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EJ paced around his apartment, trying to shake off the remnants of his hangover and piece together fragments of last night. Eight or nine calls to Robin? He didn't remember most of them, and he hoped she didn't get the wrong idea. Just as his thoughts started to spiral, the buzzer rang. He took a deep breath and let Robin in, trying to brace himself for the conversation ahead.

Robin entered the apartment, taking in EJ's disheveled appearance. "Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked, concern lacing her voice.

EJ forced a smile. "I've been better. The headache and all. Anyway, you wanted to see the tattoo?"

Robin nodded. "Yeah, show me."

EJ rolled up his sleeve, revealing a poorly done stick dragon. "It's... something, right?"

Robin inspected it closely, her fingers brushing against his skin gently, causing a jolt of unexpected electricity to pass between them.

"It looks a bit red," Robin commented, concerned. "Are you sure it's not infected?"

"Lily already checked it out," EJ said quickly. "It's not infected."

"Okay," Robin said, not entirely convinced but letting it go. "So, about those calls last night..."

EJ winced. "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. I was drunk and... well, I don't remember much."

"Some of them were really weird," Robin continued, pulling out her phone. "Listen to this."

Robin played a voice recording from her phone, and EJ's face flushed with embarrassment as he listened to his drunken ramblings. "I'm sorry," he mumbled sheepishly.

Then Robin's expression turned more serious. "You also mentioned something about wanting to 'beat up' Derek. What was that about?"

EJ sighed, feeling guilty. "I was really out of it," he admitted, genuine remorse in his voice. "I'm sorry if I ruined your date with him."

Robin's expression softened, and she shook her head. "You didn't ruin anything," she reassured him. "Honestly, the charity dinner was kind of boring anyway. Your drunken calls, and Ted's too, actually made things more entertaining."

EJ chuckled nervously, relieved that she wasn't completely upset. "I'm glad I could provide some entertainment," he said, trying to lighten the mood.

Robin's expression turned serious. "But EJ, even though you were drunk, you made things... confusing," she admitted, searching his eyes for understanding. "You know how our friendship is, and what it means to me. It almost sounded like..."

EJ interrupted quickly. "Robin, I'm not like that," he interjected, his tone firm yet gentle. I had a few too many last night, that's all."

They stood in silence for a moment, the weight of their unspoken thoughts hanging between them. Finally, Robin nodded slowly. "Okay," she said softly. "I believe you."

EJ's heart sank further. He knew this was the moment he had to clarify things. "Robin, I'm not like that," he said earnestly. "You know where I stand on... on those kinds of things. I was just... drunk."

They both sighed softly, the tension in the room easing. Robin reached out and squeezed EJ's hand reassuringly. "We're still friends, okay? Just... friends."

EJ managed a small smile. "Yeah, friends."

As Robin turned to leave, EJ couldn't shake the uncertainty gnawing at him. He closed the door behind her, leaning against it heavily. Maybe he was just drunk last night, but deep down, he knew there was more to it.

After all, you know what they say: drunken words are sometimes sober thoughts.


On a brisk New Year's Eve, with just three hours until midnight, EJ, Barney, Ben, Marshall, Lily, and Robin stood outside EJ's apartment building, bundled up against the cold, waiting for Ted's anticipated arrival in a limo. The icy wind nipped at their cheeks, prompting Ben and EJ to grumble about the freezing temperature.

"This is ridiculous, man. Can't we wait inside?" EJ muttered, his breath visible in the frosty air.

Robin chuckled, wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck. "Oh, come on, EJ. You're being a bit of a child, aren't you?"

Before EJ could retort, the sound of a sleek limousine approaching caught everyone's attention. Ted pulled up in style, grinning widely as he stepped out, his enthusiasm contagious.

"Okay, people, let's talk strategy," Ted announced, gathering everyone's attention. "Last New Year's, we went our separate ways, and it sucked. This year, we party together or not at all. I've sifted through your party submissions and narrowed them down to these five."

Barney, always ready with a quip, raised his hand dramatically. "Question?"

Ted nodded, playfully indulging Barney. "Yes, Barney, your submissions were received, and no, we will not be attending any parties in your pants."

Barney grinned mischievously. "But you enjoyed the e-vite, right? That's an actual picture of my pants."

Lily rolled her eyes fondly. "Yeah, we got the invite."

EJ interjected, steering the conversation away from Barney's antics. "Can we hit up Angelina Jolie's party?"

