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   WINTER was sitting in the massive library of the castle, reading through one of the thousands of stories. Even after living here all her life, Winter had only read less than half the book in the archive, but she had plenty of time to get through them all.

She was splayed out on the library couch, her blonde hair falling in straight waves down her face as she read through the Book of Sorcery.

For such a big castle made of such cold exterior, the library was surprisingly warm.

A loud roar caught her attention, but Winter only smirked keeping her gaze firmly set on the book. Another roar drifted to her ear, this time closer as the library doors opened.

However, in a playfully stubborn manner, Winter pretended as though she did not hear the roaring, listening as huge pounding footsteps that belonged to a great animal made their way toward her resting spot on the couch.

Out of the corner of her eye, she she saw the huge white animal. A second later, instead of a roar a pathetic whimper left the white animal and suddenly, Winter gasped as her polar bear placed its huge head on her abdomen.

"Onika!" Winter puffed, closing the book and setting it on the arm of the couch.

Looking down, Winter scoffed at the begging eyes her huge polar bear which she called her pet was flashing her. Patting Onika on the head, Winter sighed while scratching behind her ears causing the polar bear to hum.

Six years ago, when she was ten, her and her father had been taking a trip way up north in the Arctic when they came across Onika who was a mere cub. Onika could not have been more than three months old at the time, but she was all alone and helplessly running around.

Of course, Jack and Winter stayed for a few hours to make sure Onika was truly alone and her mother was not lurking nearby somewhere. It was not until the two caught sight of the snow wolves feet behind the cub and hunting her that Winter begged Jack to let her keep the polar bear.

Jack, being the ever chaos-bringer he is, barely had to be persuaded before he was swooping in and grabbing the cub before the wolves could get to her. He then gifted Onika to his daughter, saying the cub was her responsibility.

That changed when they brought Onika home to the castle a bit later and Elsa learned that Jack allowed their daughter to have a pet polar bear. Elsa then proceeded to yell at Jack, claiming that if he was the one to let their have a polar bear then Onika was also his responsibility—something that made Jack wilt.

Winter still remembers running away as her father was scolded laughing with her new best friend in her arms.

After that, Winter trained Onika and grew incredibly close to her. Not only that, but Jack and Elsa did too. Onika was now the family pet whom everyone loved, not to mention she was fiercely protective meaning if any danger managed to ever somehow get to the castle, they would need to get through the huge polar bear.

"Onika, how am I supposed to give you your treats if you're on top of me?" Winter questioned rhetorically, knowing she would not answer.

Onika let out a snort before moving her huge head, the giant body beginning to move toward the door. Winter rose a brow as Onika stopped in her tracks, turning around with a look as though expecting Winter to follow her.

"Of course, Your Majesty..." Winter rolled her eyes with a small snicker while getting off the couch and following after her polar bear.

Her feet, bare as normal, caused small areas of frost to appear where she stepped before the ice disappeared. As she left the confines of the library, Winter allowed the polar bear to lead her where Onika knew the "treats" to be.

It was a few minutes before the two got to the back of the castle in a room that was dedicated to Onika. In the room, at the very edge by wall was a small opening in the ground that lead straight into the sea. The opening had water inside, and a small net was placed strategically inside made to catch many fish at once.

It was pulled up once every day for Onika, tens of fish usually being the catch. It was not so much of a treat as it was Onika's meal of the day.

"Okay, Onika, okay," Winter laughed as Onika began whining, the polar bear ready for her food.

Going to a small reel that was located inches away from the opening, Winter cranked the handle causing the net inside to be brought up. Onika let out another whine at the sight of the fish emerging, Winter wasting little time once the net was up in pulling it away from the hole.

Winter huffed as she tugged the heavy net, her muscles straining. Quickly, she cut through the net causing the many fish to splay out on the cold ground and Onika dug in.

"You are welcome," Winter huffed, placing her hands on her knees as she breathed heavily.

She seriously had to get in shape.

