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chapter nine
"few thousand hours of therapy"

      "IT'S EVERYTHING LYDIA CAN TRANSLATE. And trust me, she was very confused."

Lynn switched upwards to make eye contact with Allison through the bookshelf — which in truth, was probably just making her meetup with Scott, Stiles, and Lynn even more suspicious on the newly installed camera's in almost every crook and cranny.

      The three teenagers were on one side of a bookshelf staked with old books that most likely hadn't been read in a long time, since what high school students willfully pick up a book? Allison had her back now pressed against the bookshelf, probably trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

      "Yeah, what'd you tell her?" Scott questioned, peering from Stiles reading a book, fake flipping the pages to look entertained.

      While talking about how they had Lydia managed to translate those many pages of the Argents bestiary, Allison had secretively tried to slide a completely black small tablet into the bookshelf.

      "That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Allison licked her dry lips as an amusing smile crossed her face, and Lynn let a little laugh escape her lungs.

"I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," Stiles replied, looking utterly confused towards his friends as to why they were entertained by such a sentence.

Lynn pursed out her full pink lips entertained, and then wrapped two arms over Stiles shoulders to give him a hug from behind. She gave a supportive squeeze, and neatly tucked her chin onto his right shoulder.

"Stiles Stilinski, do you know how much I love you?" Lynn grinned playfully, and Stiles went wide eyed and a small blush started to creep onto his cheeks — probably because he's never had a girl in such proximity.

"Does it say how to find out who's controlling him?" Scott spoke up curiously, completely ignoring his two friends as Lynn teasingly scruffed up Stiles' growing buzz-cut.

"Not really, but Stiles was right about the murderers," Allison explained, and then Stiles let out a little fit of cheer while wildly grinning. "It calls the kanima a weapon of vengeance. There's a story in there about this South American priest who uses the kanima to execute murderers in his village—"

"—Alright, see? So, maybe it's not all that bad," Stiles suggested almost wittily, and Lynn shrugged her shoulders alongside him.

She leaned her shoulder against the the wooden bookshelf, and her eyes fluttered over towards the camera in the library — it was pointing in the opposite direction of them. Lynn eyed it carefully, not knowing how much longer they would be able to have this top-secret conversation.

"Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to."

Lynn's lips formed into an O, and practically everyone's jaws fell to the ground in a heartbeat.

"All bad, all very, very bad," Stiles said fairly quickly Lynn was hardly even able to understand what he was saying.

"Here's the thing, though. The kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf, but it can't be—"

"—Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it," Scott finished, reading one of the many lines that were translated on the tablet.

      "Okay, if that means that Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself," Stiles retorted.

      "Him and me both," Lynn grumbled under her breath, but once she saw all of her friends send her an almost concerned expression, she quickly shrugged her shoulders while letting out a nervous chuckle. "Joking, of course."

      "What has something to do with his parents? His real parents."

      "Real parents? What, Jackson's adopted?" Lynn questioned, feeling slightly behind everyone else since she hadn't been here long enough to learn the ins and outs of everyone's life.

      "Yeah, he was," Scott nodded towards Lynn, quickly shutting off the tablet while gripping it to his side. "Does anybody actually know what happened to them?"

      "Lydia might."

      "What if she doesn't know anything?" Scott asked, switching from looking at Stiles and Lynn over towards Allison.

      "Well, he doesn't have a restraining order against me, so, I'll talk to him myself," Allison responded, and immediately it seemed like Scott was completely against the idea.

      "I'll go with her, he doesn't have a restraining order against me either," Lynn quickly interrupted, grasping on Scott's shoulder to give him a supportive squeeze.


      "—But nothing, we can take care of ourselves," Allison injected, sending her a prideful grin, and Lynn quickly flashed a wink in her direction.


      "So, we'll just—" Lynn started while glancing over to Allison walking right beside her, who was holding her grey velvety boot heels so they wouldn't make a noise on the flooring.

      But she was suddenly interrupted when a boy flooded out of the boys locker room, ramming straight into Lynn's chest — nearly knock her down.

      "—Oh, you just scared the hell out of me."

      Lynn breathed out a rapid uncomfortable breath when she backed away from holding her hands on the person's chest, and then she recognized Matt — the first person Lynn had actually met at the beginning of school. She hadn't seen much of the boy since then, truthfully, but she's had a lot on her mind to keep her distracted.

     "Matt, wow, sorry," Lynn flashed a sympathetic, polite smile, backing a foot or so away from him since she felt awfully way too close.

