xxii. ๐Ž๐ฎ๐ซ ๐š๐ฅ๐ฐ๐š๐ฒ๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐›๐ž ๐š๐ฅ๐ฐ๐š๐ฒ๐ฌ

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Lucas didn't mind the constant sound of a guitar string hitting as he read from his book. Not even Erica, who was annoyed with everything, minded much. Cassie was trying to learn the songs Eddie had under his bed, but wanting to find the correct rhythm of the strings before taking it to be plugged it and play for real. Day one she suffered and wrote through her pain, day two she was quiet and did exactly what Eddie wanted her to.

Lucas was like Cassie, they both whitenesses an insane amount of trauma that revolved around death. The only difference was, Max's heartbeat came back and she laid in a coma. Cassie kept her busy with making her listen to the obnoxious sound of the strings smacking the base, and Lucas read to her. They stayed side by side though, that didn't chance over the last two days.

Cassie didn't look up at the door when it opened, expecting a nurse. But, when Lucas stopped reading, she had no choice.

"We've been calling you guys like crazy." Lucas ran into Will and Mikes arms first.

"I know." Mike held him. "We came as soon as we could."

Cassies eyes softened when El moved past the trio, her eyes watering as she smiled at Cassie. The pair embraced each other, the insane amount of lost comfort finally giving the pair just an ounce of peace. Cassie held El, her breathing stilling more. "Are you okay?"

"I will be." Cassie promised her. "I'm just over joyed you're okay."

"I'm overjoyed too." El pulled back as Lucas hugged her. "I'm sorry."

"I got so scared for you, Cas." Mike leaned down to hug her, Cassie held her arm out for Will to join in. "I thought something bad had happened."

"Not to me." she hugged him. "I missed you guys."

"I miss you." Will held her tighter. "Mike and I talked about you to our new friend Argyle."

"You'd really like him." Mike promised her, dropping his head to whisper to her. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

Dustin must have told him.

"I'm so sorry for being mad at you." she squeezed her eyes shut. "I never want to be mad at anyone again."

After loosing Eddie, she realized how precious timing was. Her final words to Mike were them being cruel to one another, him apologizing and her holding it against him. If he'd had the out come Eddie had, Cassie could have never lived with herself. She loved Mike, no matter how flaky he was. Mike held her back. "I love you, Cas."

"I love you too." she said back, turning and smacking a kiss on Wills head. "You, young man, have grown so much."

Will gave a low laugh. "It's been so long since i've seen you."

"I-" she went to talk, not realizing that it wasn't just the three of them that came. She looked at the doorway. "Jonathan."

"Hey, Cas." he walked forward as she hugged him, her arms locked so tightly around his neck as he bend down to hold her more. The way his hands touched her back hurt her terrible bruise, but she didn't care. "I really wish you'd came to California."

Cassie hugged him tighter. "It's a good thing i'm due for a vacation."

She kept her arms around his waist as El looked down at Max. "Do they know...when she will wake?"

"No." Lucas frowned, his hand found Cassie's. "They say she might not."

"She will, though." Cassie reminded everyone. She needed to be positive, that was always her role in the party. Even when she wanted to hate the world, when she wanted to be in pain, she was the one to remind everyone there was always a bright side. Eddie had said that about her, Eddie thought the absolute word of Cassie. "She's strong."

"Yeah." Jonathan agreed with her, petting the back of her head.

"Her heart stopped. For over a minute." Lucas explained as El sat down with Max. "She was dead. But then...she came back. The doctors don't know how. They say it's...a miracle."

El took Max's hand. "I'm here, Max."

A second passed, El looked back at Cassie as she hugged her again. "I'm here, Cas."

And Cassie was so relieved she was. Jonathan turned to look at the typewriter in the corner, letting the group all hug each other as he approached it.