Ted considered it thoughtfully. "Maybe. We'll hit all five parties before midnight and then narrow them down to the most awesome one in New York City, where we'll ring, nay, rock, in the new year."

Lily nodded eagerly. "All right, party number one. That's where we get to meet Mary Beth?"

Confusion sparked among the group as Ben queried, "Mary Beth?"

Ted explained with a hint of excitement, "Oh, she works in my office. She seems like she might be into me. She's always finding reasons to hug me. So tonight..."

Barney interrupted with characteristic enthusiasm, pulling out his "get psyched" mix. "People often ask me, 'Barney, how is it that you're so psyched so much of the time?'"

Lily quipped back, "By who? Who asks you that?"

Barney ignored her, continuing, "And the answer is right here, my own personal 'get psyched' mix. Now, people often think a good mix should rise and fall, but people are wrong. It should be all rise, baby. Now prepare yourselves for an audio journey into the white-hot center of adrenaline. Bam."

Suddenly, Bon Jovi began playing on the limo speakers.

Ben couldn't help but sing along.

"Shot through the heart! And you're too blame-"

Marshall couldn't help but join in the playful mood. "It's working. I am definitely getting psyched."

EJ nodded in agreement. "Oh, God. I'm reaching dangerous levels of psychage. Must do robot."

Barney pumped his fist. "Let's do this!"

Ted rallied everyone. "Yes! Let's! Oh, driver?"

The limo's chauffeur turned out to be none other than Ranjit, who greeted Ben and EJ warmly as they exchanged dap greetings.

"Ranjit! What's up, man?" EJ exclaimed with a wide grin.

"EJ! Ben!" Ranjit exclaimed, giving them both a dap.

Barney chimed in excitedly, "Ranjit! Dude, you're driving a limo now. That's awesome."

Robin, curious about their connection, asked, "How do you guys know each other?"

Ted chuckled. "Oh, we rode in his cab one time. It's a long story."

Barney, always the one to keep the momentum going, reminded them of their mission. "Hey, what are we waiting for? We've got five parties to hit and three hours to do it."

Robin sighed with a hint of regret. "Oh, I wish I could come with you guys, but Derek should be coming by any minute to pick me up."

EJ clenched his jaw involuntarily at the mention of Derek. Fucking Derek.

Robin continued, bidding them farewell. "I'll miss you guys. Have fun."

Lily waved. "Bye, Robin."

Ted grinned broadly. "See you next year. Go get 'em."

EJ added somewhat awkwardly, "See ya, New Lady."

Lily sighed once Robin was out of earshot. "Well, this kind of sucks."

Ted, ever the optimist, tried to lift their spirits. "Okay, nobody get down. We knew this going in. We're a man down. That just means we're gonna have to party that much harder. Ranjit! Party number one!"

Ranjit, ever the cheerful driver, echoed back, "Party number one!"

Ben and Barney cheered in unison, "Party number one!"


With 2 hours and 30 minutes left until midnight, the group squeezed back into the limo after an energetic start at party number one.

Marshall had to physically coax EJ out of the party venue.

"EJ, come on man, we've got more parties to hit," Marshall urged, gently pulling his friend towards the waiting limousine.

EJ protested half-heartedly, "But Marshall, that party was great! We shouldn't have left!"

Ben, equally as sad to leave the party chimed in, "Yeah, that was a top-tier experience. We might have made a mistake."

Ted, trying to maintain the group's focus, reminded them, "Guys, we have to stick together. It's more fun that way. Plus, we've got four more parties to check out. If party number one turns out to be the best, we'll circle back to it in the limo."

As they settled back into the limo, Ted introduced a woman who had joined them, presumably Mary Beth. "Hey, everyone, this is Mary Beth. We've got a full night ahead, so let's keep the party vibe going!"

Lily extended a friendly hand. "We didn't really get a chance to meet earlier. I'm Lily, and this is my fiancรฉ, Marshall."

Mary Beth smiled warmly. "Hi, Lily, Marshall. Nice to meet you both."

Marshall was taken aback by her friendliness. "My word, you're... you're friendly."

Meanwhile, Barney entered the limo with a Russian woman named Natalya, much to Lily's dismay.

Natalya greeted everyone cheerfully, "Hello, American party friends of Barney's!"

Lily sighed, muttering under her breath, "Oh, no."

EJ, always curious, leaned forward. "So, Barney, who's your new friend?"

