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chapter one
"welcome to beacon hills"

"EVELYNN BRIELLE KENNEDY, IF YOU don't get your ass out of bed now, you're going to be late for your first day of school!"

Lynn let a massive sigh escape her perfectly shaped pink lips, groaning so loudly into her pillow — but thankfully, due to the fact that she buried her face into the soft silk of her pillowcase, it was only muffled.

"I heard that!" Lynn heard her mother yell out, and she only chuckled softly while shaking her head, of course the woman still heard her, there's that pesky werewolf hearing for you.

Yes, you did in fact read that correctly. Werewolf. You know, shapeshifters that belong to the moon, lycanthropes, servants and children of the moon, and about a hundred more potential words and phrases.

Lynn, along with her mother, Katherine Kennedy, were both born werewolves. The werewolf gene had been traced deeply in the last few generations of the Kennedy family, and Lynn's father, who had left when she was merely a baby, had also been a werewolf.

Although, she had been trained and taught all her life how to handle shifting and her impulses and everything that comes along with the fact of being a werewolf, she was still young. She still made mistakes, such as letting anger control many of her decisions unwillingly, however, they often pulled her straight into trouble.

The Kennedy's had moved several times because of...certain instances that Lynn brought among the family. It wasn't like she loved moving into random cities speckling maps with random people that she found annoying and a random school that would only bore her.

It just always happened. She always screwed something up that would eventually force them to make the decision to move.

Lynn finally convinced herself up from her comfortable queen mattress, already missing its warmth as she tugged on her white tank top that barely covered her skin. The second her feet touched the cold wooden flooring, she cringed up her face and skipped a few steps over towards her closet, where thankfully there was soft carpet.

It only took Lynn a minute or two to pick out an outfit she deemed good enough for her fifth first day of school at a new school. She fished out a nice pair of blue jeans that had minimal ripped holes on her knee's, a pair of high-topped all black converse, and a solid blue colored t-shirt.

After she was convinced this was the best she could muster up, she hooked her fingertips around her black school-bag and swung it over her left shoulder. She skipped down the stairs of her new house, spotting the same few piles of brown moving boxes that had been there for a week already — it seemed like her mother still wasn't ready to unpack everything, as if she just knew Lynn would mess something up and they'd have to throw another dart at a map.

"Mornin'," Lynn smiled in Katherine's direction, who was currently standing by the oven with an old frying pan resting on one of the flames, where two yellow scrambled eggs were cooking on it.

"Good morning, excited?" Katherine asked her daughter as she used a utensil to stir the eggs in the pan, she only gazed up towards Lynn for a second before paying her attention back to the cooking food. "I wish you didn't have to have your first day on a full moon, do you think we should wait until tomorrow?"

"Mom, don't worry, I'll be back way before dark," Lynn explained, wrapping her fingertips around a green apple that was laying in a basket on their wooden kitchen table, taking a quite bite of it. "I don't want to bring any suspicion on us, you know calling me off school every full moon was the reason we had to leave—"

"—I know," interrupted Katherine, her tone of voice sounding snappy and annoyed, but once she saw the way Lynn's body stiffened, she let out a sigh. "I just...I worry about you, Evelynn."

"I know, mom," Lynn smiled faintly in her mother's direction, and she moved over towards the woman and draped her arms around her shoulders — giving her a hug from the back. But then Lynn's eyes flickered over towards the brand new silver microwave, the time reading 7:26, meaning she had less than half an hour before school started. "Shit, I'm going to be late on my first day."

Lynn didn't say another word as she snatched her keys off the marble kitchen counter, grabbed her half eaten green apple, and raced out the door.

"Have a good day, honey!"


"Shit, shit, shit."

Lynn fumbled with her motorcycle helmet, the clip struggling to unhook from the other side, and she was wildly getting more angry by the second. But she sucked in a deep breath as she finally tugged the black helmet off her head, probably leaving her with the worlds worst looking bed-head. She gently placed it on the top of her slim, completely black, motorcycle.

She slugged her back-pack over her shoulders, adjusting it as it itched the bottom of her back. She then picked her helmet up again, not yet sure if she trusted these students enough to leave it out here, and figured that she could somehow figure out a way to put it in a locker of some sorts.

Checking the watch she had wrapped around her left wrist, she saw her first class would begin in eight minutes, and hissed out with annoyance as she darted in the direction of what she assumed to be the front entrance.

As she peeled open the doors, a tad bit more dramatically than she originally meant to, she was surprised to see how she had immediately gained everyone's attention. Perhaps they don't have a lot of new kids, it did seem like a fairly small town, but still, Lynn wasn't quite prepared.

But just as soon as she had earned all eyes on her, they seemed to get just as disinterested within a second — all of them going back to scrambling to get to class on time and such.

Lynn fetched out the schedule she had buried deep in her jacket pocket, and she unfolded the paper, careful not to rip it. She would have to find her locker after class, since she was surely going to be even later if she decided to find it now. She narrowed her eyes at the paper, reading her first class as Mr. Harris's Chemistry class, but had the faintest clue where his classroom would be located.

