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Above is Tomomi's new
winter heroes costume, just to
remind you. She wears a black
detachable hood over her head.

remember, she gets colder every
day due to her quirk and only she
is able to take that amount of coldness.

she can control her body temperature
just fine. To endure hot weather ( even
though she gets weaker in the heat ) and
to not make anything around her freeze
automatically. which is why everyone is
still able to hug her or stand next to her.

she's like class 1-a's personal air conditioner.

anyways, don't forget to vote and
comment! Also, if you can't see the
photo up above, it's probably because
of the fact that you are using mobile
instead of a desktop or because wattpad
still hates me. in that case, I'll try to fix
it on my phone.....

don't be a ghost reader~! I love reading
your comments, they're like drugs to me.
( I'm not even kidding. Yall keep me motivated )
but only if you are comfortable. I dont want you
to be pressured. but spamming is much appreciated.

happy reading!!

It's been a while since the last time Kurayami has seen Dabi and vice versa. He likes to think that his friendship with him was now over or even on pause. He knew that Dabi is still very much holding a grudge against him for comparing him to his father. Normally, Kurayami wouldn't care about that at all. But something in him really did hurt whenever he remembered the fight and the things he said in retaliation.

He doesn't regret what he said to him. Dabi is like his father. And just like Enji, he's managed to destroy everything he touches solely because he wanted power and he allowed vengeance to cloud his judgement. It was sad but true. Touya is completely gone. Now, all that is left is Dabi in the body of someone he used to be.

"Hey, there~" a feminine voice brought him back to reality. He nearly forgot that he was in a bar.

Sometimes, Kurayami would visit the same shady and dark bar just a little outside of the city. It was called ACE OF SPADES and he was a regular there. A familiar face to the staff there. All he did was order a few drinks and read at the bar by himself. A strange place for someone who cherishes quiet evenings but it was the only peace he could get without a villain or hero wanting to use him for something.

Kurayami slowly lifted his hellfire eyes from his book to whoever was talking to him. He saw a young woman sitting next to him at the bar. She was mildly pretty, nothing too exciting to look at but she wasn't actually ugly. Calling her that would be a big lie. Her hair was short and brown, her eyes were an unusual shade of purple and she had a few tattoos on her arms. She was wearing a pink tube top and black jeans.

She flashed him a flirty smile, leaning her chin in the palm of her hand. Her nails were long and colored in a deep red shade. It was honestly getting on his nerves with the way she kept clicking her nails on the surface of the bar. So much for a quiet evening.

"Can I help you?" He asked, blinking at her.

"You seemed lonely so I wanted to give you company." She replied. Her voice was high and a little slurred. She had been drinking before this. He could tell.

"I was doing just fine alone, thank you." He rejected, going back to his book.

Suddenly, he felt her hand on his knee. Which made him sigh and close his book. Why couldn't people leave him alone?

"Oh, come ooon~" She whined out, moving closer to him. "Don't you want to have some fun, handsome? I like your tattoos. You got any more? I have a few."

Kurayami stared at her, clearly unimpressed by her sad attempt at seducing him. But he wanted to see just how far this would go. He needed something to entertain him. So, he played into her fantasy.

He smirked a little, leaning a bit closer to her. "Really?" He asked, his voice getting deeper. His tone suddenly turned seductive as he trailed a finger down her bare shoulder, gracing it over her colored tattoos. "You know, I could be a demon.....waiting for a defenseless victim, like yourself, to give me an opening."

The woman blushed as his fingers slowly graced upward to her shoulders. He kept getting closer to her face as he trapped her into his hypnotizing gaze. She fell right into his manipulation and Kurayami couldn't help but laugh a little at her internally.

"W-What if I like danger?" She stuttered out, gasping softly as Kurayami's hand made it to the side of her neck.

His cold fingers left trails of goosebumps along her skin and his eyes traveled from her face to her lips to her entire neckline. Spotting a shiny silver necklace resting on her collarbone. It had a heart shaped pendant with an arrow going through it.

His fingers slid from her neck to the necklace, gently picking up the pendant. He allowed his knuckles to purposely graze her skin.

"Hmmmm......" He hummed lowly, playing with the pendant. His eyes flickered back to hers.