Barney introduced her proudly, "This is Natalya."

Natalya added with a grin, "Oh, so friendly."

Lily tried to make conversation, asking Natalya, "So, where are you from?"

Barney interjected with his usual flair, "Who knows? The former Soviet Republic of Drunk-Off-Her-Ass-Istan?"

EJ attempted to lighten the mood with a charming greeting, but Barney shot him a sharp look. "Not cool, bro."

Natalya, seemingly unfazed, replied with a hint of sarcasm, "Super-drunk-fantastic, huh?"

Barney nudged EJ playfully, insisting, "Isn't she awesome?"

Ben, ever eager to steer the conversation elsewhere, interjected, "Can we go to Angelina Jolie's party now?"

EJ couldn't resist teasing, "Why? You that anxious to see Lauren?"

Ben chuckled, deflecting smoothly. "Hey, man, I'm just in it for the ambiance."

Marshall, concerned about Lily's comfort, inquired lovingly, "How are your feet doing, baby?"

Lily winced slightly but smiled. "Okay, I love these shoes, but the pain-to-hotness ratio is pretty steep. Can we swing by the apartment, so I can change?"

Ted, eager to keep the momentum going, encouraged Lily, "Come on, Lily, we have a tightly scheduled evening of awesomeness ahead of us. I need you to power through the pain."

Lily sighed good-naturedly. "Okay, Ted, but these dogs are really barking."

Barney, overhearing their conversation, chimed in with his usual irreverence. "It's true. I can hear them. What's that, little boys? What's that? You wanna go for a... rock?"

Ted, sensing the need to move on, directed Ranjit decisively, "Ranjit! Party number two."

Ranjit nodded with a smile. "Party number two."

In unison, the group cheered, "Party number two!"


Party number two sucked.

EJ was adamant on leaving. "You didn't have to drag me out of that one, Marshall. We couldn't leave any sooner."

Marshall chuckled, nodding in agreement. "You don't have to tell me twice."

Ben was bored. "All in favor of going back to party number one? If not, I might head over to Jolie's right now."

Marshall agreed wholeheartedly, his enthusiasm palpable. "Let's go back to party number one."

Ted, always the planner, interjected firmly. "No turning back, guys. Ranjit, party number three."

EJ protested, his frustration evident. "Ranjit, stop! Ted, that was the biggest downgrade of a party ever. How do you expect the rest of the night to go?"

Ted remained optimistic. "Listen, I planned it all out. If party number three sucks, then maybe we can think about it. Ranjit, to party number three!"

Ranjit, caught in the middle of their banter, complied cheerfully. "Party number three, yeah!"

Barney, suddenly alarmed, interrupted the conversation. "Oh, wait, wait, wait. We have to turn around. We left Natalya."

Lily, ever practical, responded calmly. "Barney, none of us liked her."

Barney was incredulous. "What?!"

Lily shrugged apologetically. "Sorry."

Barney, trying to save face, retorted playfully. "Oh, very nice, Lily. You know, she's a guest in this country. So while you may choose to turn your back on her, I choose to turn my front on her. What up?"

Ben, noticing a tipsy Natalya in the distance, pointed her out. "Barney, I think she's not even coming anymore."

Ted's phone rang just then, and his expression shifted as he answered. "Hey, Robin."

EJ perked up, curious. "What's going on?"

Ted relayed the news with concern. "Derek stood Robin up."

EJ wasted no time in making a decision. "Well, let's go back and get her."

Ted hesitated, glancing at Mary Beth. "We're on a tight schedule, and I got... plans," he gestured vaguely towards Mary Beth.

EJ insisted firmly. "I don't care, Ranjit, turn it around."

Ranjit announced promptly. "Turning around!"


Robin greeted them with a mixture of embarrassment and relief. "Oh, God, I'm so sorry about this. You guys had your schedule and I screwed it all up."

EJ reassured her with a grin. "No worries. It turned out exactly how we planned anyway, right?"

Everyone nodded in agreement, trying to lift the mood. Lily asked with concern, "What happened?"

Robin explained with a sigh. "Derek's stuck in Connecticut closing some deal. Who works on New Year's Eve? Okay. Now I feel worse. I was really looking forward to this night. This sucks."

Barney, always ready to inject some energy, turned on the music. "Oh, dude, not now!"

Marshall protested jokingly. "Barney, come on!"

Barney pretended innocence. "What? She needs to get psyched. Fine."