Standing straighter, Winter took a deep breath before waving her hand causing the wind to lift her up. It may have been lazy, but traveling by flying was easier. Flying through the many corridors of the castle, Winter intended to go back to the library but she was stopped short by a few voices coming from one of the sitting rooms.

Pausing, Winter landed only for her mother to burst out of the sitting room, startling Winter slightly.


"Come," Elsa smiled, "we are going to visit the Northuldra..."


"Na Na Na heyana
Hahiyaha Naha
Naheya heya na yanuwa
Anhahe yunuwana..."

Winter smiled at the familiar song as everyone in the Northuldra stood around her and her mother, singing and grasping shoulders. Elsa and Winter joined in, all the voices sounding alike to a choir as the Northuldra sang Vuelie, the song of their people.

The wind flowed around everyone in a happy manner, the elemental spirits extremely strong within the Enchanted Forest. Many people of the Northuldra held large staffs, the people with the staff pounding them on the ground with the rhythm.

Soon, the Norwegian song came to a close, everyone's voice echoing the forest. The forest people of Northuldra nodded toward the Queen and Princess, smiles across the villager's faces.

"Queen Elsa," Elsa and Winter both turned around to the elder chief who was speaking to them, "we have a word of Wenlock, the spirits have spoken and told of an uprising danger from within."

Winter was taken completely off-guard, not expecting for Wenlock to be brought up in a million years. Wenlock was a powerful sorcerer who was never caught and therefore avoided a fate within the Isle.

Nine years ago, Wenlock went after Winter in order to try and gain more power; however, Jack Frost beat him in a battle and Wenlock had not been heard of sense.

"Wenlock, Mama, what is this about?" Winter was cut short by Elsa holding up and hand and first addressing the chief.

"Thank you, what have the spirits said about this danger?"

"Wenlock is still after your child, should he manage to best her in battle and drain her of her life-force, her powers would be gifted to him. However, if Wenlock should succeed in gaining Winterfell's powers as well as his own, he would be an unstoppable force. A force that would wipe out all of Auradon..." The chief warned as Elsa's face contorted into one of panic.

"Thank you, I must speak with my daughter now..." Elsa nodded while grabbing Winterfell's arm and leading her off a small distance.

"Mother, Wenlock has returned?" Winter was frantic, a feeling of anxiousness creeping way.

"We believe so, a village north of Arendelle was attacked by his sort of magic late last night. Your father is there now investigating. If Wenlock has indeed returned, we have not yet discovered how powerful he may be. As of now, I do not want you to concern yourself with it—"

"Mama, how am I not supposed to concern myself with this! He is after me... again!"

"Winterfell," Elsa tilted head, "I said do not concern yourself. We do not know for certain if he has returned and even if he has, your father or I will take care of it..."


"No buts," Elsa scolded, "your summer is already halfway over, enjoy the rest of it before you need to go back to school. You will be safe in Auradon, Wenlock has never gone even close to the capital, he does not want to chance being caught and tossed into the Isle..."

Winter wanted to argue further but knew it was a lost cause with her mother.

"Very well then," Winter forced herself to say, sighing as her mother pushed her along to go hang out with the others of Northuldra.


"How about that race then?" Winter smirked at her father who had returned a few hours ago.

"You're on..."

"To the arctic?"

"Where else?" Winter scoffed as her father began counting.

"3, 2..." Jack Frost did not finish counting as he was already off in the sky like a  bullet.

"You cheater!" Winter howled, racing after him.

Even with his headstart, Winter was able to get close to him. However, Jack pushed to an even quicker pace, Winter growling as she made sure to stay on his heels. Both were soaring with the winds at unprecedented speeds, barreling through the sky at a fast pace (Elsa would have a heart attack from it) toward the Arctic.

Jack beat Winter by seven seconds, smirking victoriously at his daughter.

"You cheater!" Winter knocked him over into a pile of snow, the girl screaming as he pulled her down with him.

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