Chapter Three: You Sicken Me

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fractured || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


You woke up suddenly and began to breathe heavily. As you took in your surroundings, you started to feel panicked. It was hard to determine where you were.

The house was gone. Mr. Pennycrumb was gone. Ms. Snowpeach was gone. Five were gone. 'Five is... gone?'

"I love you."

Your eyes widened in horror as you clutched your hands to your stomach. 'Oh, God...' The heart monitor began beeping loudly as you tried to get out of your restraints and out of bed. 'What...?' You looked around in panic and found yourself in an unfamiliar place. You looked down and found yourself in a hospital bed with restraints wrapped tightly around your wrists and ankles. 'No, no, no!'

Your breathing picked up as you tried to get out, and tears started to pour down on your face. "Five?! Five!" You kept yelling repeatedly as a river of tears streamed down your cheeks. "FIVE!" You screamed desperately, waiting for Five to show up.

"I love you... I love you so much."

The last thing you recall is him yelling your name to wake you awake as you pass away in his lap. Five's frantic yell was the last thing you heard from him.

You remembered him being hurt. He was hurt. He almost died.

With a syringe in his hand, Reginald walked into the room, followed by his wife, Abigail. Your eyes were filled with absolute fear as you stared at Reginald. Your final memory is of Reginald's head being chopped in two and his death as a result of what you did. You knew that you had killed him. "Wh-Why...? How? Y-You died... you died! Why are you alive?!"

"Reggie?" Abigail glanced at her husband in confusion and worried while Reginald kept an undisturbed face. He approached you, and you tried to move away from him, crying hysterically. "No! I killed you! I KILLED YOU! STAY AWAY! PLEASE!"

You made an attempt to use your powers, but it was unsuccessful. You were too weak to fully use any of your powers because of the limitations surrounding you. Reginald leaned down to press the needle against your skin. You let out a loud scream. "STOP!" You begged, and the lights flickered for five seconds. You winced as Reginald began sedating you, pouring the liquid drug from the syringe into your system.

You started to feel weak and limp, and your vision was hazy. You leaned back against your pillow, and your eyelids were prepared to close at any moment. A few more tears stained your cheeks as you stared at the big window in the room. "Five..." You whimpered before drifting into darkness.

Just as Abigail opened her mouth to speak, things in the room started changing. Reginald and Abigail looked around to see that the walls were now covered with red-striped wallpaper, the couches had changed their color to black, the ceiling had now been decorated with a small chandelier, and a few more pieces of furniture had been added.

Abigail was puzzled. "How did you redecorate her room so quickly?" She asked in amazement.

Reginald shook his head. "This wasn't me." He looked at you. "It was all her. She was doing it unconsciously." He started to think. "I wonder how her powers have gotten so vast and powerful."

"What do you mean?" Abigail asked curiously.

"Even in her unconscious state, she's able to bend reality and change her surroundings to her liking. Her powers have become so unfathomable that I couldn't keep up."

"Have you figured out why her powers are still with her after you reset the timeline?"

Reginald thought about it for a moment. "I believe it was because I wasn't finished coding back in the Hotel Oblivion."

Abigail looked solemn as she placed her hand on top of yours. "Poor child has suffered so much. Why, Reggie?"

"What?" Reginald's ears suddenly perked up after hearing his wife mention his name.

"Why did you have to give this poor girl a hard time?"

Reginald went silent as he sat down on your bed, just beside you, and stared at you. "I don't know what my other self had done to her, but this time I saved her." He looked at Abigail. "I saved her for you."

"Oh, Reg..." Abigail gave her husband a sad smile. "She deserves so much better."


You blink a few times and scan your surroundings to figure out where you are. It was all white. But a red door did catch your attention. The same red door from The Room, except this one, has an umbrella symbol carved on its wood. You curiously stepped forward and reached for the door, opening it to see what was on the other side.

Once the door was opened, you found the mansion still in the same shape and condition as the last time you saw it before its destruction.

While walking around, you heard the door closing behind you, causing you to turn around. And as soon as you turned around, you heard a heartbeat monitor nearby pulse loudly. When you looked around once more, an elderly guy was lying on a hospital bed in the center of the mansion. The elderly man was immediately identifiable to you. "Nico..." You whispered as your heart ached to see him trying to live longer.

His heart monitor stopped, and Nico's heart stopped beating, and you felt your heart sink. You shook your head and hurried over to give him a shake while holding his hand. "Papa! Please, wake up! Please!" You yelled as tears streamed down your face. "Stay with me, Papa Nico!"

When you suddenly turn to look at Elliott's dead body, you see that it was seated on a dentist's chair with little knives and a few dental tools cut into his face and body, leaving it severely deformed. You wept more intensely. "Elliott!"

You screamed when you saw a corpse fall right in front of you. You looked down on the ground to see Jeanie. "J-Jeanie?" You looked around and saw more of Jeanie's bodies start raining down. They were Jeanie's clones that you brutally slaughtered when you were out of control.

"(Y/n)..." You looked back at Nico when his raspy voice called out your name. "My sweet pumpkin..."

"Kid..." You looked at Elliott and saw his mouth moving, but his dull eyes remained staring at the distance.

"You killed us..." Jeanie's dead clones added in unison. "You're a monster."

You let go of Nico and clutched your head in pain. "No! No, I didn't! I-I could never!"

From all the dead bodies, you began to hear loud accusations and indiscernible muttering. You covered your ears in order to block out their voices; however, their voices continued to pierce through your closed ears, and the volume only got louder. Your head was pounding in pain, and your tears streamed down uncontrollably. "Stop! STOP!" You unleashed a massive psionic blast, blasting every dead body away from you.

