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Marshall and Brooke had been together for four months now, and things had been surprisingly smooth. Their relationship, which had started out as an unexpected twist in their group dynamic, had blossomed into something real. They spent their weekends with Max, taking him to the park, playing board games, and even teaching him how to ride a bike. Marshall had stepped into the role of a supportive partner and a reliable figure in Max's life, something Brooke appreciated deeply.

Even EJ, who initially had his reservations about his best friend dating his sister, had come around. He would joke about it, making his usual protective brother comments, but deep down, he was happy for them. EJ could see how much Marshall cared for Brooke, and how Marshall had seamlessly integrated into the little family she had built with Max.

But lately, something had shifted within Marshall. Brooke noticed it first in the small thingsโ€”his distant stares, the way he seemed lost in thought even when they were all together, and the way he hesitated before answering her questions about their future. At first, she tried to brush it off, telling herself that maybe it was just work stress or the pressure of being in a serious relationship again. But as the days went by, it became clear that there was more to it.

One night, after they had tucked Max into bed, Marshall sat quietly on the couch, staring at an old picture on his phone. It was from years ago, back when he and Lily were still together. They were at a college party, both grinning stupidly at the camera, arms around each other as if nothing in the world could ever tear them apart. The sight of that photo brought a dull ache to Marshall's chest. He had loved Lily with everything he had, and they were supposed to be married by now, building a life together. But life had taken a different turn, and somehow, he had ended up hereโ€”with Brooke.

Brooke walked into the living room, noticing the faraway look in his eyes. She hesitated, then sat down beside him, glancing at the picture on his phone. Her heart sank as she realized what was going on. She had always known that Lily would be a part of Marshall's life in some way, but lately, it seemed like she had taken up more space in his heart than Brooke could compete with.

"Marshall," she began softly, "you've been pretty quiet lately. Is everything okay?"

Marshall sighed, lowering his phone and looking into Brooke's eyes. There was a sadness there that Brooke had noticed before but never really addressed. "Brooke, I... I don't know how to say this."

Brooke's stomach twisted, but she kept her expression steady. "Just say it, Marshall. Whatever it is, we can handle it."

He took a deep breath, rubbing his hands together as he gathered his thoughts. "Brooke, you're amazing. You're smart, funny, a badass lawyer, and you're an incredible mom to Max. I never thought I'd be this lucky to be with someone like you."

Brooke's heart tightened at his words, sensing the 'but' that was coming.

"But...?" she prompted gently.

"But," Marshall continued, his voice thick with emotion, "I can't stop thinking about Lily. We were supposed to be married by now, you know? And it's like... it's like there's this part of me that's still stuck in that life, in what could have been."

Brooke swallowed hard, trying to keep her composure. "I get it, Marshall. I really do. You and Lily were together for a long time, and those feelings don't just disappear overnight."

Marshall looked at her, his eyes filled with guilt. "I don't want to hurt you, Brooke. You and Max mean a lot to me. But it's not fair to you if I'm not fully in this, if I'm still holding on to something else."

Brooke nodded slowly, her mind racing. She had known this might happen, but it didn't make it any easier to hear. "I appreciate you being honest with me," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "But you're right. It's not fair to either of us if your heart is somewhere else. And trust me, I've been in relationships where I wasn't getting the love I deserved. I don't want that for me, and I don't want that for you."

Marshall reached out, taking her hand in his. "Brooke, you deserve someone who can give you everything, someone who isn't stuck in the past. I'm just sorry that I'm not that person right now."

Brooke felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, but she forced a smile. "It's okay, Marshall. I'd rather know the truth now than drag this out. And honestly, I'm glad you're the kind of guy who cares enough to tell me. My ex-husband... he wasn't like that. So, thank you for being honest."

Marshall squeezed her hand, his own eyes watering. "I'll always care about you, Brooke. And I'll always be there for Max, if you'll let me."

Brooke nodded, wiping away a tear that had escaped. "Of course. I know you will."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their conversation settling in. Finally, Brooke broke the silence. "So... where do we go from here?"

Marshall sighed, releasing her hand gently. "I think we should take a step back, maybe just be friends for a while. Figure things out."

Brooke nodded again, though the thought of going back to being just friends stung. "Yeah. Friends. That sounds... right."

They stayed there for a few more minutes, neither of them knowing what else to say. Eventually, Brooke stood up, taking a deep breath. "I should probably get some sleep. Max will be up early."

Marshall stood as well, feeling the awkwardness of the situation weigh heavily on him. "Yeah, of course. I'll, uh, I'll head out."