He turned off the music briefly, then switched it back on. "My finger slipped."

EJ, trying to lighten the mood, spoke up with determination. "Look, Robin, you're not going home. Come on, it's New Year's Eve. You're here with your friends. If you really, really need someone to kiss you at midnight, I suppose I can do that," he added stubbornly.

Robin, remembering their earlier conversation, teased him gently. "Hmm, tempting."

Mary Beth chimed in cheerfully, interrupting their moment. "Hi, I'm Mary Beth."

Robin smiled warmly. "Robin."

Mary Beth, with a hint of humor, remarked casually, "You're friendly. I haven't eaten dinner yet. Is there anything to eat in this thing?"

Ted, seizing the opportunity to steer the night in a positive direction, declared confidently, "That's it. I know what you're jonesing for. Ranjit, take us to Gray's Papaya!"

Robin grinned in agreement. "Oh, yes, Ted, you rock."

Barney, ever the skeptic, couldn't resist a jab. "We couldn't go back for Natalya, a human being, but we have time for hot dogs?"

Marshall, always the peacemaker, chimed in diplomatically. "Yeah, but we love hot dogs."

Barney sighed, resigned to their detour. "No, no. We're already behind schedule. Ted, come on. We have an hour and a half before midnight. I don't want to be kissing Ranjit."

Ranjit interjected playfully. "You don't know what you're missing."

Ted pressed on, undeterred. "Come on, it's only a 20-minute detour."

Lily, feeling the strain of her shoes, made a decisive move. "Which is exactly how much time I need. Ranjit, stop the car."

Ranjit complied obediently. "Stopping the car."

Marshall, worried about his wife, questioned her gently. "Wait. Baby, what are you doing?"

Lily explained firmly, despite her discomfort. "I'm going home."

Ted protested in disbelief. "What? No!"

Lily explained her rationale patiently. "I can't stay in these heels any longer, I just can't. There's a cab over there. I'll just run back to the apartment and change shoes."

Marshall hesitated, torn between his desire to be with Lily and the excitement of the night. "But... hot dogs."

Lily reassured him lovingly. "Well, I know, baby, I'd love to go, but it's two against one."

Marshall relented reluctantly. "Okay, I'll go with you."

Lily shook her head affectionately. "No, baby. Baby, you go with them and I'll meet you at... party number three."

Marshall sought reassurance. "Are you sure?"

Lily smiled softly. "If I don't see you, happy new year."

Marshall responded earnestly. "Don't say that. We'll find each other. We'll find each other."

Lily kissed him quickly and then exited the limo, leaving behind a slightly stunned group.

EJ couldn't help but remark, "God, you two are lovesick."

Marshall sighed happily. "Hell of a woman. Let's go get some hot dogs!"


"Ranjit, party number three."

Ranjit echoed back enthusiastically. "Party number three."

Ben, feeling the euphoria of the night, remarked with humor. "Oh yeah! Look at us. Riding around in a limo. Eating hot dogs. It's like we're the president."

EJ, noticing Robin's improved mood, teased playfully. "Hey. I'll bet you're feeling better now."

Robin grinned, nodding. "Oh, so much better."

Marshall suddenly interrupted their chatter with wide eyes. "Guys. Is that Moby? I think that's Moby."

EJ was incredulous. "Moby? No way."

Robin, recognizing the artist, confirmed excitedly. "That's totally Moby. That's awesome."

Ted, never one to miss an opportunity, called out eagerly. "Moby! Hey, Moby!"

EJ joined in enthusiastically. "Moby! Over here!"

Barney, always concerned with appearances, cautioned the group. "Oh, my God. He's coming over. Everybody be cool. Everybody be cool."

As Moby approached, Ted greeted him warmly. "Hey."

Moby responded casually. "Hello."

Ben, trying to keep the conversation going, asked nervously. "What's up? Uh, you, uh, going somewhere?"

Moby nodded, seeming nonchalant. "Yeah, I'm just going to this party downtown."

Ted, offered a place in the limo. "You want a ride?"

Moby accepted. "Sure."

EJ welcomed him into the limo. "Welcome."

Moby looked around at the group. "Wow. You're friendly."

Barney, starstruck, introduced himself eagerly. "Big fan. Barney Stinson. So, uh... what about this party?"

Ben, hopeful for a certain party, asked with anticipation. "It wouldn't happen to be Angelina Jolie's party, would it?"

