you, in just these past months, has made my life feel so much more then just waking up everyday. I know the Bridgerton name is nearly ruined now, but perhaps we could be ruined together. Will you marry me?"

Edwina smiled, because this time, she wasn't scared or frightened. Griffin loved her, and she loved him. "Yes."

He grinned, faking putting a ring on her finger as she laughed. As he stood, his hands cupped her face, yet she leaned in to kiss him before he had the chance to.


kylie speaks

i literally had such a blast
writing griffin. so many of
my followers have been asking
for a bridgerton fic for a while
and i never thought i could
bring it justice but i'm so glad
i tried it out bc i love griffin and
all your supportive comments!
you all are welcome back here
for any rereading. but, until
next time, i love you all!

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