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   WINTER decided that Harry Hook would do much better in the first-hour Geography class than Chivalry. She partly blamed herself for his lousy grade in Chivalry as she was the one to place him in that class in the first place.

"Hello," she gave an award-winning smile to the student-request desk lady, "so I made a mistake when I was writing out Harry Hook's schedule," she motioned behind her to where Harry Hook was lurking with wide blue eyes a few feet away,

"I had put him in first-hour Chivalry but he is actually supposed to be in first-hour Geography. It was a complete mistake on my part and he was just too polite to say anything until today..." it was a total lie, but Winter knew that the only way to get Harry's schedule changed was to say she made a mistake.

Normally Winter would not even think about lying to an administrative, but this was different. She was not sure what it was about Harry—maybe he simply brought out the rebel in her—but she was willing to lie with a quickness for the pirate. Winter shivered at the fact, the thought that someone had that much power over her scared her.

She bit her lip, moving her gaze to the side of her, catching Harry's gape. She gulped, whipping back around and smiling in an almost nervous manner at the desk lady.

Winter's eyes scanned across the woman's nametag.


Denise was an older woman with greying hair that was pinned up in thick curls. Large glasses framed her face, and her fingers moved swiftly along the keyboard.

"Oh, yes, I can make that change for you, what did you say his name was again?" Denise tilted her head.

"Harry Hook," Winter watched as Denise's eyes widened exponentially, the administrator throwing a timid glance toward the pirate in question.

Swallowing, Denise mutely typed away on her computer, making the change to the schedule as quickly as she could. Winter looked around the admin office while she waited, doing everything in her power to keep her focus off of Harry Hook.

The floors were made of sleek wooden boards that Winter suspected was extremely easy slip-on. Brightly colored papers were taped and stapled to a flyer wall, Winter noticing that there was a poster for Evie's fashion business on there.

"Here you go, dear," Winter looked back to Denise who twisted on her rolling chair and reached behind her to a printer that had just finished creating the schedule.

Denise highlighted the new first-hour class before handing the schedule to Winter who gratefully accepted it. Pushing herself away from the counter, Winter nodded at Denise.

"Thank you, ma'am," she said in a quiet tone, turning toward where Harry was waiting by the doors leading to the courtyard.

Winter shrunk slightly at the intensity of Harry's blue eyes, unable to read his emotions. Looking away, she scurried out the door barely noticing how he kept it open for her. The men of Auradon always held doors open for woman, it was simply the way it was. Even those as vain as Chad Charming knew to hold open the door for a lady.

Now, men of the Isle did not do that, that was absolutely not how the Isle worked at all. However, the Chivalry class that Harry had been taking immediately taught him the basic rules of holding the door open for women. Though Harry pretended not to be paying attention, he was actually taking in and noting everything they had said over the week.

While he truly did not care, he decided that applying everything to how he interacted with Winter would not hurt.

"Thank you," Winter mumbled as he followed behind her, but she barely got two steps before Harry was grabbing her arm and spinning her around.

Winter gasped as she was twirled to Harry's chest, the girl ending up far closer to Harry than she would have liked. Somehow, he still had that unique smell of the ocean about him, the roughness of the multiple rings adorning his fingers digging into her arms.

It was not hard enough to hurt, but it was enough pressure for her to realize that it was there. Harry leaned down so his forehead was nearly touching her own, his eyes boring into her own intensely. He had on his heavy ring of eyeliner as always, and she found she was liking it more and more. Winter was never good with keeping eye contact, so she attempted to look away, but Harry brought his other hand up and gripped her chin tightly—not allowing her head to move.

"Harold, what are you—?"

"Ye, did tha' for me, yeah?" Harry breathed, his voice hiding an undertone of excitement.

Winter did not say anything, but the look in her eyes was enough to tell him that he was correct. Never in his life had Harry Hook ever wanted to kiss someone as much as he did right now to Winter. The way her big doe eyes were staring into his own caused feelings to spark from Harry like wildfire.

Closing his eyes, Harry breathed deeply willing the urge to kiss her away. He knew she was not ready for that. But he would make her ready soon enough.

Winter stayed stiff, watching as Harry closed his amazing eyes and breathed deeply. His head was still touching her own, and his hand was still gripping her chin and arm.

