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Noon was turning into evening but the longings in his eyes weren't fading. Jai was sitting on an armchair near window and his eyes stuck over the main entrance of 'Agnihotri villa'. His fever wasn't in good term as it was neither reducing nor getting normal. Her promise had filled his heart with hopes as every horn coming from outside was insisting him to check out his naira's appearance.

There prerna sighed as she came with the trolly carrying his food and medicines. She kept it near the bed and walked to him. Her palm creased his head pulling out his attention. As soon as he saw her, extending his arms he hugged his mother.

"Mumma! When will naira come?" He asked, his voice showing the sadness behind it.

Prerna felt bad for him but she couldn't do anything, though naira had promised to come but knowing aditya's behavior she understood that he won't let her come to jai. Only to keep his heart she lied to him "Your naira called me sometime ago, she told that she will come in evening." His face lit up a bit as he pulled out his face and gazed at her for confirmation.

"Really?" Prerna nodded sensing the immediate light up in his voice. Her son can't understand about life but one thing she was confirm that naira's love had done a great effect on him. Her love was working like a medicine for his recovery and to bring them together she was now ready to go against everyone.

"Yes! But she has ordered me to feed you properly untill she comes." He shook his head not wanting to have anything but prerna convinced him on naira's name.

They both were on the couch as she was feeding the food to him and jai was playing a game on her mobile which naira had taught him so that he won't get bore. Prerna chuckled when suddenly he laughed out at the character which died in his game. He gave her a victorious smile and she praised him with hand gestures.

The window thud opened and out of no where someone jumped from it. Jai flinched as prerna to gasp when they realised the person none other than naira herself. She took a deep breathe and sat on the floor itself patting her back and praising her courageous act.

"Naira!!!" Jai joyfully cried and ran to her. He sat before her and then hugged her tightly. Naira gasped but then recovered as she suddenly felt some current by his touch, maybe because nowadays his touches are affecting her. She smiled shyly then saw prerna which made her beetroot red. She lowered her eyes and broke the hug.

"I'm angry on you. You came so late." He crossed his arms and puffed his cheeks in a cutely manner that forgetting her tiredness she just left in awe by her cute man's act.

"I'm really sorry jai!" She held her ears but he shook his head, then bringing out the chocolates she showed him "Actually I was buying this for you and it made me late. Now if you want to punish me then okayyyyy!" She did a little drama which actually worked as he looked at her softly.

"No! Jai loves naira, no punishment for her." His statement didn't go unnoticed by naira as he got panick on the word 'Punishment' like there were some haunted memories behind that word. But what? She had to find it.

She got up and held his hand for the same. They both went to prerna and sat there. Naira hugged her as prerna to showered a lot of affection over her.
"What was the need to take such risk? You may had injured yourself." She scolded and naira pouted her lips. Jai too gave her the same expression like his mother growing her pout more.

"Bad girl!" He commented and this time naira was the one to look him with her sharp eyes. Jai hid behind his mother but got a hit on his arm from naira.

"Only for you dumb! I though if anyone would see me then dad will get to know and he will again do something. I just don't want any drama." She told and prerna nodded understanding.

"Jai, get ready. We are going out." Her sudden announcement alerted both naira and jai. He looked at naira who in returns nodded as there must be something and he went inside washroom.

"Where are you taking him aunty?"

"Not him! Both of you. I want you both to marry." Her statement shocked naira, she wasn't ready for this.


"Naira I took this decision after what you confessed but before doing anything I need your confirmation. Do you really love my jai? Or is it just a gesture of sympathy__"

"No aunty! It can't be sympathy. I know you all aren't able to believe but it's true. I got attracted to him at the fight meet only and then his sweetness made me fall for him." She openly confessed not wanting anyone to misunderstand her feelings.

"Would you love him forever knowing he can forget you anytime? We can't say when will he recover and don't know when he will be normal then how will he react? He will love you or not, i don't know anything." She word out her fear and naira just smiled on it. "He can't forget me aunty. My love isn't that weak, mark my words he will never forget me. And i am ready to live with him in any condition. His mental state doesn't matter, the thing matters to me is him."

Prerna nodded and hugged her again, thanking God for blessing her jai with such a girl who can go to any extend for him.

"I am sounding very selfish but it's all for my children. We will convince aditya but before that are you ready to marry jai?" She asked again with little hesitancy.

