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ย  ย  "QUEEN Elsa," Ben breathed a greeting with a smile as she climbed the stairs to the stage.

"Hello, King Benjamin," she said, allowing a small smile to fall over her face. "I apologize for my tardiness, the water spirit was rather restless today," she explained as Ben hurried over and guided her to her chair with a friendly hand on her shoulder.

Elsa internally smiled at her excuse. She did not dare reveal that the real reason behind her tardiness was Jack Frost's insatiable appetite โ€” not that she was complaining.

He shivered lightly at the coldness that seeped through even her many layers but said nothing of it.

"Mother," Winter greeted warmly with a smile, standing up and preparing to leave the stage.

However, Elsa only pulled Winter into a warm (or cold) hug before releasing her and staring into her eyes with a smile. Elsa sighed at her daughter, the Queen slightly saddened that her little girl was nearly all grown up.

She still remembered the day that she brought Winterfell home to Ahtohallan for the first time. Jack had been frustrated because Elsa refused to release their child and only titered to Jack every time he attempted to steal the baby from her grasp.

"You know you need a man to have a kid too, right dove?" He had asked in an exasperated tone.

"Mmm, yes, but I believe she favors me over you," she had responded cheekily.

"Because you're the only one who holds her!"

Now staring into her daughter's brown eyes and her mature face, Elsa could not help but wonder where all the time had gone. It mattered not though, for Winterfell would always be her baby no matter how old she grew to be.

"Daughter," Elsa greeted back with a smile, savoring this moment with her daughter.

It had been a few months since the two had seen each other, after all.

"I shall go take my place with the other princes and princesses now," Winterfell said, acutely aware of the attention of the entire room on them.

She did not want to disrupt this meeting any more than she had.

"This will not be necessary," Elsa shook her head, motioning for her to keep her spot. Instead, she chose to sit in Queen Anna's designated place. "You can fill for Queen Anna, she won't be joining us today." She said nicely.

Winter nodded catching sight of the other members sitting down.

"Queen Elsa, not a meeting goes by that I am not shocked at your agelessness. Especially after all these years," it was King Eugene who said it playfully, "looks like I married theโ€”"

"Do not even finish that joke," Rapunzel crossed her arms glaring at Eugene who cringed back.

"Ahaha, of course not โ€” the loveliest Queen in all the lands is most definitely you!"

Immediately small chuckles filtered around the round table and even the crowd as everyone calmed down. It appeared that the distraction was actually a good thing.

"Now," Elsa suddenly adorned a stern expression, folding her hands in front of her, "what is this that I hear of wedding arrangements being made on my daughter's behalf?" She said it dangerously, her voice deathly quiet.

The table fell silent, glances being shared between one another. When no one proceeded to answer, Elsa turned to King Charming.

"It might benefit you to know that my daughter was never set to marry anyone โ€” it was a passing idea that had been brought up to me and was promptly denied. I see no reason to linger on ideas of the past..." she spoke, "and there is no one at this table who has the right to try and betroth my daughter to anyone, not even myself. I feel as though this is something we all agreed upon when forming this council?"

Murmurs of agreement went around as everyone remembered what it was like before. Before the Isle, in the older ages.

Forced marriages, loveless unions, all for the sake of the crown. These people were the ones to change it, they left the traditional ways and created new paths.

Charming sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he remembered even himself when he was young.

Her certainly was not jumping for joy when his father continuously brought in suitor after suitor... woman after woman to try and marry him off.

Grand children as Charming's father had told him back then. He wanted him to be married so that he might see some grandkids.

"It does not change the fact that King Ben still allowed that WITCH to destroy the barrier without even a thought of the repercussions," he grumbled while shaking his head.

"We need mot to use offensive titles, your majesty," Elsa quipped back, a fire alight in her eyes at the term, "witches can be good or evil just as any other person can. Ben has obviously chosen this beautiful young woman to sit at his side by the throne โ€” if you would not disrespect your own Queen then why do you consider it appropriate to disrespect his?"

King Chadwick Charming swallowed heavily but said nothing other than delivering a heavy glare Elsa's way.

"Now that we have sorted that, you are in fact correct about it not being valid for him to do such a thing," she turned to Ben who had looked relieved and thankful that the Snow Queen had defended Mal.

However, his shoulders sagged upon the scathing look she now threw him.

"This is a council," King Naveen of Maldonia said with his eyes narrowed, "we all play a vital role in the good of Auradon, we ALL choose what is the best for the country. Not just you or the future Queen..." he said Mal's title with respect, but there was still an unhappy tone to his voice.

"I, for one, think that Mal will be a fantastic Queen," it was Ariel's airy voice that spoke, "and I do not hold grudges against any of the VKs, in fact, I agree with your dream. The VKs did not deserve to stay on that Isle. I would have voted for bringing the barrier down, but no election was given..."

