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chapter fourteen
"derek freakin' hale"

LYNN LET OUT A SMALL mumble of a moan in her light slumber while turning from her left side over to her right.

She moved one hand to place it on her hip while the other traced along the bed until it hit her pillow, and she lifted her head to place it on the comfortable cushion. She snuggled into the gentleness of the support, and it was honestly the most comfortable Lynn had been in a long time. Lynn felt an arm snake around her waist, just above her hips, pulling her frail yet curvy body even closer to them.

A soft smile crossed her face as she felt a warmth grow in her heart, and every time their fingertips brushed up against her skin, it felt as if electricity was pulsing in her veins.

But she was jerked awake from that nice sleep — because why the hell was there someone with her in bed?

"Oh my God!"

Lynn gasped in absolute horror as she realized the 'pillow' she had been using to cuddle, was indeed a person.

Derek freakin' Hale, in specific.

Derek was just as shocked as Lynn when he peeled open his green eyes only to find the girl had practically jumped up from his chest. His eyebrows were knitted, and his eyes flickered from Lynn now crawling further down her bed, to his chest — why do I miss the feeling of her laying on me?

"God, I must've fallen asleep waiting, I'm sorry," Derek spoke up quickly, an apologetic expression written on his lips, and it looked like there was a flash of embarrassment.

Lynn felt a pain dully ache in her abdomen, and she absentminded clutched her wound, and then she was suddenly reminded of everything that had happened in the previous hours.

"Are you alright?" Derek rushed himself up from laying down on the comforter, and he gently placed a palm on Lynn's arm. Electricity, why was there always electricity?

"What the hell happened? Wait, Scott, oh my, is he okay? Did Jackson kill someone? Why—"

"—Whoa, whoa, hold on," Derek spoke quickly while pulling Lynn to a stop, gripping her other arm with his spare hand, lightly shaking the girl from her rambling. "You're going to hurt yourself even more, you need to lay back down."

"I'm not laying down until I know everyone's okay," Lynn argued, and she had now lifted herself off the bed, and then she glanced down to herself. She was still wearing her tank top and shorts, but her tank was pulled down and she had much too much of her chest exposed, so she frantically pulled the clothing up.

      "I'll tell you everything the second you sit your ass back down because you're about to pass out," Derek countered, and as much as Lynn wanted to deny it, she did feel a bit overwhelmed from rushing up from the bed so quickly.

      Reluctantly, Lynn popped her jaw off to the side while caving, sitting back down on the corner of the bed. She huffed out annoyed, folding her arms in distaste over her chest.

      "Scott's fine, everyone's fine," Derek explained, and Lynn let out a breath of relief she didn't realize she was holding in. "Jackson managed to get away, but you and Scott made it out okay, and that's all that matters."

      "He killed someone?" Lynn asked hesitantly, not even daring to make eye contact with Derek — she already knew what the answer was.

      Derek was silent, and it just confirmed exactly what she was feeling. She knew she should've helped with the plan from the get-go, not gone on a stupid, naive date with—

      "Oh shit," Lynn facepalmed while collapsing her face into her hands. She let out a groan, but it was muffled due her mouth being pressed to her skin.

      "What?" Derek questioned, with a little worry written in his voice.

      "Matt, the, uh, the boy I was with at the party, do you know where he went?"

      Derek's eyes hovered, and he almost curiously narrowed them at her. Tilting his head off to the side, he quickly and simply shook it.

      "You mean your boyfriend?"

      "He's not," Lynn scoffed, flashing Derek a deadpan glance, and then she let a massive sigh loose. "He's not my boyfriend, he's just a friend."

      "Does he know that? Because by the way he looked at you, he wants to be much more than just friends," Derek responded, but his tone of voice seemed to be laced with the slightest bit of annoyance.

      Lynn was suddenly cut off from her next sarcastic comment when she heard her phone ring throughout the room, and she got startled by the surprised noise. She shifted from the bed to pick up the phone that was resting on the nightstand — Allison.

      "Allison, I'm sort of busy here—"

      "—Evelynn, I really need to talk to you, like right now," Allison interrupted, and Lynn's face straightened out with concern at how serious she sounded. She furrowed her eyebrows while glancing over towards Derek — and the boys eyes hovered, he was listening in, she could tell. "It's about Matt."

"What about him?" Lynn questioned, a shaky breath escaping her lips as anxiety laced her lungs.

"Okay, so when you and everyone disappeared, Matt said that he needed a ride so I just agreed to take him home," Allison explained, and Lynn bobbed her head up and down as if the girl could see. "A-And then he accidentally left his camera in the car, and I was just curious, so I looked through some of them."

"Okay..." Lynn trailed, and she was getting quite confused on where Allison was going with this.

"There were pictures of you at the first lacrosse game," Allison continued, and more and more by the second Lynn was becoming overwhelming confused.

"Well, yeah, doesn't Matt shoot for the yearbook or something? Of course he would—"

"—But that wasn't all, Evelynn," Allison interrupted. "There were pictures of you in school, in classes, at lunch, outside. Lynn, there were even a few of you in your room, like he took the pictures right outside your window. All of them looked l-like he was stalking you, or something."

Lynn's eyes fell to the floor, and that shaky breathing was now returning. What in the hell? She knew that there had to be something wrong with Matt, from the amount of time he spends by himself to the fact he is always alone, no friends by him, but he didn't capable of this.

"Thanks for telling me, Allison, really," Lynn spoke softly, almost as a murmur, and she had to take a break from pacing her room to taking a seat in the bed, she felt a bit lightheaded. "I'll talk to you tomorrow? Goodnight."

