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GROWING up, Harry's father had told him plenty of stories of the flying boy named Peter Pan and his crew of lost boys. Captain Hook had also boasted to Harry (on many occasions) about the time his ship, the Jolly Roger, flew. Harry still remembered sitting on his father's lap with his two sisters at his father's feet as they all listened to the story of how their father had flown the Jolly Roger all the way to England to capture Wendy Darling's daughter.

Captain Hook was not the nicest man (and he undoubtedly had a drinking problem) but the thing about him was that he was proud of all his children. Unlike many parents on the Isle, James Hook had not been the worst father.

He taught Harry everything he knew and had said on many occasions that Harry was his pride and joy (as Harry was his only son). Captain Hook cherished his two daughters as well, but it was also no secret that Harry was by far the Captain's favorite.

Harriet was the oldest and the most determined. CJ (also known as Callista Jane) had her own spunk and style about her. But Harry, well Harry was Captain Hook's spitting image both in personality and physical attributes. James Hook had sworn on multiple occasions that Harry looked exactly like him when he was younger.

And it was certainly believable as Harry was pretty much a younger version of his father with shorter hair.

Harry admired his father a lot. When he was ten, Harry even went so far as to try and bait TickTock the crocodile into biting his hand off so he could have a real hooked hand like Captain Hook. Unfortunately, TickTock pretty much ignored him.

The sensation of flying ended all too soon as Stewart landed back on the ground with a thud, immediately continuing his sprint deeper into the forest.

Soon after, Stewart broke through the trees and came upon a large ring of a field. It was a ring of wildflowers and grass that was surrounded on all sides by the forest. It was also known as one of Winter's favorite places to lounge in the around.

Seeing as it was not far away from the waterfall river they had just hopped, Winter proclaimed the area as her essential "forest-base". This field was where she would take her rests from exploring and write down her findings in her journal.

She figured as they had been running around the forest for nearly an hour now, this was as good a time as any to take a small rest.

"Woah, Stewart," Winter clicked her tongue causing Stewart to fall from his sprint to a light trot before stopping completely.

Harry was breathing heavily from behind Winter, the pirate just now coming down from his adrenaline rush. Harry's grip on Winter slowly loosened, the pirate looking around.

"Where are we, duckling?" Harry asked, tilting his head down so he was once again staring at Winter.

Winter hummed at him, tilting her head back so she was just inches away from Harry's face. He grinned down at her while Winter only rose a brow in response.

"A field, Harry," Harry shivered at the use of what he considered his real name rolling off her tongue.

Winter moved her head back up, hopping down from Stewart. She landed easily on the grassy ground, walking so she was in front of Stewart and patting his nose. Harry followed after her, delivering a pat to Stewart's side before stepping up behind Winter.

He smirked at the way her smaller form fit against his front, the pirate placing both of his hands on her shoulders and rubbing.

"Such a tease," he murmured lowly, leaning down so his lips were inches from her ear.

Winter gasped as Harry brought his lips even closer, lightly nibbling at her ear. She blushed bright red, making an odd sound that was something between a whimper and gasp.

"Like that, do ya? I'll make sure to note that for later..." Harry's words were obviously meant to be sexual.

Gulping, Winter ignored him and pulled away slightly. Fishing through her bag, Winter drew out an apple and turned around to face Harry while sticking out the apple. Harry gave her a look that was a cross between confusion and amusement, slowly taking the apple out of her hands.

Winter's pale face was still bright red, the girl keeping her gaze averted from Harry's.

"Thanks?" Harry said in a questioning tone, debating if he should take a bite.

Forcing herself to meet the pirate's gaze, Winter motioned toward Stewart. "Give it to him, he likes apples..." she explained, grabbing Stewart's bridle gently and pulling the horse's head toward Harry.

Harry quirked a brow, smirking. "Likes apples, aye?" He tossed the apple in the air as though it were a ball, catching it easily. "Well, here ya go, horsey," Harry handed the apple to Stewart who happily ate it.

Harry chuckled, his eyes lighting up at the animal's reaction.

"His name is Stewart," Winter informed while stroking down his mane.