Ben stayed strong, although it was easy for anyone on the council to see that this boy really just wanted the ground to swallow him whole at the moment. Being critiqued so harshly by all the Kings and Queens of the land, especially at his first meeting was no easy feat.

King Charming was about ready to open his mouth again, quite happy with the support that his heavy thoughts had been given. However, Elsa was quick to beat him in speech.

"We have spoken circles on this matter for long enough," she said sharply in a tone that demanded respect. She had spent too much of her life with fear and caution, she would never be that way again. "Ben understands the repercussions of his actions. He understands that if anything is to go wrong with bringing the barrier down then it will be his fault and his fault alone. He understands that if he ever attempts to pull anything such as this again then Arendelle and the North will choose to succeed from Auradon as will many other kingdoms no doubt," The Queen spoke that part mercilessly, and Ben's face actually went pale as murmurs of agreement piped up.

Succession? Now, that was something interesting to consider indeed. Winterfell was thoughtful at that. Threatening to succeed from Auradon was no small endeavor at all.

"Or perhaps we should hold a vote," Queen Merida enunciated, "to place a new King and Queen of the unity of Auradon โ€” a new head of this council..."

More murmurs of agreement went out. A new head?

Ben was shaking silently, his face still portraying nothing and Winter watched him with worry. Belle was subtly rubbing his arm. Winterfell truly felt bad.

She understood what Ben must be thinking: why was he being punished for doing the right thing? And he honestly did do the right thing, he just went about it in the wrong way.

"Indeed," Queen Elsa nodded in agreement, before continuing, "that is what you have to fear, King Ben. I cannot speak on any of the other kingdoms, but I will say now that if an occurrence such as this happens again โ€” me nor my sister will stand with you..."

The other Kings and Queens said the same โ€” if anything such as this happens again then Ben would be facing a mass succession. The treaties would be void, Auradon as it is will cease to exist.

"Very well," Ben swallowed, folding his hands in front of him, "I understand the terms," he nodded.

With that silence fell over the room and everyone felt as if they could finally take a breath. It was over, Ben was done facing the cruelty.

"Now, onto bigger matters โ€” I have an announcement," Queen Elsa stood up, a cold look in her gaze. And it was then Winterfell had a sinking feeling that she knew exactly what her mother was talking about. Her long sleeves fell onto the table and she seemed to almost hesitate before speaking with a long sigh, "Wenlock has returned..."

Chaos once again, but a different form of chaos to what Ben created. Rather than anger panic ensued. Even the crowd was panicking, many people even taking to screaming at his name. It was interesting because the people of Auradon never even got the full effect of Wenlock's evil, they were pushed to fear him.

Because if Wenlock won then he would reign hell upon everything โ€” and everyone knew that. There would be no more council, no more King and Queens for he would be the only Emperor.


That was the most prevalent question, and Elsa waited patiently until it died down enough for her to speak.

"We are not sure," she said simply and Winterfell cringed, she knew.

But she did not dare say anything, not in front of the council at least.

She would too her mother later, but not in front of all the people that would demand answers. Who would demand to know how she knew, and she would need to reveal to everyone that Wenlock was in her head.

"How long has he been back?" It was Ben who asked the next question.

"We know for sure at least a few weeks, but it is very much possible that it's been longer, a few months maybe," she said calmly, making sure to keep her cool.

"Why was nothing said earlier?" King Eric asked. "I feel as though a lot of things are being kept from this council recently..."

"Because we had to be sure before we rang any alarms. And last I remember this is a battle between us and Wenlock. He only ever affected the North because we protected the rest of Auradon, and I believe this time will be no different," she narrowed her gaze.

King Charming laughed at the absurd nature of it, "I feel as though this is a barrier issue that we spoke about just minutes before โ€” this is Ben's fault!"

Ben's face turned red and his head snapped to the King so fast that Winter thought his neck was broken.

"And how โ€” pray tell โ€” do you figure this is MY fault? How could I possibly have anything to do with the evilest warlock who ever lived?!"

"Other than the fact that your fiancรฉ and other Isle villains are probably conspiring with him?!" King Charming had slammed his fists down on the table.

"Mal would never! How dare you evenโ€”?" Ben was unable to finish.

"And now there is no isle to put him in! He was scared of being captured and sent to the isle last time, and he was still strong! But guess what? Now he has nothing to fear! Nothing pushing him to STAY AWAY FROM AURADON because of you!" He pointed and before Ben could start yelling back, or anyone else could get involved โ€” Elsa cut in.

"That is okay โ€” no barrier is necessary..." she said slowly, and everyone stared at her in confusion, "he would not have a fate that allows him to live anyway, we will be killing him and destroying his soul while we're at it..."

