14) Mind Prison

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TVA soldiers pulled the three through the hallway, Mobius leading them.

Sylvie struggled, trying to break free from the grasp that two soldiers had on her, not to mention the one keeping her still from behind.

Wanda didn't bother to pick up her feet. She just let the two soldiers drag her along as her mind flashed back on everything that had just happened.

Loki was the only one who walked normally. He accepted the fact that the soldiers had him, and he walked, keeping his eyes on the two women as they were brought with him.

They passed by another hallway as they walked, and the soldiers holding Sylvie led her away from Wanda and Loki. Both turned their head towards the blonde but neither attempted anything, knowing it wouldn't end well.

As soon as Sylvie was out of sight, Loki began struggling, attempting to get out, but he was held firm.

Wanda kept herself at dead weight. Struggling wouldn't do her any good, so might as well just make the ones holding her do all the work.

They turned a corner as they walked and Loki gave up on struggling. He looked at Wanda and Wanda stated at the ground, not bothering to lift her head up.

"Well?" Mobius asked.

"Well what?" Loki replied snarkily.

"I know you got something quip you're dyin' to say."

"Oh I don't have a quip. I've got nothing to say to you." Loki replied.

He attempted at going towards Mobius as he spoke, but the soldiers held him back.

"Oh come on." Mobius rolled his eyes.

"By the way, I should have an equal amount of security. This is insulting!" Loki continued, remarking on the fact that Sylvie had three guards and he only had two.

"You just can't help yourself. Be quiet like Maximoff over there." Mobius scoffed.

"You betrayed me!" Loki accused.

"You betrayed me." Mobius shot back.

"Oh grow up!"

"You grow up."

"Both of y'all grow up and shut up." Wanda muttered, annoyed at their bickering.

Mobius led Loki into the first room that they'd been in before all of the variant stuff, and Wanda was taken away to a different room.

"Wanda!" Loki struggled to get out of their grip as Wanda was pulled away.

"You know, it occurred to me that you're not really the God of Mischief." Mobius commented as they walked into the room.

"Oh, here it comes." Loki scoffed, his tone angry. "The folksy, dopey insult from the folksy dope."

Loki struggled once more, but the soldiers held him firm.

"What am I? The God of Self-Sabotage, yeah? the God of Back-Stabbing?" Loki asked.

They didn't take him to where the table was, which confused Loki, but he figured he was heading somewhere because the guard kept moving him towards the back of the room.

"Just kind of an asshole, and a bad friend." Mobius replied, pulling out his Tempad. "Yeah, chew on that for a little bit. All right? It's ready."

As he finished, a red door appeared, the same shape and size as the orange doors, but this one didn't look as nice.

"What is this?" Loki demanded as the soldiers got ready to throw him through.

"You'll see." Mobius stated.

"Mobius!" Loki shouted.

The guards went to throw him but Mobius stopped them.

"Okay, no no no. Let us have one last desperate trick from the desperate trickster. Go ahead." Mobius said to them.

Loki stopped himself, trying to put on a sincere tone.

"The TVA is lying to you."

Mobius chuckled.

"Put him in." Mobius gestured.

Loki glared at him, calling "No!" Before he was shoved into the red door portal.

He went into a new room, one he hadn't seen before. It reminded him of Asgard in a way. Golden stone as the wall with candles held up on stands around. There was a walkway in the middle of the room that he was stuck in, and a wooden table behind him.

The red door shut as soon as he was inside and Loki took a moment to process what the place was.

"What?" He muttered, confused.

Then he let out a chuckle at the scenery.


There were two walkways on either side of him, but he remained in the center of the room as he looked around.

Then a woman, Sif, appeared at the opening left to him.

She looked normal, other than the fact that half of her hair was cut off in a very unsettling view.

"You." She gritted her teeth and held up a lock of hair, presumably her own.

Loki turned his head to the noise.

"Sif!" Loki said happily.

"You conniving, craven, pathetic worm." She stormed towards him. "You did this!"

She gripped her hair angrily.

"What?" Loki asked, confused.

As she reached him, she bitch slapped him across the face and Loki gritted his teeth.

"Ow." He muttered.

"I hope you know you deserve to be alone and you always will be." Sif stated angrily, glaring daggers at him.

"All right." Loki started. "A bad memory prison? How quaint."

Sif didn't seem amused, and she grabbed his shoulders in order to knee him in the groin, causing him to let out a grunt of pain, then she punched him square in the face and he fell to his knees.

She glared at him for a moment, then walked out of the room through the right walkway, leaving him be.

Loki gave a grunt in pain and looked up at the walls where he assumed Mobius was watching him.

"Some punishment." He nodded with another grunt.

He pushed himself to stand as he continued speaking.

"I remember exactly what I did after that. I went and had a nice, hot bath and a glass of wine, and I never thought about it again, because it was just a bit of fun." He said, looking up.

He turned to where Sif had exited and sighed.

"You." He heard from behind him.

He turned, "Huh?"

"You conniving, craven, pathetic worm. You did this!" Sif walked out from the left doorway again.

"Hang on." Loki raised a finger to her.

She slapped him in the face.


"I hope you know you deserve to be alone and you always will be." Sif stated again."

"Just hang on." Loki tried to reason with her.

Like before, she kneed him in the groin and punched him in the face, knocking him to his knees once again. Then she exited.

Loki let out a groan as he sat himself up on his knees.

"Time loops. How lovely." He said to the wall, standing up again.

Sif appeared again.

"You. You conniving, craven, pathetic worm."

"Okay. Okay, Sif. Hang on." Loki held his hands in front of her like one would do to calm an animal.

She slapped him.