Moby chuckled, shaking his head. "It's just a New Year's thing. You know, with some friends."

Robin expressed genuine interest. "Wow, that sounds awesome."

Moby, enjoying the attention, extended an invitation. "You guys want to come?"

Ted, always up for an adventure, eagerly agreed. "Yeah, we'd love to."

Moby nodded in approval. "All right."

Marshall, concerned about Lily, pulled Ted aside discreetly. "Uh, Ted. Sidebar?"

Ted glanced at Marshall, concerned. "Um... Moby, switch up, will you? Yeah, what's up?"

Marshall voiced his worry quietly. "What about Lily?"

EJ suggested pragmatically. "Call her."

Marshall admitted with frustration. "I've been trying to call her. I can't get through. All the circuits are jammed."

Ted shrugged sympathetically. "That's New Year's Eve for you. Well, look, we'll just swing by Moby's party and then afterwards..."

Marshall interrupted firmly. "No, I-I can't. Lily's waiting. I gotta... I gotta find her. Okay, I'll meet you at party number three."

Marshall exited the limo decisively, leaving the group with a solemn goodbye.

Ben, feeling similarly obligated, announced his departure. "Sorry guys, I'm bouncing too."

Ted tried to convince him to stay. "Ben, come on. Don't miss out on this. Come back with us."

Ben shook his head regretfully. "Sorry, Ted, I don't want to miss this party. I'll see you guys later."

He exited the limo and disappeared into the bustling street.

Ted, disheartened by the departures, rallied the remaining group. "But... Come on! Moby's party! Moby's party! Moby's par... Ranjit. Moby's party."

Ranjit acknowledged Ted's command. "Moby's party."

Moby, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood. "This is a cool mix. You know, people think a great mix has to rise and fall. I think it should be all rise."

Barney agreed enthusiastically. "Yes. Moby... Yeah, it should start high, get higher. This mix is my pride and joy. I never leave home without it."

Moby chuckled, showing off his companion. "Oh, that's how I feel about Janice here."

Barney reacted with exaggerated surprise. "Jan... Aah!"

Moby continued his casual banter. "So then I say, 'your motorcycle was like that when I got here.'"

EJ, now suspicious of Moby's authenticity, couldn't hold back. "You're not Moby, are you?"

Moby looked genuinely confused. "Who?"

Robin clarified with a smile. "Moby... the recording artist, Moby."

Moby continued to play along. "No."

Barney, pointing out the discrepancy, interjected. "But when we said, 'Hey, Moby,' you said, 'Yeah.'"

Not-Moby stumbled over his words. "I thought you said 'Tony.'"

Ted, trying to salvage the situation, inquired cautiously. "So your name is Tony?"

Not-Moby corrected him quickly. "No. Oh, hey, we're here. All right. You guys going to come in?"

EJ declined politely. "Nah."

Not-Moby persisted, trying to entice them. "You're sure? Come on. It's going to get nuts in there. There's this dude who owes me money."

Barney, always smooth under pressure, declined graciously. "No, uh, we're good. We're good. Happy New Year, Not Moby."

Not-Moby bid them farewell. "Oh, hey, hey, um, be safe."

Barney, reflecting on the misunderstanding, shook his head in amusement. "Why did we think that guy was Moby?"

Ted pondered the question seriously. "I don't know. I see a short bald hipster, my mind goes straight to Moby."

EJ's phone rang suddenly, breaking the tension.

EJ answered, recognizing the caller ID. "That's Marshall's phone. Hello."

Lily's voice came through urgently. "Oh, Marshall, thank God I got through."

EJ greeted her playfully. "Hello, sexy."

Lily, alarmed, asked urgently. "EJ, where's Marshall?"

EJ explained quickly. "He left his phone in the limo. He's out looking for you."

Lily was incredulous. "What? Where?"

Barney reassured her quickly. "Party number three."

Lily's tone softened with relief. "Well, I'm here at party number three and... Oh, my God! Guess who just walked in... Moby!"

Barney was surprised. "Moby?! She's upstairs."

Ted, alarmed by the revelation, urged Lily to leave immediately. "Lily, you have to get out of there this instant. That's not Moby."

Lily, still in disbelief, responded defensively. "Uh, no, I know Moby and that's Mo... Does he have a gun?"

Ted's urgency increased. "Run! Oh, my God, Not Moby's party is party number four. What are the odds?"


Lily burst into the limo, clearly agitated. "Who was that guy?!"

