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    WINTERFELL sat at the edge of the Enchanted Lake playing with her magic. She allowed it to twine through her fingers, the girl watching the dark blue wisps.

It is quite curious — her parents both had light blue magic while she adorned a proper dark blue, close to the ocean in physical appearance.

The Enchanted Lake had not yet frozen over, but she was about to change that. She used her magic to throw a small rock into the water watching as it splashed in and caused ripples to form on the surface.

Her thoughts ran rampant, she could not believe herself. A random freakout? In front of dozens of people? Someone could have easily got hurt had they been standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Then again, a small part of Winterfell wishes to believe that it was her own subconscious that did not want any bystander to get hurt.

She highly doubted that was it; however.

It was not hard to shake off her friends seeing how busy it had been — plus Winterfell was fast when she wanted to be. Also ... she may or may not have used the wind.

She clutched her head in her hands and released a frustrated groan. She was confused at this point — confused with herself. Winterfell felt as though she did not know who she was anymore. And perhaps it had been that way for her entire life: the future Ice Queen ... a Protector of the Realm?

She sure as hell did not feel like any protector. Protectors are meant to be strong and she is not.

Winterfell scoffed a laugh at that — she may have had powers but she could not even pick up a sword correctly. Then she remembered that when she had to wield a weapon without using magic, a staff was her go-to. A staff was just about the only weapon that she could handle, and that was simply because her father taught her. He did wield Twinetender on the daily, after all.

Winterfell stood up, brushing the snow off her bottom. She wanted to scream.

As she walked closer to the lake stopping just before the water's edge she considered a dream she had quite a few weeks back. One where she lay in the bird's nest of a pirate ship. Harry Hook's pirate ship to be exact.

A tingle went down her spine at that aspect. That was freedom at its finest, to be free on the ocean, to explore lands and peoples and cultures ... an adventure every day...

It was a nice thought sure, and her parents could surely handle remaining the only two protectors of the realm. Actually no, because who was to say that she could not protect the realm from the ocean?

Okay, maybe that was a stretch but still.

Winterfell shook her head, stepping on the water. However, rather than falling through, the water froze with each step she took. One might think that she is walking on water, but the Princess of Winter only froze what she touched.

Reaching back, she tied her hair into a long ponytail to keep it out of her face and cracked her neck. Winterfell stood still, taking a deep breath and allowing her gaze to sweep the small lake. Without hesitation, she let it go.

In an instant, she slid forward and her boots shifted to ice skates, and everywhere that she went on the lake turned to ice. At first, she simply skated with grace and beauty making sure to hit every area of the lake and turn it into solid ice.

Then the spins started, but she was only getting warmed up. The leaps were next — triple axels came as easy as breathing, hell Winterfell was able to perform quad axels. Her flexibility was flawless — camel spins, upright spins, sitting spins: each incredibly easy.

Winterfell may very well be the best figure skater in the world, that she knew. However, she also knew that she was only the best because her powers allowed it: she was not fair competition. It is why she does not allow herself to join the Auradon Prep figure skating team. Although, every year the coach is quite adamant about asking her to join the team.

Somehow the woman had found out about Winter's talent for figure skating.

Winterfell constantly denied it; however, it simply was not fair for Winterfell to go up against people who had no control over the wind or ice. Hell, she turns her own shoes into ice skates with a simple thought.

This was quickly shoved to the back of her head as she continued to allow the freedom of skating to set her free. She soared through the air spinning and landing on one leg and easily gliding to the other side of the lake with her arms outstretched.

Winterfell told a story as she skated — just as a ballet foretold of a tale so did her skating. It told of the child born to a very special heritage. The child who had her life carved for her before she even walked the Earth, the child who was meant to be the protector — the Ice Queen.

She skated foreshowing the great beauty in her powers as well as the devastation that she held. Winterfell skated for freedom, she spun telling the tale of the child who wanted nothing more than to have no expectation to her name.

Without meaning, Winter began to fly. Well, fly while skating that is — she did not notice as she was lifted off the ground, continuing to skate as though nothing was amiss and she was on the ice.

This happened far too often for her to question anymore: whether she was dancing or skating, it did not matter. She figured if she was to be the typical Auradon stereotype for a princess then it might as well be this one.

At least skating or dancing while flying was cooler than cooking or cleaning. She was not some maid, after all. Of course, she knew how to cook and how to clean, but if anyone expected her to do either then she would surely bake a pie to throw in their face.

"Now lassie, that is a rather cool trick — you've got to teach me' how to do that..."

Broken — the trance of skating and flying that Winterfell had fallen into was broken by a familiar accented voice. She screamed in surprise falling through the air for just a second before slowing herself down so she hit the lake of ice less harshly.