Brooke walked him to the door, their usual goodnight kiss replaced by an awkward hug. As Marshall left the apartment, Brooke closed the door and leaned against it, letting the tears flow freely now that she was alone.

Marshall walked down the hallway, feeling a mix of relief and sadness. He knew he had made the right decision, but it didn't make it any easier. As he stepped out into the cool night air, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever truly move on from Lilyโ€”or if he had just let go of something wonderful with Brooke.

And Brooke, back in her apartment, wiped her eyes and resolved to stay strong. She knew this was for the best, even if it hurt. As she glanced over at Max's bedroom door, she reminded herself that she needed to stay strong for him too. After all, they had been through worse, and they would get through this as well.


When EJ found out about the breakup, he was livid. Brooke had called him the next morning, her voice steady but tinged with an emotion he couldn't quite place. He rushed over to her house, ready to give Marshall a piece of his mind, but Brooke met him at the door and quickly reassured him that it had been a mutual decision.

"EJ, it's okay," Brooke said, trying to calm her brother down before he went on a tirade. "I mean, it sucks, but it's not like he blindsided me. We both saw this coming."

EJ stood in her living room, arms crossed, the protective big brother in him still bristling. "I'm not saying I'm gonna go full Liam Neeson on him," EJ grumbled. "But seriously, after everything you've been through, he better have a damn good reason."

Brooke rolled her eyes and sighed, pulling EJ to sit with her on the couch. "He does, EJ. And I get it. We had a good run, but he still has feelings for Lily. I can't compete with that. And I don't want to be with someone who's not all in."

EJ softened, seeing the strength in Brooke's eyes, but also the sadness she was trying to hide. "I just hate seeing you hurt, Brooke. You deserve someone who's head over heels for you, no reservations."

"I know," Brooke admitted. "But you can't force those feelings, and I'd rather be with someone who's honest about it than someone who just strings me along."

EJ paused, letting her words sink in. "So, what, you're just... okay with it?"

Brooke shrugged, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Not okay, but I'm not falling apart either. I've been through worse. This... this is just life. We'll figure it out."

EJ looked at her, impressed by her resilience. "You know, I think I'm more broken up about this than you are."

Brooke laughed softly, nudging him with her elbow. "That's because you're my big brother, and you're hardwired to want to punch any guy who makes me cry."

"True," EJ agreed. "But it's also because you're amazing, and any guy who doesn't see that needs his head examined."

Brooke smiled, leaning her head on EJ's shoulder. "Thanks, EJ. You're a pretty good brother, you know that?"

"Pretty good?" EJ scoffed. "Come on, I'm like the gold standard of brothers."

They both chuckled, the tension easing out of the room. Brooke felt a little lighter knowing EJ had her back, no matter what.


EJ was in the middle of a heated, yet oddly humorous argument with a particularly stubborn client. His phone was wedged between his ear and shoulder, his free hand scribbling on a notepad as he tried to keep his patience intact.

"I'm telling you, Mr. Peterson, it doesn't work that way," EJ said, rolling his eyes as the client rambled on. "You can't just file an extension after the deadline. That's like trying to put toothpaste back in the tubeโ€”it's not gonna happen."

Mr. Peterson continued his rant, completely oblivious to EJ's growing frustration. As EJ was about to counter with another quip, his office door suddenly burst open, and in rushed Robin, Ben, Marshall, Ted, and Lily, all looking like they were on a mission.

"EJ, stop what you're doing!" Marshall shouted, a mix of excitement and urgency in his voice.

EJ blinked, momentarily stunned as he looked up at his friends. "Guys, what the hell? What's going on?"

His coworker, Ron, who had been hovering nearby, looked just as confused. "Who are these guys?"

EJ quickly put his hand over the phone's mouthpiece. "Ron, it's okay, they're my friendsโ€”and my girlfriend," he added, nodding toward Robin, who gave him a quick smile.

Lily stepped forward, eyes wide with excitement. "We're going to Atlantic City to elope. You've got to come with us!"

EJ's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, my God, that is so fantastic! I don't know if I can just leave work..."

Before he could finish, Ron jumped in, his enthusiasm palpable. "Dude! Atlantic City! I'll go!"

Robin turned to him, her brow furrowed. "Sorry... Ron, right? We don't know you."

Ron shrugged, undeterred. "I'm the best at the casino!"

EJ rolled his eyes, unable to suppress a grin. "We know, Ron. You have crippling gambling debt."

Ron sighed, conceding the point. "Alright, fine. Can I at least get the rest of your lunch? You're not gonna eat it, right?"

EJ smirked and nodded toward the desk where his half-eaten sandwich sat. "Sure, Ron. Knock yourself out."