Barney, still smarting from the deception, replied tersely. "Well, we know it's not Moby and it's not Tony."

Ted, taking charge, instructed Ranjit urgently. "Ranjit, drive!"

Ranjit, still miffed about his tire, questioned Ted. "Where to?"

Ted clarified decisively. "Party number three!"

Ranjit acknowledged with resignation. "Party number three."

Lily interjected, trying to make sense of the confusion. "No, but I was just at party number three."

Ted, trying to reassure her, corrected gently. "No, no, no, no you were at party number four. You must have looked at the list wrong."

Barney, attempting to lighten the mood, attempted his usual pep talk. "Well, after that rather unpsyching experience, you know what it's time for? It's time to... what? That's right, re-psych. Re-psy... Where's the... Oh, my God! Not Moby took my 'Get Psyched' mix!"

Ted, focused on the task at hand, advised Barney firmly. "Barney, Barney, Barney, it's not worth it! Let it go. We need to get back on schedule."


Ted, trying to be helpful, offered assistance to Ranjit. "Ranjit, are you sure I can't help?"

Ranjit sighed heavily. "No. I am pissed. Ted, I don't want you to see me pissed."

Ted nodded understandingly. "Okay. Okay, not a problem. He'll jack it up, slap on a tire and we'll be at party number three in no time."

Lily, concerned about Marshall, voiced her worry. "I wish Marshall would call. I guess the circuits are jammed."

Barney, feeling melancholic, lamented dramatically. "Yeah, you know why all the circuits are jammed because everyone's calling their loved ones, everyone around the world. Everyone except Barney. Oh, sure, laugh. Laugh for Barney Stinson. Laugh for the sad clown trapped on his whirling carousel of suits and cigars and bimbos and booze. Round and round it goes. And where's it all heading? Nowhere."

Robin, trying to lighten the mood, redirected their attention. "Is this just 'cause you lost your 'Get Psyched' mix?"

Barney defended himself half-heartedly. "I'm sorry. Am I not allowed to have a pensive side?"

Robin insisted, keeping the energy up. "No. No, not tonight. Not in the limo. We got to stay psyched. Ted went to a lot of trouble to make this an awesome New Year's."

As Robin began to sing, She started singing playfully, prompting EJ to join in reluctantly. "Shot through the heart, and you're to blame, darling."

Ranjit joined in with his deep voice. "You give love a bad name."

Everyone in the limo sang along loudly. "I play my part and you play your game, darling, you give love a bad name, bad name!"

EJ, caught up in the moment, started playing air guitar enthusiastically.

Ted, noticing Mary Beth's discomfort, approached her with concern. "It'll be fine. We'll be out of here in a jiff."

Mary Beth, politely declining, made her decision. "Ted, I'm going to head out. My roommates are having a party not far from here."

Ted, disappointed but understanding, accepted her choice. "No. Look, I know this night isn't turning out the way I planned, but..."

Mary Beth cut him off gently. "Happy New Year, Ted."

19 minutes before midnight

Lily expressed disappointment about Mary Beth's departure. "I can't believe Mary Beth left before midnight."

Ted tried to reassure her. "Oh, she just had to make an appearance at this other party. It's no big deal."

EJ, bluntly honest as usual, chimed in. "Ted, she was boring. I forgot she was even here."

Robin thought that was harsh. "That's a bit rude...but not entirely wrong."

Barney, feeling reflective, shared a personal memory. "The first time I rode in a limo I was five. I was on the way to my grandfather's funeral. I suppose, in a way, I still am."

Lily, uncomfortable with the somber turn, tried to lighten the mood. "Okay, wow, it's getting weird in here. I'm going to call Marshall."

Ted reminded her gently. "But he left his phone."

Lily persisted, calling out for Marshall anxiously. "Marshall! Marshall!"

EJ, reflecting on the night's events, expressed disappointment. "This night has not turned out the way I expected. Should have stayed at party number one."

Robin, curious about the earlier party, inquired. "Was it that good?"

EJ, reminiscing, recalled fondly. "Oh yeah, Marshall had to literally carry me away from it. No joke."

Robin chuckled, giving a lighthearted response. "You must have been having too much fun."

EJ laughed along. "Exactly."

EJ then got serious. "Sorry about your guy."

Robin sighed. "Yeah, but look, at least we both have someone to kiss at midnight. Did you forget about our little deal? Because I did not."

