Chapter 26: Date With Diggory

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No one in Gryffindor Tower slept that night. Everyone knew that the castle was being searched again, and the whole house stayed awake in the common room, waiting to hear if Black had been caught.

I couldn't understand how he managed to get into the girl's dormitory, but moreover the fact he was apologising.

Why was he saying sorry? Could he be innocent? Maybe it wasn't him that ni - No! If Mum believes him as guilty then I shouldn't fall for his act either. He betrayed us all that night, he was probably apologising to get me to believe him.

The twins, Lee and I had taken the seats by the fireplace. I kept my head on Fred's shoulder, and he held me tight, but no one spoke a word. Professor McGonagall came back at dawn, to tell us that he had again escaped.

Everywhere I went the next day there were signs of tighter security; Professor Flitwick could be seen teaching the front doors to recognise a large picture of Sirius Black; Filch was suddenly bustling up and down the corridors, boarding up everything from tiny cracks in the walls to mouse holes. Sir Cadogan had been sacked, fortunately, as I was tired of him. His portrait had been taken back to it's lonely landing on the seventh floor, and the Fat Lady was back. She had been expertly restored, but was still extremely nervous, and had only agreed to return to her job on condition she was given extra protection. A bunch of surly security trolls had been hired to guard her. They paced the corridor in a menacing group, talking in grunts and comparing the size of their clubs.

Ron had become an instant celebrity, and he was rather enjoying the attention, although still shaken by the night's events, he was happy to tell anyone who asked, what had happened with a wealth of detail.

All I couldn't comprehend was what Sirius Black's intention that night was. He left my dormitory without harming anybody, and he ripped the curtain's on Ron's bed, and escaped when he had been found.

If he's after me and Harry, how come he didn't kill me in my sleep, and do the same to Harry?

Rubbing my temples, I got up to leave the library after finishing my homework. I was so distracted that I didn't realize a certain Hufflepuff was tailing me. A tap on the shoulder frightened me, causing me to jump and nearly attack the newcomer.

"Woah! It's me!" I stared a few seconds before realising I was standing in front of Cedric Diggory.

"Oh, sorry Cedric."

"A lot on your mind?"

I smiled, "You could say that. Anyways, what can I do for you?"

I noticed him shift nervously from foot to foot, and rub the back of his neck. "Well, there's a Hogsmeade trip this Saturday and I was wondering if you would like to go with me?"

"Oh." I was stunned, this was not what I had expected at all. I stood deep in thought. The boy looked very hopeful and I did not want to break his heart, therefore I agreed.

"Sure." HIs face broke into a big smile, which made me understand why girls seem to go crazy about him.

"Great, I'll meet you in the Entrance Hall at eleven. See you then." With a wave, he turned around and walked down the corridor and out of sight, while I turned on my heels and headed towards Gryffindor Tower.

Saying the password and gaining entry (while remaining wary about the trolls) I entered and not finding Fred, George or Lee in sight, I retreated to the girl's dormitory, and found Hermione perched upon her bed. She looked up from her book that she was reading and her face brightened,

"Hey Rubi!"

"Hi Mione."

She studied me for a bit before realising something's up. Putting her book aside, she said, "What's wrong?"

"I got asked out to Hogsmeade by Cedric Diggory."

She squealed. "Wow, Cedric Diggory, that's great." She observed my expression. "You don't seem happy though."

I sat down on my bed, resting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. "I don't know, I'm not sad about it, it could be fun, but there's just something bugging me but I'm not sure what it is."

Hermione's lips pressed into a wider grin. "Well, is there someone you may, oh I don't know, fancy?"

"Hermione, we've been over this, the answer's no."

"Then stop sulking around and be happy. Now," she gave me a stern gaze, "are you done your homework?"

My lips turned upwards. "Yes, Professor."

"Oi! Don't call me Professor." She threw a pillow, hitting me right in the face.

I smirked, "Oh, it's on." We engaged in a pillow fight for the next while, and afterwards collapsed on the ground, giggling uncontrollably.


"Hey Remus!" I greeted cheerfully when I entered his office. He looked up from his work and immediately stood up and rushed towards me, wrapping his arms around my body tightly, startling me. "Woah! Miss me that much?" I teased with a smirk.

He pulled away and smiled with relief, "Oh, I was just worried about you, considering what happened last night. Besides, Fiona asked me to check on you."

I nodded. "Mum did seem panicked in the letter I received. How did she know though?"

Remus grinned sheepishly, "I may have told her, but," he added hastily seeing I had opened my mouth to speak, "she specifically has asked me to keep her updated with what happens at Hogwarts, and also it's my duty as your guardian."

I couldn't help but smile at his words. "Thanks for the concern, and for always being there for me and Mum. Also," A smirk found its way onto my face, "you owe me some chocolate, pay up." I said while I extended my hand.

Laughing, he opened a drawer and reached into it, pulling out five purple coloured packs of Chocolate Frogs. Closing it with his leg, he turned back towards me.

"Thanks!" I said as he passed them over. "We should do this more often because I'll be chocolate rich by the end of this year!"