The Beautiful Soul of Eddie Munson
written by: Cassandra Park

ย  ย ย  Perhaps it's controversial to be speaking on such a matter. I know what the town thinks of him, the monster they've painted him to be. A monster to haunt their neighborhoods and strike fear within their children. If it was any other human being, I couldn't find myself ever blaming them. But, Eddie wasn't a monster.
ย  ย ย  He is not a demonic creature that murdered people. Eddie Munson was the kindest soul i've ever known, the first person that was nice to me when I began my high school memories. I hadn't been granted the gift of my first school newspaper article, so no one was forced to be kind to me like they often do now. But, Eddie was. He found me at my worst and told me he liked my rainbow socks, then asked me my D&D class.
ย  ย ย  Eddie Munson lit my soul on fire and painted my heart with every color he'd even loved. He taught me so many deep means and provided me happiness when I hadn't even known it myself. It pains me, deep within every cell in my body, to know what this pathetic town, full of privileged and arrogant people, think of him. Eddie Munson saved my life, physically and mentally, and no amount of words within pages of books or written on the walls of school, could ever describe how much he meant to me.
ย  ย ย  He told me not to get myself kicked off the paper, but I know that if I publish this, I will end up going that route. If it was any other day, i'd hesitate. But, now all I feel is shame that I won't fulfill Eddie's wish. I will get myself kicked off because this article will always be more important then the schools basketball team and weather or not the school lunches are acceptable. Eddie Munson will always mean so much more to me then any school news paper.
ย  ย ย  Enjoy tossing balls into laundry baskets.

Lucas found Cassie in the cafeteria downstairs. She had her notebook and a half eaten thing of jello. "I was looking for you."

Cassie looked up. "Lucas, what a pleasant surprise. Do join me."

"Are you writing again?" he sat down in the chair next to her.

"I wasn't." she shook her head. "My Dads dropped one of my old journals off when they brought me a bag. I was just regaining old memories to store in my brain."

"Anything good?" he asked, finishing her jello.

"It's when we first met El." she smiled, shutting her notebook and pushing it aside. "Any news about Max?"

"Nothing new." he shook his head, turning to her some. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." she nodded her head. "I just really, truly, hope Max will pull through."

"And...Eddie?" he was gentle with his tone. "Are you okay about Eddie?"

Cassie frowned. "I am not, but, he wouldn't want me to be dwelling my sadness about him."

"He's probably make a big public statement just to keep your mind off it." Lucas joked as Cassie gave a sad smile. "I'm sorry you had to face that, Cassie."

"No, i'm sorry." she took his hand with a sincere look. "Witnessing what happened to Max all alone must have been so painfully tragic. I truly wish I could have been there for you, Lucas."

"You're always with me." he shook his head. "Always always."

She gave him a small smile. "Lucas."

"Cassie." he turned to her, seeing the look on her face. "What is it?"

"If you and I ever fall apart, in the future, when all of this is behind us and we move across the world or go to different colleges..." she laced their hand together. "Will our always still be always?"

Lucas took her other hand in his. "That'll never happen. The only way you and I would ever be separated is if we were physically thrown in a van and shipped to different locations."

Cassie gave a small laugh as she held his hands. "You never know now, perhaps it could happen."

"That's true." he inhaled, leaning in to be on her eye level. "But, to answer your question, yes. Our always will still be always."

Cassie leaned her forehead on his. "Everything is so painful right now, but I have so much gratitude that you ended up being safe."

"I was thinking the same thing." he pulled her into a hug, Cassie leaned on his shoulder. "Cafeteria food for our first real date?"

She pulled back to give him a very quick, very small kiss, considering the circumstances. "Green jello is very romantic, if you were curious what my thoughts possessed."


kylie speaks

hi, my lovers. i truly hope
you enjoyed cassie's story
this season. i really did love
writing it and i so enjoyed
see you all in my comments.
this book has always, from the
beginning, had such a comforting and joyed vibe to
it. the comments always felt
like a large hug when i needed
it most and i'm so thankful for
all the love and support i've
received on friend zone, who
isnt so much friend zoned
anymore!! i very much do
plan to write cassie's prolgue
book and show her in season
one and two, and when that
becomes available i will be
back to remind you guys so
we can see her in actions once
again while we await season
fives arrival. what a fun ride
it's been, disappoint to see it
end, but over come with love
at how well we have done.

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