Suddenly, his hand let go of her necklace and he didn't look interested anymore. He leaned back into his seat, picking up his book before downing the rest of his drink. "Then I'd say, you're stupid for trusting a stranger at a shady bar." Kurayami said bluntly, causing her to become shocked. "And I'm no longer entertained by this. I'm out of here."

"W-Wha-" She stuttered out as she watched him pay the bartender. Anger began to flood her facial expression as she felt like she was being played for a fool. "Hey! What the hell is your problem?! You think you're the hottest thing walking?! You should be lucky I even gave you any attention"

"Sounds like you're overcompensating for your insecurities." He answered standing up from the bar stool. He straightened his leather jacket and gave her one last bored look. "Besides, you're boring and that shade of pink isn't a good color on you. I like my people dark, anyways. Do better, have a good night."

Without letting her say any more, he left the bar. Leaving her flabbergasted, insulted and embarrassed.

"You've been hearing things?" Shoto asked, sitting on top of his sister's bed. After the day they had, Tomomi wanted to talk to him alone. So she took him into her dorm after coming back from her day with everyone.

It was night time and everyone just had dinner. After that, the students of Class 1-A went on about their ways. Some went to shower and then to their dorms, while others decided to hang out in the lounge room.

She was supposed to meet Kirishima in the lounge room for a round of Mario Kart 8. He and Bakugou had been showing her different videogames for the past three weeks. While she is a fast learner, she was still curious about the concept of videogames.

But she wanted to talk to her brother first. So he met her in her dorm. She locked it so that no one would be able to burst in unannounced.

"It's like a little voice." She admitted, looking at the palms of her hands. "I don't know....I feel weird about it whenever I hear it."

"Bad weird?" He asked in a concerning tone. Bruni rested on top of his hand, sleeping as Shoto warmed his palm for the little creature.

Tomomi sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "Honestly, yes." She said, peering at him with a slightly anxious look. "I just....Have you ever felt like your quirk had a mind of its own? Like it's trying to do something to you or even control you?"

Shoto thought about it for a second. He's had some moments like that. Where it seemed like his quirk was doing the fighting and not him. But those moments were usually charged with emotions. Whenever he was angry enough, he would black out. Which is terrifying to even think about, to say the least.

"Yeah...." He admitted. "Why? Do you feel like your quirk is controlling you?"

"What if I said yes?" Tomomi mumbled, resting her folded arms on top of her knees. She leaned her chin on her arms and knees, looking down at her blanket. "What if....What if I don't have control anymore and I-"

"Don't." Shoto interrupted her sternly. "Don't say that......What happened to...him...was an accident. It wasn't your fault."

"I still did it, Shoto-nii." She whispered, tears building in her eyes. Even after some time since her kidnapping, she was still haunted by what happened to her. Guilt had been eating her from the inside out ever since.

He was a villain who would have killed her brother, yes. But that didn't stop the guilt from flooding her. She wanted to use her quirk to save people, not to kill anyone with it. That's not what heroes do.

Shoto moved himself next to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Allowing her to lean into his hold as she let her tears fall down her face. He laid his head on top of hers as they sat there in silence for a while.

"Where the northwind meets the sea," Shoto sang softly, petting her hair. "There's a river full of memory,"

Tomomi smiled a little. "Sleep, my darling, safe and sound." She sang after him. "For, in this river, all is found."

Shoto chuckled inaudibly as Tomomi leaned into his shoulder even more. Joining him in slight laughter before everything went silent again. This time, it didn't feel so tense and harsh. It felt relaxed.

"We'll get through this, Tomo." He whispered sincerely. ".....We always do.....Us against the world, remember?"

Tomomi sighed, extending her pinky to him. "Us against the world." She said, watching him hook his pinky with hers.

"Us against the world."

I'm actually crying, what the
fuck??! I cry as I write sincere and/or
sad moments. Because I feel my own

emotions through the story and I hope
you all do, too.

But anyways, I am so sorry this took so
long. Life kept me away from writing
on Wattpad and all I could do was post
future books and such.

So, I do hope you all like this filler

chapter and I hope you all stay safe
out there. Especially in the world we
live in.

love you and stay safe! You're beautiful,
you deserve to live and if anyone hasn't
told you this yet: you matter. so keep fighting
and keep moving. You're feelings are valid
and you are gorgeous. Don't ever let anyone
tell you that you can't do anything. Because you
can and I believe in you.

Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: Truyen2U.Pro