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You do have a lot of questions

Her Memory

Don't stand in their way

Don't patronize me

Year: 2014
Place: Just outside of New York

"For a God of Mischief, you do have a lot of questions." The woman who spoke before said. "Striven." The Witcher spoke as she turned in her spot to face the woman. Striven smiled slight at the Witcher before looking at the Gods. "Mage." Loki said as the smile on Striven's face faltered. Thor lent out a hand for her to shake but she just looked at it. "I do not touch other people's hands when they're given to me in such a matter." She mentioned. "She's not trying to be rude. It's just her ways." Y/n said and Thor nodded; taking his hand back.

Walking ahead, Striven led the three of them inside her home. "Do not touch anything. I don't want your filthy hands over my belongings." She mentioned— more towards Loki and Thor seeing how she knew Y/n well enough. Y/n was respected by many yet hated by most. Times have indeed change but stories of her kind still linger. Some far more exaggerated as others but all defying as Witchers as monsters more than humans. They weren't mortals, but mutants. They used to be mortals before the transformation.

The place appeared as dark since they were in a cave but it was rather homey than what people would expect. Y/n sat at the same chair she had before when she came decades ago. Fascinated to see that it hadn't deteriorated from the years Striven kept it. Some of her belongings had changed but not everything. (Striven's home below).

Tunnels that had light at the end of them could be seen as pillars held up the whole structure. Loki glanced around as Thor did as well before looking at Striven. "What... exactly are you going to do?" Thor asked. "A spell." Y/n answered for Striven as she gathered some herbs. "For?" Thor asked. "Her memory." Striven mentioned. "Now, I'll need you two to just stand there and look pretty." She added before giving them a look. "Don't interrupt the process." Striven announced.

Getting a bowl, she started to place some herbs in before adding a few liquids. Loki looked over at his brother before glancing at Y/n. "Is this safe?" He questioned and it caused the Witcher to give him a face. "Safe or not, it needs to be done." Y/n replied. Striven had to run out to gather one or two more objects— leaving the three of them in the room for a while.

"What memory is worth risking your safety?" Loki asked in a tone that was filled with concern. It was easy to tell by the look he carried on his face. "That is none of your concern." Y/n stated and he released a breath. Before either one of the brothers were going to say something next, Striven re-entered. There was an animal skull in one hand and a cloth on the other.

Placing the animal skull onto the table, she muttered something before placing it into the bowl with everything else. Sighing, she went over to the Witcher and gave her the cloth. It was supposed to resemble a person that was close to her. Someone that the memory was about. Y/n wanted to remember but there were limits she had in her mind. Someone else placed these barriers so she wouldn't remember certain memories. Why were they being blocked?

Striven was starting the process; the mutters of her spell making its way towards Y/n's mind. Invisible binds wrapping around Y/n's wrists as they tied her arms to the armrest on either side of her. Eyes turning white, she leaned back her head when a strong wave of power went through her. The effects of it could be felt through the Witcher. Loki nor Thor said anything about it. They were told not to interrupt the process— and due to the information they were told by both their mother and the sorcerer.

Female voices were heard all around them before the entire scenery changed and it appeared as if they all were at an opening in the forest at night. Everything felt and appeared real— but it wasn't. I was just a memory of Y/n's that was coming into light. A campfire in the center as Striven could be seen still muttering the spell. Now standing, Y/n looked around; taking in everything that was occurring. Why out of all memories, was this one well hidden? What was so different about this o-...

"My child." A woman's voice spoke and just the sound of it made her look up at the direction it was coming from. The woman who said it, was well hidden behind the shadows of the night. Only the silhouette of their figure was noticed. This didn't go unnoticed by the Asgardians. "Reveal yourself." Y/n spoke towards the woman and as a response, she did as told by the Witcher.

Coming into light, it was clear to see who it was and why the cloth was needed. (1:08 in the music). It was her mother. She still hadn't change from the last time she was seen. "How..." Y/n started to speak quietly. "I saved you. You were wounded after a nasty battle." She mentioned and unbeknownst to Foxie (remember, that's y/n's name also), a tear slid down her face. "No need for tears." The mother spoke.