Harry inclined his head at the gesture, wasting no time in placing his larger hand over Winter's and stroking along the soft mane with her. Winter smiled, not saying anything at Harry's odd gesture. Instead, Winter wordlessly flipped their rolls and put her hand on top of Harry's larger one, leading him in petting Stewart.

"Like this?" Harry's eyes focused on Winter who nodded.

"Yep, just like that," she hummed as they pet Stewart who happily ate his apple.

The wind blew past them causing Winter's hair to ruffle.

"Is he yours?" Harry asked, focusing on the way the horse moved.

He had never given much thought to the idea of horses while on the Isle, but now that he had experienced a real ride, he had to admit that he really liked Stewart.

"No, he's a school horse, but I'm going to buy him once I graduate and take him home with me," Winter explained as Harry hummed in acknowledgment.

"Home, ye live in Arendelle, don't ya?" Winter's mouth opened slightly at Harry's question, the girl not knowing how to respond.

It was a common mistake that people believed she lived in Arendelle — while she was there often — it was not where she actually resided. However, she never bothered to correct anyone as she was never sure how people would react to the knowledge of Ahtohallan. That and Winter was not open about her home life in the slightest while at Auradon.

Thankfully, Winer was saved from responding to the curious pirate by Gale blowing past them incredibly harshly. Harry shouted in surprise when Winter was blown directly onto him. He hastily reached out, steadying her as she was basically on top of him.

Harry easily held her, looking at her with wide eyes while Winter simply looked embarrassed.

"So sorry," she shook her head while stepping away from Harry and scowling at nobody in particular, "Gale, what was that?" Winter asked, the wind breezing by gently in response.

However, to Winter, it was the sound of Gale playfully teasing her about being together with Harry. Apparently, the wind shipped it, something that made Winter gasp and blush like crazy.

"Wha–what did..." Harry struggled for a moment, trying to remember what Winter referred to the wind as, "Gale say?"

"Nothing!" Winter spit so suddenly that it had Harry smirking, a small idea of what the wind possibly could have given as a reason for pushing Winter into him unfolding in his mind.

As much as he wanted to push her to tell him, Harry was more fascinated with the way Winter was capable of speaking with the personified wind. He had never heard of such a thing, nor did he ever dream something like that was possible — and his best friend was a sea witch for Pete's sake! He was also surprised that he had not noticed this sooner, but Winter did a rather good job of hiding her magical skills on campus.

He wondered if this was only a cherry on top to her abilities.

"How are ya doing that, lassie?" Harry finally asked, tilting his head at the brunette. "I did not even know the wind was alive!" He exclaimed.

Winter shrugged sheepishly. "I've always been able to do it, it kind of runs in my family..."

Harry was interested in how it ran in her family. His knowledge of Jack Frost only went as far that he knew he was the spirit of winter. Harry was not too familiar with the tale of Elsa either, all he knew was that she had ice powers and a sister. He made a silent note to try and figure out as much as he could about her family.

"...and yes, Gale is very much alive. Think of it as a genderless pneuma..." Winter explained.

Harry furrowed his brows, not quite understanding what pneuma meant, but he did not ask out of slight embarrassment. He knew he was not the smartest when it came to education — especially here in Auradon — and he did not want to draw any more attention to that fact to Winter. She was already tutoring him.

Gale pushed against Winter's ponytail making Harry draw his eyes toward the long waving strands.

"Does Gale have a physical form at all?" Hary breathed, forcing his gaze from her hair and back to her face.

"No, but he is certainly colorful—"

"The wind is colorful?" Harry said with disbelief. "No way, it's just air..." he cried as the air in question shoved him forward nearly making him fall.

Winter tried to hide her smile, simply shaking her head. "Gale, be nice," she scolded before addressing him, "Harry look around, but really look and tell me what you see..."

Winter was standing inches away, folding her arms behind her back as Harry squinted his eyes trying to see something, anything.

But all he saw was Winter, the trees, the grass, Stewart, and the flowers.

"Lass, I don't see—"

"Harry, look, please..."

Harry sighed and looked around once more, finding that her pleading rubbed him in the right way.

"I see ye," Harry smirked flirtatiously causing Winter to roll her eyes, "I see the trees, I see Stewart, I see the flowers, I see..." Harry trailed off, blinking when he thought he saw something else. At first, he believed it was a trick of the sun, but then he really focused, and suddenly it was there.