"Sweet!" Ron exclaimed, grabbing the sandwich and retreating to his desk.

Robin shook her head with a laugh. "Let's go to Atlantic City!"

The group cheered in unison, "Yeah!"


Ted was sitting in his office, surrounded by blueprints and project schedules, when the door burst open, revealing Marshall, Lily, Robin, EJ, and Ben. They were all buzzing with excitement, and before Ted could even ask what was going on, Marshall blurted out, "We're eloping! We're going to Atlantic City right now!"

Ted's face lit up with surprise and joy. "You guys are eloping? Oh, that's fantastic!" He paused, a slight frown crossing his face. "Wait, is this because there's some kind of time crunch that Uncle Ted should know about?"

Lily laughed and shook her head. "I hope not, because I plan on getting hammered."

Ted grinned but hesitated, glancing at the pile of work on his desk. "Guys, this sounds like so much fun, but I can't really take off work. I'm kind of important around here, you know? I'm the project manager."

Lily stepped forward, her voice filled with the kind of persuasive charm Ted could never resist. "Ted, for the rest of our lives, we're going to be telling the amazing story of how we went to Atlantic City and got married. Don't you want to be in that story?"

Ted's resolve crumbled instantly, a smile breaking across his face. "Of course I do. Let's go to Atlantic City!"

Marshall pumped his fist in the air. "Yeah!"

As Ted grabbed his jacket, he suddenly stopped and turned to the group. "Oh, but when we tell the story, can you leave out the part where I hesitated?"

Marshall clapped him on the back, laughing. "You got it, buddy."

With Ted on board, the group headed out, the excitement in the air only growing. On their way, they made a quick stop at a nearby nail salon. It was Lily's idea, a little indulgence before the big moment. As they walked in, they spotted Barney in one of the chairs, getting a pedicure.

"Hey, guys," Barney greeted them, wiggling his toes as the technician worked on them.

EJ raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Wow, a pedicure?"

Barney looked unfazed. "If there were any shame in a dude getting a pedicure, I don't think there would have been a feature about it in Details magazine."

Lily grinned, leaning over the chair. "We're going to Atlantic City to elope right now!"

Barney's eyes widened as he looked at Marshall. "You're getting married? What the hell?"

Marshall just shrugged with a grin. "So, are you in or not?"

Barney didn't need to think twice. "Hell, yeah, I'm in! Just... I'm almost done."

Marshall opened his mouth to protest, but Lily interrupted, looking around the salon with a thoughtful expression. "Well, actually, it is my wedding day, and since we're here..."

The idea caught on quickly. Within minutes, the whole gang was seated in the salon, enjoying pedicures before their spontaneous trip to Atlantic City. The atmosphere was light and filled with banter, everyone joking about how unexpected the day had turned out to be.

EJ leaned over to Ben, who was sitting next to him with a bemused expression. "You know, this is probably the weirdest way I've ever prepped for a wedding."

Ben chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't know, man. This feels kind of nice."

As the group entered the casino in Atlantic City, Lily's eyes widened in awe. "Wow. Look at this place. I guess I'll have my pick of something old," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Marshall chuckled, pointing at a nearby elderly woman slumped at a slot machine. "And something blue. Somebody should really check on this lady."

Barney took in the familiar sights and smells with a sense of nostalgia. "Ah, A.C., always in decline, never hitting bottom. It's good to be back, old friend."

Ben, slightly confused, turned to him. "You been here before?"

Barney shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, uh, once or twice."

As if on cue, a Chinese man approached them. "Barney!"

Barney responded with a sly grin. "Ah, good to see you, too. Three times, maybe."

Lily, on a mission, spotted the wedding chapel in the distance. "The wedding chapel... This is it. Are you ready to do this?" she asked, turning to Marshall, who nodded, determination in his eyes.

"Married!" Ben exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Let's go!" EJ added, pumping his fist in the air.

As the group walked toward the chapel, the reality of the moment began to sink in for Lily. "Oh, crap. I don't have a veil. I'm a bride, I can't get married without a veil. And a bouquet. I need a veil and a bouquet. Oh, my God, we're getting married."

Robin placed a reassuring hand on Lily's shoulder. "Don't worry. Relax. We'll get you a veil, honey."

Lily took a deep breath and smiled at her friend. "Oh, Robin, that's a really cute outfit."

Robin smiled back, "Oh, really? Thanks."

Lily's smile faltered for a moment. "Yeah, it has to go. I'm the bride, you can't look better than me."

EJ, always the jokester, chimed in with a playful smirk. "She really does."

Robin rolled her eyes but agreed, "Done." She quickly left to change.

