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      Riley and Jo climb in Bumblebee and Riley pulls out of the parking lot, Bee giving her control because he has no idea where they are going. Jo looks around the interior and whistles. She looks at the 'Bee-otch' air freshener and laughs a bit, poking it with her finger.

      "So are you going to tell me how you got this car or am I going to have to guess?" Riley smirks as she leans against the door, rolling down the window and letting the wind blow through her hair. Jo laughs. "Guessing game it is then." Riley adjusts herself in her seat and smiles.

      "You stole it." Riley gives Jo a look. "No!" She says through a laugh. Jo only gives an equal look back. "It wouldn't be the first time you've stolen one." Bumblebee rumbles a bit and Riley laughs nervously. He still doesn't know much about her past, and hearing that must had shocked him.

      "Okay... Credit scam." Riley glances at Jo. "Isn't that the same as stealing?" Jo gives Riley an irritated look and the Winchester only laughs. She smiles softly and looks at Bumblebee's stereo. "I guess you could say he found me." Jo sighs exasperatedly. "Damn, you Winchesters are so cryptic." Riley smiles softy.

      "Wait, did you say 'he'?" Riley tries to hide her smirk and sees a smile growing on Jo's lips. "You named it, didn't you?" Riley laughs, her eyes squinting from how hard she is laughing. "Tell me!" Jo demands with a playful smirk. Riley snorts. "No way!"

      "C'mon!" Jo gives Riley her puppy dog eyes and sticks out her bottom lip. Riley tries to avoid her eyes, but Jo only starts whimpering. "Fine!" Jo smiles victoriously and Riley taps Bumblebee's steering wheel. "Bumblebee."

      Jo laughs lightly and nods. "Well it suits it alright." She comments as she looks at the yellow and black color scheme. "You name your cars better than your dad." Riley's smile is gone in an instant. Jo notices this and her features fall. "Riley-" Riley shakes her head, taking a deep breath. "No, I need to move past it. It's been almost four months and I had a year to prepare for the inevitable."

      The car falls silent. Jo looks down and Riley taps Bumblebee's steering wheel fighting off the rising anxiety. This silence isn't helping her case. "So, what happened between you and your mom?" Jo glances at Riley then smiles. She pulls up her shirt revealing an anti-possession tattoo.

      Riley laughs. "Oh, I'm sure she loved that." Jo shakes her head. "Hell no! I can't keep wearing an anti possession charm the rest of my life. It can be easily ripped off." Riley nods. She pulls her sleeve up revealing the anti-possession tattoo on her wrist. Jo grabs her wrist and gapes. "When did you get this?!" Riley smirks. "When I was 15. It was just after the Hell's gate had opened up."

      Riley frowns. It was just after she found out the fate of her father.

      Jo frowns as Riley pulls off the road and drives into a forested area. "What are you doing?" Riley nods at the buildings about a hundred yards in front of them. "Gated road. I've been to enough crime scenes on private roads like these to know they always have them." Jo nods then Riley parks Bumblebee.

      She reaches into the backseat and grabs her bag. She takes out her gun, a container of holy water, and an iron knife. She looks at Jo. "You need anything from the big bag of goodies?" Jo shakes her head and shows Riley her revolver. "Nice." Riley comments.

      She glances in the bag and stares at a familiar gun. It's engraved with intricate details and the handle looks like it was made out of a pearl. A 1911 colt. Her father's gun. She hasn't touched it since she left Sioux Falls.

      With a heavy sigh Riley grabs the gun and shoves her main one back into the bag. She rummages around in the bag and pulls out a fake FBI badge and nods at Jo. "Let's go."

      The two of them stalk towards the houses. "It's this one." Jo whispers to the one on the end. Riley nods and they walk around back. A crime scene notice is taped over the door, but Riley ignores it and bends down to the lock. With a few ticks of her lock pick set, the door swings open. Jo laughs, impressed. "Okay, you need to teach me how to do that."

      Riley smirks and they walk in. Riley pulls out her EMF and begins walking around the house. The EMF buzzes at a steady two. Riley walks further into the house, and it spikes to a three. She smells the air for sulfur but only finds the scent of maple instead. "Do you smell that?" Jo asks. Riley nods. It's a bit too strong for it to be normal.

      "What room was he found dead?" Jo turns to Riley and shines her flashlight along the floor. "That's the weird part. They found him in the basement, but the neighbor said he saw him fall to the floor there." Jo says pointing to a spot by the couch. Riley looks at the window and sees that it does allow a perfect view of the neighbors house a few yards away.

      "I guess we're going to the basement." Jo nods and Riley takes the lead as she is the more experienced hunter. Suddenly Jo's phone rings. Riley whips around to look at her. Jo sighs seeing the name on the screen. "It's my mother." Riley glances at the phone and turns around, continuing her way towards the basement.

      "Well, she's definitely going to find you now." Riley comments dryly. Jo frowns as she pulls the basement door open. Riley points to Jo's phone. "You let it ring enough for her to get a ping on it. It won't take her long to see there is a hunt here." Riley turns to the basement and shines her flashlight down the stairs.

      "I'll bet you $30 bucks she'll be here in the morning." Jo gapes at Riley then sighs and follows the Winchester down the stairs. "Are you sure?" Riley nods and reaches the bottom of the stairs. The EMF in her hand goes wild, reaching a five. "Positive. It's how my dad tracked Sam down the countless times he took off on us."

      Riley raises the EMF and points it in either direction of the basement. It screams louder to the right. "This way." Riley says walking further into the basement. She looks around. "You see anything?" She asks. Jo doesn't respond. Riley frowns and whips around.

      Jo is on her knees and a spirit is standing over her with his hand on Jo's head. The stench of maple becomes nauseating.

     Riley raises her gun and fires, thankful her father's gun was filled with iron bullets at the time. The spirit screeches as it disappears. Riley rushes to Jo's side. Her eyes are rolled to the back of her head. "Jo? JO!" Riley tries to wake her, but tears begin falling down her cheeks and she begins yelling for someone to stop.

      "Shit." Riley mutters as she looks around. The ghost is still working it's freaking shit on Jo. She's gotta get her out of here. Riley shoves her gun into her pants and lifts Jo's arm over her shoulders. Riley heaves her onto her feet and ignores the flaring pain in her leg. It's still healing from her last decepticon encounter.

      "C'mon Jo!" Riley mutters. The spirit appears again and runs at the two of them. Riley's eyes widen and she starts running up the basement stairs with Jo, semi dragging the 24-year-old. The EMF in Riley's pocket continues to screech as she runs through the house and out into the yard. "

      "Bumblebee!" Riley shouts. Moments later Bumblebee appears and swings his doors open. Riley quickly, and messily shoves Jo into the passenger seat. She whips around right as the spirit is about to touch her and fires her gun three times. The spirit disappears.

      "Shit." Riley mutters as Bumblebee closes the door on Jo's side. Riley runs around to the drivers side right as the neighbors turn the lights on in their houses. "Drive!" She yells to Bumblebee. He takes off into the forest. Riley glances back at the house and sees the spirit standing at the edge of the forest, watching her.

      Riley creases her brows in confusion then turns back to Jo. She checks for a pulse and sighs in relief when she finds one. The further Bumblebee drives from the house the better Jo seems to get. She remains unconscious, but she isn't yelling for help anymore.

      Riley leans her head back in her head and lets out a heavy breath. "How's that for getting back into it with a bang." She mutters to herself.




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