Naira thought for sometime before shaking her head positively. She was feeling guilty for betraying her father who loved her a lot but at the same time his behavior wasn't acceptable. He behaved so rude with jai by slapping the innocent soul and dragging him holding his collar. She remembered everything and decided to deal with the situation. And now prerna was also with her.

There jai got ready with the clothes prerna had given him. He stepped out wearing an olive green designer kurta and white pyjama underneath. His features were visible through the kurta which was perfectly hugging his muscular body.

He smilingly walked to his mother as she cupped his face and applied the kajal behind his ear to keep her son away from evil eyes.
"My jai is looking like a prince." He gave her a heart warming smile.

"Naira!" He asked and she pointed towards her who now beautifully adored in a red banarasi saree with golden embroidery. A light makeup, red bangles and the long earnings making her sinfully beautiful.

He saw her and his lips parted with surprise. "Wow! Mumma, naira is looking so different." His statement made both the ladies chuckle. He came near her as naira felt breathless. Though he couldn't feel the intensity between them but she could and she knows it was badly affecting her day by day.

She felt some not so good thought rising in her mind at his closeness but it got clear the moment he applied something behind her ear.
"What was that?" She asked quickly.

"Mumma did this to me because I'm looking like prince. So i did for you because you are looking like an angel." Her eyes shined with happy tears and she nodded at him.

"Let's go!" Prerna said breaking their moment.

"Where are we going? Why are we wearing this clothes? Is there something special today?" He asked curiously as both naira and prerna exchanged looks.

"Yeah, we are going to temple. I will tell you about why later. Now let's go or we will be late." She managed her words and soon they left. As there were none in the house except few servants so it was easy enough to get out of there.


Everything began in hurry as reaching to the temple they directly talked to the priest and started the rituals for marriage. Prerna had done enough decorations there as she had already this plan in her mind.

The ceremony started with jai and naira exchanging the 'vermalaa'. Jai followed everything which naira was doing as he was excited to do when naira told him that they are going to marry. The word clicked in his mind and he understood that from now naira will live with him as she had told him on rishab and ahana's marriage.

"Son, fill this sindoor." The priest said but jai was clueless. He didn't react and kept observing the things kept before them. Naira saw the confused priest and nodded her head. She took jai's hand and he looked at her.
"Remember rishab jiju had applied this on ahana di's hair?"

"Yes!" He said looking at the sindoor. Naira forwarded it to him and then said "Now do the same with me, just like jiju did!" He excitedly agreed and applied pinchful of sindoor in the partition of her hair. Naira gave him an emotional look as she so wished that he would have been in normal condition when they both were getting tie in a sacred bond. Her lips curved in a smile seeing her love happily involved in everything, he couldn't understand anything but still loves her like everything.

Then prerna handover a mangalsutra and instructed jai what to do. He as always looked in naira's direction and the moment she agreed with prerna he stepped forward with the act. Prerna helped him to tie the mangalsutra carefully around naira's neck and he succeed doing that.

Like that the peheras also completed and the priest announced them as husband and wife. Jai had a big grin plastered on his face with him naira was also happy and prerna was emotional and happy with mixed feelings. She had dreamt of this day but didn't think that everything will happen like this in rajeev's absence who have the equal rights to see his son getting married.

Her thoughts broke as she realised naira and jai touching her feet. She blessed them and hugged both.
"Stay together and happy."


Situations were getting out of control. It was dark night and there was no news about naira. Aditya paced back and fro in the living as behind him rajeev also came and kept a hand on his shoulder. "Have some patience adi_"

"I can't when my daughter is with jai_"

"Adi you are my friend but that doesn't mean i will hear anything for my son. Somewhere I support naira because the you have behaved and ignored her feelings was wrong. You should have handled it in better way." Rajeev said as after prerna and his talks, he had understood that naira won't stay back and maybe he would support her for his son's happiness, maybe being a little bit selfish but he has to.

"You don't care about my daughter. What should I understand? She loves your son who don't know about his own life." He burst out again.

"Dad, please! Naira is your daughter, as stubborn as you. She had never demanded you something against your wish and it's your responsibility to accept her love and not insult it. Your behavior towards jai has hurt her. Jai was suffering from fever after what you did. Please don't do anything that will hurt your daughter. Please!" Ahana spoke out, she didn't want her sister to suffer any heartbreak. She heard what happened with jai when everyone went against his love, it caused his whole life. That trauma killed his every memory and ended his life which he had lived before the accident.