She focused intently, making sure her skin did not freeze him. Winter was not exactly sure why she always thought there was a chance of her freezing someone should they touch her. It had never had before as she had never got that cold, and she was fine when any member of her family touched her.

Winter's breath caught in her throat as Harry reopened his eyes. Momentarily, his gaze drifted down to her lips causing Winter to stiffen even more.

She had never kissed anyone. There was no way Harry would try to kiss her now, right?

To her relief (and slight disappointment) Harry stood back up and released her. Winter, getting a hold of herself, handed Harry his new schedule.

"I think you will be much better suited in Geography," Winter gave him a small smile as Harry overlooked the highlighted part of his schedule. "I'm sure you'll like it better than Chivalry."

Harry looked back at her and before she could comprehend she was squeezed into his side. Winter was wide-eyed as he began leading them toward to where she knew their dorm building to be, his arm draped over her shoulder.

For a split, she considered nuzzling into his side even further and resting her head on his shoulder. Lord knows how interesting it would look if put-together always organized Winter Frost was snuggling up against chaotic leather-wearing Harry Hook.

However, Winter did not do that, she forced herself to stay strong and placed a carefully makeshift scowl on her face. Harry carelessly led them toward the dorms, whistling a random tune as they went.

A few students stared as the two passed by, but neither party cared. Especially Harry who was more than happy to show-off his silent claim on the daughter of Elsa and Jack Frost. Winter found herself wanting to run her hands through Harry's shaggy black hair but refrained.

"Why haven't you wore your hat?" Winter finally broke the silence after a minute causing Harry to raise a single brow.

"Do ye want me to wear me hat, duckling?" Harry asked, his accent growing thicker as amusement coated over his tone.

Winter's cheeks flushed slightly as she purposefully looked away from the pirate. "I mean, it's your choice, I was just wondering!" Winter said defensively causing Harry to chuckle.

"Now that I know ye like it, I'll make sure to be wearing it more often," he smirked causing Winter to scoff, but she did not say anything against it. "Duckling you asked me what I want to do, now I want to know what you want to do after school,"

Winter answered without a beat, as though it were memorized by heart. "I will take my place as the Princess of Snow, Ice, and Winter," she immediately answered causing Harry to furrow his brows at how robotic she sounded.

Harry narrowed his eyes, though his interest was peaked as he was reminded of her powers.

"Mind giving me a sample of yer abilities, lass?" Harry asked but was thrown off by Winter's frantic answer.

"Absolutely not," Winter did not even give a reason, but Harry frowned at the scared lilt to her voice.

Why did she sound scared? That was the question that Harry asking himself.

"Why not?"

"Because," Winter stubbornly stated, subconsciously rubbing her gloved hands together.

Harry noticed this.

"Would ye take yer gloves off for me then? Maybe hold me hand too?" Harry teasingly smiled at the end.

There was never a time that Harry Hook ever asked a girl if she would hold his hand, ever. But Winter was different, and Auradon was not the Isle. Real relationships were a thing here, real true relationships where couples were allowed to do mushy-gushy stuff.

If Harry was being honest with himself, the thought of doing those couply things with Winter made his heart pound. Yet, the thought of doing it with anyone else simply felt wrong and sort of disgusted him. It was then that Harry realized if he could not do that mushy-gushy relationship stuff with Winter; he would not be doing it with anyone else.

Before he met Winter, the thought of being in a real relationship disgusted him. On the Isle, Harry did nothing more than meaninglessly flirt around and spend a few nights in bed with whichever girl was lucky enough to catch his attention.

It never went further than that though.

But after he first set eyes on Winter, she was stuck in his head for months. He was not exactly sure what it was about Winter but she just seemed to be everything he ever wanted in a person.

"No, I will not take off my gloves!" Winter seemed horrified by the thought of it.

Harry tilted his head, leaning in to whisper in her ear.

"And why not?" he murmured so low that it made goosebumps erupt all over Winter's body.

Winter sniffed, trying to keep her thoughts clear. "Why don't you take your gloves off then?" Winter fired back.

Harry looked down at his leather gloves which only covered the palm of his hand, his fingers still bare. Looking back at her, Harry wordlessly peeled his right glove off and wiggled his fingers around mockingly.

"Yer turn," he spoke while putting his leather glove back on.

Winter was speechless, the girl quickly shoving her silk-covered hands behind her back.

"I don't want to," Winter stated in a firm tone causing Harry to scoff a laugh.