      "All good," Matt laughed out, and then he switched over to Allison, who was standing by the door to the lockerroom with careful watching eyes. "You girls up to something?"

      "Oh, nothing," Lynn cringed up her face, but she probably didn't look nor sounded convincing. She glanced over to Allison, and her eyes flickered from the brunette towards the boys lockerroom they had just seen Jackson walk into.

      "Uh, Lynn, I've been meaning to run into you, actually, well not literally, you know," Matt started, but halfway through it started to shift into more of a ramble. Lynn nibbled on her bottom lip when worry stretched across Allison's face, probably wondering if they would have time to talk to Jackson before their next class or not.

      "Right, sure," Lynn nodded towards Matt, and then she switched over to Allison. "Hey, Allison, could you get the clean jersey for me?"

      The girl seemed to catch the hint at Lynn referring to how she should go into the lockerroom now so they wouldn't miss their opportunity to talk to Jackson.

      "Yeah, of course," Allison nodded quickly, giving Matt a small smile before peeling open the door to the lockerroom and entering it.

      "So, how's Beacon Hills so far? I seen you've plenty of friends, oh! And I heard about you being the first girl on the lacrosse team, that must feel nice, right?" Matt questioned, and Lynn's eyes flickered down to his chest — why was it beating so hard? Then, her blue eyes floated to his forehead, and there was a single drop of sweat dripping down his eyebrow.

      "It's amazing, actually," Lynn replied awfully quick, but it was mostly nervously because she didn't like the idea of Allison being all alone in there with Jackson. "You know, Allison might not know where—"

      As Lynn took a step towards the lockerroom door, Matt shifted a foot or so in the way. Instinctively, Lynn wanted to wrap her fingers around the boys neck and shove him into the brick wall right beside the two of them, but she recoiled her arms to glue to her thighs instead.

      "—I just have a quick question," Matt stated, and Lynn affirmatively nodded so she didn't seem rude, but mostly because she felt bad for Matt.

      It didn't seem like he had many friends, since everytime she saw him in lunch, he was always sitting at the table all the way in the corner — alone.

      "Did you hear about the underground show? Apparently, they've got some big name spinning," Matt explained, and Lynn bit even harder on her bottom lip as she heard Jackson's voice become more and more louder by the second, and Allison's heartbeat was increasing tenfold.

      "Like a party?" Lynn asked swiftly, her eyes shifting from Matt over towards the blue door.

      "Yeah, exactly," Matt nodded, and Lynn could feel her patience running low on fumes. "But, hey, I got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if you're down. Want me to get you one?"

      Lynn was out of patience now.

      Allison let out the smallest of whimpers, and something was about to snap in Lynn's mind — and she didn't want to do it in front of Matt, especially since he has no idea about anything supernatural.

     "Yeah, yeah, go ahead, look I have to talk to you another time, I really need that jersey," Lynn flashed a wide smile before moving past Matt and slipping her fingers around the silver door handle.

      "Awesome! Looking forward to it!" Matt yelled out as Lynn entered the lockerroom, swiftly shutting the door right behind her so he wouldn't see anything that was happening.

      Lynn rushed past the first set of lockers and didn't see anything, then as she passed the second ones, she felt the anger pulse throughout her veins as if it were blood.

      There being pressed against the cold brick wall was Allison, and her attacker was a very naked Jackson. He had his claws out, and was gently tracing Allison's jawline while lowering backwards to her neck, and it looked as if the girl was about to cry right then and there.

      "Get your hands the hell off her!" Lynn growled loudly, and within a second she felt her own claws escape through her nails, and her eyes glowed a bright blue.

      "I-I'm alright!" Allison shakily yelled out, pushing Jackson's bare chest so he would be a few feet away from him.

      But something must've changed in Jackson, Lynn could see it in his eyes. He looked completely panicked as he saw Lynn's aggressive state, and he switched from looking at the werewolf over towards the hunter, and then they fell onto his naked body.

      He let out mumbled and jumbled words, none that Lynn seemed to understand, and then leaped towards his clothes resting on a wooden bench near his locker as if his life depended on it. He quickly shrugged on a pair of maroon Beacon Hills imprinted shorts, but apparently too late.

      Scott already saw him.

a/n: i know there hasn't been a lot of derek scenes yet but it's hard to include him in scenes since he isn't in a lot of them with the core four soooo just stay tuned💀

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