Chapter 21: Promise

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"Yeah?" asked Fred nervously.

"Um, well the thing is-" I started playing with my hands. "Oh, I don't know how to say this."

"You're scaring me, spit it out!"

"I found out something." I said hesitantly. Fred gave me a questioning look.

"I have a murderer father by the name of Sirius Black ." I spat out. I slowly shifted my head to find shock on Fred's face.

"Really? But how?" He exclaimed.

"Listen, before I tell you anything I have to ask you something. You won't leave me knowing who my dad is, will you?" His expression softened into sadness and pity.

"Of course not love, remember what I told you at the start of the year. I like you for who you are, not from the background you come from." My face instantly brightened at those words, but it quickly hardened again. "When did you find out?"

I sighed and I began recounting my tale.

"I overheard a conversation and became suspicious, which is why I was acting off when I returned from Hogsmeade. I asked mum about it on Christmas, she hesitated before giving in. She told me how she didn't like Sirius but they eventually started going out and married and had me. She told me that Dumbledore had said that Voldemort was after us and the Potters, so we all went into hiding. We used a charm called the Fidelius Charm, and a person chosen as the Secret Keeper only knows the location, so we would be protected. Sirius was the Secret Keeper, but he betrayed both Harry's family and us. He came back to kill us both, but if it wasn't for my mum's quick thinking we'd be dead. Afterwards mum found out that Uncle James and Aunt Lily were dead, but Harry survived but he had to live with the Dursleys for his own good. To protect me from the truth, mum made up a fake story and attempted to keep me away from Hogwarts." 

I was sobbing at the end of it, and Fred wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest.

"I'm sorry love."

"It's not y-your fault. I-it's h-his!" I sobbed harder but his embrace calmed me down a bit by bit, and I was left feeling content in his arms. 

"So are you and Harry cousins?"

"Yeah, Uncle James was my mum's twin brother. Listen Fred-" I broke out of the hug. "You can't tell anyone, not even George and especially not Harry. No one is supposed to know."

"I promise I won't mention it to anybody."

"Thanks for always being there for me. I really needed to let that out."

"I'll always be there for you, no matter what." I smiled as we resumed staring into the warm fireplace, his arm around my waist as I rested my head on his shoulder, and his head was on mine's once again, forgetting everything around us. Just the two of us.


We retreated back to the cozy Gryffindor common room late into the night. George, presumably, must've gone to sleep if he had succeeded in escaping Filch (let's face it, he probably did.)

"Fred, before you go, I have to show you something." Looking bewildered, he agreed nonetheless. I climbed the stairs leading up to the girls dormitory, and silently opened the door, tiptoed in as not to wake up my roommates, reached under my bed and when the Firebolt brushed my fingers, pulled it out and swiftly retraced my steps.

When I came into view, Fred's eyes trailed down to my right hand, which was grasping the broom and his eyes widened.

"Is that-"

"The Firebolt, yes."

He stared at the broom in awe. "But who-"

"That's the thing." I huffed, "I got it on Christmas with no note. I haven't told anyone about it, not even my Mum, assuming she would freak out thinking my murderer father," I shuddered, " must have sent it to kill me or something." Exasperated, I look at Fred.

"Well, I think he might've sent it, maybe you should turn it into Professor McGonagall so they can check it."

"No. Not yet. I heard my cousin got one as well, which also didn't have a note or card. I'm thinking of waiting until Harry gets his, if his broom is safe I'll start riding mine, if his broomstick is dangerous, I'll turn mine in as well."

Fred looked in thought, processing my words. "Yeah, maybe that's a good plan, and don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

I smiled at his last few words. "Thanks Freddie."

He gave me a cheeky grin and a wink in response, before his expression turned into concern. "Rubina, even if Harry's broom is safe maybe you should still get yours checked, because what if it is jinxed and something happens to you? I don't - I mean, we don't want to see you hurt, we're your friends after all."

My expression consisted of a gentle smile of gratitude for my amazing friends. I placed a reassuring hand on Fred's arm. "Don't worry Fred. I'll be safe, I promise. Goodnight Freddie." He pulled me into a hug, and before we parted ways to our respective dormitories, he said,

"Goodnight Rubi."


So I know it might have seemed like she was going to confess her feelings, but unfortunately that isn't happening yet, don't worry I have plans for them!! 

I just wanted to post another chapter so I did, next one is another chapter consisting of a conversation mostly from one end (You'll see what I mean). I'm excited to post the Quidditch match chapter, it was really fun to write!! I have a Valentine's chapter I'm going to start and let's see how it goes!

I don't know if I've asked this before but, what is your favorite class at Hogwarts?

I think for me it's Defence Against the Dark Arts, because it seems really fun and cool. (That's if you have a good teacher like Remus Lupin!)

Have a good day! :)


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