"Course not, duckling, I'll drop it..." Winter sighed in relief, "...for now," she tensed once more.

"For now, I want to know what you want to do after school,"

"I already told you—" Winter started in confusion only to be cut off by Harry's clicking his tongue.

"No, no, no, you told me what you should do—not what you want to do,"

And so, Winter thought about it for a long second. What did she want to do?

Winter had spent so long knowing what she should do, what she was expected to do. Had she ever thought if she really wanted to do it? A horrifying thought crossed Winter's mind soon after, the fact that taking her place as the Princess of Snow, Ice, and Winter was something that she actually had no drive for.

Well, that was not exactly the right term, because yes, she did have the drive to do it, but she did necessarily wish to do. But then again, if not that, then what did Winter want to do?

Another even more terrifying thought was that Winter truly had no idea what she wanted to do.

Winter was an easily worked up individual, it did not take much to stress her out. And when she stressed out, she began to hyperventilate.

Her breathing grew heavier as her eyes went wild, her mind working overtime to try and find a solution to her problem. She did not like this at all, how could this be happening? Why did Harry need to arise questions like this?

Harry himself furrowed his brows at the sound of Winter's breathing picking up. He felt her shoulders moving up and down at a quicker pace, the pirate turning his head to look at her. Harry gave the pale girl a confused look.


"I don't know what I want to do!" Harry was taken off guard by the frantic look the girl threw at him, her eyes wide. "Harry," he shuddered at the sound of his genuine name rolling off her tongue, "I don't know what I want to do, how could I let this happen..." Winter began rambling, her words quick and jumbled.

However, Harry easily overpowered her, stopping them and forcing Winter to turn and face him. Gripping her chin once more, Winter's breath shuddered at the intensity of his blue eyes.

"Then let's figure it out, me duckling..."


Winter and Harry walked the rest of the way to the dorm building. Harry had thought at first he was going to be able to walk Winter to her dorm room, but apparently Harry's dorm was closer to the staircase than hers because Winter had stopped at his door.

Harry tried to convince Winter to let him walk her to her room, but Winter being as stubborn as ever was not having any of it. Now, as they stood outside his room, Harry was fishing through his pockets trying to find the blasted key.

At first, he thought Winter would walk off while he was still in the hallway opening his door (then he would at least be able to see the direction her room was in) but Winter had no plans of moving until Harry was inside his room with the door shut.

"You really don't want me to know ye room, do you?" Harry chuckled while finally finding the shimmering golden key and unlocking his door.

It really hurt Harry to have real gold on him 24/7 knowing he would need to give it back once school was finished. Especially considering the fact that he was a pirate and treasure was sort of his thing.

"Sorry, but not today Harold," Harry growled at the name but did not say anything as he pushed his door open.

He was met with the sight of Gil sitting on the large couch playing video games while Uma was on the other side of the room, growling and hitting the side of the computer. Winter stood behind Harry, curiously looking into the room.

The only time she had seen the Sea Three's room was for a brief second when she first showed it to them. She still remembered the shocked expressions on their faces.

Standing on her toes and peeking from over Harry's shoulder, Winter looked around the room. It was a little over the average size of the usual dorm rooms as there were three people living in it instead of two. However, it still looked similar to all the other dorms.

There was still the couch in front of a flat-screen television, three desks, all with laptops on them. A large closet that no doubt had many different dressers and racks, enough space for all three of their clothing items to fit.

The beds were Queen sized and evenly spaced apart, two on one side of the room with the third bed across. The door to the bathroom was left open allowing Winter to barely see the inside of the larger bathroom as well.

Winter rose a brow at the shells and pirate decor hanging on the walls with a few tapestries, the curtains were drawn as well, the only light being provided by the non-natural lightbulbs. While there were a few random items littering the floors, the room was exceptionally clean—Winter having a feeling that it had to do with Uma.

"Good, you're here!" At first, Winter thought Uma was talking to Harry, but when she shoved past him and motioned to Winter, the girl looked at her with a surprise.

"Hi, Winter!" Gil cheered from where he was playing video games on the couch.


"Yeah, my laptop is broke and I have no clue how to fix it," Winter slowly nodded at Uma's words, the girl hesitantly walking into the room.

Harry winked at Winter, blowing a kiss her way before joining Gil in playing the video game. Winter watched as Harry immediately got into the game, his eyes fixated on the screen and starting to jerk the controller wildly in his hands.