Many people in the crowd gasped and shocked looks went around the table. Wide-eyed glances were shared.

It was King Florian who spoke up, Snow White's husband. "And how do you suppose to do that? Is that not what was attempted nine years ago?!"

"I was under the impression that we would be catching him and imprisoning him," Ben said, his voice heavy with concern, "we do not impose the death sentence anymore..."

Queen Elsa rounded on him so fast that her neck nearly snapped, her teeth bared, "Don't you dare try and tell me what I can and cannot do when you yourself went directly against this council in ripping open the barrier!"

Those words shut King Ben up real fast, the King's eyes wide with surprise.

"My daughter was abducted โ€” for TWO WEEKS I DID NOT KNOW WHETHER SHE WAS ALIVE OR DEAD!" Her voice boomed and silence took over words.

"My daughter still cannot talk about what happened to this day..." her voice turned quiet, and Winter swallowed at her mother's words.

The Princess allowed her gaze to fall down toward the table, the girl not daring to look at anyone. And it was true, Winterfell still could not tell anyone of the full horror of being abducted by Wenlock for two weeks.

It was because she herself did not even want to think about it.

Her mind blocked it out.

Queen Elsa's gaze turned glassy, "Anyone at this table who dares tell me that Wenlock will not be put on the death sentence may consider their kingdom an enemy of Arendelle and the North..."

Those words were enough to put the fear of God into anybody. Because while the North succeeding Auradon was scary in itself โ€” speaking of actually making the North an enemy was even scarier.

Ben swallowed, his shoulders slumping, "Very well," he spoke, knowing that this was something that he could not argue against. He would not risk making Auradon an enemy of the North, especially for a warlock who truly did deserve death. "Wenlock is charged with capital punishment โ€” the Evil Warlock Supremene is to be put to death by means of the stake and fire..." Ben announced.

Winter looked up in surprise but her mother only looked happy.

Damn โ€” if Wenlock is caught by anyone from Auradon then he was to be put to death by being burned at the stake.

And admittedly, Winterfell did not feel anything but happiness at the thought. It was only unfortunate for her that her gifts were of ice and not fire. For if she were the Princess of Fire then Wenlock would truly know what it is like to burn in hell.

Queen Elsa smiled at this revelation, folding her hands in front of her.

"Very good," the Snow Queen spoke coldly, "then let us set plans in motion for what we will do in order to capture the warlock..."

And that was how another few hours went by. Long talks and arguments about various issues that each kingdom had, and toward the end each individual King and Queen would speak on what they felt the capital could be doing in order to better their own kingdoms.

For example, King Eric and Queen Ariel expressed wishes for more kingdoms to pitch in for the seafood trade across Auradon. They did not want to start overfishing in their direct oceans.

Winter's mother agreed to help with that. There was an expanse of bodies of water and the ocean from their homeland โ€” Arendelle and the North were big seafood eaters. They would help in bringing forth some of the rest of the seafood for Auradon.

King Philip and Queen Aurora were nervous about the health of the forests, but everyone agreed in holding the citizens to a higher standard when it came to keeping the forests green and the wildlife safe.

By the end of it, Winterfell was exhausted. Hours of speaking and listening and critiquing truly put her mind to the test. Final words were spoken, final arrangements made, and an agreeance to meet in four months' time to discuss the progression of Wenlock before the closing vows were said by all the royals at the table.

"King Ben of Auradon along with the former King Adam and Queen Belle of Auradon!"

The royal spokesperson announced loudly as applause rang out. King Ben walked in between his mother and father down the long row through the many benches of people.

Everyone stood up to clap as they walked past them, waving. King Ben looked utterly exhausted and beat, but he did well in hiding it. Only those close to him and other royals would be able to see through his facade.

Mal clapped loudly, watching her fiancรฉ walk with his parents โ€” her face contorted with worry. Evie exchanged worried glances with the others around. Harry was frowning, his lips pulled down as he watched the King go.

Harry felt that he could speak for everyone when he said that the meeting went ten times worse than anyone had expected. And they had already been expecting something pretty terrible. He sighed when he realized that this was probably considered a normal occurrence too โ€” this was why the pirate could wholeheartedly say that he absolutely loathed politics.

It was why he always left the details and finicky stuff to Uma, she was far better at dealing with it than he was.

Finally, toward the end, Winter sighed when she and her mother's names were finally called.

"Queen Elsa and Princess Winterfell of Arendelle, Ahtohallan, and the North! Protectors of the Realm!"

She and her mother linked arms while following the steps the others royals had taken through the center.

"That went better than expected..." Elsa had muttered to her daughter through the booming applause.

"That was good?" Winterfell replied and Elsa had to refrain from snorting.

