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I was told I had a brother... but,
I always thought it was nothing other than a lie
told to me so I wouldn't think I was alone...

If I truly do have a brother...
then why doesn't he come and find me?

Why doesn't he ask for where I am?
Perhaps he is afraid of the outcome...

Maybe he doesn't know I am his sister...
Perhaps that is the reason...

Or perhaps he does know... but,
there is something preventing him to continue on...

Year: 1560
Place: Rome, Italy

The thoughts were interrupted by a light knocking on your doorway of your chambers. Placing the handkerchief down on the tabletop, you glanced over to spot one of the maids. "I am so sorry to disrupt you, but the Queen has asked for your absence." She told you. Nodding your head, you adjusted your dress before heading out with her. The halls were long but not too long. Doors of chambers that guests would sleep in if they were to visit, were passed by.

Two guards opened up the two large doors that led to one of the Queen's private meeting chambers. She wasn't alone and you were able to pick up on that when she turned around on her spot to address you. "Thank you, Penelope." She told the maid that was beside you before the maid bowed slightly and left. "Y/n.. we would like so speak with you." She started off.

Walking towards her slowly, you caught in the corner of your eye some of the men that were near her grip their weapon. Keeping that in mind, you stopped at where you were currently and asked with caution. Something didn't seem right and you could feel it. A light gold tint appeared before your eyes for a brief second and you could feel the spell of mind control being used over the Queen's head. Glancing around, you spotted the sorcerer that had never liked you. They were creating the spell and it was tough to break it.

"My colleges and I have sentenced you to treason." She said and your eyes widened slightly. "That's foolish! I have done nothing to but proved my loyalty to you!" You told her and some of the people who stood beside the Queen, armed themselves. Looking at them, you asked her. "Where would I go?" She gave you a look before two guards came up from behind you and grabbed your arms. "You will be locked up until I decide a day for your death." She made her statement.

You were dragged out of the chambers and led down the halls where you had walked through not long ago. "Unhand me!" You yelled at them and they just chuckled at your request. The maid that walked by your side, had a concerned look on her face as she took in the scene. Didn't take as long as you had anticipated for them to throw you into a cell. Everything was dirty. They never cleaned it and just left it as is since the last person. Well, you discovered that the last person that was kept there never got released. How did you find out? By the bones of a human skeleton that were leaning on the wall towards the far corner of the cell.

Eyes widening slightly in shock of that happening to the person prior, your eyes scanned around your surroundings to see if there was anything you would use. Walking around and finding a loose nail sticking out of the corner of the small window that was given, you used your strength to pry it out. "Oof!" You grunted as you fell backwards onto the ground. Pulling your hand out from your side you noticed you had managed to get the nail. "Yes!" You whispered more to yourself than to anyone nearby.

Right as you got up, you heard shuffling. Movement coming from our side of your cell door. Quickly hiding the nail behind your hand, you cautiously walked towards the doorway. It wasn't till you got near it when you heard a faint "hello?" Sounded distort at first and you couldn't quite place it. Remaining silent, you waited to see if it wasn't just your mind already playing tricks on you. "Hello? Anyone there?" The voice called out, a little louder this time and you were now able to pick up that it was in fact a female voice. Taking your chance and a risk, you responded. "Hello? Yes, I am among these cells." They were quiet for a moment before walking forward and placing their hands on the bars that blocked the window like opening on the door.

"What's your name?" You asked her and it wasn't till you saw her face when you realized who it was. It was a royal. One of the daughters of the queen to be exact. The queen had two but because of the displays of this particular princess' actions, she sent her here; years ago. Never once bothered to speak nor mention of her existence to anyone who come to ask. She would just lie and say that her daughter had died from a tragic accident. Her name was Zeetie. "I'm Y/n." You told her and could've sworn you saw a smile upon her face.

Couldn't quite tell due to all of the dirt that had covered her face since her time down these areas locked in a cell specifically made for her not to escape. Trying to use Aard, a telekinetic blast, on the door, you found that it was not working. Testing out any of your other abilities weren't succeeding either. Coming to a conclusion that your cell had prohibited you to use any of your abilities; so all in all, you were downright powerless. "Fuck.." you muttered when you noticed. "What? What is it?" Zeetie asked out of curiosity. "I can't use any of my power." You replied. "They chanted my cell to specifically and successfully withstand my power." You added afterwards till a few guards could be heard. "Hide!" Zeetie yelled over to you before moving away from her stance near the window on the door.

"Zeetie!" You called out but she didn't return. Glancing over to the right, you spotted one of the guards— they were heading towards your cell. Moving away from the cell door, you prepared yourself for any sudden attacks. "Are you sure about this?" One guard asked the other. "Yes, the Queen wants her dead. Now open the door." The second guard demanded. The first guard opened the door and as soon as the second guard entered to attack, you kicked him to side before roundhouse kicking him again and making him fall unconscious. Exiting the cell, the second guard seemed to be a kid because they raised their hands in surrender. "Leave." You demanded and they nodded before running off.

Rushing over to Zeetie's cell, you called out. "Come on!" Zeetie rushes towards the door before telling you in a rushed tone. "Forget about me. I'll be dead once I get out of here. You have a better chance." She started to say before hearing more guards. "Quick! Go! I'll be better off here!" She added and you gave her a near sad like look because you really didn't want to leave her behind but did. Running towards the exit, you pushed open the doors and ran towards the right. There were guards in the way, but you easily took them down without a breeze. With that, you were home free.


"Kalmin, the great Witcher." The queen stated as she placed a fake smile upon her face. They were having a feast when he entered. "I've heard rumors!" He spoke out as he stood tall in front of her and all of her guests she now had. "Oh yeah? And what such rumors are they you said to have heard?" She asked in a 'I don't believe you' tone. "The one which speak of you knowing of my sister's whereabouts." He replied and the whole room got quiet. "And who is to say I have her?" The Queen said with a face that read that she wasn't at all happy. "Why, your husband of course." He said and that's when all hell broke loose. The queen yelled at her husband then they started to fight after she commanded the guards to take Kalmin down.

After all he didn't go down without a fight, a fight indeed happen with him. In the end, he walked out of the palace but once he got outdoors, more guards attempted to stop him. Didn't work seeing how he was easily able to take them down as well. Had to use some of his abilities along the way. He wasn't that proud of his work but if it had to be done, it had to be done. "Now, I look for my sister." He muttered. It wasn't till a young child lightly tugged at his sleeve when he looked down upon them. "Are you looking for a woman who looks like you?" She asked and he nodded. "She went that way." Was all she said as she pointed then left the man. He didn't get to nod as she was already gone; but the direction she pointed, he went.

A/n: hope you liked it! :)

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