Winter shook her head wondering how video games could entrance the male population so much.

"Yo, princess, my laptop?" Winter brought her attention back to Uma who was standing by the middle desk with a raised brow.

Winter blushed, hoping Uma did not notice where her gaze stuck and hastily made her way over. Leaning over the laptop, Winter furrowed her brows at the sight of the laptop glitching out.

Winter was not the best with technologically but she definitely was not the worst. Especially after spending so much time around Jonah who was a God at computers, Winter had picked up a thing or two.

"Okay, so, I think it's just a minor glitch, a reboot should do the trick," Winter explained while tapping the reboot button causing the computer to shut down.

Uma rose a brow, slightly impressed. Winter wasted no time in turning the computer back on, the screen showing it was back to normal.

"Hmm, thanks," Uma hummed as Winter nodded with a smile, both their attentions suddenly going to Harry and Gil who let out cries of victory.

Harry reached forward to the coffee table just in front of him and grabbed the headset off of it. Putting it over his ears, Harry immediately began swearing and throwing insults that were so bad Winter had not ever even heard of half of them.

"...So take that Jay, ye doaty hackit lavvy heid...!"

Winter's mouth fell open as Harry continued to curse out Jay while viciously playing the online game.

"What idiots," Uma rolled her eyes, her words causing Winter to snicker lightly.

Uma and Winter shared a small smile, Winter giving a small wave while heading toward the door. Uma hesitated for a second, but before Winter was to the door her voice rang out.

"You can stay for a little while if you want," Uma's words caused Winter to look at her in surprise.

For a split second, Winter was ready to accept the offer. But then reality kicked in. She was already getting closer to Harry than she liked, she had to stop nurturing these advances.

Winter gave Uma a sorry smile, rubbing her gloved hands down her arm, "I really wish I could, but I need to finish my homework," it was a lie, but Uma did not know that.

Uma and Winter had no classes together, so Uma did not know how on top of her work Winter always was. "But are you going to the coffee shop with Lonnie, Mal, Evie, and I tomorrow?" Winter hurriedly asked, not wanting to be completely rude to Uma.

Uma tilted her head, "yeah, Mal mentioned something about it and invited me,"

"Sweet, well I'll see then," Winter gave a smile that Uma returned with a nod, the blue-haired girl sitting at her desk as Winter snuck out of the room.

"Oi, ya see tha', duckling—tha' be how ya' destroy the enemy!" Harry stood and did his own small victory jig while turning around expecting to see Winter's impressed look.

Even if Winter had been in the room, she would not have been all that impressed by Harry's video game victory.

Uma rolled her eyes, swiveling in her chair to face her first mate. "She just left, idiot, you were too immersed in the game to notice,"

Harry cursed, nearly tripping over himself from how fast he stumbled to the door. Nearly ripping the door off his hinges, Harry practically jumped into the hallway looking left and right.

Winter had just opened her room door which was literally only five doors down when Harry unexpectedly burst into the hallway. Winter actually jumped and let out a small shriek from how surprised she was, the girl taking in Harry's disheveled appearance.

Immediately, Harry's eyes snapped to her form, the pirate furrowing his brow in shock.

"Have ye really been tha' close this whole time?" Harry said it as though he could not believe it.

And he really could not believe it. How the hell did he manage to miss her room when it was literally so close to his own. That was just sad on his part, was he really that unobservant or was Winter that sneaky.

Winter let out a noise of disbelief, silently reviling. With no warning, Winter went into the room and slammed the door closed behind her. Winter had just managed to lock it before Harry's pounding started.

"Wait, can I come in?" She could hear the cheekiness in Harry's tone.

"No, I need to take a shower!" Winter shouted back through the door, resting her forehead against the wood.

The scar of Harry's name on her hip burned. She felt an immense desire to open the door, but she did not. Especially when she noticed the small amounts of frost leaking from her. Releasing all the pent up frustration, Winter cursed when frost weaved over a few parts of the walls.

"Well, can I join ye?" Winter was confused until Harry said his next words. "In the shower?"

Winter gasped loudly causing Harry to bark with laughter from the other side of the door as he heard Winter's gasp.

"Absolutely not!" Winter shouted before stomping away from the door and going into the bathroom.

Harry sniggered from outside of the door, slowly taking a few steps away. At least now he found her dorm room.

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