When they finally made it out the doors, following the guards motioning them through the corridors, they eventually made it to a room that was set up with hors d'oeuvres and refreshments.

The sight that met Winter's eyes was unsurprising. The atmosphere was much lighter now that all the heavy stuff was out of the way. However, Winterfell could see the true friends among the politicians.

For example โ€” only King Florian, King Naveen, and Aladdin stood around talking to Ben and his parents. King Charming stood with King Philip with an uncomfortable-looking King Eric laughing loudly.

Aurora was speaking with Cinderella, Belle, and Snow White. Then there was Tiana, Jasmine, Ariel, and Merida. Rapunzel had left the latter group to approach her cousin with open arms.

"Elsa," she cheered, not even a second after the Snow Queen arrived with her daughter.

"Oh, hello Rapunzel," Elsa smiled as she was pulled into a warm hug by her cousin of the Sun.

"And Winterfell," Rapunzel cooed pulling the Princess into a hug.

She jerked back, holding the white-haired girl at an arm's length to get a better look at her. Even for her incredibly petite size, Rapunzel was strong as hell.

"Oh my โ€” why you have just grown up so beautiful and statuesque," the short-haired brunette admired.

Zellie was around the same size as Rapunzel with a very similar figure just a bit more curvaceous.

"Isn't she just beautiful, Eugene?" Rapunzel turned to look as Eugene who was yawning with an incredibly bored look on his face.

"Huh?" Was all he said in response. "Is it really appropriate for me to be answering that about a seventeen-year-old girl?"

Rapunzel huffed as her husband let out a small chuckle, shaking her head and turning back to her two relatives.

"How is Anexlin?" Elsa questioned just as Rapunzel released Winterfell entirely.

"Oh, she is doing fantastic โ€” her love for poetry is really growing!" Rapunzel said enthusiastically, "and she's dating Prince Thomas now!"

"That is amazing, Rapunzel. We'll need to catch up in just a few minutes โ€” if you'll excuse us, I need to have a private word with my daughter," Elsa said apologetically and Rapunzel nodded in understanding.

"Oh yes โ€” of course, of course," she said it just as happily, pulling Eugene away to go and socialize with some of the others.

King Ben had disappeared it seemed so Adam and Belle were now socializing with some of the others. Rapunzel pulled Belle into an easy hug.

"You did not response to my letter, mother," was the first thing that Winterfell said to her mother as they found a private corner.

Elsa's eyebrows furrowed, "I sent a response last week โ€” I apologize for my tardiness but I confirmed that I would be attending and asked that you sit by my side in place of Anna," her tone was worried.

Winterfell's own face scrunched into that of confusion. "I didn't receive anything," the princess spoke softly.

"This is worrisome โ€” I will look more into it later," Elsa said with a sigh before eyeing her daughter's dress with a small smile, "you look as I did many years ago on the day of my coronation," she chuckled, "beautiful, but โ€” as your father would put it โ€” far too serious..." she clicked her tongue at the end while flashing her a knowing smile.

With that, the Snow Queen brought her hands up and moved her fingers intricately. Light magic that was near white danced between her hands before she pointed her index fingers and whirled it toward her daughter.

Winter smiled as her mother's magic made its way up her body. Immediately, everything that once had been was gone.

A shorter and much more airy dress adorned her body. It was a simple snow blue with crisscrossing long-sleeve straps. White flats adorned her feet and her hair was now much more loose with crinkly-curls from the braids. There was still two dutch braids on the sides that met in the back of her head via a blue ribbon.

Elsa had also taken it upon herself to remove her daughter's crown from her head.

Winter felt like she had been through about ten times the usual amount of magical outfit changes the past week then what was normal. Especially at this time of the year and in Auradon at that.

Smiling at her appearance, Elsa grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the door.

"Perhaps a walk around the gardens?"

"Indeed," Winter nodded, allowing her mother to pull her off.

Soon they arrived to the personal gardens of the castle โ€” many different planted statues of Beast, Belle, and Ben.

"I've also preferred ice statues to the greenery," Elsa noted out loud and Winterfell nodded in agreement.

"Me too," she laughed while they continued their trek around the gardens.

"I think your father would agree with us as well," Elsa said.

"Oh no โ€” Papa would definitely agree," Winterfell said and Elsa nodded.

They rounded the greenery, making sure to stay on the pavement.

"I haven't been to Auradon in what's felt like ages โ€” I've forgotten how busy the capital gets," Elsa sighed, her lips puckered, "I know I can be quite the hermit, but this seems even a lot by a normal person's standard,"

Winterfell smirked at her mother's words. It was true, her mother had never been fond of being around many people. Queen Elsa was shy by nature, something hard for Winter to believe as her mother always seemed so bold, but Elsa explained it was all a front, something that is forced on her part.

