Chapter Nine: The Eyes Of The Devil Himself

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fractured || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"Jerome?" While Five was slightly fixing your jacket, you glanced at the name sticker on his jacket. "You don't look like a Jerome."

"Well, you don't look like a Linda too, yet here we are," Five replied. He gestured that you were finally completely disguised while looking up and down and nodding. "Come on."

Five and you went into a building, and you followed Five inside as he walked forward to a bearded, bald man. "Ah! Jerome!" The man greeted. "Who's this young lady you brought with you?"

"This is Linda." You shook hands with the man after Five introduced you. You gave the man a warm smile. "I'm from the Mississippi branch."

The man nodded and grinned. "I'm Larry. And by the way, I heard a lot of folks say there are loud members of the Keepers. The Mississippi supporters are very vocal about it. It's good to finally meet a member from that branch." The man, Larry, explained and expressed his gratitude. "Come on, you two. Follow me."

Five and you exchanged a quick look before Larry led the way up the stairs. "Just be cool, you two. Anybody asks, you're with me." Larry reassured you and Five. You and Five entered a room full of people chattering at each other. "These are the real Keepers. Best of the best."

You glanced around the room to get acquainted with who was there while Five was chatting with Larry. That's when you noticed a woman you knew well, sporting a long, dark brown wig and a red dress with a name sticker Nancy on it. As she sipped her champagne, she grinned at the folks she was speaking to. When you nudged Five, he excused himself away from Larry politely. "Yeah?"

You gestured for Five to take a look at the familiar woman as you pointed in her direction. Five looked, and when he recognized who it was, he scoffed. "Come on." He took your hand and moved in toward the path of the woman. You and Five passed by the woman. "So this is book club?" Five quietly spoke to the woman in a whisper, and he sat down beside you while still holding your hand.

The woman, who turns out to be Lila, grimaced and stepped away from the people she was chatting with. She was cautious to avoid drawing attention to herself when she approached Five and you. "And why, pray tell, are you two doing here?" Looking at you both with a mix of surprise and irritation, Lila asked as she sat down next to Five. "Are you two planning to blow my cover?"

"You're gonna blow our cover." Five whispered.

"Is (Y/n) part of the CIA now?"

"Consider her under the CIA's protection and helping me with the case."

Lila looked at you and smirked. "Lucky gal." She gave you a wink, then turned back to face Five after noticing his fake mustache. "Nice mustache, by the way. What are you supposed to be? A Greek serial killer?"

Five gave Lila an annoyed look and rolled his eyes. "I'll have you know this is top-of-the-line horse hair. And (Y/n) happens to like it."

"I hate it." You said in a hurried manner, taking Lila's champagne and sipping it before getting up from your seat to grab some snacks.

As he processed what you had said, Five was silent for a while, staring at Lila, who was on the verge of laughing. "Okay, she hates it." Lila snickered while Five rolled his eyes again. "Okay, my turn. What are you doing here, Nancy?"

Lila took time to think about what to say and then took a deep breath. "Let's just say the transition from full-time assassin to full-time caregiver to 3 small children and one chunky husband is no picnic," She explained. "I needed to get outside the house, okay? I saw a sign and took a chance. It's cheaper than therapy."

"Well, you did say we're not cut out for domestic bliss." Five added as he looked away from Lila.

"What would you do if you ever had the chance to experience domestic bliss?" Lila curiously asked.

Five turned to face you as you struck up a chat with an elderly woman near the table with the snacks. "I guess I'll take it," He replied honestly. "Whether it was chaotic or domestic, as long as she's there with me, I'll take it."

Lila glanced at you and chuckled. "You are down so bad, and it has been years."

"I never stopped loving her."

Lila sighed and looked around at the other members of the Keepers. "But, you know, these losers might be onto something." She told Five.

"If everyone can take their seats, the presentation's about to begin." A man made an announcement to all. You walked up to Five and Lila and took a seat next to Five. You, Five, and Lila saw a man and a woman entering the room. "Who are they?" Five asked.

"You've never heard of Gene and Jean?" Lila questioned Five. Five shook his head, causing Lila to look at you. "Sure you're boyfriend's part of the right CIA?"

Five glared at Lila in annoyance. "Just spit it out, you British jerk."

"Okay, grumpy pants!" Lila whispered. "Gene and Jean started the first chapter in Clovis, New Mexico. Since then, the movement has been everywhere."

The lights dimmed down, and the woman, Jean, stood behind the wooden podium in front. "Wow." Jean gasped. "Wowie!" She exclaimed as her husband, Gene, stood beside her. "I mean, holy shit! Pardon my French, but look at all these beautiful shining faces. It is too much. Thank you for being here."

Jean grinned broadly as she glanced around and even recognized a few individuals. "We have a big night planned because tonight we will be discussing..." The projector, which was beside you, Five, and Lila, turned on and revealed what the topic was. "The Umbrella Effect. And how I believe we can return to a restored..." Jean paused and chuckled. "...and correct timeline."

The next slide was shown with a comic book cover of The Umbrella Academy with illustrated faces of you and your family when you were younger. "Now, what do we mean when we talk about the Umbrella Effect?" Jean asked everyone. "Well, some people refer to it as timeline sickness."

Five and Lila glanced at each other.

"These artifacts from other timelines..." Another slide was shown, and it was small figurines of you and your family again, including Sir Reginald Hargreeves. "Like the shared memories so many of us have experienced, huh? Yup. Memories the powers that be would have you believe are just figments of our imaginations."