EJ affirmed confidently. "I did not, too. How could I forget?"

Robin's phone rang suddenly, interrupting their banter.

Robin answered, recognizing the caller ID. "Derek. Hi. How's work?"

EJ muttered under his breath. "Derek."


Ted, determined to salvage the night, proposed a bold plan. "Okay, how's this for a plan? We start walking now, we get to party number three by 12:45. We celebrate the New Year in Central Standard Time."

Barney, ever the cynic, interjected sharply. "Give it a rest, Ted."

Ted, confused, defended his optimism. "Give what a rest?"

Barney explained with resignation. "Trying to turn this night into anything more than what it is, which is New Year's Eve, which is the single biggest letdown of a night every single year."

Lily's voice continued to pierce through. "Marshall!"

Ted, refusing to give up hope, rallied the group. "Come on, come on, we can still turn this thing around. We've still got ten minutes."

EJ, usually laid-back but agreeing with Barney this time, added his perspective. "No, he's right Ted. Stop trying to chase down some magical, perfect New Year's. It doesn't exist, man. I appreciate you for trying but come on."

Amidst the tense atmosphere, Marshall suddenly burst through the door, his face beaming with excitement.

Ted exclaimed in disbelief. "Holy crap."

EJ slapped Marshall on the back. "Bro!"

Lily rushed to embrace Marshall. "Marshall!"

Marshall, catching his breath, shared his adventurous journey. "I knew I'd catch up with you guys eventually. So much to tell. I couldn't find Lily at party number three, so I walked... I walked to the next party on the list."

Ted, still processing, asked eagerly. "Not Moby's party?"

Marshall confirmed enthusiastically. "Yes, Moby's party. Check it out. He signed my shirt."

EJ, impressed, chimed in. "That's cool!"

Marshall continued, revealing his triumph. "And guess what I found."

Barney's eyes widened in realization. "The mixtape!"

Marshall nodded triumphantly. "Yeah, I heard it playing at the party, so I swiped it. Yeah, I know. Come on."

Barney cheered ecstatically. "Come on! Oh! Oh!"

Lily, relieved but still concerned, questioned Marshall softly. "Baby, baby, I was so worried about you. Why didn't you call me?"

Marshall explained apologetically. "I tried, baby. All the circuits were jammed. But wait, there's more. After party number four, I figured you guys went to party number five. And so I went there, too, and it is awesome. I want to cry, it is so awesome. We have to go there."

Ted, grappling with logistics, voiced his concern. "How? We'll never get a cab."

Ranjit then announced confidently. "The flat's fixed."

EJ, caught up in the excitement, exclaimed. "This night just got better!"

Ted rallied the group. "Let's do this! Come on! In! Go, go, go!"

Lily, noticing Natalya in the front seat, was surprised. "Natalya?"

Barney, equally surprised, questioned Ranjit. "Yeah, it turns out she was asleep in the front seat the whole time. Ranjit, why didn't you tell me?"

Ranjit defended himself with humor. "I didn't want to awake her. She looked so peaceful."

EJ, bewildered by Natalya's journey, pondered aloud. "How the hell did she even get here? She was at party number two a few hours ago."

Ted, focused on the final destination, urged Ranjit. "Party number five is 20 blocks away and all the way across town. Ranjit, can you get us there in eight minutes?"

Ranjit responded confidently. "I get you there in six."


3 Minutes Until Midnight

They could not get there in six minutes.

Ranjit's voice was strained with concern. "I don't think I can do it."

The group erupted in a chorus of desperate pleas. "No! Come on!"

EJ leaned forward, urging the traffic to move. "Move!"

Lily joined in frustration. "Move, you stupid taxi!"

Marshall checked the time anxiously. "Three minutes!"

Their hopes seemed dashed until Ted spoke up with a reassuring tone. "Ranjit, put her in park. Dudes, I'm sure party number five is awesome, but it's not the best party in New York. 'Cause this is, right here."

EJ, realizing Ted's wisdom, nodded in agreement. "You know what, you're right Ted."

Barney lifted his glass. "Cheers. Well said."

Just then, Grace opened the door to the limo, her presence instantly lifting everyone's spirits.

Lily exclaimed happily. "Grace!"

EJ hugged his sister warmly. "Grace, how did you get here?"

Grace explained with a smile. "Ben told me about the limo at Angelina Jolie's party."

EJ sighed comically. "Everyone got to go to Jolie's party but me, huh?"