Lily regained her composure, her voice taking on a more determined tone. "I'm going to get the bouquet. You guys get the veil. We'll meet in the chapel in 20 minutes. Ready? Break!" With that, she hurried off, leaving the group to their task.

Ted, never one to pass up a chance for some fun, suggested, "You guys want to go gamble?"

Ben nodded enthusiastically, "I'm down."

Marshall, however, was more focused on the task at hand. "No, we got to go get the veil."

EJ, ever the pragmatist, offered a different perspective. "Or we looked everywhere, and we couldn't find one."

Marshall considered it for a moment before agreeing, "Yeah, okay."

Ben, excited by the idea, grinned. "Let's go."

Barney, however, was adamant about finding the veil. "No, you guys go ahead. I'm going to find the veil," he said before heading off on his own.

Ted, ever the sentimental one, turned to Marshall, a hint of pride in his voice. "So this is it, right? The last 20 minutes of your single life. I'm proud of you, buddy."

Marshall smiled, though there was a hint of nerves in his expression. "Thanks."

Ben, noticing his friend's unease, asked, "How are you feeling?"

Marshall shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Great, a little nervous."

EJ, always the one to lighten the mood, suggested, "Yeah? Craps?"

Marshall looked confused. "Not that nervous."

EJ clarified with a grin, "No, I mean, do you want to play craps."

Marshall laughed, realizing his mistake. "Oh, yeah, definitely."

Barney soon returned, triumphantly holding up a veil. "Okay, I got the veil. She wasn't ready to be married. Alright, let's talk bachelor party. Are we thinking full-on strip club, or should we rent a room and have a private toy show?"

Ted's eyes widened in disbelief. "What did you just say?"

Marshall shook his head. "Barney, no."

Barney, unfazed, persisted. "Marshall, I'm your best man."

Marshall corrected him, pointing at Ted. "You're not my best man."

Ted raised his hand, reminding Barney of his place. "Right here."

EJ, joining in the playful banter, joked, "I thought I was your best man."

Marshall sighed, knowing where this was headed. "Ted is-"

But EJ interrupted with a teasing grin, "Don't forget I'm still mad you dumped my sister-"

Marshall began to protest, but EJ quickly cut him off, laughing, "I'm kidding, I don't care."

Barney, still focused on the bachelor party, continued, "And as your best man, I have to throw you a bachelor party. That's part of being a best friend."

Marshall, feeling exasperated, pointed out, "You're not my best friend."

Ted, once again, raised his hand. "Right here."

Marshall, growing impatient, tried to shut it down. "Barney, I don't have any time for a bachelor party. I've got, like, 18 minutes."

Ted, sensing the time crunch, added, "18 minutes..."

Despite Marshall's reluctance, they all ended up at a strip club for a quick 18-minute bachelor party. When they returned to the chapel, Lily was waiting.

"Oh, good. Did you get the veil?" Ben quickly answered, "Yep!" lying through his teeth.

Barney confidently added, "Of course."

Marshall, trying to cover their tracks, said, "And it took us exactly 18 minutes. We went to a strip club."

Ted facepalmed, realizing the slip-up. "Dude!"

Ben groaned, "We were doing so well!"

EJ sighed, "Come on!"

Barney, throwing up his hands, exclaimed, "Unbelievable!"

Marshall, trying to downplay it, added, "We weren't there for very long. It's not like I had time to have a lap dance or anything. I got a lap dance."

Lily, surprisingly calm, simply said, "Your last lap dance ever."

Marshall nodded, "Right. What?"

Robin arrived just then, wearing a "shirt boobs" outfit. "Okay, I'm here. Right?"

Ted shook his head in disbelief, muttering, "Oh, God, the things people waste money on in Atlantic City."

EJ, however, couldn't help but admire Robin's outfit with a mischievous smirk.

Robin, catching his look, asked, "Does it smell like strippers in here?"

EJ quickly tried to change the subject. "That's weird, right? Marshall and Lily are getting married!"

Lily, eager to move things along, turned on her musical bouquet, which played the Wedding March. "Hell, yeah, look at this."

Marshall, smiling at his bride-to-be, said, "Oh, baby, this is it. Let's do this thing."

Lily approached the woman at the desk. "Hi. We're here to get married."

The woman offered a rehearsed smile. "Congratulations. We offer a variety of packages to give you the special day you've always dreamed about."

Marshall shook his head. "We don't want any of that. Just your basic quickie wedding will be fine."

The woman, unimpressed, informed them, "Yeah. You know this isn't Vegas, right?"

Robin, not one to let a good line go to waste, added, "Well, sure. In Vegas, the casinos pump in oxygen. Here, it looks like everyone brought their own."