"No, you hear this. You deserve to be alone-"

"And I always will be! Alright, I get it." Loki finished for her. "Listen. You are a reconstruction of a past event created by the organization that controls all of time."

Sif crossed her arms as she listened to him.

"So you need to trust me and you need to help me escape. Yeah?"

Sif gave a small sigh and put her hands on his shoulder, gently, unlike before.

"Okay, yeah." Loki nodded, glad it was working.

She then gripped his shoulders and a look of anger appeared on her face. She kneed him once more and punched him in the same spot she had the last two times.

He fell over on his knees for the third time.

"Pathetic." Sif scoffed, leaving him once more.


On the other side of things, Mobius walked into the room Wanda had been put in. Four soldiers were guarding the outside of the room, but they let him in.

The table that was supposed to be sitting at the end of the room was flipped over, and the chairs were shattered up into splinters on the ground.

Wanda sat at the far back-left of the room, her knees pulled to her chest and her gaze facing the ground.

She didn't bother to look up at Mobius as he entered.

"Quite the mess you made." Mobius commented as he walked in, the doors shutting behind him.

Wanda ignored him.

Mobius walked towards her and stood a few feet away from her.

"Wanda, you're not like them. You're good and you deserve better than to be toying around with a pair of Loki's." Mobius stated.

Wanda glared at him, not saying anything.

"Before you left, you said 'I'm sorry' to me. Wanna explain what you meant by that?" Mobius asked again.

Once again, Wanda didn't reply.

"So I'm just gonna get the silent treatment? Very mature." Mobius sighed.

"Why should I talk to you? You don't deserve it." Wanda stated angrily.

"And why's that? Cause I saved you from getting a planet crushing you?"

"No cause you've been trying to kill Sylvie this whole time and you save us, for- for what?? Just so you can kill us all yourself?"

"Sylvie? The variant? And actually, it caused a nexus event so I kind of had to save y'all." Mobius said with an annoyed sigh.

"Bullshit. You didn't need to save us. We could've died peacefully with each other."

"You were going to die out there by being crushed by a planet! I don't think that's peaceful."

"I was going to save us. I have the soul and mind stone and my own magic. I could've teleported myself away and brought them back with the soul stone! Or I could've teleported us all out!"

"Save them? What, like you saved your parents? Like you saved your brother? Like you saved those people in Lagos? Like you saved Vision? Like you saved your twins, Billy and Tommy? If you were going to teleport them out, why didn't you do it sooner? Is it because you wanted them to die? Cause I think you wanted them and yourself to die, just a happy end to your story."

Wanda stared at him, grief filling her face as tears rose to her eyes.

"I'm sorry, did I strike a nerve?" Mobius asked, not using any sort of apologetic tone.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Wanda muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, what the hell is wrong with you!?" She shouted at him.

"Oh please, you don't even care about Vision anymore, do you? You probably didn't care about those variants either." Mobius asked.

"I loved him, and I wouldn't have let those two die like that."

"Yeah. Loved." Mobius made a point to emphasize the ed.

Wanda shook her head and wiped a tear that managed to escape.

"Where is Loki and Sylvie?" She demanded.

Mobius stared at her for a moment.

"Sylvie? She's pruned. Everything is alright there."

"What?" Wanda spat.

"And the traitor Loki? He's getting the punishment he deserves." Mobius grabbed his Tempad and clicked a button before making a swiping motion.

The wall became a window like opening and Mobius gestured for Wanda to go see what was going on. Wanda glared at Mobius, then got up and went to see what was happening.

She looked down from the window and saw Loki in the middle of a walkway. There were two doorway sections and out of one came a woman that Wanda figured was Sif since Thor talked about her a lot.

"You. You conniving, craven, pathetic worm." Sif went towards him. "You did this!" She smacked him, told him he deserved nothing, then kneed his groin and punched him. He fell on his knees.

"What are you doing to him? He doesn't deserve this." Wanda stated, putting her hand on the glass as she looked down.

"I think he does. But give me some reason as to why you think he should be spared." Mobius said.

Wanda turned around to face him.

"He can help you. He helped me." She stated.

"Oh? How?"

"He... He just did! If it weren't for him I'd be pruned or dead. He saved me multiple times while we were out on that planet, so did Sylvie."

"Ever stop to think that they were using you?"

"What?" Wanda gritted her teeth.

"You're a powerful witch, you know this, they know this. They knew you could help them find the charge to that Tempad, for all we know, they only kept you around cause they knew you could teleport them too! Then they'd leave you. That's what Lokis do."

"You're lying. You don't know what they would've done."

"Oh please, stop lying to yourself! They're Lokis! They betray and backstab everyone." Mobius stated.

She shook her head and turned around to look at the glass, seeing Loki get slapped in the face again.

"Shut up. You're a pathetic piece of shit. This whole place is a lie! You're nothing! Just like me, Mobius." Wanda shouted at him, turning back around.

Mobius didn't say anything for a moment, then he smiled.

"You guys are quite convincing, good job sticking to the same story line." He said.

He clicked his Tempad and the window closed.

"You made your point. I'll go see if he wants to talk. And you're coming with." Mobius said.

Wanda didn't say anything, but she followed Mobius out so that the soldiers outside wouldn't forcefully grab her like they had earlier.

They exited the room and two soldiers went to Wanda's side. They didn't grab her, but they were on either side of her so she couldn't make an escape.

They walked towards Loki's room and the soldiers stopped at the door as Mobius and Wanda went in.

"Try not to break anything in this room." Mobius said to her, casting a red portal and walking through it.










My favorite quote of this chapter: "You were going to die out there by being crushed by a planet! I don't think that's peaceful."

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