Realizing something just as the mother raised a hand to place it on the side of her daughter's face, y/n caught her hand. "Don't." She told her mother. This realization hit the mother and it could be told by the emotion on her face. "Why..." Y/n started to speak; no longer in a quiet tone. "Why did you do what you did?" She added and the mother took back her hand. "You wouldn't understand." The mother said.

"I wouldn't understand or you wouldn't tell me. Afraid I would not like the truth." Y/n mentioned when she noticed her mother take a few steps away. "War made me do it." She finally said after a brief silence as she looked at her daughter once more. (2:42 in the music). "No. There was no war." Y/n stated. "You're not really here are you.." she added and the mother gave her an all too familiar look. "Why would I even bother if you so much as did magic to appear to me. You did not truly want to see me." Foxie mentioned. "For you are in fear of what I have become." She added. "I must go now." The mother said. "Leave me once more. It is what you were good at rather than taking care of me and Kalmin."

Just at the mention of y/n's brother, it sparked a new memory that couldn't be reached either— but in order to see that one, it would have to wait. For that specific memory contained different elements and more power. Her mother left without a word and Y/n could be seen standing there near the fire; staring at a piece of cloth her mother had given her, in her hand. A red piece of fabric that her mother used to tie her hair with.

Someone didn't want her to see the memory of her mother coming to her with magic. Didn't want her to unravel why that was kept away. There had to be a reason someone would block certain memories in her mind. What were they truly hiding from the Witcher? What did they not want her to know? There had to be something. There always was when it came to magic. There was always a catch; an after affect to it all.

The whole scenery changed back to the cave after the last thing that was near in the memory was a scream for help. No one was sure what happened after except the Witcher herself. She knew, because it was one of the memories that weren't blocked from her. That scream was a village girl that was heading her way back but had gotten attacked from a beast. One that y/n had no problem on taking down.

Loki and Thor glanced around, the most quiet they have been since— well... when they aren't bickering. Striven, closed her eyes and bent her head forwards before taking a breath; releasing it shortly after. The fire from the candles that were around the bowl, went out. Walking over to Y/n when sat very still on the chair, eyes closed, she took the cloth from her as she used some magic to make the invisible binds disappear.

The sudden movement caused Y/n to open her eyes and glance around before looking at Striven. "Thank you." Was all she said before leaving the cave structure. Thor followed and as Loki was about to, Striven stopped him. An invisible wall like field blocked him from exiting. "You are bonded to her aren't you." She said and Loki gave her a look. "I'm afraid I do not know what you speak of." He said and turned to leave again. "The marking on your arm. It's a Fox. Her Mark." She added and this made him face her.

"Don't act like I don't know. I may be a witch but I ain't dumb." She pointed out. "I can feel the strength between the two of you; the magic." She added and he glanced at the doorway before asking something he knew neither his mother or sorcerer would want to answer. "I've heard so little of this brother of hers. Is he as powerful as they say?" He asked.

"And much more." She stated. "He's still alive you know." She added and this didn't sit very well with Loki but if he were better, he knew that Witcher's tend to live a long life— not a happy one but long. "How are you certain?" He questioned; wanting to test the waters with this witch. "Do you question my abilities and capabilities?" She countered before responding to his question. "His power. It's strong. Not nearly as strong as Y/n's but just as similar."

Giving a small nod, he turned but that was before she spoke again. "He will appear at your doorway in a matter of time. It is advised that you don't stand in their way. They're destined to find each other." She mentioned. He sighed and only turned his head to look at her. "You have your ways of defense and I have mind. I am aware of what I am doing, but thank you for the words, witch." He mentioned and she didn't move the barrier. "Don't patronize me." She stated. "Oh, and he won't hesitate to kill you if you try anything. Depending—" she added.

"Well he can have at it for I care." Loki mentioned as he made a gesture and a face to go along with it.  "I suppose you're right. Even though you are a mischievous god, and faked your death more than once; has it ever occurred to you that one day, it might... oh I don't know, stick." She stated and his smug smile faltered. She let him go and he gave her a small glare before leaving; turning last second to see y/n standing there with Thor— glaring at him. "Let's go." Was all she said before walking away.

A/n: okay, I don't exactly know if he was resurrected all of those times in the movies or ??? So please don't yell at me if he was actually resurrected and didn't fake his own death multiple times.

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