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      The Avengers are bored. Again. Last night they were so close to getting the human aiding the autobots, only for her to slip between their fingers, again. Tony still swore it was that Riley Winchester girl, but the others weren't so convinced.

      Even Natasha thought it couldn't be her. She is 17 afterall. Not many 17 year olds join an alien war. Especially with the level skill the person in the helmet had. Hand-to-hand, perfect aim with a gun, strength, experience. It just didn't add up.

      Ross was driving them mad. Almost everyday he demanded to have the autobots brought in, but the Avengers couldn't find them. It's like they had just disappeared.

      "Is he here yet?" Sam asks as he rushes into the main room where all but Tony are lounging. "Who?" Steve asks as he looks up from his book. "Stark." The elevator doors open and Tony steps out. "What's the problem now?" Tony asks annoyed. Sam shakes his head. "No problem. FRIDAY, turn it on."

      Sam tells the air. Suddenly the TV turns onto the news. The Avengers instantly sit up. It's the person in the yellow helmet. They are standing in the middle of the street, waiting patiently. "What are they doing?" Clint asks as he narrows his eyes.

      Natasha blinks a bit. "Giving themselves up." Steve, Tony, Natasha and Clint share a look. "I'll start the jet." Clint says as he stands. Steve and Natsha get to their feet. "Suit up." Steve says looking at Natasha and Tony. They both nod and run off. They were not expecting this.

      Riley waits in anticipation as a crowd surrounds her. News crews and helicopters also fill the area. All eyes are on her, but she has a plan. Not a very good one, but it's the best she's got. If she wants to end this, then she has to do it now.

      "And it looks like the Avengers have arrived on the scene!" Riley hears a news person say. She turns around and sees the jet landing in front of her. She sees Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, and Hawkeye in it and sighs. "Here goes nothin'." Cap and Black Widow walk out to her, grabbing her arms, but Riley jerks out of their hold.

      She walks ahead of them into the jet and they get in as well. The door snaps shut and Hawkeye takes off and the Avengers look at Riley. "I'm not with this charade of cat and dog." She tells them, crossing her arms. Riley made sure to wear her watch that allows Bumblebee to hear her. If she runs into trouble that she can't handle, then he'll step in.

      Tony Stark steps out of his suit and takes a step towards Riley. She's thankful her helmet is tinted. "So you gonna give your robot pals up?" Riley shakes her head. "No. I'm here to talk." Cap and Black Widow share a look. "About?" Cap says stepping towards her.

      Riley uncrosses her arms. She is an ant compared to this man. He might even be taller than Sam. "An agreement. We both have the same goal, but yours is tainted with stupidity." Tony raises an eyebrow at her. "Excuse me?" Riley shrugs. "I'm not joking."

      She shifts her weight onto one foot. "The decepticons are the real threat. They are the ones attacking the civilians. The autobots and I have been trying to stop them, but you are hunting us." She creases her brows. "I believe this doesn't have to end in a fight. We can work together, as much as I hate it, but it's what needs to be done."

      Black Widow crosses her arms. "Before we even talk about a teamup, we need to know who you are." Riley looks at her and chews her lip. SHe knew this would happen. As much as she wants to remain anonymous, if she wants this to end, then she has to show them who she is.

      "Fine," Riley starts. "But if I show you who I am, no one else can know. Especially not Ross. I'd like to have a normal life without being monitored by the damn accords." Tony looks at Cap. He grits his teeth while he thinks. "Alright. We won't tell anyone, if," Riley rolls her eyes. There's always an 'if'.

      "You tell us the location of the autobots in the city." Riley smirks under her helmet. "Deal." She shakes Cap's hand then takes a deep breath. "Here goes."

      Riley pulls her helmet off and shakes her head. All three of them gape at her, then Tony smiles and points at her. "Ha! I knew it!" Riley rolls her eyes. Then Natasha looks at her impressed. "Where'd you get your training?" Riley fights off a smirk. "Family business." The jet lands, and Hawkeye steps away from the controls. He sees Riley. "Huh, so it was you."

      Riley nods and rests her helmet on her hip. Steve steps forward. "Now it's out part of the deal." Riley looks at him and smirks. "They aren't in the city. They haven't been for days."


      Riley smirks and shrugs. "I snuck them out." She looks at the jet's ceiling in thought. "You have to admit, the tunnels under New York are pretty impressive." Natasha narrows her eyes. "You played us." Riley shakes her head. "No. I played by the rules. You wanted to know of the autobots in the city. They aren't here. Not even Bumblebee."

      Steve crosses his arms. "Then where are they?" Riley shrugs. "Dunno. I haven't had contact with any of them 'scept Bumblebee." Clint creases his brows. "And he's been with you in the city until just now?" Riley nods then smirks. "I'm surprised you didn't find him. He's a bright yellow Camaro. Kinda hard to miss."

      Tony glares at her and she only raises an eyebrow at him. He isn't scary to her.

      "So do we have a deal? You keep my identity secret, and we figure out an arrangement?" The four Avengers share a look. Steve bows his head. Ross is going to give him hell, but-

      "Yes, we do."




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