EJ, still glancing at Robin's shirt, mumbled, "What?"

The woman continued, "It also takes three days to get a marriage license in New Jersey. The earliest I could book you for is Monday."

Lily, growing desperate, pleaded, "No, no, no, it has to be today. That's the whole point."

The woman, clearly uninterested in their predicament, replied, "Look, I don't know what to say, but if you guys don't want to book a wedding for Monday or play a round of keno, I can't help you."

Ted, confused, asked, "Wait, I don't understand, people get married in Atlantic City all the time."

The woman explained, "Yes, they do, but they don't elope. They choose Atlantic City for its white sand beaches, world-class amenities, and exotic Riviera feel."

Lily, disbelieving, asked, "Have you been outside?"

Ted pointed out, "There is half an orca whale rotting not 20 feet from the cabana."

Marshall, trying to keep everyone calm, asked, "You guys, take it easy, guys. Are you sure about this?"

The woman, now slightly annoyed, replied, "About the marriage laws of the state where I work in a wedding chapel? Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

Barney, ever the optimist, declared, "Bright side: the bachelor party continues!"

EJ, trying to make the best of it, cheered, "Yes! Continues? You mean 'start.' He means 'start.' We went to a strip club. Sorry, Robin."

Robin, curious, asked, "Did you get a lap dance?"

EJ quickly denied it. "Nooooo."

Ben, enjoying the moment, called him out. "He did."

Robin, slightly amused, asked, "Was she hotter than me?"

EJ, with sincerity in his eyes, answered, "Absolutely not."

Robin, satisfied, smiled. "Good."


In the crowded corridor of the courthouse, Lily and Marshall slumped onto a bench, frustration etched on their faces. Lily's excitement about getting married was tempered by the reality of the waiting period, which seemed endless.

"God, this is taking forever," Marshall muttered, checking his watch for what felt like the hundredth time.

Robin leaned in toward EJ, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Can't believe they're getting married."

Ted, standing nearby, nodded with a proud smile. "I know. I'm so proud of these two. After all they've been through, this crazy road has led them all the way here to Atlantic City."

Robin nudged EJ and said, "Babe, up here."

EJ blinked, snapping out of his daze. "Uhm?"

Robin pointed out, "You were just staring at my shirt boobs."

EJ stammered, "No! I wasn't. I was checking out the hot body underneath the shirt. Okay, maybe I was looking at your shirt, but it's a funny, funny shirt."

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the murmurs of the courthouse. "Hey, it's Barney! Barney!"

Barney turned to see a smiling man waving energetically. "Hi."

The man continued speaking rapidly in Chinese, "...suit up!" and both men exchanged enthusiastic words in their native language.

Barney waved them off with a grin. "See you."

Ted looked bewildered. "What the hell was that?"

Barney shrugged nonchalantly. "A... Chinese guy?"

Meanwhile, Marshall addressed a courthouse official with determined urgency. "Hi. Hello. Uh, we need a marriage license, but we need to skip the waiting period because... we're in love."

The official looked at them sympathetically. "Aw. I'm gonna waive this waiting period right now."

Lily's eyes lit up. "Oh, really?!"

"Is what I would say if I could waive the waiting period, but unfortunately, only a judge can do that."

Lily's enthusiasm dimmed. "Oh. Well, so can we see a judge?"


Lily's hope reignited. "Really?!"

The clerk's expression became apologetic. "Is what I would say if there was any chance of you seeing a judge today, which there isn't."

Marshall's frustration boiled over. "Why are you doing this to us?!"

Her gaze hardened. "'Cause you're on Candid Camera!"

Robin's eyes widened. "Really?!"

The woman shook her head again. "Is what I would say..."

Marshall sighed heavily. "You know what? We get it."

In a quieter part of the courthouse, Lily and Marshall sat on a bench, attempting to regroup.

"Okay, this is a good plan B," Lily said, her resolve firming. "Judges are people. People go to the bathroom. A judge is bound to come by eventually, and we'll get married. I'm sure we won't be waiting long."

Meanwhile, EJ pulled Robin aside into a more secluded corner. "Psst," he whispered.

Robin raised an eyebrow. "What? Here?"

EJ nodded. "Yeah. Got a little time to kill."

Robin's gaze softened, and she teased, "Oh, my God, it's the T-shirt, isn't it?"

EJ shook his head. "No. A little."

Robin's expression turned serious. "Something is seriously wrong with you."

EJ's eyes twinkled with mischief. "So what, is that a no?"

Robin considered for a moment before replying, "All right, let's do it. Shirt on?"

