Chapter 11: A New Friend

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Everyone gasped. I felt all eyes on me, all probably assuming I aided Black in attempting to break in. Next thing I know, my head was resting on Fred's chest, as he pulled me into a embrace, his arms wrapped around me, to comfort. I instantly relaxed by a milestone in his arms. We pulled apart, as we were instructed to proceed into the Great Hall. Although we had broken out of the hug, Fred didn't leave my hand and I couldn't help but allow a small smile make its way onto my face out of appreciation.


The Great Hall was packed with students, because the castle had to be searched for Black. Dumbledore had magicked up sleeping bags with a swish of his wand. The twins, Lee, Angelina, Alicia and I had taken a corner. Angelina and Alicia are good friends with the twins, so usually I'll find myself talking with them.

Fred hadn't left my side, knowing how I was dealing with the situation. Although, I had eased, and I'd managed to regain myself.

We were whispering amongst ourselves, just like everyone else who all were pretending to be asleep.

"How could he have gotten past the Dementors?" Angelina wondered.

"Not a surprise. He did it once, why not again?" I hissed.

"But why was he trying to break into Gryffindor tower?" Alicia questioned.

"Who knows, but luckily no one was around because he could have injured them." George said.

"If he's gotten into Hogwarts, does that mean he's still lurking around here somewhere?" Lee asked.

"Dunno, but he could be for all we know." I replied.

"I'm surprised he got away, I would have thought he'd have got caught at Hog-" Fred broke off, as the doors to the Great Hall opened yet again. This time, it was Dumbledore who had arrived. He approached Percy, who was shushing people and patrolling around with his chest puffed out.

"Any sign of him, Professor?"

"No. All well here?" Dumbledore asked.

"Everything under control, sir." Percy said.

"Good. There's no point moving them all now. I've found a temporary guardian for the Gryffindor portrait hole. You'll be able to move them back in tomorrow."

The rest of the conversation didn't reach my ears, because the sound of a million thoughts drifting through my mind made it so. Although, my ears perked up when I heard Snape discussing what seemed to be a more secretive topic.

"It seems - almost impossible - that Black could have entered the school without inside help. I did express my concern when you appointed-"

"I do not believe a single person inside the castle would have helped Black enter it." said Dumbledore.

"But sir, should Potter and Black be war-"

"No Severus, not at the moment." His stern voice made it clear that this discussion was closed.

"I must go down to the Dementors. I said I would inform them when our search was complete."

I heard Percy's voice pipe up, but I was too shocked to listen anymore. My eyes had widened to the size of saucers at the mention of my name and Harry's.

What could possibly include the two of us?

A hand intertwined with mine's. Broken out of my thoughts once more, I gazed into Fred's warm, brown eyes.

"I know what you're thinking love. Forget it for now, and go to sleep." I smiled at him. He gently stroked my hair until I was fast asleep.


Over the next little while, theories of how Black may have entered began, each crazier than the one before.

Sir Cadogan, an annoying, good for nothing, idiot, had replaced the Fat Lady but everyone despised him, seeing as he was always challenging people to duel instead of letting them in, or switching the password.

The conversation of the night of the attack was imprinted in my mind. I couldn't figure out what connection Harry and I had with this situation.

I had noticed something peculiar about the teachers, how they seemed to be watching me like hawks, ever since the night of Hallowe'en.

Shortly after the incident, I received an owl from Mum. I would write to her daily, even if she didn't have the chance to reply to each letter. I didn't want to worry her, so I stuck with my word. The letter was full of questions of my well being.

Dear Rubina,

Are you alright? I heard Sirius had attempted to break into Gryffindor tower. Are you alright, you're not hurt? I'm really worried about you sweetie. Reply as soon as you get this.

Lots of love,


The letter from Mum only fueled my suspicions more, but then again, she's always worried about me.

Dear Mum,

I'm doing just fine. Relax, don't stress. I'm safe and sound at Hogwarts. The attack was baffling but everything's been running smoothly since then. Don't worry, I'm alright. Can't wait to see you at Christmas, even though there's still some time left. Counting down the days.

With love,

Rubi โค


The weather was slowly transitioning into long, cold, rainy days, although it made sense since winter was approaching.

After an exhausting day of lessons, I went for a stroll through the grounds of Hogwarts, trying not to be sighted by a teacher, in case they assisted in accompanying me. With the crisis of Black, everyone was worried sick.

I was mindlessly wandering around, until I came across the Whomping Willow. I sat on the grass, a good distance away from the vicious tree, just to be safe.

I was gazing upward at the blue sky above me. The sun was muffled by a blanket of clouds. I decided to leave my worries, and enjoy myself. My eyes were fixed on the sky, as my mind pictured different things in the clouds.

Mesmerized by the sky I was, until something tackled me. I was pushed onto my back, and something or more like someone was licking my face. All I could see was black fur. I grasped it, and sat up.

In front of me was a large, shaggy, black dog with adorable pale puppy-dog eyes. He looked into my grey eyes, happily, shaking its tail.

"Well, hello. I've never seen you before." He titled his head to the side. "You're really cute." I said as I brought my hand to his head, scratching it. "Wonder how a dog got here. Oh well, you must be famished." The dog whined as if it was answering back. "I'm sorry. I don't have much on me, all I have is this apple." I said as I reached into my pocket, and pulled out a shiny, red apple. I placed it on the palm of my hand, and held my hand out. The black dog didn't hesitate and ate it in two bites.

"I guess you are really hungry. I'll bring you more food next time, if I see you again that is." He just sat there and stared at me, almost as if he could understand me. "You know, I think there's something fishy going on." Either I was imagining it or his ears perked up. "Ever since Sirius Black tried to break in, the teachers have been watching me or maybe, I've been thinking that ever since Snape mentioned "Potter and Black" in the conversation with Dumbledore. Or maybe, he wasn't referring to me but Sirius Black? Maybe he's after Harry?" I sighed as I brought my knees into my chest, hugging my legs, I placed my head down and closed my eyes. "Maybe I'm overthinking it." I huffed and sat there in silence.

But not too soon, I felt something nudge me. Looking up, it was the dog, as if he was comforting me. I sat with my legs crossed, and the dog put it's head on my lap, laying on the ground. I stroked his head ever so gently.

"You know, it's like you get me." I muttered with a smile. The dog let out a soft bark in return.

"Thank you." I whispered. He looked up at me, and licked my face once more. I giggled. I pulled out my pocket watch to check the time. The furry animal looked intrigued by the watch.

"Oh it's almost six. I should head back before I get caught and land myself in detention. Surprisingly, I haven't been caught by Filch for helping pull pranks with the twins. Anyways, I'm going to see you later..." I trailed off, remembering the dog doesn't have a name. "Hmm... What should I name you? Hmm... Ooh! How about Padfoot? I saw that name on the Marauder's map. Anyways, I think Padfoot is a perfect name for you." I grinned before planting a kiss on top of Padfoot's head. "Anyways, see you later, bye Padfoot." I strutted along, as Padfoot watched me walk away.


So I know it's not really an exciting chapter, but I hoped the interaction between Rubi and Padfoot was nice. Hopefully the chapter didn't seem too long!

Here's a question:

What's your favorite season of the year?

Mine would be summer, because it's when we can get out and there's no school!



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