If Elsa had her choice then she would choose to never leave her small corner of the world.

"No, it definitely is. Not to mention the chocolate here is nothing like Arendelle's," Winterfell sighed as though it was the worst thing in the world.

Elsa laughed at that, "that is very true... and the people here seem so..."

"Fake?" Winterfell finished her mother's sentence.

"YES โ€” exactly!" Elsa clapped with a laugh and Winterfell snorted. "And there is no Northuldra here, or reindeer, or Ahtohallan..."

"Are you trying to make me miss home, mother?" Winterfell laughed, but her heart clenched at the reminder of what she missed most.

It was dulled with the presence of her mother with her, however.

Elsa smiled sadly, stopping in their walk and turning to face Winter fully.

This time as she spoke, straight Norwegian came from her tone, "I just miss you, my darling โ€” home is not the same without you," the Queen's words were spoken softly in their mother tongue. "There is no one to help your father in pestering me nor anyone I have to take with me for long walks through the Enchanted Forest... and it is quite lonely without your presence at home โ€” Onika misses you,"

Winter smiled at the thought of her polar bear that she had raised from a cub.

"I know mother, and I miss you all as well. Auradon is not home, especially without my family. But I'll be home for winter break in just a few weeks!"

Winter chose to speak in Norwegian as well, the language flowing from her lips like honey.

"Well," Elsa sighed, considering her next words for a moment, "your father and I were thinking โ€” what if you finished your schooling at home? Arendelle has a beautiful school! Or you could even stay at Auradon Prep for classes and your father could fly you to and from school every day..." Queen Elsa suggested.

Winter's nose crinkled in surprise at the suggestion. It was very untraditional for a student to commute to Auradon Prep, after all, above all else it was a royal boarding school where students went to learn about how to be successful members of society.

Or in the princes and princesses' case โ€” successful members of a royal family.

However, to transfer this late into her schooling? Hell, after this semester she only had one left before she graduated and moved back home for good.

Transferring after all her hard work was hardly worthwhile. And, as much as she missed home, commuting with her father to school and back every day would be too weird.

"Mother..." Winter started only for the Queen to wave her off.

"I know, I know โ€” you don't wish to change when you are so close to finishing and you have your pirate here and such, but your father and I worry. Especially with Wenlock on the loose..."

"Pirate?!" Winter all but screeched, her eyes wide and she completely disregarded her mother's words about Wenlock.

Elsa rose a single brow with a scoff, "Please โ€” Gale gossips far too much, you think we didn't know..." she laughed before continuing, "your father is still not the happiest camper out there but I told him to deal with it, it was bound to happen eventually..."

"What was bound to happen?" Winter scoffed, she had no doubt she was talking about Harry, but how much did she know exactly?

"You getting a boyfriend?" Elsa said as though it had been obvious.

"Mother โ€” Harry is NOT my boyfriend," Winter spluttered, her cheeks turning bright red.

"Oh please, what else would you call him? What do the kids from the Isle call it nowadays? No-strings-attached? Booty call?" Elsa questioned with narrowed eyes, her voice becoming even more frantic.

"By the Gods, MOMโ€”"

"Please tell me the pirate-boy is not a booty call, Winterfell?!" Elsa panicked, having frightened herself.

"NO MAMA โ€” it is NOT like that, okay? We're just figuring it all out still..." she mumbled the last part.

Both were still speaking straight Norwegian, their words quicker-paced and smoother than the English language allowed.

"Oh, thank the Gods," Elsa sighed, resting a hand on her chest as she calmed down, her right hip popping out. There had been many times that Winterfell wished she had her mother's more curvaceous figure rather than her own statuesque one. "Your father would have died โ€” again โ€” but you know me and your father started as you and the pirate are. We did not speak of our relationship and what we were to each other until a good month after meeting..."

Winterfell raised a brow had her mother's words. She had indeed heard the story of her parent's meeting.

Her father, of course, broke into their now home and met Queen Elsa. He charmed her on the spot and so Elsa had allowed him to stay the night. What was supposed to be one night simply ended up in the winter spirit never leaving.

Within three days of knowing each other, they had kissed and just about a month later they were officially together.

"I am familiar with the story, mother," Winter reminded the Queen.

"Yes, well, you know we were intimate," the Queen waggled her brows suggestively at the word and Winterfell almost passed out, "for the first time after meeting about..."

"Please stop right there mother, some things are better left unsaid," the princess was pale, her face projecting horror at the thought of her mother.

Elsa and Jack Frost...

Winterfell NEVER wanted to know how long it took her parents to fuck, some things were simply better left unsaid. It was a picture she never again wanted to imagine or hear about.