Another slide was shown with a picture of Sir Reginald Hargreeves back in the 1960s. "A dapper dandy holding an umbrella, standing on the grassy knoll," Gene explained the picture from the slide before showing another slide. "An obscure sex cult called Destiny's Children."

You and Five stifled a laugh.

"A litter of child superheroes in short pants, from which we derive the name of this phenomenon, the Umbrella Effect."

"Question is..." Jean spoke up. "...who benefits from covering this up?"

The next slide is revealed to be a picture of Sir Reginald Hargreeves and Abigail Hargreeves. "The elites, of course," Gene exclaimed with utter bitterness in his voice. "The ruling class has always been threatened by the truth. But they cannot stop the truth now, can they?" The people inside the room muttered as they agreed with Gene's words. Gene laughed. "No, I didn't think so."

"And there were rumors about the elites having a secret kid hiding in their estate." Jean quickly added in her statement as the next slide showed you barely being seen in the photo. Lila looked at you with a baffled reaction. "What?" She mouthed.

"Later." You mouthed back.

"These artifacts are proof that we're living in the wrong timelines." Jean continued on with her explanation. "And they're the key to bringing about the Cleanse." She jazzed her hands up, adding more of a dramatic tone to her last word.

"What the hell is the Cleanse?" Five quirked up in disbelief.

"No idea, but shut your mouth." Lila whispered.

"Your whisper is very high-pitched."

"Don't blow our covers, or I'll rip your balls off."

"You're gonna blow our covers."

Gene and Jean caught the noises at the back where you, Five, and Lila were sitting. "Is there a problem back there?" Gene asked.

"Shit." Lila muttered under her breath.

"Could you two little Chatty Cathys stand up, please?" Jean called out, specifically Five and Lila since they were the only ones who were being a little loud. "I don't, uh, I can't really see your pretty little faces."

Lila faltered, but Five was getting to his feet quite gradually. He gave you a quick look and briefly grasped your hand before turning to face Jean and Gene. Lila grumbled and got to her feet Five.

Jean gasped in joy. "Oh, Papa, it's Nancy." She patted her husband's chest as Gene chuckled.

Lila feigned a smile at everyone in the room. "Hi, everyone."

"And who's your little friend? I don't believe we've met."

Lila patted Five's shoulder and smiled at Jean. "This is my handsome fellaβ€”

"Jerome." Lila's feigned sweet tone was cut off by Five, and she retracted her hand right away. "Jerome." Lila repeated softly with a nod.

"From the Orlando branch." Five added.

"Mmm." Jean smiled. "Jerome from the Orlando branch."

"Looks like your suntan could use a little work there, Jerome." Gene teased and chuckled at his own joke.

"Maybe there's something we could help clarify, Jerome from the Orlando branch?"

Lila shook her head. "No, so, um, sorryβ€”"

Five immediately intervened. "We were hoping maybe you could elaborate on the concept of the Cleanse."

Jean and Gene remained quiet for a while. Casting a sidelong glance at Jean, his spouse, Gene saw that she was staring at Five and Lila with her arms crossed. Gene took the opportunity to talk. "Some believe it's the end." As Gene stepped forward, Jean immediately shot her arm out to prevent Gene from going further. She moved her hand from his chest to his face, but Gene did not seem to be bothered. "Others believe it's but a great restoration."

"What do you believe?" Five asked.

Jean smirked. "Well, you're in luck, because we are preparing a very special lecture on just this topic. Aren't we, darling?"

"That's right, darling," Gene responded while keeping his stare at Lila and Five. "If you're interested, why don't you give us your information? Your address and phone number. We'll make sure to send you an invitation. Both of you."

Jean and Gene both turned to see when a hand suddenly rose up into the air. "Ah, looks like someone wanted to join in!" Jean quipped. "It's not the Q&A portion yet, but I'm so glad people are asking. What's your name, pretty lady?"

When it was discovered that you were the one who actually wanted to ask Gene and Jean a question, Five and Lila's eyes opened. You got to your feet, steering clear of paying attention to Five or Lila. "My name's Linda."

"Linda, the pretty woman." Jean grinned. "What branch are you from, hun?"

"The Mississippi branch."

Jean gasped in joy. "Oh, we love the Mississippi branch! Very vocal and feisty." She praised. "And what is your question, Lindy?"

You stared at Jean before tilting your head. "Where do you get these artifacts from?"

Lila and Five gave you a quick glance before turning to face Gene and Jean, who were once again quiet. Gene made the decision to speak up once more. "From an anonymous tipper. We call 'em The Boss. Most of these artifacts wouldn't be discovered if it wasn't for The Boss."

"And does the Boss know what the Cleanse is as well?"

Jean took over, answering your questions. "The Boss does know. The Boss was the one who actually introduced us to the Cleanse." She explained.

"Where's The Boss now?" You asked one last time.

Jean smiled. "People around say that The Boss lurks in the shadows, helping us in their own way to expose the Umbrella Effect all around the world. We haven't seen The Boss personally ourselves, but people around us have rumored that... The Boss has these evil eyes. The eyes of the Devil himself. If you meet The Boss, come and tell us. We'd be honored to meet them."

Many in the room began to whisper, and some of them experienced cold chills. With unwavering poise, you gave a nod. "Thank you both."

"So sorry about that." Lila apologized as you three sat down.


For now, The Boss will be referred to as they/them until we finally meet who it is :))

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