Chapter One: Such A Peculiar Child

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fractured || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


Pogo and Sir Reginald Hargreeves were keeping a attentive watch on the Umbrella Academy children, specifically you, as you all train together despite being at the age of three. Reginald thought you were a peculiar child and wanted to watch you carefully.

While Number Two and Number Five were occupied with their fight, even Reginald and Pogo sensed that they were not training; rather, they were actually aggravating each other. While Number Four and Number Six were training together, Number Four took every opportunity to poke his little finger at the sixth child's face in order to annoy him. While you were standing on the side of the room, unsure of what to do, Number Three was with Number One. The seventh member of the Umbrella Academy was not available to participate in the training at the moment.

Reginald noticed that you were nervously grinding your shoe against the floor when his attention shifted to you. After Number One triumphed in the fight, Number Three yielded, but the boy quickly apologized to her before coming closer to you. Pogo appeared concerned that Number One had chosen you as his next opponent, while Reginald was intrigued by it.

You took a step back, whimpering, your tiny hands trembling with dread and worry. "Dada..." You attempted to persuade Reginald to assist you. Even though he didn't act like a loving father but rather an authoritative and detached one, Reginald grew accustomed to you calling him "Dada" because the other kids behaved the same way. With you and the other kids, he displayed more of an abusive director who was far more concerned with the future of the business and treated all of you like guinea pigs than humans.

Since Number One was already exceptionally strong at the age of three and could easily pull up a bicycle or even a car, you weren't fond of his abilities. You were worried about being hurt by him.

Number One was standing a few feet away from you, and the other children stopped to watch. While Reginald remained apathetic and had no plans to even cease the training, Pogo stared at him with genuine concern for you.

"Use your powers, Number Eight." Reginald's voice slightly startled you, as if it had snapped out of your train of thought. You were still too young to control your powers, but you knew you needed to test them.

Number One ran towards you and immediately ran away in fear. "No!" You shrieked in fear as Number One chased after you. "Go away!"

When Number One picked up a table and hurled it in your direction, your eyes widened to see that it was getting closer to you. As you closed your eyes, expecting to feel anything hit you, you realized that nothing happened. You turned to face the person holding you and noticed that you were in their arms.

"Number Five, do not help her!" Reginald scolded the boy who had saved you by teleporting you away just a few feet from the table. Number Five stuck out a tongue at the old man before grudgingly taking his arms off of you.

Resuming the training, Number One was unforgiving. He wanted to show Reginald how strong and essential he was, even at a young age. He was determined to establish his value. He aspired to be his most favored one.

Ultimately, you suffer harm from Number One. You were hurt, even if it wasn't his intention to cause you immense pain. Number One stopped when he saw you on the ground, clutching your head while your leg got a small cut, causing a short stream of blood to flow.

The sight of blood made you teary-eyed, and soon you began to burst into tears. The lights flickered, scaring and startling everyone in the room. The furniture and walls began to tremble from your outburst. "Papa!" You wailed out loud as your clenched fists formed glowing red mystic-like shapes. "I want my Papa!"

Not long after, a flying vase struck Number One, who made a hasty retreat to shield his head with his arms. The whole structure shook as your wails grew louder and more intense.

Pogo gave Reginald a quick glance. The chimpanzee wished to help you, but he needed Reginald to give him a signal. Pogo rushed over to comfort you, taking you in his arms as Reginald gave him a small nod of approval. "There, there, Miss (Y/n). There, there."

"Papa!" You cried out as your small hand reached out to the doors of the Academy, hoping for your grandfather Nico Russell to show up and give you his comforting embrace. "Papa! Papa!"

Number Four and Number Six assisted Number One in standing up, and the other children watched as Pogo comforted you while you broke down. Number Five seethed through his teeth and clenched his fists as he turned to glare at Reginald. The kids looked up at Reginald as he adjusted his monocle. "Training dismissed."


When night fell, you were cuddling up with a plush animal on your bed. You fixed your focus on the sky outside your window, gazing at the moon and stars. Even though you were worn out from your training and your previous emotional breakdown, you made an effort to remain up since you knew your adoptive father would be coming to see you in your room shortly.

Sir Reginald Hargreeves soon arrived at your doorway and entered your room. You turned to look at him, cautiously peering at him in silence. Reginald presumed you had calmed down and were back to being silent. "You did well today, Number Eight, despite your tantrum earlier," He said while maintaining a poker face and a monotone yet stern voice. "How are you feeling?"

Your eyes remained beady and curious about Reginald as you shifted slightly away from him in bed and gripped your pillow tighter. "Head feels ache-y." You softly whimpered while pressing your lower face against your stuffed animal.

"I gave you medicines, little one." Reginald left the door open and walked towards you. "Did you not take it?"

To let him know you had taken your medication, you gave him a shake of your head and opened your mouth widely. "I drank it, Dada. Am a big girl now."

"Hm..." Reginald hummed in response before sitting down on the edge of your bed while you stared at him with your big doe eyes. "Dada?"

"Yes, Number Eight?"

"Read me a story."

The corner of Reginald's mouth twitched upwards in amusement as he straightened his back. "I thought you were a big girl. Big girls don't need bedtime stories."

Your pleading eyes became larger as you took a storybook out from underneath your pillow and showed it to him. "Pwease?"

Reginald realized that in order to prevent the children from growing accustomed to his compassion, he had to become more harsh and strict. He wasn't supposed to care in the first place.

However, with you, he believed that he ought to give you more of his valuable time while you were still young and innocent. That's what his wife would've wanted.

Taking the little book from your small hands, Reginald sighed in defeat. A broad smile spread across your face as you nestled your head and body against the huge pillow behind you. Reginald stared at the story's cover. "I've never heard this one before."

"Papa made that storybook." You excitedly shared the information with Reginald, proud to show him the book that your grandfather had made. "He loves making stories with me."

Reginald silently nodded before turning some pages and starting to read. "There once was a happy little girl who would go about the village wearing her beautiful red robe. She brings everyone happiness with her bright smiles and lively laughter, even those who are often upset."

Reginald carried on reading the story while your eyelids began to feel heavy. You let out a soft yawn before moving and crawling towards Reginald. You nuzzled your head and body at his side, but Reginald was too engrossed in the story to notice since he was too busy reading. It was only when he realized you were too close to him that he felt your small arms wrapping around him, along with the stuffed bear your mother had left for you that he gave you last year.

With a wide smile on your face, Reginald looked down at you and saw that you had fallen asleep. After closing the book and letting out a long sigh, Reginald picked you up in his arms and set the book down in your nightstand drawer.

Knowing that this would be the last time he was ever going to be weak and compassionate to anyone, he let you sleep in his arms while absorbing the moment. He knew this moment was too good to last. He knew that since you were still far too young, you wouldn't remember a single thing about this. Reginald soon tucked you in your bed and attached a pulse oximeter sensor to your head. He did not want anyone to witness a hint of weakness in him.

When you started to feel a little cold, you shivered and clutched your bear even more firmly. Reginald drew the blanket immediately to your shoulders. Reginald brushed his fingers over your head and gave it an affectionate pat. "(Y/n)..." It was the first time he had ever addressed your birth name. "Abigail had always loved that name."

Before he left the room, Reginald pulled himself away from you and gave you one final look. Reginald started to walk back to his office and stopped for a moment to gather his thoughts. "Such a peculiar child."


Book 4! Finally!

It's an odd thing to start the chapter, especially how I ended the third book, but I wanted to write some Little (Y/n) content. I wanted to publish the fourth book so badly and couldn't wait for August 8. I also saw how some of you really liked Deleted Scene #1 in the third book, so I made this :)

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