Elsa laughed at her daughter's horror, "oh please, child โ€” it is only natural. How do you think you were brought into this world?"

"By means I prefer not to think about... EVER..." Winterfell easily responded.

Winterfell was good with not knowing how big her father's schlong is nor how much he blew her mother's back out.

Odin save Winter's mind.

Elsa shrugged easily, "very well," she said with a humored smile, "but please make sure that you and that pirate are being safe โ€” I trust you know well enough that I don't need to go into detail about that?"

"Yes, mother, yes!" Winterfell reassured while pursing her lips. "And we are definitely not at that stage yet!"

Well, perhaps that was not the complete truth, but still. They had not done anything other than makeout.

"Good, you should not be until you make the relationship official." She said with a smile before a twinkle appeared in her eye. "Now, is the Isle pirate here? I would like to meet him."

"Mother," Winterfell said through gritted teeth, "No, he is not here, and don't you think that we should perhaps be official before we even consider having him meet the family?"

Her mother looked absolutely appalled by the idea.


Winter rubbed a hand down her face and shook her head. "Where is papa at, how come he didn't join you?"

Winter chose to change the subject to a question that had been on her mind. She was surprised Elsa did not take Jack with her since Anna did not come.

"Oh, there was also a Guardian meeting that he had to attend," she waved her hand. "Now, tell me about the boy in denim โ€” is this a love triangle situation?"

Winter groaned at the question. Of course, Gale mentioned Jonah to her mother but failed to speak about how he was her best friend.

"No mother, he is just a close friend. My best friend actually...." Winter spoke with a laugh, switching back to English.

"Mmm, your father is going to be very disappointed to learn he no longer holds that title," Elsa clicked her tongue with a sigh.

Winter rolled her eyes, "he is my best friend in other manners though," she said.

"Your father is the guardian of fun and many children across the globe consider him to be their best friend, trust me when I say he will be truly disheartened to learn that has changed. Besides, he is the guardian of fun in children: this is a sign that you truly have grown," her mother sighed sadly, eyes downcast as she reminisced on Winterfell's childhood.

Winter shook her head before quickly changing the subject, "why didn't you tell me about Wenlock sooner?"

Elsa sighed while staring at her daughter, "it was foolish of us to not do so, but we only confirmed it recently. We planned to tell you when you came back for the winter break, it would be better done in person than over letter. Obviously, the plans had to change because of this meeting โ€” we figured it would be better to alert the rest of the kingdoms so that everyone may be on high alert. I am truly sorry we did not tell you first," she said honestly.

Winterfell realized then that Sitara had not mentioned Winter visiting a few days back. Elsa had no idea that Winterfell had already known about Wenlock's presence.

She considered admitting for a moment admitting that Wenlock had already attempted to get to her, but thought better of it.

If she told her mother what Wenlock was doing via her mind and how he sent Beleth, then Elsa would not hesitate in actually pulling Winter out of Auradon Prep altogether. Plus, she did not want to worry her.

Not when Winterfell had her friends to help her. She decide then and there that she would wait and reassess the situation during winter break before she decided to tell her parents or not.


"Your Majesties," Ben announced upon reentering the room that held the monarchs of the lands.

Everyone's attention turned to Ben in surprise as he walked in motioning behind him to a group that was following.

"May I present the saviors of Auradon โ€” the ones who helped in defeating Princess Audrey when she was under the influence of the scepter..."

Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Harry, and Gil lined up behind Ben. The King thought it would be for the best if he personally introduced his fiancรฉ along with the others who saved Auradon to truly make it known that they deserved to be here.

Queen Aurora rose a brow at Mal's purple hair and emerald green eyes. She truly was a miniature version of her mother, except Mal was prettier and dressed much more friendly than Maleficent ever had. Rather, Maleficent had always chosen long dark cloaks and kept her hair hidden away in a horned crown.

However, the Queen could not lie that her own daughter had fallen off the deep end this summer and Mal had been the one save both Audrey and Auradon. For that, Queen Aurora was in Mal's debt.

"This is my fiancรฉ: Mal. Evie, who is an advisor on my personal court. Carlos and Jay. This is Uma, she is also an advisor on the court and we are working to get her placed as the official spokesperson of the Isle. Harry Hook and Gil โ€” all of them worked together by my side as well as Jane in order to save Auradon this summer..." Ben said while motioning to each of them, "I just thought it best that everyone has a chance to meet them..."

It was silent for a long moment, each of the royals eyeing the VKs up and down with caution and suspicion written across their faces.

The VKs themselves held themselves proudly, their natural roots coming in as they easily held the stares. It was only a struggle not to allow a mean and scary glare to be painted across their face.

Glaring as though they were on the Isle toward the monarchs would not be smart at all. Especially with the way that Ariel was staring at the three pirates with wide and terrified eyes.