She moaned in pain upon hitting, but she was not worried that the ice would break at her impact. After all, whatever she touched would freeze and she had skated over this ice and made it particularly tough.

It would take quite a while to melt when the spring and summer seasons came around this year unless Winterfell helped it along.

Harry cursed as he watched her fall, cringing when she hit the ice. Immediately he attempted to run over to her to make sure that she was okay but, unfortunately for him, he slipped upon making contact with the ice.

He was not sure what he was expecting when he attempted to walk on ice — he may have been Winterfell's soulmate, but he was no Winterfell. His ability to walk on ice was lacking.

He cursed a hearty "fucking hell" as he slid arms comically swinging before he finally slipped and fell on his back. Winter's head had turned watching Harry with a single eyebrow raised — she laughed loudly when he fell.

Harry growled while looking at her, "think that's funny, do ya' ducklin'?"

He had asked that but was secretly more than elated at Winter laughing for the first time in what felt like ages. It had been an insane time, a dark period for everyone. The information that was dumped on them all did not help. In fact, it was more than unsettling to know that there truly was a baddest of the bad — a warlock who was the only villain that was never able to be caught.

Even Hades — a God — was captured. And to hear what had happened to Winter made Harry run through so many emotions that he was not even properly able to sort them. He was angry — that was for sure. He was sad, he was confused, and many other emotions.

"My Knight in shining armor," was all Winter said in response, snorting as she easily got up and skated over the struggling Harry.

She grabbed his arm, helping him to stand on his feet — but he was still very wobbly and clutching Winterfell as though she was his lifeline.

"Here — let me help," Winter hummed before flicking her wrist.

Suddenly, Harry's boots turned to dark ice skates and the pirate was gaping at the sudden change. It barely helped though, he was having a hard time keeping his feet together and he knew if he let go of Winter he would only slip and fall again.

"Oi, this be a lot harder than it looks," the pirate grumbled as they slowly drifted around the lake.

Winter was careful in guiding him making sure to help him in keeping balance. It was quiet for a few moments as Harry worked to keep the balance: eventually, he was more stable and wrapped his arms around Winter's waist to keep still.

Winter placed her arms around his neck as the two slid around the lake.

"Soulmates, aye?" Harry asked causing Winter to bite her lip. "Were ya planning on tellin' me at any point, ducklin?"

"You know, most of the time that you call me ducklin', a picture of the ugly duckling comes to mind, Mr. Hook," that was, of course, Winterfell's response.

Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head, "well get that out of yer mind — yer a cute duckling," he expressed.

"You have a scar of me name on yer hip," Harry spoke again, quickly moving his right hand to the back of her head.

She could not think, could not form a sentence as Harry leaned and placed his lips on hers. Winterfell did not move at first, her eyes were blown wide, and her body frozen. Harry chuckled against her, "kiss me back ya' snow girl."

She sunk into it — Winter closed her eyes moving her hands up to grasp at Harry's shirt and bring him closer. Their lips moved in sync. His lips were soft and he smelled of sea salt still. It started to snow lightly and the wind whirled up around them, but it did not matter for they were the only thing that each other could register.

Harry Hook had been waiting for this moment for over a year now — since the moment he first laid eyes on Winterfell on the Isle of the Lost. His beautiful Winter. She smelled of berries and all things sweet in the world.

Harry supposed that in a way he had known it since he first met her; however, not he was sure of this. This was his person — the one for him, the girl with whom he would be with and be happy for the rest of his life.

Winter's hair blew harshly as the wind circled them, and not that either of them knew but something very similar happened 27 years ago with the wind. An occurrence of two soul mates meeting, both of which were very powerful spirits.

Slowly the two pulled away staring into each other's gazes. Harry swallowed stroking up her arms and running a hand through her hair. Winter ran her own fingers through his dark locks.

"You know — I quite like yer hair this way, such pretty locks," he hummed playing with her hair, he looked down at her as though she were the most intriguing thing in the world.

"And no gloves either," he whispered slowly reaching down for her right hand.

Winterfell tensed as he grabbed it and Harry froze continuing to stare at her before intertwining their fingers and bringing their hands up. She bit her lip as he brought her hand up and placed a chaste kiss on it.

With that, Harry gripped her waist and pulled her in close — his breath fanned her ear.

