twenty five

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chapter twenty five
"you still got us"


      A STILL WOLF-LIKE Lynn was taken off guard as the kanima tackled her to the ground, her ribs colliding with the hard stone of a ground, and she howled out in pain the creature buried his claws into her lower chest.

      Derek growled intensely, darting towards the kanima as managed to claw Jackson off the wolf, but her white hair was now replaced by being matted with blood. Anger was flowing throughout Derek's veins like a river, but even for being an alpha, he was truly no match for the kanima.

      All while the werewolves were trying to fight off Jackson, Isaac had been torn away from the ground by Allison. She had managed to dig two of her knives into the boys chest, and then kneeled him straight in his area, making him cave over in pain.

      And just as Allison spun those two knives in her glove riddled hands, she was interrupted as Scott yelled out, "No, Allison!"

      Allison froze in her footsteps as she recognized her boyfriends voice echo throughout the room — and in just perfect timing for Gerald, because it was now his turn to speak up.

      Lynn noticed the way Derek was now groaning on the ground, holding his abdomen as she saw the many bloodied spots of his body where the kanima had scratched or deeply cut. And just as she rose her injured body to walk towards him, she was interrupted as the kanima pressed her skull right back into the ground, and she hissed out in annoyance.

      But Jackson didn't move, and her eyes darted over towards Gerald — he knew what he was doing, preventing Lynn was moving was his best bet, because even though Derek was an alpha, he was extremely wounded at the moment. An evolved werewolf could most definitely surpass his strength at the moment, so, he needed the kanima to pin her furred body against the cold concrete.

      "Not yet, sweetheart," Gerald warned his granddaughter, and Lynn's breathing was heavy due to the fact Jackson was now constricting her neck by stepping on it, not allowing any air into her lungs.

      "What are you doing?"

      "He's doing what he came here to do," Scott replied, and Lynn switched her blue eyes over towards the boy as he itched closed to Gerald.

      "Then you know," Gerald sickly smiled towards Scott, and Lynn didn't know how much longer she could take the kanima closer off her airway. "It was the night outside the hospital, wasn't it, when I threatened your mother. I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could just smell it, couldn't you?"

      And at that moment, every werewolf in the room could now identify the smell — Lynn had smelled it when she had met someone in the hospital while visiting her mother during one of her shifts, when she offered to take some pain away, the smell wouldn't dare less her nostrils the entire time.

      "He's dying," Isaac finished for everyone, helplessly pushing himself off the ground while holding onto his shoulder — otherwise, his bloody knife wound.

      "I am. I have been for a while now," Gerald continued. "Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet. But the supernatural does."

      It was now Chris' turn to hiss out, however, it was a completely human growl, "You monster."

      "Not yet," corrected Gerald, another slick grin had appeared on the older man's lips as he glanced down to Derek, who was still barely off the ground yet.

      "What are you doing?"

      Lynn couldn't take another half concealed breath of air, so she started pawing at the kanima's foot that was pressed into her throat, hopefully for just the slightest bit of relief.

      "You'll kill her too?" Chris' voice cracked as he noticed the way Allison was now crying.

      "When it comes to survival, I'd kill my own son!" Bellowed Gerald, his upper lip starting to curl up with anger. "Scott."

      Scott took a second to shift back to his regular human self rather than his werewolf side, and Lynn howled out to gain the boys attention, but he only sent her a pitiful face.

      She wanted to scream out, in fear of losing her best friend and someone she cared about so deeply like Derek, in anger from betrayal — from Derek, and now Scott, and from pain, because now the pain was echoing throughout her body like she was a pincushion being repeatedly stabbed by needles.

      "Scott, don't," Derek grumble out, but Scott still wrapped his hands around the man — one around his neck, and the other was around his arm, forcing him up from the now blood stained concrete. "You know that he's gonna kill me right after, he'll be an alpha."

      That's true. But I think he already knows that, don't you, Scott?" Gerald tempted, and Lynn was now struggling even more under the kanima's body, but it was no use, she couldn't even get a single paw free. "He knows that the ultimate prize is Allison, do this small task for me, and they can be together. You are the only piece that doesn't fit, Derek. And in case you haven't learned yet, there is just no competing with young love."

      Young love.

      "I'm sorry!" Cried out Scott, digging his hand into Derek's long strands of hair so now his teeth would be exposed, and Gerald itched closer by the second. "But I have to."

      Gerald yelped out in pain as Derek bit his teeth into the bare flesh of his arm, but there was still a wide grin covering his wrinkled face.