EJ's voice dropped to a sultry murmur. "Do whatever."

Robin smirked, then pulled him into the nearest bathroom. The door closed behind them, and their heated kiss began, leaving the bustling courthouse corridor behind them.

๐Ÿ‹ ๐Ÿ‹ ๐Ÿ‹ Lemon Warning Children ๐Ÿ‹ ๐Ÿ‹ ๐Ÿ‹

EJ's eyes darkened with desire as he backed her up against the door. The urgency in their kiss grew as his hands began to roam, exploring the curves of her body beneath the fabric of her clothes. Robin's own hands weren't idle, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, eager to feel the warmth of his skin.

Their bodies pressed together, the sound of their breathing echoing off the tiles. EJ's shirt fell open, revealing a trail of kisses Robin had left earlier that day. She traced her fingers along the path, her touch sending a shiver down his spine.

"You're insatiable," he murmured against her neck, his teeth grazing her skin gently.

"You make me that way," she replied, her voice a throaty whisper.

He reached behind her and locked the door, ensuring their privacy. The anticipation was palpable as they both knew what was about to happen, a secret thrill coursing through them.

EJ's hands found the zipper, pulling it down slowly, inch by tantalizing inch. The material pooled around her ankles, leaving her in just her underwear. He stepped back, admiring her, his gaze lingering on the lace that barely contained her.

"Take it off," he demanded, his voice thick with desire.

With a playful smile, Robin stepped out of her underwear and kicked them aside. She watched as EJ's eyes raked over her, hunger in his gaze. Without another word, he lifted her onto the sink, the cold porcelain a stark contrast to the heat of their bodies.

Their kisses grew more frantic as they fumbled with each other's clothing, eager to be skin to skin. The tension built, a crescendo of need that could no longer be ignored.

"I want you," Robin whispered, her eyes never leaving his.

"You've got me," EJ replied, his voice hoarse.

Their clothes fell away, forgotten on the floor. The world outside the bathroom faded away, leaving only the two of them in their own passionate bubble.

Their bodies collided, a dance of lust and love that had been building for hours. The sound of their bodies connecting filled the small space, a rhythm that matched the beating of their hearts.

"I need you," Robin gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders.

EJ's answer was to deepen their kiss, his hands exploring her, finding all the places that made her moan. They moved together, the coldness of the sink forgotten in the heat of their passion.

"Your cock feels so good," Robin moaned into his mouth, her legs wrapped around his waist, urging him deeper.

"Fuck, Robin, you're so wet," EJ groaned, his voice strained with effort. He gripped her hips tightly, pulling her closer, their bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces.

"Harder," she whispered, her eyes fluttering closed. "I want all of you."

He responded by driving into her with a primal force that made her gasp. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the air, mingling with their ragged breaths and moans of pleasure.

"Look at me," he ordered, his eyes burning into hers.

Her eyes snapped open, and she found herself staring into the depths of his desire. He slammed into her again, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

"Oh, God, EJ," she murmured, her voice shaking.

"You like that, don't you?" he grinned, his hips moving in a steady, punishing rhythm. "You like my dick inside you."

"Yes," she hissed, her nails digging into his shoulders. "More."

EJ chuckled, the sound deep and dark. "Greedy little thing."

He leaned back, changing the angle, and Robin's eyes rolled back in her head. She could feel every inch of him, and it was driving her insane.

"Fuck," she breathed, her body tightening around him. "I'm going to come."

"Come for me, baby," he said, his voice a low rumble in her ear. "Let me feel it."

Their eyes remained locked as Robin's orgasm crashed over her, her body spasming around him. EJ's grip on her tightened, his own climax building.

"I'm close," he warned her, his strokes becoming erratic.

"Do it," she urged, her voice barely above a whisper. "Come inside me."

And with a final, desperate thrust, he did, his warmth filling her up as he spilled over the edge with her. They clung to each other, their hearts pounding in unison, as they rode out the aftershocks of their passion.

For a moment, they stayed like that, their breathing the only sound in the room. Then, slowly, they began to laugh. They kissed again, sweet and soft, before EJ helped her down from the sink.

They stepped over their discarded clothes, hand in hand, and looked into the mirror. Their faces were flushed, their hair disheveled, but they were grinning like teenagers who had just discovered a newfound freedom.

"We should get back," Robin said, though she made no move to leave.

EJ kissed her once more "Yeah,"

๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹ Lemon Over ๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿ‹

EJ and Robin returned to the group at the casino looking disheveled but satisfied, sparking curiosity.

Marshall, exasperated, "Where have you guys been?"

EJ tried to play it cool, "Oh, just..."

Robin, with a playful smirk, finished, "Gambling. And other fun things."