"Jonah told us about Wenlock, love..." he whispered and Winterfell once again tensed, "I know yeh been through a lot, sweetheart, more than what anyone — Princess or not — should need to go through. I just want yeh to know that I'll protect yeh, no matter what it takes, no matter what the costs Im'ma protect yeh, darling. I'll rip that filthy wizard's heart straight outta his chest if I need to and I'll get down on one knee and give it to you ... just to show ya' how much I ..." Harry trailed off and Winter's eyes were wide at the darkness that his words presented, but his voice trembled as he finished it off, "...just to show you how much I love yeh' — and ain't nobody ever gonna hurt ya', not on my watch..."

There were no words for many seconds, only silence as the princess and the pirate stared at each other. The pirate stroked the soft cheek of the princess. Ice and fire: unspoken passion.

Winterfell finally spoke in a smooth voice whilst not breaking contact with her lover even once, "נєg нαя ναℓgт ∂єg fσя мєg ѕєℓν — נєg єℓѕкєя ∂єg σρρ∂αgєя αν ∂є ѕуν нαν," her tone seemed harsher only because the natural tone that all Norwegian took.

Harry rose a brow recognizing the passion in her tone but not understanding a single phrase.

"You are mine, pirate — I love you," Winterfell barely managed to utter before she was kissing him as though her life depended on it.

Of course, considering Harry was by no means a good ice skater, the pirate managed to slip. He fell back hitting the icy ground below with a groan, but he was even more surprised when Winter fell with him.

However, rather than getting up as any practical person would do she chose to simply crawl further on him and continue to kiss him madly. Harry had absolutely no issue with this only groaning into her mouth while gripping her ass.

"Ducklin',?" Harry panted when the kiss suddenly moved to love bites on his neck, the pirate more than shocked at her newfound show of dominance.

Coldness swept through Harry causing chills to run the length of his spine but soon after the cold was replaced by warmth. His eyes opened wide in the kiss — he was shocked at the sudden warmth.

Winterfell already sensed his confusion, "My abilities," she mumbled, briefly coming up from kissing his neck, "I have the power to keep people warm against the cold, Hook," she said before diving back down.

Harry moaned loudly not at all expecting this from the princess. Especially Winterfell of all people, even as Jonah had told everyone the truth there was still no mention of Winter ever having any previous experience romantically or sexually.

How the hell was her technique so good?

Only one answer: The Birds and The Bees along with many other stories. Plus Jonah was her best friend and he was not exactly quiet when expressing his many adventures with women.

Winter paused in her kissing deciding that now was probably a good time to call it quits. With one last kiss on his neck, she easily got off of him and stood up.

She could hear him blubbering at a loss for words as she slyly skated back toward the edge of the lake. Turning her skates back to her boots, she stepped on the snow with a sigh — turning to face Harry who was still struggling to stand back up.

When he finally was able to stand up, he turned to her with a glare. That was not what Winter's attention was on; however, it was the prominent bulge in his pants. While that stirred something from deep within her she simply pointed at him and laughed causing the pirate to pout.

"Ya' fookin tease," he growled, "Yer not gonna like it when I getcha' back, lass," he finally made it to the edge, Winter swiping her hand and turning his skates back to boots before he also stepped onto the snow ground.

"I'll hold you to that, pirate," Winter smiled before turning and beginning her trek back to the school with Harry by her side.

On the walk back toward the school the two talked about how Harry had been enjoying the holiday weather — according to him it had been way too fucking cold until Winterfell helped him out with her magic. They also spoke about how Harry had been doing in his classes, apparently since everything had gone down not too well but the teachers have been lenient.

It was important that Winterfell helped him to pass his final exams to make sure that he received passing grades in his classes.

"So what else did Jonah tell you?" Winter wondered, not knowing exactly what Jonah had gone into with them all.

"Just about Wenlock ... and yeh dying yer hair for the wrong reasons," he delivered a slight glare at the end.

Winter shrugged. "I thought it was weird, plus you said you liked it..."

"Of course I liked it, and I love this — because it's you," Harry grunted and Winter smiled slightly at that. "Ben actually was the one to go into detail about Wenlock though, explained everything a bit clearer. Said how it happened almost ten years ago now and everything else ... nothing else though. Why? Is there more?" He rose a brow at the end and Winterfell was smirking.

He was shocked when she turned to him almost playfully and her eyes were glowing brightly. They were blue nearly bright, but she smiled at him.

"Oh, there is lots more, Hook — many stories..." she hummed and Harry scoffed.

"Well better get talkin' then snowie,"

Winter's eyes stopped glowing and her nose crinkled in distaste. "Snowie?" She asked, it was almost as bad as 'frostie'.

"Yeah," Harry threw an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side, "cause yer snowie," he motioned to light snowfall around them.

Winter rolled her eyes but only dug herself deeper into his side.