Harry could not exactly blame her, if he had the legend right then pirates had killed Ariel's mother and robbed the merfolk at the same time. Not to mention the fact that Uma's mother tricked Ariel and nearly destroyed her, Eric, Triton, and took over the seven seas.

Yeah ... Harry supposed he might have some slight suspicions if he were in her shoes as well.

Harry allowed his eyes to scrape over the others, hoping to catch sight of Winter and her mother.

Harry's mind was reeling. The past few hours had. been. insane.

First of all โ€” Winter's full name was Winterfell. And she had the audacity to call him Harold the first few weeks they had met. Harry's mind teetered ... Winterfell, Winterfell, Winterfell... it was simply heavenly.

Harry thought of Christmas. It was a scarcely celebrated holiday on the Isle, but he had heard of how beautiful it was during this time of the year. Admittedly, it (at first) had been much colder than he expected, but Winter fixed that for him โ€” but the snow was even more beautiful than he could have imagined.

The Christmas season was in full swing: twinkling lights, jingle bells, and laughter. There was literal happiness in the air. And according to the OG VKs, it would only get better from here. Somehow it was to get even cheerier.

Winterfell, her literal name seemed to embody everything cold and cheery about the season.

When she walked onto that stage, Harry's breath caught. He thought when he saw her earlier she looked beautiful and nothing less than a royal, but seeing her wearing her crown and that dress โ€” she honestly to God looked nothing less than Queen.

And she held herself as one too, throughout the whole meeting there was not even a flicker of emotion that was detectable on her face other than anger and annoyance. Just like the other royals.

Then when Queen Elsa โ€” her mother โ€” walked in, Harry had to do a double-take. From far away, especially, she looked just like Winterfell. She was simply a tad shorter, a bit more curvaceous, and her eyes were the literal color of ice. However, her eye shape was the same as Winterfell's.

Harry finally understood where Winter had got her big round eyes from.

They were warm in their own sense, but nothing like Winter's warm mocha. And the woman could have been Winter's sister, Harry was shocked and it truly hit home when he realized that Winter's parents do. not. age.

Queen Elsa is physically forever stuck at age 21.

He could only imagine what Winterfell's father looked like. And Harry could not help but find himself a bit curious about it.

Queen Elsa was a fierce woman, but Harry could tell that Winterfell was incredibly similar to her mother in more ways than simple appearances.

While he was curious to meet her, he was also slightly intimidated. Queen Elsa did not seem quite as upset as King Charming was about the barrier, but he had no doubt that if Winter so much as complained about him in the slightest then Elsa would have no problem ripping his head off.

Alas, it appeared that Winterfell and her mother were the only royals that were not currently present.

And it seemed that Ben saw this as well.

"Where are Queen Elsa and Princess Winterfell," Ben questioned, making sure to use Winter's proper title in the presence of the other royals.

Another wave of silence, before Rapunzel spoke โ€” her high voice ringing around easily.

"My cousin and her daughter have stepped out to have a personal conversation," the Queen explained, and everyone except Ben and Mal's eyes widened in surprise.

Winterfell was related to Rapunzel. Harry mentally did the relations โ€” if Rapunzel was Elsa's cousin then that would make Rapunzel a cousin to Winterfell and Rapunzel's children second cousins to Winter.


"Ah," Ben nodded simply, silently cursing. He had hoped that with Winter to back him up on this, the meeting would go slightly smoother.

It was silent for another few seconds, the VKs awkwardly shifting.

Tiana was the first to make a move.

"I would like to formally apologize for the nonsense that you children had to be a witness and listen to. It is just a bunch of old people rambling and fighting, please don't take any of it to heart..." the dark-skinned Queen said honestly.

Naveen and Tiana were a special case. In their early years, while Naveen's parents still ruled over Maldonia, they started a life in New Orleans. Tiana's restaurant was booming under her command, and they had their first child.

Eventually, the crown passed to them and Tiana was forced to give reigns of her restaurant to management so that way she could focus her time on being a good Queen. While she did not spend as much time as she wished in her restaurant, she enjoyed being Queen of Maldonia well enough.

Not to mention she opened another restaurant in the Maldonia.

"Yes," Jasmine agreed, flashing an honest smile in Mal's direction, "it is nice to see you again, Mal,"

"You too, Jasmine," Mal's shoulders relaxed.

"I want to thank you all personally," everyone was surprised when Queen Aurora stepped forward, "you saved our lands and my daughter โ€” for that we are in your debt. If there is ever anything that you need, please do not hesitate to ask,"

Mal smiled and Evie grabbed her arm, her own big smile lighting up her features.

Snow White stepped forward next, her eyes locked onto Gil, "you are my daughter's boyfriend, I believe? Gil โ€” Son of Gaston?" Her voice was as everyone would have imagined, incredible high-pitched and airy.