You started crying again after dropping to your knees. Unable to find anything to soothe you or help you calm down, you hugged yourself.

"Darling..." Your eyes widen, and you turn around to see your lover standing next to you and looking down at you. "Why are you crying?"

You slightly calmed down when you saw his calm face and mesmerizing eyes. You missed him so much.

"F-Five?" You gasped as you stood up to properly face him. "Y-You're here."

Five cupped your cheeks and smiled. "I'm here," He reassured as he pecked your forehead.

You pulled away to see if he was going to vanish. You wanted to prepare yourself for the heartbreaking reality that you were just going to see him in your dreams and not in the real world. "I love..."

"You sicken me."

You furrowed your eyebrows and stepped back from Five when his loving eyes turned into hatred. His sweet smile turned sour, and he stared at you like you were the most awful thing he had ever seen in his life. "You're a pathetic little brat who has done nothing but whine that your whole life was wasted because you were frozen."

Such words would never come from Five, you knew. likewise in your dreams. But this was too much, unlike the others. Five has been there to console you at the conclusion of every nightmare you've had.

"Did you really think you had the worst life out of all of us?" Five scoffed as he walked towards you menacingly while you stepped back. "That you had the worst past and experiences?"

You shook your head. "I-I didn'tβ€”I never..."

"You're a little bitch." You flinched when you heard a voice belonging to Klaus behind you. You frowned as you saw that his usually cheerful eyes and smile had turned bitter and resentful. "You're not my baby sister. You will never be a sister to me. You're nothing."

"You're weak." Viktor stepped out with a hateful glare towards you. "You think you're better than us because you have a lot of powers? Because you lived a brief normal life? Because you're Dad's favorite?"

You continued to shake your head as you tried to get away, but soon, the rest of the Hargreeves siblings showed up. "You don't belong here." Diego spat. "You're useless."

"An abomination." Ben scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "The world would be better if you were gone."

You looked up at Luther, who stepped in front of you, towering over you. "You're not an Umbrella, (Y/n). You're not a part of this family. You're an outsider. A nobody."

Their words cut deep through your heart as you began staring into nothingness, but your tears continued to fall. The Hargreeves siblings continued to belittle you, not planning to stop. You grew numb and collapsed on the ground, but your eyes continued to stare into nothingness. Their words sank into your mind and heart.

"A nobody..." You whispered.

The Hargreeves siblings stepped back while Five stood in front of you, grabbing your jaw to force you to look at him. "You disgust me," He hissed in anger. "I wish I never met you."

Five stepped away, leaving you a crying mess. The siblings stood around you, staring at you while you wiped away copious amounts of tears. They showed no concern. Did they even care? You don't know anymore.

You were unaware when someone crouched down behind you, leaning their lips close to your ear. "Sucks, doesn't it?" You flinched when you heard Allison's voice. "Do you want to end it all? You're nothing without us, after all."

You didn't look at Allison but looked up at Five, who was glaring down at you. You slowly nodded, and Allison smirked. "I heard a rumor..." Your eyes briefly turned white, and you flinched. "...that you stopped your pain..."

Your fists clenched as her last words rang in your ears. As Allison leaned back, your eyes kept staring at Five's cold eyes. You weakly smiled and raised your hand to create red, psionic, and mystical shapes. "I love you..." You told Five, and for a brief moment, his face finally softened. "I'll always love you..."

Reginald was peacefully reading one of the novels he adored so much from the corner of your room while Abigail was checking on your vitals. Her little flashlight from her ballpoint pen was positioned near your pupil as she opened one of your eyes to see whether you would react. Abigail closed your eyes, and she started stretching your arms and legs. Your limbs are so immobile from deep sleep that Abigail needs to help you move them.

Suddenly, your heart rate started spiking. Abigail's eyes widened. "Reginald!" She called out loud.

Reginald slammed the book shut and rushed to your side. He checked your forehead and retracted his hand.

Your eyes remained closed as your chest heaved up and down, unable to get enough oxygen. Reginald quickly grabbed the oxygen mask and placed it around your face to help you breathe. Reginald sighed.

"What's happening?!" Abigail asked in a panic.

Reginald began looking for medical tools and defibrillators. He immediately checked for your pulse. "We're losing her."

Abigail immediately opened your shirt up, and Reginald instructed Abigail to get ready for the volts. "Ready, my love?"

Reginald prepared the defibrillators. "Clear!" He said out loud, delivering a shock to you.

Meanwhile, deep in your mind, you lay down in the pool of darkness. It's been a year since you last woke up. Was it because Reginald sedated you? Or maybe it was your own choice to stay asleep? You didn't really care either way. You were alone in this world with the worst father alive and his alien wife from the moon.

You had come to terms that you're in the reset timeline, the timeline that Reginald created back in the Hotel Oblivion. You have no idea if your family survived after you passed away, and you have no idea why you are still alive.

You were so tired.

So tired.

However, Reginald was able to effectively bring you back, and your heart rate returned to normal just as you were about to accept the cold embrace of death. Reginald, breathing heavily, set down the defibrillators as Abigail lowered her head, tears welling up in her eyes from the stress of almost losing you. Abigail closed your shirt while Reginald stood beside his wife. "You're not leaving this world, Number Eight," Reginald promised. "I can assure you that."


Yes, I've finished season 4. Was it the best season? No. Season 2 still earns that title. Anyway, please avoid commenting too much about episode 5 of season 4, especially when the scenes are far from the scenes of episode 5. I don't want the comments to flood and the readers to be bombarded with them. Please, and thank you.

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