Upon entering campus Winterfell cringed as she was greeted with giant ice spiking from the ground. She cringed before leaving Harry's side and walking in front of him.

Harry was mesmerized when she lifted her hands, and immediately the giant ice shards flaked into dark blue magic particles and disappeared into thin air. The pirate watched with a gleam shining in his eye.

She truly was amazing.

Students who had been examining the giant ice spikes in amazement were even more taken when they disappeared into shimmering sparkles of magical dust. A few VK children even tried to catch some of the dust, but like snow, it would only be in their grasp for seconds before melting away.

Harry walked forward till he was next to Winterfell, grabbing her hand he tugged her along.

"Come along, duckling, I have something to show you..."

Winter's eyebrows furrowed but she followed along anyway. The two did not walk far, they went into the main building of the school and walked into one of the many ballrooms. The school was still a castle, after all, there are many hidden secrets within the school's corridors.

However, Winterfell was shocked when Harry opened the door only for a room full of cake and gifts to be revealed.

Mal, Evie, Ben, Uma, Doug, Gil, Sonny, Carlos, Jay, Jane, Jonah, and Lonnie all stood around talking with each other. Silence fell over the group as Winter and Harry walked in. The Snow Princess immediately looked at Harry in confusion but he smiled in response.

"Did ya truly think that we forgot about ya birthday?" He questioned before leaning down and delivering a swift peck to her lips. "Happy birthday, love..."

Winterfell's cheeks turned red from the kiss in front of everyone, her eyes wide as she looked at him.

"HA HA — pay up losers, I knew it, I knew I would win! That's a solid winning of 1,100 dollars... ha ha!" Jonah had leaned back, laughing and cackling loudly while everyone else was grumbling while digging in their pockets.

"Damn it, Harry — one week sooner, couldn't muster the balls to kiss her one week sooner..." Uma had grumbled before begrudgingly handing a hundred-dollar bill to the male in denim.

Winter watched with narrowed eyes as Jonah began to count his money and lick his lips. What a douche.

"Winnie," Winter was taken by surprise as Evie lunged forward and swooped her into a hug. The girl was tense at first before relaxing and hugging the VK back. "You scared me, don't you ever do that again," she squeezed her higher before releasing her with a smile. She brought her hand up and played with a strand of white hair. "Told you you should've gone back to white a long time ago,"

Mal was next, she was hugging her tightly. No words were exchanged only a nod. Ben and Sonny came next — apparently, Sonny was once again visiting Gil and it happened to land at the perfect time. Winter's birthday.

After Lonnie have the girl a hug — Mal looked at Winterfell fiercely.

"I want you to know that we will all do our part in helping you, Winter. None of us knew that Wenlock existed, and to hear what he has done ..." she shivered, "we've been around villains long enough — we won't — he won't get away with this..."

"Yeah, girl," Uma nodded from her spot, "we got your back,"

Winter smiled at everyone. It was strange because she had shut everyone out for so long, refused help, refused emotions, refused friends. But now she had friends — friends that were willing to help her.

Surprisingly, she did not feel as scared as she thought she would, in fact, she did not feel scared at all. She felt much safer, much better knowing that her support system was strong both in Arendelle and Auradon.

Winterfell did not feel so alone anymore.

"Thank you guys," Winterfell tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, her words displaying how grateful she truly was.

The afternoon was spent much how Harry's birthday night had been, in celebration. Talking and laughing — cake eating. Winterfell received far more presents than she thought she would. A new dress from Evie, a spellbook from Mal and Ben (Ben was shaking his head when Mal gave it to her friend and Winterfell had rose a brow in response), from the bottom of the ocean Uma had retrieved a beautiful rainbow shell, and gifted it to Winter, and finally Harry Hook.

Winterfell was speechless as she held his gift to her.

A leatherbound white tricorn hat with gold embroidering. Winterfell had never seen anything quite like it, although she would admit that she had not seen many pirate hats before. Only Harry's, Uma's, and Gil's really, but their hats were only black and brown.

She had a feeling that a white hat such as this was uncommon — it surely was beautiful though. Even with it being odd and perhaps a bit impractical (as it would get dirty, that is why most pirate hats were so dark) but it was gorgeous nonetheless. Winter held it delicately as though scared to break it, the feeling of her own pirate hat stirred something from deep within her.

She had jumped into Harry's arms soon after muttering a repeated "thank you, thank you, thank you,". Harry was pleased with himself, he had prayed that she would like it. He, unfortunately, could not do as much as she had for him as he simply did not have the funds, but he had been saving.

He did his best and it seemed his best was enough.

It was then that Winterfell knew for sure that if her heart ever had been frozen then Harry had surely melted it.

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