Gil nodded his head, eyes glimmering, "yes, ma'am," he said respectfully.

While Snow White still appeared a bit hesitant, she smiled back nonetheless. King Florian nodded in Gil's direction, walking forward with his hand outstretched.

"Nice to meet you, son," they shook hands firmly, "I don't suppose you like hunting, do you?" He rose a brow.

"Oh no," Gil admitted sheepishly, "I am actually quite a fan of animals, I could never harm them,"

King Florian let out a boisterous laugh, throwing his head back before he slapped Gil's back. Gil appeared surprised and slightly scared.

"Good answer, m'boy โ€” Snow and Sonny love animals as well ... we don't hunt in this family," he smiled, pulling him toward Snow White.

Snow White wasted no time in pulling him into a gentle hug. The sight was almost comedic seeing how small she was compared to Gil, Snow White held an even smaller figure than her daughter.

She was perhaps the smallest of all the Queens standing at no taller than a whopping 4'11. Her body did nothing to show that she ever had children, the woman just as skinny as she was when she first met King Florian at 14.

"I apologize as well," King Charming suddenly admitted, taking a small step forward, "my passion in debates often overshadows my true concerns, I can assure you my concerns were nothing personal โ€” I am simply looking out for the safety of my citizens..."

Uma bit her lip and internally snarked at him. King Charming was a lot of things, and Uma did not believe that passionate would be something that she would use to describe how he had acted earlier.

However, he was a King โ€” she could understand that he was only looking out for the good of the people.

The VKs nodded at him, accepting his apology for the time. At least he was able to apologize for his brash words earlier. Especially seeing as the guy still had not and did not plan to apologize to King Ben.


"So, who exactly is this pirate the son of?" Elsa had questioned Winter as they walked back toward the room with the other royals.

Her long capulet dragged behind them as they walked, her hands resting peacefully in front of her. Winter sighed knowing that she could not hide this information from her mother.

"Uhm, Captain Hook..." Winter said almost hesitantly.

"Good Gods," Elsa sighed, "I suppose that should not be much of a surprise though," she shook her head, "as long as he treats you right?"

"Yes, mother โ€” Harry is very..." she paused thinking of a word to describe the pirate, "passionate about his love for me..."

Elsa slowly nodded, "and the boy's mother?"

Winter's eyebrows furrowed, "what about his mother?"

"Who is she?"

"Oh, some woman named Helga Sinclair, apparently she and Captain Hook met each other on the Isle. They had three children, Harry's the middle child to two sisters, his mother died during the childbirth of his younger sister though," Winter explained.

She felt slightly bad about spilling all of Harry's personal information to her mother, but she could not help herself. Her mother was her best friend in many different aspects, not to mention she was always bad at keeping things to herself when it came to Queen Elsa.

Elsa's face contorted into sadness at the information, "how sad, he grew up without the love of a mother?"

"Yes," Winter admitted, "and I mean, his father wasn't the best at being a dad either. Or at least, that is what I've gathered from what Harry has told me."

"Mmm, poor boy," Elsa sighed, "would he like to join us for dinner?"

"Dinner?" Winter questioned, turning to look at her mother, her airy dressing shifting as she did so.

"Oh yes, I figured we could get dinner before I leave โ€” the pirate boy is welcome to join," her mother said and Winter bit her lip.

On one hand, she truly did want Harry to join. But, on the other hand, she was still unsure if she and Harry were at a point that she should be introducing him to her mother. Oh well, she and Harry were friends before anything else, it was certainly time that he was introduced to her mother.

Especially seeing as Winter was trying this while "being her true self" thing.

"Uhm, well, he is probably already back at the school, although me and him will be attending the ball together, so you will have a chance to meet hin then," Winter said.

Elsa smiled and clapped her hands at that. "Oh good, I am excited to see what dance you two will do!"


They both opened the doors to the room that was holding the other royals, the guards blocking it allowing them access without any hesitation. What neither the mother and daughter were expecting when they entered was for everyone to be in a crowd on the other side of the room.

Winter's eyes widened at the sight of the VKs standing by Ben. Well, Gil was speaking to a soft-spoken Snow White while Mal was answering questions from ever curious Rapunzel.

Everyone's attention turned to the two who had just entered the room. Elsa's eyes widened, the Queen nearly freezing from surprise but she quickly caught ahold of herself.

She had grabbed Winter's arm.

"Queen Elsa," Ben greeted with a bright smile and open arms, "Winter," he nodded in greeting to the princess who nodded back, "I wish to introduce you to the saviors of Auradon โ€” the VKs!"

Well, it appeared that Elsa was going to be meeting Harry far sooner than expected.

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