"Need help?"

Lynn jerked her head up when she heard the voice call out only a few feet in front of her, and she saw a boy that looked around the same age as her. He had floppy, almost spikey, brown hair with light blue eyes. She was never one to be good at admitting she needed help, but if she didn't want to make an absolute fool of herself on her first day.

"Maybe," Lynn chuckled softly, pursing her lips out when a little smile crossed her face. "I'm Evelynn, I just go by Lynn. I'm new, quite obviously."

The boy let out a laugh, flashing a toothy smile, he then extended a hand over towards her. "I'm Matt, nice to meet you, Lynn."

"You too," Lynn replied, but then she awkward cleared her throat — five minutes until her class began. "Sorry to cut the conversation short, I'm not particularly interested in being late my first class. Would you know where Mr. Harris's class is?"

"Your first class is Mr. Harris? God, that's terrible luck," Matt replied, and Lynn's eyes turned wide towards him, anxiety starting to set in her veins. "Not to worry you, uh, I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Wow, that really helped, very convincing," Lynn laughed, but then her eyes gazed back down to her watch. Four minutes.

"Here, I'll show you."

And with that, Lynn followed Matt's footsteps very closely as he turned right two times and then went up a pair of stairs, and she could already tell it was going to take a bit of practice in order to memorize every classroom.

And just in time the two teenagers entered the classroom, and as soon as they did, everyone glanced up. Lynn could feel all the embarrassment flood her cheeks, and she steadily tried to gain control of it, but it didn't seem to help much.

"Nice to know that Mrs. Kennedy is perfectly capable of arriving to class on time, with one minute to spare."

Matt didn't seem to struggle in finding his seat, but he flashed Lynn an apologetic expression before he moved to his seat in the front of the class.

Anger and annoyance flooded Lynn's veins as she met eye contact with an abnormal looking older man with dark glasses and a lanky body, she flashed him a quite obviously fake smile.

"Nice to know that you already seem to be living up to all the amazing things I've heard about you, Mr. Harris," Lynn grinned in the man's direction, trying to stifle a laugh from rumbling in her chest, however, the rest of the class seemed perfectly fine with letting laughs and chuckles boom throughout the room.

Mr. Harris glared daggers at each of the students who found her comment amusing, before switching back over to Lynn. "Looks like we have quite the entertainer here, I'm sure you would love to entertain after school in detention, wouldn't you, Evelynn?"

Lynn's mischievous smirk then seemed to lower as she bit down on her bottom lip, her mother was not going to enjoy hearing she got detention on her first day.

"Take the available seat next in the back, we'll figure out a more permanent seat in the future," Mr. Harris instructed harshly, and Lynn had to recoil her sarcastic tongue to make sure she didn't earn any more detentions.

Hesitantly, Lynn made her way towards the back where that available seat was, and the boy sitting across from her was very tan, broad shoulders, cute — but it didn't take a rocket scientist to identify he was most definitely swinging for a different team.

"Danny," the boy introduced, stretching out his hand towards Lynn, who graciously took it with a polite smile.

"Lynn," she replied, plopping down on the uncomfortable stool while setting her back-bag beside her feet on the ground.

When she turned up towards the front of the classroom, she was completely taken off guard when two boys the row in front of her were staring back at her with wide eyes and open jaws practically touching the ground.

The left boy had a buzz-cut with hazel looking eyes, and was wearing jeans with a black shirt and flannel. The right looked a bit more muscled, tanner, had floofy brown hair that was swiped to the side, and an adorable looking crooked jaw.

"And those two starstruck idiots would be Scott and Stiles," Danny announced, and Lynn switched from her partner back over to the boys. She rose her hand up and gave them a flirty, almost teasing wave.

"That was — wow, you really, your sarcasm, is, uh," the paler boy stuttered, his eyes still not leaving Lynn's as he muttered out jumbled words. Lynn pursed out her lips in amusement, wondering what exactly about her seemed to stun him so much, but still found it amusing.

"What Stiles is trying to say is, that was badass," the boy, who must be Scott since he called the other one Stiles, laughed outwards, clasping a hand onto Stiles' shoulder with a grin. "Hardly anyone stands up to Harris, so it was pretty cool of you, Evelynn."

"Oh, I just go by Lynn," she explained, and then switched over to Stiles again, she flashed him a quite flirtatious smile, just knowing that playfully messing around with the boy was definitely going to be a highlight of this class. "Nice to meet you, Scott and Stiles."

"Well, welcome to Beacon Hills, Lynn."

a/n: ahhhh here we are! maggie is writing yet another fanfic, are we surprised? nope, not at all. hope you guys enjoy the story, and don't forget to vote, comment, etc :) <3
also don't come for my neck because i used the name EVELYNN FOR LIKE THE FOURTH TIME it's all i type anymore sooo

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