He raised an eyebrow, "You're not getting anymore from me Miss.Black."

I pouted while making puppy eyes. "Aw, but why?"

Trying desperately to hide the smile tugging at his lips, he answered, "Because I need the chocolate, and please do go before your persuading face wins me over, besides I'm busy."

Dropping the act, I grinned. "Alright I'm going, love you Remmy!" I called out as I joyfully skipped out of his office, while he chuckled at the name and shook his head at my antics.


Saturday rolled by faster than usual, for which reason I was stuck with Ginny and Hermione fussing over me. Whether it's trying to perfect the makeup or choose the ideal outfit, they've been at it for the past hour.

"Rubi, sit still!" ordered Hermione, as she applied some eyeshadow.

"Do I have to?" I complained. "We're just going to Hogsmeade, what's the big deal?"

"Oh, Rubina." said Ginny whilst shaking her head, "It's more than that, it's a date. Besides, we're almost done."

"FIne." I huffed, realising they may finish quicker if I didn't protest.

After another ten minutes, did the two girls release me. I hated to admit it but the look suited me nicely. I wore a light grey sweater, topped with a pair of light blue jeans and black boots. My hair was transformed to a colour of blonde with curls, reaching down past my shoulders, the side sections brought in but a few strands left out to frame my face.

The makeup was light, a slight blush tinted my cheeks, and pink lip gloss glistened on my lips. I had switched my eyes to a brown, while purple eyeshadow coloured my eyelids, and together everything bonded wonderfully.

"Yes! You look amazing!" Hermione exclaimed, while Ginny nodded eagerly in agreement.

"Thanks for the help, Mione and Gin."

"You are wel-" Hermione shouted. "OH! You're almost late! There's only five minutes until eleven!"

I smiled at her frantic self. "It's alright, I'm going." Grabbing my purse from my bed, I went down the stairs and into the common room. To my surprise, the twins were there, chatting excitedly about something. George's eyes landed on me and he nudged Fred, whose mouth fell open when he saw me. I walked over to them, and slightly blushed under Fred's gaze.

"Um, are you alright?"

Jerking a bit, he snapped out of his trance, and looked away. He rubbed the back of his neck, meeting my eyes, he said,

"You look beautiful."

My face went scarlet. "Th-thank you." I said while looking down at the ground. "Anyways, I've got to go."

Both brothers shared a confused look before Fred asked, "Where are you going?"

"To Hogsmeade."

"Great, we're coming too!" George said as they both wrapped an arm around my shoulders. Pushing off their arms, I said,

"No, you can't come with me."

Fred's eyebrows furrowed. "Why?"

"Because I'm going with Cedric."

Fred wore shock on his face, identical to his twin's, before his face hardened and without another word, he stormed off through the portrait hole. George gave me a silent apology before following, leaving me bewildered.

What's wrong with him?

I didn't have much time to ponder upon Fred's strange behaviour as I realised I had someone waiting for me. Pushing open the portrait, I ran down the stairs, remembering to skip the vanishing step, and only came to a halt in the Entrance Hall, hands on knees, panting.


Looking up, I saw Cedric, hands in his pockets, eyes lit up in amusement and a smile plastered on his face.

Heaving myself up, I returned the smile. "Hey."

"Ready to go?"

"You could say that. Come on, let's grab a carriage."

Walking side by side, we exited the school and were hit by a cool breeze, as the snow gently drifted towards the ground, littering all across. Cedric pulled open the door to an empty carriage, being the gentleman he is. I was about to step in when I froze, as my eyes found the twins and Lee. Fred and I made eye contact, before he broke it off, not sparing another glance in my direction.

"Are you alright?"

Snapping out of my daze, I nodded at Cedric before boarding the carriage, while he sat opposite of me. A comfortable silence overtook and I gazed around at my surroundings as they slowly shifted, all covered in the same blanket of snow.

As much I tried to forget it, something uneasy had settled in my stomach from the moment Fred ran off, and the cold shoulder he's giving me pulls at my heart.


I jerked at the sudden voice, and scouring the landscape realised we had arrived at Hogsmeade.

"I called your name twice, but you didn't answer. Are you sure you're alright?" he asked with concern, lacing his voice.

I softly smiled at him. "Yes, I'm fine." I landed on the soft snow with a light thump.

"Where would you like to go?"

"Honestly, I'd rather visit Honeydukes first."

Cedric merely smiled and we walked towards the sweet shop. Upon entering, the smell of sweetness overtook my senses. I happily glanced around, and went to the shelf full of chocolates, with Cedric in tow. My hand, as if it has a mind of its own, immediately reached out for the Chocolate Frogs, Chocoballs and milk chocolate bars, grabbing as many as I could.

Cedric chuckled. "I see you love chocolate."

I turned around with a grin on my face. "You have no idea."

Once my arms couldn't carry anything else, I moved over to the queue in front of the cashier, thankfully there weren't many people in line. Dumping all my items onto the counter, the cashier counted through, and added the total. I opened my purse to pull out some galleons when someone put the money on the counter. I faced Cedric, who only shrugged and smiled.

