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Why are you here...

I don't want nothing to do with them

I'm a danger to everyone around

Everyone I ever loved, dies... and it's my fault.

Year: 2014
Place: Manhattan, New York

Loki, cautiously looking at the woman, could feel the power that radiated off of her like some fireplace. He knew he had to be cautious on what he chose to say to her. "Do you wizards know of Witchers?" He started off with that specific question as Thor stood to the side; listening and watching everything that was going on. "Witchers?" She started to say in a questioning like tone; of course she of them but she wanted to see if Loki would give her more information on it.

"Precisely." He mentioned before stating that they were these beings that had great power that could easily be mistaken for a god or a goddess. "Depends on whom exactly you speak of. I'm aware of a few." She told him and he shared another look with Thor before telling her. "I've recently have came into contact with one." He stated. "Do you recall of their name?" She returned with a question. "Yes. Foxie." Loki told her.

That's when her face changed slightly and both of the Asgardians picked up on that. "What is it?" Thor asked this time. "Follow me." Was all she said as she headed towards a room that was vacant but even though it was, she still had to conjure a spell to make sure no one were to disrupt them as she spoke.

"This... Witcher, you have stumbled upon is indeed bonded to you. Correct?" She started to say and before Loki could confirm nor speak upon. "She's powerful. Though she isn't fully aware on just how powerful she is due to how long she had suppressed it." She added as she started to use some of her power. "There's a problem however. Due to all of the events she has been through, it has caused her to forget the memories that she held dear to her. Not only that, but, a powerful source was able to lock specific memories about her past which is why she can't remember who her brother is or anything from before." She finished telling them.

Loki took in all of the new information that was given to him as he then remembered the symbol on his forearm. Pulling on his sleeve to reveal it to the woman that now stood before him, he asked. "What exactly does this symbol represent besides the bond that I have?" She took a good look at it before admitting. "So, she's that type of Witcher..." She muttered. "What type?" Loki asked. "The type that there is a rarity of. The shifters." She replied.

"So this Witcher woman is a shifter?" Loki questioned and she gave a look confirming his suspicion. "Is there any way I can find her or speak to her again?" He finally asked. It was the main question and really the only he had left to ask her. The Ancient one wasn't sure if she should tell the god; knowing full well on how the Witchers loved their privacy more than anything. "IF, I were to tell you, you must go alone. Going with another would appear to them as if you were threatening them." She started to tell him but then Thor reminded her that he had to accompany his brother due to what he had done.

Sighing softly but it went unheard, she nodded her head lightly before speaking once more. "Then if you go, and end up finding her, or she finds you, you must say Bruja. She's part witch after all." The Ancient one finished telling them before giving them the pinpoints of where this particular Witcher was. It was breaking one of the rules; none shall no of the whereabouts of a Witcher, for if they know, they must keep it hidden from the world. It wasn't just for protection but in fear of what may happen to these Witcher beings if the society now, knew of them. How they would react and most importantly how the government would react; what they would do to them.

Walking out of the Sanctum, Loki was partly satisfied that he had gotten a majority of his questions answered, but he was more focused on finding this Witcher now; especially the fact that he had managed to get ahold of her location. "Still can't believe she's in New York and hasn't crossed paths with you yet again?" Thor teased as they walked down the street.

"Shut up." Loki mentioned out of annoyance, as he rolled his eyes. "That woman sorcerer told us that this Witcher happens to be staying at the woods just outside of New York." Loki mentioned and Thor shrugged. "I'm not walking that far." Loki mentioned as he then teleported them both as close as they could get to the entrance of this woods.

Loki didn't speak a word as he let the energy he was feeling, pull him around in the woods once he stepped it. It was as if the symbol on his forearm was leading him to where the Witcher was. "Brother, where are you going?" Thor had asked the second time but stopped once he spotted at what his brother was looking at.

"Why are you here?" The woman spoke. "Bruja." Loki mentioned and the Witcher winced in pain as a memory tried entering her head. "Stop." She told him. "Leave now." She added as she looked their way. "I wanted to speak to you again. To see you again." Loki mentioned and she was silent. "I'm a danger to everyone around me." She finally spoke.

"And why is that?" He tried pushing but Thor replied. "Remember what mother said Loki." The Witcher looked up at him after glancing at the ground for a moment. "Because everyone I've ever loved, dies.... and it's my fault." She stated before taking a step forward; about to tell them to leave once more before stopping from what Loki said. "I can help with your memories."

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