Barney couldn't resist chiming in, "Yeah, real fun things."

Ben and Ted exchanged knowing glances, both grinning, "Nice."

Lily, however, wrinkled her nose in mock disgust, "Ew."

Marshall, still focused on the matter at hand, pointed out, "Baby, anyplace we go, we're gonna need a marriage license."

Lily, determined, thought quickly, "Except international waters. So let's find a ship captain. A ship captain can marry us. There's boats all over this place."

EJ, sensing the absurdity, tried to gently steer her back to reality, "Okay, Lil, this is getting way too out of hand."

Ted quipped, "Oh, is that what those wooden things are floating between the garbage?"

Lily, not to be deterred, latched onto the idea, "This is a great idea. This is gonna work. Let's go." She turned to a woman nearby, "Excuse me, are you a ship captain?"

The woman, not amused, simply replied, "This is my machine."

Marshall shook his head, "I should go talk to her."

Robin, ever the one to handle things with finesse, volunteered, "No, let me."

Meanwhile, Ted had found another distraction, "Blackjack?"

Marshall nodded, "Yeah."

As the group split up, Lily returned, slightly more frazzled, "Well, I found a guy who said he'd be willing to put his boat in my slip, so we're getting closer."

Ben, concerned, gently asked, "Okay, Lil, why is it so important to do this today?"

Lily, almost on the verge of tears, confessed, "Because... If we don't do it today, I just know we're gonna wind up having a huge wedding with a huge crowd full of huge Midwestern people looking all disapproving and judging me while sipping little cups of mayonnaise and cracking runaway bride jokes all night long."

Robin tried to reassure her, "Nobody's gonna do that."

Lily, still adamant, insisted, "No, they're not because I'm not gonna give them the chance. I'm gonna find a ship captain, and we're gonna be married tonight."

Robin sighed, knowing she had to be the voice of reason, "Sweetie, this is crazy. You're never gonna find a ship capt..."

Before she could finish, Marshall interjected, "Hey, Lily. Found a ship captain."

Ben chimed in, "Yeah, there's one right here."

Lily, incredulous, "What?"

Ted added, "Yeah. First guy we talked to. Ship captain. How great is that?"

Lily, seeing a glimmer of hope, asked, "See? See, this is destiny. So, captain, can you take us out to international waters and marry us?"

The captain, an opportunist, responded, "I sure can. If there's two things I love, it's bringing people together in marriage and making $5,000."

Marshall and Lily were stunned. "What?!"

Lily, ever the problem solver, quickly said, "Deal. $5,000, okay, we can do that. Come on, everybody. Fork over your cash. Don't think. Just do it."

EJ, however, was more practical, "Lily, I love you and everything, but I don't want to fork over cash so you can get married."

Barney, seeing an opportunity, stepped up, "I can get us that money."

Ted, skeptical, asked, "How?"

Barney, with a twinkle in his eye, began, "Have you noticed that all day today, Chinese guys have been coming up and saying hi to me?"

Ben nodded, "Yes. Have you noticed I haven't asked about it because I'm too scared of the answer?"

Barney revealed his secret, "Well, those are my old gambling buddies. Truth is... I used to come here all the time. Play an old Chinese game called 'Shing Hasabu Shing.' Had a small gambling problem. Actually, it wasn't so small. I kind of lost my entire life's savings. But tonight, I don't know, I'm feeling hot. I think I can win us that money."

Robin, concerned, protested, "No, we're not letting you gamble all our money away."

EJ, agreeing with Robin, added, "I agree, look where we are. I can't risk that."

Barney, unwavering, insisted, "Uh, it's not gambling if you absolutely know you're going to win. I'll get us that money. I swear it, nay... I oath it."

EJ, still skeptical, muttered, "Yeah, sure, I oath that somehow this is gonna go to shit."

Lily, now desperate, asked the group, "Do you understand what's happening?"

Ted, ever the voice of confusion, admitted, "Not a clue."

Robin, curious, asked, "Do you think he's winning?"

Ted, equally confused, replied, "I don't even know if he's playing."

Marshall, suddenly struck with an idea, exclaimed, "Wait, I get it. I understand this game."

Ted, doubting him, said, "No, you don't."

Marshall, confident, replied, "I totally understand the game, Theodore. Barney, split your tiles. You can triple your money if you find the jellybean."

Barney, surprised but intrigued, asked, "Marshall, please. Don't you think I know what I'm... My God, you're right."

A series of wild events followed, involving a spinning wheel of fortune and jelly beans, but against all odds, Barney managed to win the $5,000.

Later, on the ship, Lily and Marshall marveled at the setting.