Aditya was ready to answer when suddenly his eyes caught rajeev's expression. He turned to follow his gaze and the shock stiffen his body on the place itself. His eyes wide open as the anger stricken his mind more.

Naira gulped her fear and hesitancy, she tightly held over jai's hand and entered inside the home.

Aditya angrily marched to them which made jai scared and he immediately moved behind naira. His large figure wasn't fitting behind her small one but he was sure that his naira will save him. Naira understood his fear as she heard his low mumbles.
"Don't beat me please!" She held on his palm and shook his head.

"You trust your naira right? Don't worry, I will not let anyone touch you. Hmm?" He faintly smiled and slowly walked with her.

There Aditya hurriedly came and dragged jai holding on his collar. Jai squealed in fear.
"How dared you?" He growled and that made him flinch. Naira quickly got him out of aditya's grip and stood before him.

"Enough dad! You are scaring him_"

"Shut up naira! Just shut up! You took advantage of my love, you eloped with him just to oppose me."

"I haven't eloped dad! I am before you only. I know I did wrong by not including you but there wasn't any way. I love jai and so i married him." She explained bravely facing her father. Jai was behind her still hiding.

"You married this man who can't save himself? How will he protect you when you will get in any danger? You will regret this marriage, mark my words. And i don't know any marriage you are coming back with me, let's go." He told and grabbing her hand tried to walk out.

"Why always it it's husband who have to protect his wife? Why can't a wife save her husband? Husband and wife have equal rights in everything then why can't I protect him from his every fear, from every problem he will face? I didn't marry him for show off dad, we have taken oaths and to fulfill it I'll do every needed efforts. You're just looking at his weakness, please look above that. See how much he loves me. What else do you want dad? Your daughter is happy_"

"SHUT UP! Shut. Up!" He screamed which for a second scared her but she decided to speak.

"No! I won't dad_"

"Don't call me dad! I'm not your father. Your father died." His words brought tears to naira. She wrapped her fingers on his arm but he shrugged it off.

"Dad_" She whispered still with tears. Jai who was looking all this made a sad and crying face. He couldn't see his naira crying like that.

"For him you rejected your father but remember one day he will forget you and that time you will regret." Saying so he left from there. Naira tried to call him but he didn't stop. Prerna who was seeing this gestured ahana to look behind her father.

"Don't worry, I will convince him." Ahana assured her sister before leaving from there.

"Now if you both have married then I think we should welcome naira, papa." Rishab pulled out everyone's attention, rajeev disappointedly saw towards prerna but then giving a smile to naira he nodded. He came to her and placed his palm on her head.
"I will convince adi, he won't be angry for more time. And i am sorry, I know prerna forced you in this_"

"No uncle! Aunty didn't, she just gave the idea and it was clearly my decision. I really love jai." She saw jai's smiling face once again and continued "I just want him beside me_"

"So that you can take advantage of his condition and transfer all his shares on your name? Right Miss. Naira!" They all turned behind to see rahul. He was seeming in rage just like aditya was but none knew the reason.

"Rahul, what are you saying?" Prerna asked coming to him.

"Maa she just used you. You suggested her to marry being emotional and she took advantage of this opportunity. Everyone is unable to believe on how she become so close to jai in this short time. She even fallen in love with jai. Do you know why? Because she loves his property not him." He blunt out the hate.


"Wait jiju, let him speak." Naira stopped rishab standing before rahul who was glaring at her.

"Your drama won't work on me naira. You are using my brother and i won't let that happen. Ashamed on you, you know his condition still you did this cheap act_"

"Enough! If you have proof then speak. And what shares are you talking? Do you think I am incapable to take jai's property? I don't need anything. If you need then take everything. I'm enough capable to take care of myself and my husband. And if anyone else have problem then I will go from here with jai, we will live somewhere else and i can take better care of him there, atleast he will be safe outside_"

"None is going anywhere." They both turned at prerna who marched to them and spoke up "Rahul why aren't you happy? Your brother is happy with naira then what's the problem? Don't you want his happiness?" He tried to explain but prerna didn't hear any word against naira. She silenced Rahul and then did the 'Graha pravesh'.


"Nairaa!" Jai greeted his teeths to which she laughed and rolled over the bed. He pouted his lips and twitched his nose pretending to be angry.