      But the terrified onlooking crowd had then shifted their expressions — once wide eyed and concerned, they were now confused. Because unlike a normal werewolf bite, Gerald's was oozing black blood.

      Noticing the odd glances of the room, Gerald furrowed his eyebrows as he then gazed down to his arm, noticing the thick blood, "What? What is this? What did you do?"

      Gerald fell into a sudden pile of limbs as blood started dripping from his nose, even from his eyes.

      "Everyone said Gerard always had a plan," Scott explained, a little pride bubbling in his voice. "I had a plan too."

      If Lynn was human, she would've cheering for the boy at this point.

      Gerald fished something out of his back pocket, and then Lynn recognized the object as he dumped several blue and white pills onto his palm, crushing them with anger. "Mountain ash!"

      "Why didn't you tell me?" Derek breathed out as he watched the older man start puking out that same black blood, cringing up his face pathetically.

      "Because you might be an alpha," Scott replied, extending his hand towards the man. "But you're not mine."

      "Kill them! Kill them all!"

      Even though the werewolves, and two humans, had thought that perhaps the fight was over and that they had won — they had been wrong. Geralds final words were powerful, at least, to Jackson.

      The kanima hissed into Lynn's ear as he heard the final message of his master, and where his clawed hand had once been crushing her throat, he now extended his claws to deep fiercely into her fur.

      However, Lynn wasn't giving up so quite easily, so she backed up her two hind legs, and sent Jackson flying once she combined her strength to hit his chest.

      And it was perfect timing, apparently, because just as the kanima was slammed against the ground a few feet away, a blue robin egg colored jeep rammed its way through the abandoned warehouse.

      "Did I get him!?"

      Lynn forced her wolf-like self off the ground with the use of her paws, and she was delightfully relieved to see that Stiles had managed to nail Jackson with his car. But the kanima didn't stay down for very long, because the long-tailed creature then jumped onto the front of Stiles' car.

      Stiles screamed out dramatically like a girl, and Lynn made a mental note in her head to no doubt bully the boy later on about it — that was, if she survived the night.

      But a brave Lydia jumped out of Stiles' jeep, and even with tears staining her face, she cried out, "Jackson! Jackson."

      The kanima had his claw riddled hand  right beside the girls hand, but it had stopped the second that Lydia held up an object. And once Lynn saw it in the light, she recognized a bronze key.

      "Lydia!" Stiles yelled out as he saw the way that Jackson looked so menacing towards the girl, but Scott pulled his arm up to stop the boy.

      "Wait," breathed Scott.

      As if he had went through some kind of life-altering memory, Jackson had slowly started to replace all his kanima scales with his human skin, he was almost there.

      Almost back to normal.

      Lynn took several paw steps forward, where she would now be standing in between Scott and Stiles, but of course, several feet shorter. Scott wasn't even bothered by the wolf, however, Stiles jumped as if he had saw a dead body, and he switched with a mouth-ajar expression to Scott.

      "It's Lynn, long story," Scott spoke rapidly, and Stiles blinked several times as he switched between the white wolf and his best friend.

      He swallowed some spit, dropping his hand in front of Lynn's nose, and the wolf sniffed a few times before sticking out her tongue and panting, and Stiles awkwardly shrugged. He mumbled mostly under his breath, almost stunned, and a shaky voice. "So, my one best friend is a werewolf, and then my other, is a real wolf."

      But the amusing tone from Stiles was ruined as the two noticed Derek jumping up from the ground, racing towards the now naked Jackson, and right behind the boy — was Peter. Seemingly at the same time, both of the werewolves seethed their claws into Jackson, one from behind in his back, and the other in front.

      Lydia jumped a few steps forward to make sure she caught Jackson before he fell down on the ground, and the boy buried his head into Lydia's shoulders as she sobbed.

      Taking this as the time where she should shift back, she skipped over to behind Stiles' jeep, knowing she purposely left clothes in the back for this exact moment. Within a second, she was then standing on her now human feet — and she popped open the door to grab a very long gray shirt that would surely cover all parts that needed to be hidden.

      When she walked back over to her friends, she awkwardly waved towards them, where Scott nodded towards her with pride. Stiles just seemed to be staring at the girl in awe, not even sure if he was believing she had just been a wolf merely a minute before.

      But they all jerked their heads towards Jackson's apparently not so lifeless body, and Lynn's eyes landed on the claws on his right hand — they were moving.