All around him, all around Winter, all around everything. Shimmering, bright, beautiful, and very much colorful.

"...I see..." Harry's tone was that of disbelief and wonder, his eyes rounding on everything around him.

How had he never noticed this before? This was not possible.

But now that he thought about it, this wonderful world of shimmering colors had been everywhere since he could remember, even on the Aisle — he somehow had just not noticed it.

"Tis ain't be possible," Harry exclaimed, his accent thickening as he gaped, turning in a full circle at what he was seeing.

And yet, it was true, because it was there, all around him.

"What?" Winter asked with clear amusement as Harry brought his eyes back down to the widely smiling girl.

"Wha' is it?" He shook his head.

"That would be Gale," Winter smiled, crossing her arms, "only some people can see him like you are now, I had a feeling you were one of those people. I'm pretty sure Mal, Ben, Uma, and Evie could too, but I've never taught them or told them about it..." Winter rambled slightly, shrugging at the end.

"Me?" Harry was honestly touched by this. "I'm the only one you've shown? But wait, how did ye know I'd be able to see it?" He walked nearer to Winter, his blue eyes sparkling.

Everything about this tender girl in front of him was making him fall deeper in love.

Winter nodded, looking around at all the colors she had been able to see since she could remember. Gale always had and always would be there.

"Just a feeling," Winter shrugged, "there's a lot more to the world than most people notice."

"Show me then," Harry declared.

Winter jumped as Harry grabbed her hand. She looked down, watching as he interlaced their fingers and brought their joined hands up to her mouth. With a sincere smile, Harry kissed her hand that was interlaced his own, looking at her with so much adoration Winter thought she might actually die.

"Okay," Winter whispered, biting her lip.

Slowly, Winter pulled away from Harry, motioning for him to follow her. Harry easily followed, Stewart perking his head up as he watched the girl he considered his master walk with the pirate boy into the trees. The horse did not bother to follow as he knew Winter would be back soon enough — she knew her way around the forests incredibly well.

"You need to open yourself up to the world around you, see everything more than just as it physically is," she explained, leaves and branches snapping under her boots.

Harry watched as Winter touched a large tree, his eyes widening when the tree trunk glowed a dim blue under her glove-covered palm.

"Every rock, tree, and creature has a life inside," she explained, Harry placing the palm of his hand over Winter's.

The riding glove was cool to the touch making goosebumps run down Harry's spine.

He shivered lightly, finding the sensation odd. It was physically cool, but on a deeper level that Harry could not explain — it was warm.

Harry jumped at the sound of a wolf howling from the distance, the pirate going on full alert. However, his tense form relaxed once Winter place a calming hand on his shoulder, releasing her palm from the tree causing the blue glow to disappear.

"Don't fear the howling, open yourself to it, what does it sound like?" And Harry did as Winter said.

He closed his eyes and truly listened, and if the pirate was honest, he really did not know how he knew. He just did.

"A mother?" He whispered to himself, opening his eyes and looking to Winter who nodded. "...Looking for her pups..." he trailed off as Winter smiled.

"Signaling her location to them," she corrected, "we are all connected in a circle or hoop, one that never ends..." Winter explained, taking a few steps away from Harry and looking up.

Harry watched her with a lovesick expression of wonder. He was learning things he never knew that he never knew. In a simple motion, Winter delivered a mischievous smile his way before hopping off the ground.

Harry took a sharp intake when instead of it being a little hop as he expected, Winter practically soared in the air. She floated up, looking as though she was standing on air.

She giggled at Harry's starstruck expression, stepping away from floating midair and onto the large tree branch. Sinking into a sitting position, Winter leaned on the trunk and crossed her feet.

"How is the view from up there, lass?" Harry hollered in a playful tone, crossing his arms as Winter grinned down at him.

"Better than you, Harold!" Winter did not realize what she had said at first, but Harry did.

He grinned — taking her words into account.

"Does that mean you like looking at me normally?" Trust Harry to take Winter's words and throw them back in her face with an added flirt.

Winter blushed from on the tree, shaking her head at the pirate.

"Stop being cheeky, pirate!" She demanded, hanging from the branch by her legs as though she were a trapeze artist.