They both were playing board games as jai was getting bored and naira decided to light his mood by something interesting. It was their wedding night but the situations were completely different that none can think this part so as naira.

She straightened up her body and bent to him only to get pushed by jai. He used his palm and pushed her face away showing his anger. Naira bite her lower lip as an idea cracked in her mind. "So you won't talk to me?"

"No!!" He declared turning his face more.

"Okay, if this is your final decision then__" She spoke each word with suspense and attacked on his stomach with her fingers. Jai flinched at the tickling as he laughed out loud so as she. He begged to stop but she continued untill it teared out both of them due to the over laughing session.

"You won't talk to me na! Wait!" She said and tickled him more.

"No! No! I will talk with you. Please don't do that. Gudgudi ho rahi hai!" He giggled and covered his stomach with the pillows.

Outside the closed door of room two person were standing numb. Rishab who was himself shocked stumbled little when his wife acted to fall. He held her figure and straightened her.

"Rishab ji! I_i think I should check my ears. Nowadays I'm over hearing things." She said rubbing her both ears.

"We both should!" He said and looked at her with the same wide eyes.

"Let's go from here before something more happen. I will fall unconscious if something happen further more." He again told making her nod over his words.

"Yeah, let's go!" And both of them left misunderstanding the laughter of their younger siblings. (😂😉)

The night was growing darker as enough with the games naira got up from her place. She walked towards the cupboard and brought out his medicine box.
"Jai where are your medicines?" She asked but jai passed an uninterested look.

"I don't know! That are Ewww, I hate them." He made a crying face suddenly which naira noticed and sat before him. She cupped his face and narrowed her eyebrows. "What's the matter? Medicine aren't bad, they help you to recover_"

"No, They don't! I feel pain after taking them, sometime itching, headache and many times the pain is unbearable. I don't like them." He revealed it and sniffled at the terrible memories.

"Jai" She whispered and wrapped her arms around him. She ruffled his hair to relax him which he got. He rubbed his face on her shoulder which affected her a lot. She smiled and sighed. "Naira is near you, now I will make sure that nothing will trouble my jai." They break the hug.

Naira rubbed her thumbs on his cheek soothing to which he smiled.

"Now sleep! We will play tomorrow." She told him but he shook his head and grabbed her wrist tightly.

"No more mischief jai. Sleep or__or I will scold you." She tried to be stern but he giggled out.

Jai leaned closer which made her breathless he glanced at her and then pressed his lips on her cheek. Her stomach growled as the butterflies moved vigorously there. Did he just kiss her? She couldn't believe untill he pecked her other cheek. This made her red all over, she lowered her eyes shyly and smiled like a mad. Jai was giggling as he laid diagonally on the bed placing his head on her lap.

"What happened? Why are you turning red? Are you fine? I will call mumma! Mumm__" Before he could yell out the whole family at door she covered his mouth with her palm and put a finger on her own lips to gesture him for being quite.

"Jai!" She whisper yelled and glared at him for doing this with her. First he made her blush and now himself screaming to everyone about his deeds.

"I am not turning red. You are sleepy that's why maybe you are over seeing. Now shut your nonsense and sleep. No dramas, no puppy eyes." She warned him before he could trick her with his over cuteness. He pouted but that didn't work as at last he had to put off guards and listen her orders. Naira covered him with the quilt and started clearing the mess he did.

"Sleep beside me please!" He requested which was again making her shy. She smiled managing her blush and pecked on his forehead. "I'm here only jai! Sleep fast!" He nodded and closed his eyes.

Naira took the empty wrappers of medicines and threw them into the dustbin. She was turning when suddenly something huddled her steps. She suspiciously looked at the bin and for some reason crouched down opening it.

Her hand reached to a needle and with it the injection. Her eyebrows wiggled with doubts running in her mind.
"Injection? It wasn't in the prescription then who threw it here?" She tried to remember if her doubt was correct or not but it was confusing her more. "Should I talk to jai's doctor?" Her thoughts stopped processing but she decided about what to do. Something was wrong, she wasn't satisfied with the revealing secrets. Before sharing this with anything she had to prepare for it and she will!

With a lot of thoughts naira collected the empty wrappers of medicines, that injection and the pills. She put it in her handbag and then walked to the bed. Her eyes fell on jai's innocent face and she promises to destroy his fear from the roots then whatever she has to do.

One last time glancing at him she laid herself beside him and slept.


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