Chapter 3: Uninvited

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I didn't say much after that first conversation, and only spoke once after, to buy two chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pasty from the Trolley Witch. Afterwards, I changed into my Hogwarts uniform and sat back down, gazing out to get a glimpse of the magnificent school. I wasn't able to control my emotions, I was waiting excitedly and nervously, and trying with all my might not to let my hair change colors again.

Everything was going smoothly, until out of the bloom, the Hogwarts Express started slowing down. The four of us curiously looked at each other. 

"We can't be there already, can we?" Fred questioned. 

I stood up to take a peek out into the corridor, to see what was going on. Other heads were popping out of compartments due to the sudden stop. I turned towards the three boys, who were gazing up at me for an answer. 

"I'm not sure what's going on, but everyone looks just as confused as us." 

"Well, now what?" Fred asked. 

"I guess we'll wait." As I sat down, the train jolted violently, earning yelps from the four of us. Afterwards, I felt uneasy.

Coldness started creeping over the place, with ice forming on the window. The lights went out suddenly and the temperature was dropping tremendously by the second. I could feel an emptiness inside me, the warm feeling of joy slowly getting sucked away. I felt fear filling me up, and I glanced at the boys, who all mirrored my expression. I knew my hair was white, but no one cared as we were seated anxiously, not knowing what to do. 

"I don't like this, I'm getting all cold and finding it harder to breathe." I said after a while, my body was shaking.

"Same here, I feel the happiness being sucked out of me." George said. 

Soon, a large, dark, terrifying shadow was outside. It slowly opened the door, and the shadow came into view. I gasped. It was cloaked, with skeleton-like hands, looking incredibly more frightening with the darkness surrounding it. It stood there, hovering above the ground, moving it's head steadily. I was getting dizzier by the second, and there was nothing I could do. 

Not finding what it was searching for, the creature retreated. We were left in an eerie silence, until I piped up. "Wh-what was that?" I asked in a shaky voice. 

"Maybe a Dementor?" Fred suggested. 

"But why are they on the train? Unless.." My voice trailed off because I knew why. They were searching for Sirius Black. 

After what seemed like a millennium, the lights finally turned on with the warmth and joy slowly returning, and the Hogwarts Express resumed its journey. 

"I hated that." Lee voiced everyone's thoughts. 

"I think that was a Dementor, but what were they doing on the train?" Fred asked. 

I finally found my voice to speak up. "I think they were looking for Sirius Black."

 We sat there in shock, not knowing what to say.

"Anyways, let's lighten the mood. How about a game of Exploding Snap?" Fred asked everyone, to which Lee and George nodded. 

"No thanks, I've never played it." I said. 

"Well, then we'll show you!"

Well, I liked the Dementor part, but I know it's nothing new. Hopefully, I'm not making anybody bored, but please do let me know in the comments of how it was. I'll have the next chapter up either today or tomorrow.

Also, here's a question:

What's your favorite Harry Potter Book/Movie?

I would say mine is Prisoner of Azkaban, mainly because of Sirius Black! :)

 Have a wonderful day! 



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