Walking out of the shop, I said, "Cedric, you didn't have to."

"Oh but I wanted to."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm surprised girls only crush on your looks, you're more than just that."

He merely turned his face forward, as we walked along the paths of Hogsmeade. All day, we visited different places, whether it was the Shrieking Shack or Zonko's, it was a wonderful time to be spent with such a kind person.

The last place on our list was the Three Broomsticks. As I reached out a hand to open the door, someone else opened it from the other side. A laugh could be heard, one I was too familiar with that made my breath hitch.

"Filch would flip if we did that!"

Fred Weasley walked out, his face full of joy as he snickered at something his brother must have mentioned. When his eyes connected with mine, the sound stopped coming out his mouth and he was rooted onto the spot, causing George and Lee to bump into him. They peered around him in confusion and their mouths turned into a huge "O" as they saw me. Fred's face reflected no emotion and merely walked away as if we were complete strangers.

My eyes glossed over, and my stomach twisted, as I watched the group retreating away. Tearing my gaze away, I walked into the Three Broomsticks, and occupied a table in the corner while Cedric went to get drinks.

He came back with two foaming Butterbeers in hand, and passed one to me, which I accepted with a thank you. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't know he had been watching me the entire time.


I snapped my head up. "Yeah."

"You've seemed a bit off today and what I saw now, I'm guessing Fred is the cause of this."

At first I wanted to deny it, but seeing he already had figured out the truth, I may as well explain the whole ordeal. With a sigh, I began,

"He's been acting odd since the morning, ever since I mentioned that I'm going to Hogsmeade with you. Maybe he's mad that I didn't go with them?" I looked down at my boots, "And the way he's going about now, it hurts very badly because I just want my best friend back."

I heard Cedric sigh and felt a hand enclose around mine, squeezing it reassuringly. I looked up into his eyes, and they were full of kindness. "Go talk to him."

"A-are you sure?"

He merely smiled. "Positive. Go right now."

"Will you be fine if I leave you here by yourself?"

"Totally, besides I'd rather see my friend happy."

My face lit up. "Thanks Cedric, you're the best!" I exclaimed, giving him a quick hug, and I hurried out of the Three Broomsticks, in search for Fred.

Cedric's Point Of View

My heart sank lower and lower, as I watched Rubina's retreating figure. Letting go of the girl you fancy for someone else is difficult, but I know it's for the best. I'd rather see her bright face full of life, and with her friends that are her happiness.

Rubina's Point Of View

My feet kept going with speed like never before, as my eyes darted everywhere and when it seemed they weren't in the village anymore, I found them. They were boarding a carriage to take back to the school, and Fred was about to get in.


Startled, his head whipped in my direction as I sprinted over, separate to not lose him again.

"F-Fred" I said in between gasps, as I regained my breathing once more. " We n-need t-to talk. Please."

His expression softened in the slightest. Telling Lee and George he'll grab a different carriage, the two left as Fred turned all his attention towards me.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" I asked half angry, half sad.

"Because - because you didn't tell us you were dating Diggory!" He said with something like jealousy lacing his voice.

I gaped at him.

"You - I - WHAT?!" My hair went a deep crimson, as I glared at the ginger in front of me, who looked slightly alarmed by my reaction.

"Well," he began saying, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "aren't you dating him?"

My mouth fell open at his accusation. "No, I'm not, in fact, Cedric's the one who told me to come after you, seeing you weren't going to make any effort to talk."

Fred's gaze fell onto the ground, his hands in his pockets. "Well," he looked up, "you still didn't tell us earlier that you were going with him."

I sighed, calming down somewhat. "I just didn't tell because, I don't know why, but I just want you back." I finished, my eyes slightly glossed over again, as blue appeared at the tips of my black hair.

His expression softened and he pulled me into his chest. "I'm sorry." he said. "That was something very stupid I did."

I looked up. "Well, I forgive you, you dramatic arse." He only rolled his eyes in response. Breaking apart, he said,

"You want to head back to the castle?"

I smiled. "Yeah, but let's walk."

Nodding, we walked side by side, back to Hogwarts. I shivered as the breeze picked up, as the day neared an end. Noticing this, Fred took off his cloak, and threw it around my shoulders.

Surprised, I looked up at him. "Are you sure you don't need it?"

"No, you're the one that'll freeze before we get back if I don't give it to you."

I chuckled lightly. "Thanks, Weasley."

"No problem, Black."


Sorry for the wait, I know it's been a while. This chapter had taken a while to write as well because I wasn't sure what to write, it's not the best but hopefully it wasn't a totally boring read either. My updating schedule will look different maybe update only two books per week, not sure yet but I'll figure it out. 


Who is your favorite prankster?

I can't even decide but definitely the Marauders (excluding Peter because he eventually betrays his friends) and the Weasley Twins. (Okay maybe the Prewett Twins as well, I really can't decide!)

Have a good day Potterheads!

(Wow, i wrote a lot in this chapter)


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