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      Riley growls in annoyance as she runs through the alleyway. She and Bumblebee were having a peaceful evening. She was getting some beer, but suddenly the Avengers showed up. Riley managed to get away without being spotted, and so did Bumblebee, but they were locked on her radioactive signature. You tend to gain one when you spend practically all of your time with an autobot.

      Now she is running through the streets of New York with Grandpa Frisbee, two assassins, and a guy in a suit of armour chasing after her. They've chased her all the way out to Hell's Kitchen. She's in unfamiliar territory and has no idea where she can hide.

      Suddenly something hits Riley in the knees. "Mother fu-!" She looks down to see Captain America's shield. She quickly picks it up. "You dropped this!" She throws it back with all her might. She hears it clang. "She's this way!" Riley gasps as the running grows closer. She needs to hide. She needs to hide now.

      Riley looks around and spots a fire escape. There's no use trying to jump up to it. She's too short, but if she uses the bumpster near it she should be able to jump and grab it.

      Riley does just that, barely making the jump, but once she climbs onto the fire escape she presses her back to the brick wall and looks down. Captain America jogs to a stop in the alleyway and looks around. Riley holds her breath. She knows he's enhanced. He might hear her.

      Captain America presses something in his ear. "She's not here. She must have gotten a ride from one of the autobots." Captain America pauses before nodding and running off. Riley lets out a breath and smirks as she starts climbing the fire escape. They still think the autobots are in the city. Good.

      Riley laughs bitterly as she reaches the rooftop. SHe puts her hands on her hips as she catches her breath. "And to think at one point I was a fan of Captain America. Now he's hunting me down. How the turn tables-" Riley suddenly stops speaking. Someone is watching her.

      Riley whips around and pulls out her gun, pointing it at them. She stares back at a figure dressed in red. Horns on his helmet catch her attention and she grips her gun tighter. "You're the one they are looking for. The one working with the autobots." Riley adjusts her stand, but doesn't speak.

      Her mystery on looker keeps his head down and laughs lightly. "I'm not going to tell them you're here. I believe the autobots are the good guys." Riley narrows her eyes at him. "Who are you?" She demands. The figure steps closer to her and Riley notices his eyes are covered by his mask.

      "Daredevil." She realizes, not moving her gun. "I heard about you. You stopped that guy who looks like one of the bodyguards from 'The Lorax'." Daredevil nods. "Fisk." Riley stares at him and he gestures for her to put her gun down. Riley hesitantly does so, but she hears the whirl of an engine nearby.

      Daredevil's head goes in the direction of the noise. The Avengers are coming. Daredevil twitches his head a bit. "They know you're here. You need to hide." Riley looks around desperately. "Where?" Daredevil tilts his head. "This way." He starts running across the rooftop and Riley glances back in the direction of the nearing jet. She runs after him.

      They reach the edge of the rooftop. "You're going to have to jump. You think you can make it?" Riley looks at the large gap with an eyebrow raised. "No, but I'm going to have to." Daredevil nods and they both take a few steps back before running at the building edge and jumping.

      Riley's chin hits the edge of the next building and the force of the impact causes her to become disoriented and lose her grip on the building. She begins to fall, but Daredevil grabs her arm and pulls her back up. "You need to run." He tells her.

      Riley nods and starts running, her vision swimming. "In here." Daredevil rips open a metal grate of an air conditioning vent. RIley looks down at the tunnel it leads to. "Are you crazy? I might fall!" Daredevil shoves her near the vent. "Get in or they find you. Falling, or being found. You decide what the better fate is."

       Riley sighs and climbs in the vent. She chooses to let herself fall, and she slips down the long vent. Riley lands on her ankle, making her groan in pain, but she covers her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

      "Daredevil, didn't expect to meet you here." Riley looks up the vent tunnel as she hears a voice speak. Daredevil doesn't respond to the speaker. "You haven't seen someone run through have you? We're kind of tasked with finding them." Riley grits her teeth. "No. Just me out here."

      Riley smiles at Daredevil's words. She glances up the tunnel. "Thank you." She whispers, then starts crawling through the vents. She's got no idea what building she is in or how the hell she's going to get out.

      Riley looks in her locker mirror at her chin and cringes. It's bad. She knows she had to have at least put a crack in her jaw bone. It's bloody, and gnarly and out in plain view. She's gotten a lot of looks, and add to the fact that she's limping too, she's the center of attention in school today.

      Riley slams her locker closed and sighs, pulling her hood over her head. They are all assuming. She can hear their whispers. Abuse. Some even whisper that she's a vigilante, which isn't completely wrong. She was running from the Avengers. She got hurt.

       Riley flops down at her place at the loser table and Peter looks at her. It has been two days since they hung out and their presentation is today. It's Friday and Riley really just wants to go home, drink a beer, and pass out from pain.

      "Oh, my god! What happened?" Riley glances at Peter and shakes her head, pulling out her sketchbook. "Fell on the concrete." Technically not a lie. Riley hit her chin on concrete, just a rooftop made of concrete. "Did you see a doctor?" Ned asks, concerned.

      Riley shakes her head and wraps her arm around her drawing of Daredevil. "Too expensive." Peter and Ned share a look. "And you say I'm clumsy." Riley raises an eyebrow as she draws. "That's because you are." The prickling returns to Riley's fingertips and she frowns. Once again, her eyes flash blue but no one sees.

      Riley scratches at her fingertips with a quiet growl. Peter returns to his food, and tries to get a glimpse at what Riley is drawing. "So, have you heard from your uncle?" He asks. Riley freezes. Her heart drops. She never told Peter about her uncle.

      She told Spider-Man.

      Riley whips her head up, eyes wide. "How did you know about that?" Peter frowns. "You told me." Riley shakes her head. "No," She swallows hard. "I told Spider-Man." Peter's eyes go wide. They stare at each other. Riley knows.

      Riley grabs her sketchbook and backpack and runs out of the lunch room. Peter runs after her, panic rising in his chest. Riley knows and he is so screwed.


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