"Just be safe, Lynn," Allison explained, and with that, the girl on the other end of the line ended the call.

      Lynn slowly put her phone back on the nightstand, swallowing a heavy amount of anxiety in the back of her throat. She then moved several feet to wrap her fingertips around her blackened curtain, and moved the fabric so she could see a sliver of the outside.

      It was completely dark with storm clouds littering the sky, and there were many droplets of rain covering the glass outside her window. It still seemed to be raining, and even through the very tiny creases of the window, Lynn could smell the heavenly scent that comes along with rainstorms.

      "Hey, I think you need to sit down," Derek stated, and he gently rose up from her bed to stand beside her near the window. He placed a warm hand on her elbow, making her jump instinctively. "This Matt kid, do you think he's dangerous? Do you think he'll hurt you?"

      Lynn just stared blankly outside, she didn't see anything out of the ordinary. But if he had pictures of her inside her house, her room, then he must've been able to stay easily hidden since she had never seen anything out of the ordinary before. He could be behind those bushes, or the neighbors fence, he could be—


      Lynn sucked in a rapid breath as she felt Derek tug on her a bit harder, nothing to hurt her of course, but just to gain her attention. She snapped out of her sudden deep thought, and blinked several times as she shook herself out of the paranoia.

      "I'm fine," Lynn immediately shook off, trying to make sure her voice sounded firm, and she took her arm away from Derek's grasp.

      "You're not fine," Derek answered, and then his jaw tensed up as his eyes searched Lynn — she reeked of anxiety, and was that a bit of fear? "Hey, do you think he'll want to hurt you?"

"Um," Lynn drifted, and she furrowed her eyebrows, thinking to herself. "I don't think so, uh, I-I don't know."

"I can stay."

Lynn switched from her staring at the soft looking carpet and gazed towards Derek, slight disbelief written on her face, and she was patiently waiting for the man to exclaim, 'Just kidding! You're just being overdramatic.' or something among those lines.

"What?" Lynn questioned, there was a softness in her tone, like she didn't believe him.

"If you think he's dangerous, that he could come here and hurt you, I'll stay," Derek repeatedly, and he cautiously took a step forward while staring deeply into Lynn's blue eyes. While looking into his, she carefully studied them, and she could tell he was being completely and utterly honest.

"You don't have to," Lynn waved off, but there was hesitation in her voice, it wavered by accident.

"I hear your heartbeat, you're worried," Derek countered, and then he backed off a few feet to give Lynn some space.

He ended up taking an available seat on Lynn's quite comfortable black lounge chair. It was backed into the opposite corner of her bed, right against her window, it was where she often liked to sit whenever she was listening to music or reading. He leaned back in it, rested his hands behind his neck for support, and then kicked his legs up on the table right beside the chair.

Lynn playfully rose her eyebrows at the fact Derek was making himself so comfortable, and a part of her just wanted to cave — allow him to stay here with her, but then another part of her wanted to consistently repeat that she can handle herself.

"My mom would kill me for letting an older cute boy stay over, and then she would kill you for being that older cute boy," Lynn spoke up, crossing her arms over her chest dramatically.

"So, you think I'm cute?"

Lynn only scoffed while rolling her blue eyes for effect, "Did you just miss everything else about my mom killing the both of us?"

"I've been told I have selective hearing," Derek smirked while tilting his head off to the side, apparently utterly amused by the fact Lynn's cheeks were flaming up. "She picked up a double shift — and before you say I'm some stalker, there was a note on your bed when I brought you home."

Lynn nibbled on the inside of cheek, bitting some of it off anxiously. Her eyes flickered from Derek over to the piece of paper he had indicted on the nightstand, and then back over to the man.

"You know, I could handle Matt if he decided to come here," Lynn responded, perking both her eyebrows up at Derek.

"I do know that," Derek explained, his entertained expression shifting into more a more serious one. "And I also know you don't know how to accept help. So, how about you just get your ass into bed and just go to sleep."

Lynn stared at Derek for a moment, contemplating, deciding, until finally, she let a massive sigh escape her lungs.

"Fine," Lynn caved, and she turned away from Derek to start to crawl into her bed, covering her cold skin with the soft comforter. "But only because I'm too tired to argue with you anymore."

It only took a second for the two werewolves to get comfortable — either in the soft lounge chair or the queen sized mattress. Then Lynn reached forward to switch the lamp off for the night, and cuddled closely to her actual pillow this time.

It was silent for a minute, where Lynn could just hear Derek's soft breathing, not that he had gone to sleep yet.

"Thank you for bringing me home, I don't know if I ever said that," Lynn mumbled gently, not even attempting to glance in Derek's direction because she knew she wouldn't be able to see him in the darkness.

"You're welcome, Evelynn." Heard Derek's voice echo throughout the room, like it was an exhale.

"Why do call me Evelynn? And not Lynn like everyone else?" Lynn asked into the darkness, and for a moment, Derek didn't answer. So, Lynn just shook her head to herself for even asking the dumb question in the first place.

"I think Evelynn suits you, I like it."

Lynn couldn't help but allow a tiny smile to cross her lips, and she was quietly thanking that the lights were off and Derek could no longer see the wide blush taking over her face.

"Goodnight, Derek," Lynn murmured, and she felt her eyelids growing heavier by the second, begging for her to slip into a sleep-like state.

"Goodnight, little wolf."

a/n: i am soft for only one sourwolf and that's all.

(i'm referring to evelynn, ofc)

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