      He was alive.


"So, you really think she's gonna come back to you?"

Lynn couldn't have been happier with her life as she grinned towards her two best friends. She placed two solid hands on both of the boys shoulders, Scott and Stiles, and the brunettes starting digging out their lacrosse equipment.

It had been two days since the whole Gerald incident — and by the way, nobody had been able to find the older man's body yet, but they refused to even let it affect their summer. Lynn hadn't spoke to Derek since the event where he had ultimately betrayed her, she had formed many texts, but she never actually had the nerve to send them.

"Yeah, I know she is," Scott replied, a subtle grin covering his face as he gripped his fingers around the white lacrosse stick. "What about you and Lydia?"

Lynn peeled out her own lacrosse stick, and a pair of gloves, and waited for her two best friends to finish grabbing each of their equipment.

"Ah, well, the ten year plan for making Lydia fall in love with me may have to stretch to fifteen, but the plan is definitely still in motion," Stiles explained, and Lynn sympathetically placed a supportive hand on his shoulder, knowing the way that Lydia was still in love with Jackson, through everything.

"Why don't you just ask her out?"

"Yeah, okay. Why don't you just get into the goal and help me make team captain like you promised there, big guy," scoffed Stiles, and then he turned towards his female best friend, flashing her a broad smile. "And you, how's the whole Evelynn and Derek thing working out?"

Lynn flashed a deadpan stare at Stiles, but once realizing that both Scott and Stiles seemed interested in her answer, she heavily sighed out.

"Look, I don't know how to deal with the whole thing about him lying to me, alright? He was willing to kill Jackson, I mean, hell, he did kill Jackson, he just got lucky he didn't stay dead," Lynn responded softly, and she ran a hand aimlessly through her brunette strands, and then she fished out the ponytail resting on her wrist to tie up her long hair. "Also, Evelynn Kennedy does not settle down, trust me."

"Good, because you, Evelynn Kennedy, are too good for a guy like him," Stiles grinned with a teasing tone, and Lynn rolled her blue eyes, but nonetheless, a little smile appeared on her face.

Lynn raised her arm to slug it around Stiles' shoulder, placing a warm kiss on the side of his cheek. The boy immediately flustered, mumbling a few words as he cleared his throat awkwardly, trying to find the fact he was blushing.

      "I do not deserve a best friend like you, Stiles Stilinski, nor you, Scott McCall."

Both of the boys flashed the girl a warm smile, and then they finally departed from the blue jeep and headed towards the practice lacrosse field. Scott went to the goal, and then Lynn was a few feet in front of him as a blocker, and then Stiles readied his stick with the ball in it.

"Hey, you guys know what I just realized?" Scott spoke up, and Lynn perked up her eyebrow in the direction of the boy. "I'm right back where I started."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean no lacrosse, no popularity, no girlfriend — nothing," Scott explained, and then Stiles let out a little scoff.

"Dude, you still got me," Stiles waved his arms up in defeat, a little bit offended expression covering his face.

"Us," Lynn corrected, sending a warning glare towards both of them.

"I had you guys before," Scott reported, and then Lynn smiled she patted the back of him, a bit harshly due to her thick gloves.

"Yeah, and you still got us," Stiles answered, and Lynn instantly nodded with a smile. "Okay? It's a life fulfilled."

"I agree."

"Now remember, no wolf powers, you two," Stiles narrowed his feisty eyes at his two best friends, and Lynn couldn't help but smirk as she already planned to throw him to the ground, just for fun, mostly.

"Got it," stated Scott, and Lynn muttered a similar response as she readied herself for Stiles to head in her direction, but then rolled her eyes as Stiles peeled open his lips to talk again. "No, I mean it. No super fast reflexes, no super eyesight, no hearing. None of that crap, okay?"

"Would you just take the shot already?" Scott complained, and then Lynn switched over her shoulder towards him, and they had similar smirks.

Lynn flashed her blue eyes towards Scott's yellow ones, and the two prepared themselves for the fun of the day — for everyday of summer.

She promised herself that she was going to enjoy this summer to the fullest, spend it with friends, practice lacrosse which she so happily enjoyed, maybe even do some summertime studying for the next upcoming year.

"I said no wolf powers!"

a/n: i cranked out this chapter so i could finally start writing the next season omg i'm so exciteddd.

also, comment some theories you have on what's going to happen, or who lynn's going to *blank* (like kiss, sleep with, idk) or what she's going to do in the next season!!

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