Harry grinned, loving this new side of Winter that he was meeting for the first time. While Harry figured he should be more concerned for her safety seeing as if she fell, she would most definitely break something (probably her neck) but knowing that she could pretty much fly put him at ease.

As Winter was hanging like some monkey, the gravity caused her hair tie to slide from her locks. Harry laughed when the hair tie slid from Winter's hair, landing a few feet away from him on the ground. The part that was funny was the fact that her hair tumbled all over the place. Winter groaned as Harry laughed, the pirate happy to see those silky strands finally loose.

Winter was only lucky the riding jacket was meant to be tossed around, therefore her top was not hanging and revealing her bra. Then again, Harry would not be complaining if that happened.

Unfortunately, it was not only her hair that slipped loose but her bag gave a shake as well. Winter cursed, but before she could bring herself upright, the satchel that was hanging with her spilled open causing all of the contents to fall out.

"Gale!" Winter called, swinging herself upright.

Immediately, before the items could hit the ground, they stopped midair. Except for one. Harry burst out laughing, throwing his head back as he did so.

All of the things that were in Winter's bag floated via the wind back into her satchel, but the journal stayed on the ground by Harry's feet. Winter growled as the wind laughed at her, Gale having made sure the journal hit the ground on purpose so Harry would see it.

Harry himself stopped laughing when he saw the worn brown journal on the ground. Looking up, Harry met Winter's distressed gaze with a smirk.

"That yer diary?" He called teasingly, reaching down plucking the journal in his hands.

It was then he noticed the many loose pieces of paper sticking out from the journal. Furrowing his brows, Harry easily opened the journal — caring little for privacy. He knew it was probably bad manners to simply go snooping, but honestly, Harry did not really care.

Winter huffed, making sure her satchel was buckled tightly before stepping off the branch. She floated midair, looking as though she was simply standing on the ground. Alike to an elevator, she was brought down at a moderate pace. 

Harry was expecting to see pages of entries about Winter's days within the journal. Instead, he was greeted by something very unexpected. He knew maps and geography like the back of his own hands, so it took him less than a second to recognize that most pages were filled to the brim with different sketches of maps.

There were little notes written with the many maps, sketches of trees, bushes, animals, and many other things Harry had seen in the forest that day. Other pages were paragraphs of different discoveries, and Harry came to the conclusion that this was a sort of exploration journal.

Winter had been mapping out the forest.

Just as Harry was about to go to her last page she had written to see just how far she had gone within the woodland, Winter was in front of him ripping the journal from his hands. Harry's eyes were alight with wild excitement, the pirate licking his lips while leaning toward Winter.

"Ye 'ave been mappin' this whole place!" He exclaimed as Winter shook her head.

"Yeah, I have, it's just a little past time of mine..." she explained while opening up her satchel.

"Explorin' the forest, I certainly don't know ya' as much as I thought. Well, how far have you got?" Winter nearly dropped the journal in surprise at Harry's words.

She snapped her head up to look at him, furrowing her brows. However, at his expectant look, she answered him in a slow manner.

"About an hour North from here, just before you hit Summersburg actually..."

"Summersburg?" Harry tilted his head.

"Yes, quite a nice place, it's quiet," Winter offhandedly mentioned with a shrug, walking in the direction she knew the river to be.

Harry followed after her.

"Alright, lass, tell me one of the most interesting things you've found on your jaunts," Harry asked in an overly excited tone.

Could you blame him? Harry was a pirate, an explorer by heart and the one thing that he loved and was phenomenal at was geography. This whole deal was right up his alley.

Exploring and mapping the Enchanted Forest? Sign Harry up!

Winter sighed but gave him an answer nonetheless. "There is a rather cool cave filled to the brim with crystals not too far from here, but they are jammed into the wall pretty good..." Winter explained while Harry grinned.

"I bet I'scould get some out with me hook," Winter laughed at his words, a sudden thought crossing her mind.

"Harry," Winter started almost hesitantly causing the pirate to give her his full attention, "where did you get those clothes? I've never seen you wear anything like that."

Harry scoffed, pulling at the fabric of the shirt as though it were disgusting. "King Ben said my normal attire wouldn't do for a ride so he let me borrow some of his things seeing as I don't own anything without some sort of chains attached.

Winter flashed him an amused grin. "Really? Nothing?"