Ted interjected playfully. "EJ, we know you have a secret thing for her."

EJ shrugged with a grin. "Who doesn't?"

Grace shared more news, causing a stir among the group. "I also broke up with Josh."

EJ reacted with genuine relief. "She broke up with Josh!"

Marshall chimed in supportively. "Finally!"

As glasses clinked, Grace questioned the breakup. "Was he that bad?"

EJ didn't hold back. "Grace, he was the equivalent of every douchey frat guy rolled into one. You couldn't have broken up with him sooner."

Grace turned to Ted, her expression sympathetic. "Ben also told me about your date. Looks like neither of us has anyone to kiss at midnight."

Ted, feeling a bit awkward, confirmed quietly. "Yeah."

"Ew, gross, that's my sister, man." EJ replied protectively, although making fun of Teds awkward state.

As the countdown approached, EJ glanced at Robin, reminded of their deal to kiss at midnight. But just as he prepared himself, a knock on the limo door startled everyone.

Robin exclaimed in surprise. "Derek?!"

Derek entered with a smile. "Hey."

EJ greeted him awkwardly. "Hey, uh, come on in."

Derek explained his early exit from work. "Thanks, man. I cut my meeting short because I wanted to see you at midnight."

Robin was visibly touched. "I can't believe you made it."

Derek reassured her. "I made it, baby."

Outside the limo, EJ wrestled with unexpected feelings. He rarely found himself in such a situation.

Natalya, in a more lighthearted moment, declared her feelings to Barney. "I super love you, okay?"

Barney, always smooth, offered her a mint with a grin. "Here, you need a mint."

As the final seconds ticked away, everyone joined in the countdown. "Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year!"

EJ set his glass down and stepped out of the limo, taking a moment to himself. He saw Grace and Ted sharing a kiss and couldn't help but cringe playfully.

Deciding to walk home, which was conveniently close by, EJ left the celebratory atmosphere behind. Meanwhile, inside the limo, Derek leaned in to kiss Robin, but she pulled away, suddenly aware of EJ's absence.

"Where did EJ go?"

Grace, breaking away from Ted, shared Robin's concern. "Yeah, where is he?"

Lily and Marshall exchanged puzzled looks, wondering about their friend's sudden departure.

Derek, puzzled by the change in atmosphere, tried to lighten the mood. "Was it that guy? I think he went to get some air or something, I don't know."

Derek persisted, leaning towards Robin again. "Come on, let's just enjoy the moment."

Robin pulled back gently. "I'm sorry, Derek. I just-I need to go."

With that, Robin left the limo, determined to locate EJ.

Barney, observing quietly, remarked to Ted. "Ouch, dude. At midnight? That's just not cool."


EJ sat in his apartment, sipping whiskey as he reflected on the chaotic events of the evening. Barney's words echoed in his mindโ€”New Year's Eve was indeed overrated. The rush, the expectations, the letdownsโ€”it was all too much sometimes.

Just as he settled into his thoughts, a sudden knock on the door startled him. EJ frowned, wondering who could be visiting at this hour. When he opened the door, he was surprised to find Robin standing there, looking determined yet uncertain.

"What the hell, man? I thought we had a deal?"

EJ raised an eyebrow, slightly caught off guard. "What about your boyfriend?"

Robin shrugged nonchalantly. "What about him?"

EJ chuckled softly. "It's 2006, go kiss him. I'll be fine."

Robin hesitated for a moment, then stepped closer, her expression softening. "Well, a deal is a deal," she replied teasingly.

EJ's heart skipped a beat as the tension between them crackled in the air. He found himself drawn to her, the unresolved emotions from earlier in the evening surfacing once more.

He responded, his voice low and filled with a mix of longing and restraint. "A deal is a deal."

Robin leaned in ever so slightly, her breath mingling with his. The moment hung suspended, the air thick with anticipation.

EJ couldn't resist any longer. He closed the gap between them, brushing his lips against hers in a tender kiss. It was soft yet full of unspoken words, a connection forged in the midst of chaos.

Robin responded eagerly, her breath catching as their kiss deepened briefly before she pulled back slightly. She looked into his eyes, her own reflecting a mix of relief and vulnerability.

EJ smiled softly. "Happy New Year," he murmured.

Robin's voice was breathless as she whispered back, her eyes shining. "Happy New Year."

Without another word, Robin gently kicked the door shut behind them, signaling her intention to stay.

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