Lily, in awe, whispered, "Wow. It's beautiful."

Marshall, grateful, turned to Barney, "Thanks, Barney."

EJ, now more relaxed, admitted, "I take back what I said, I'll never doubt you again."

Barney, ever the one to relish in his success, made a snarky remark, basking in his glory.

"Did you guys see me? I was on fire tonight. Man, I can't wait to get back to the shore. God, I love gambling!"

Ted, concerned for his friend, gently reminded him, "When we get home, we're gonna go to a little meeting. Okay?"

Barney, pleading, "Why can't I do it just a little?"

Lily, refocusing on the task at hand, said, "Okay. Let's get this started."

The captain, ready to officiate, asked, "Okay, uh... You guys want the serious one or the funny one?"

Marshall and Lily both agreed that serious would be best.

The captain, slightly disappointed but understanding, began, "We stand witness today to celebrate the union of Lily and Marshall. Today, you two will become one, sharing your lives, the happiness, the sadness, the frustrations, and the joy..."

EJ, feeling a wave of emotion, leaned into Robin, "This is pretty cool. I can't believe you never want to get married. Makes me want to."

Robin, softening, replied, "I never said 'never.'"

EJ nodded, feeling the same way. At least not right now.

The captain continued, "...to declare your love and devotion to each other in front of friends and family, all the people who matter most to you."

Suddenly, the captain noticed something off. "What was that?"

Marshall, confused, asked, "What was what?"

The captain, with a raised eyebrow, pointed out, "That little look. You two just shared a look."

Lily, finally realizing the truth, said, "We don't want to do this."

Marshall, agreeing, added, "We don't."

Ben, incredulous, shouted, "Bro! We are right on the boat!"

Ted, equally frustrated, exclaimed, "Are you kidding me? You guys are calling off another wedding?"

Robin, gesturing to her bikini shirt, added, "After I spent all this money on a bridesmaid shirt?"

Barney, searching his memory, asked, "Did I bet someone that they'd call it off? I did, didn't I? Who'd I bet?"

Ted, exasperated, asked, "You actually expect any of us are gonna come to your third wedding?"

Lily, determined, replied, "Yes. Because it's gonna be amazing. Look, before I was afraid to face Marshall's family and I didn't want to do all that work, but... Now that we're here... I realize that I have to face Marshall's family, and I really want to do all that work."

Marshall, looking at his bride-to-be, said, "So do I. And yeah... My family might still be upset with you. But when they see us up there, they're gonna see how much we love each other and none of that other stuff is gonna matter."

Lily, with tears in her eyes, whispered, "I love you, Marshmallow."

Marshall, smiling, replied, "I love you, too, Lilypad."

Suddenly, the captain interjected, "I now pronounce you man and wife."

Lily, shocked, shouted, "What?!"

The captain, confused, asked, "Is that not right?"

Marshall, panicking, asked, "Are... we married? Did you just marry us? Weren't you listening? We don't want to be married."

The captain, trying to salvage the situation, offered, "Uh... I-I suppose I could unpronounce you."

"Unpronounce us! Unpronounce us!"


Life in the city moved forward, with everyone settling back into their routines. For EJ, this meant a lazy afternoon sprawled across the worn couch in his apartment, the sounds of the city filtering through the open window. The apartment was quiet, a rare but welcome change, and he had every intention of keeping it that way.

The buzzer rang, disrupting the peace. EJ sighed, contemplating ignoring it, but laziness won out. He reached over and pushed the button without bothering to ask who it was. Moments later, a knock echoed through the small space.

With a grunt, EJ pushed himself up from the couch, dragging his feet towards the door. When he swung it open, he froze, a mix of surprise and disbelief crossing his face. Standing in the doorway was a woman with raven-black hair, her presence radiating a rebellious energy that could only belong to one person.

"Jill?" EJ's voice was thick with shock.

Jillian grinned widely, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "What's up, big bro?" Before EJ could react, she lunged forward, wrapping him in a bear hug so tight it nearly knocked the wind out of him.

EJ returned the hug, still processing the fact that his estranged sister was standing in his apartment. She was living in the Southside of Chicago, far away from the rest of the family in New York.

"Jill, what the hell are you doing here?"

She pulled back, her grin never wavering. "I missed you, dumbass. Thought I'd drop by, see what kind of trouble you're getting into these days."

EJ raised an eyebrow, knowing his sister well enough to catch the undercurrent. But for now, he decided to let it slide. "You know you could've called, right?"

Jillian shrugged, stepping into the apartment as if she owned the place. "Where's the fun in that?"

Kat Dennings as Jillian Bennett

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