"Nope, nothin'," Harry said causing Winter to hum, "Not that I want anything without chains, but even if I did, seein' as ye cannot steal in Auradon — I don't really have the funds to buy anything," Harry said it casually as though it did not bother him.

And really it did not bother him. On the Isle, everyone was virtually the same money-wise, power was what was important on the Isle. For the VKs, the name of their parents was what started them off, but it was really who acted the baddest of them all who got the street cred.

Harry Hook was a feared name on the Isle. While he was known to be a ginormous flirt, attractive, and a great time in the sheets — he was also a psychopath whose bad side you did not want to end up on.

However, the fact that Harry did not have much money bothered Winter. And it did not bother her in the sense that she was unimpressed, but rather in the way that she simply felt bad.

She did not want him to need to worry about funds. It was then she decided that — considering she was rolling in dough — she would inadvertently help him when it came to monetary issues. She had a feeling that he would not appreciate nor let her do that as guys had some weird manly thing about wanting to be the providers, so Winter would stay quiet about it.

"When is your birthday, Harry?" Harry was taken aback by the question as he was not expecting that of all things to come from her mouth.

He smiled at his name — the sensation that took over every time she said that name of his spreading through body.

"November 12th, I turn eighteen," Harry smirked, placing his arm over Winter's shoulder and drawing her in.

He breathed deeply at her berry smelling body. Winter only sighed, not finding it in herself to fight against him, scowling when she heard the wind's teasing words. She did; however, make a mental note as to the date of his birthday — reminding herself to pull Uma aside and ask her what Harry would want later on.

She knew that giving Harry a birthday present was not pushing him away as she should be, but she could not help herself. She was going to give him a great birthday this year, that she vowed — she would give him a real Auradon birthday celebration.

"What about you, duckling?" Harry asked as they made their way back toward the field where Stewart was.

"What about me?" Winter questioned causing Harry to scoff.

"Yer birthday, dearie?"

Winter did not answer as her birthday was generally something she did not celebrate. Well, up until Mal and Evie found out about it last year.

"Duckling...?" Harry trailed in a warning tone, figuring Winter was trying to evade the question. "I'll just ask Evie or Mal if ye don't tell me."

"December 1st," Winter answered with a sigh causing Harry to grin.

"Aw, the beloved eighteenth birthday on the first day of December—"

"Actually, more like seventeenth," Winter sheepishly said causing Harry to stare down at her in shock.

"Aye, yer only sixteen? But this is our graduating year, yer only gonna be—!"

"Yes," Winter said with clear embarrassment, "I started a year earlier than I was supposed to..."

Harry grinned viciously at her, leaning down so his mouth was right by her ear. "Younger girl, hmm? I like it," he practically growled causing Winter to go rigid.

With a hum, Harry ran his hand through her long hair, causing Winter to blush.

"Why don't ye wear yer hair down more often?" The pirate asked.

"I like it out of my face so it doesn't get in the way of my work or reading," she answered just as they got to field.

Harry frowned at the answer, disliking that was the reason she never wore her hair down.

They caught sight of Stewart standing and grazing. Winter also noticed the sun which was beginning to set.

"We should get going," she desperately tried to keep a stutter out of her voice, hating what Harry always managed to do to her, "the sun is setting and it's not the best to be out in the forest at dark,"

Harry did not question her, simply following with a smirk as she got to Stewart. She pats his side, pulling an apple out of her satchel causing the horse's head to perk up.

"Can I feed him?" Harry questioned.

Winter smiled and handed Harry the apple, watching in an amused manner as Harry eagerly handed the treat to Stewart while cooing at him. Using the wind, Winter jumped onto Stewart's back, watching as he finished off the apple while Harry stroked his head.

With a few last words of admiration, the pirate hopped behind Winter on Stewart's back.

"Ya should teach me ter ride, then ye can be the one hugging me waist next time. Then again, I quite like this," Harry squeezed her side at the end causing Winter to squeak.

He snickered as Winter turned around and slapped his shoulder in a lighthearted manner.

"Hands to yourself, pirate, and maybe I will," she spoke before grabbing Stewart's reigns and made him shoot forward.

Harry laughed as they shot forward, gripping Winter's waist tightly. Yes, he would definitely be joining her on more rides.

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