28) Bad Sleeps

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Wanda crept through the hallways she was in. She wore only socks, her shoes were in the room that Strange had offered her.

She wore a long red shirt and black leggings, the clothes she missed rather than a TVA assigned outfit or her fancy magical Scarlet Witch suit.

She turned the corner that she approached and gave an internal sigh.

"Where is it?" She mumbled to herself.

She didn't have any light on her, only the moonlight streaming through the broken windows. She didn't want to risk being caught and be thought of doing something bad.

Her ginger hair was pulled into a braid that rested on her shoulder. She'd finally gotten a shower, and surprisingly no one seemed to give her any mind. If anything, they were intentionally avoiding her.

She couldn't really blame them though, after what she saw happened, she would probably avoid herself too. She hated to think that she'd tried to kill a child. Why didn't she just adopt the girl?

She heard soft footsteps walking towards her and she slowed down, moving over to the wall that was covered in shadows so that whoever was walking would pass by and not see her.

The person stepped past and through where moonlight showed. It was Steven.

Wanda tried to breathe as silently as she could, but the man stopped and turned towards her, looking straight at her.


"Wanda?" He asked.

"Steven, I promise I wasn't doing anything. I was just looking for the kitchen." She said quickly, stepping out of her terrible hiding spot.

"Wanda, shush, it's me." He said.


Steven had green magic pass over him and he formed into a more familiar face, that of Loki's.

Wanda gave a sigh of relief, glad she wasn't in trouble.

"I was looking for the kitchen as well, figured they wouldn't like to see the God of Mischief roaming around." Loki said.

Wanda nodded, walking over to him.

He had also changed out of the TVA outfit, but he wasn't wearing a nighttime outfit. He was wearing a Midguardian themed outfit though. A simple green t-shirt that looked like it was a size small on him, and gray sweatpants. He definitely found that on the internet, no way this was an accident.

"Are you gonna stop staring so we can find food?" Loki asked.


Wanda's face went red as she realized she'd basically been staring at Loki's body as she was trying to note what he was wearing.

"Yeah. Yeah let's go." She nodded.

Thankfully her face was at least a bit hidden by the shadows of the night.

The two walked down the hall, trying to be as silent as they could. It took a good ten minutes, but they finally found what at least resembled a kitchen. It had two sinks, a fridge-freezer, and a cabinet. No stove, microwave, or even a toaster.

Granted, sorcerers lived here so they probably didn't need those things.

Wanda went over to the cabinet and squinted her eyes, trying to see what was inside. It was incredibly dark though and the moonlight didn't show anything.

She shut the cabinet door and looked around for a light switch.

Loki found it first and he turned it on without warning.

Wanda immediately shielded her eyes from the sudden light and she gave a glare to Loki, but he just seemed amused by her annoyed face.

"So you couldn't sleep?" He asked as she went back over to the cabinet.

"No. I'm not great at sleeping, especially not in new places. You?"

"My bed is nowhere near as nice as the bed I have in Asgard. It's quite stiff."

"That's a fair reason."

Wanda picked out a pack of strawberry poptarts and opened it. She offered Loki one but he declined. She shrugged and took a bite out of it.

"Any reason you couldn't sleep? I mean, you haven't slept since the train back on Proserpina. And even then, it was like an hour long nap, if even." Loki asked her.

Wanda swallowed the piece she ate since she didn't like talking with her mouth full.

"I mean.. I have nightmares, constantly. And whenever I have those nightmares, things break. I can't control my power at night." She said.

"Nightmares?" Loki asked. "Is that a Midgardian term for bad sleeps?"

"Pretty much."

"You guys are sooo creative."

"What do you call it?"

"We just call them bad sleeps, I don't understand needing a fancy name for it."

Wanda chuckled with an eye roll.

"Is the stiff bed the only reason you can't sleep? I mean, you didn't even rest on Proserpina, you just drank." Wanda asked.

"Yes. I have very high standards." Loki replied.

Wanda gave a small hum with a nod, not fully believing him.

"How about you try sleeping in my bed?" Loki offered.

Wanda nearly choked on the bite of poptart she had.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"If your powers and stuff go off at night, I'll use my magic to counteract it and you'll be fine to sleep."

"And what about you? How will you sleep?"

"I'll sleep tomorrow when the doctor inevitably tries to talk to us."

Wanda gave a small chuckle again.

"If you're fine with me.. uh.. using your bed," She started, "then maybe we could try your magic counteracting stuff."




The next morning, Strange walked to Wanda's room. It was about 7:30, the usual wake up time around there.

He knocked on the door.

No reply.

He figured she was asleep still, but part of him was still very superstitious about her so he opened the door quietly, just to check and make sure she was still there.

She wasn't.

His eyes widened and he quickly checked the rest of the room she had. No sign of her.

He hurried out and down to Loki's room, which was thankfully only a few feet away. The door was just on the other side of the hall. He opened the door and nearly slammed it into the wall.

He gave a sigh of relief as he saw Wanda asleep in his bed. Loki wasn't asleep, but he was sitting at the end of the bed where Wanda's feet were, staring dead at Strange.

"Why is she in here?" Strange asked.

"She couldn't sleep but now she can, and if you wake her, I will stab you 39 times in your chest then 5 times more in your head." Loki replied, his voice low.

Strange rolled his eyes, not too threatened, just respectful enough to lower his own voice as well.

"Fine. When she wakes up, find me in the main room. I need to introduce you two to someone." He stated.

Loki gave an annoyed 'okay' look and Strange left, much quieter than how he'd entered.

Wanda grumbled something and she blinked her eyes. She stretched and wiped her face with her hands trying to figure out where she was in the moment.

"Ah-! Oh, Loki. What time is it?" She asked her voice quiet other than that first part.

"Uh..." Loki looked around the room but didn't see any clock or timer. "I'm not sure."

Wanda glanced towards the window that was on the back of the room. There was light streaming through so it was definitely daytime, meaning she didn't get a terrible sleep.

"Any nightmare things?" Loki asked her.

"No, thankfully. Guess there was no reason for me to have slept in here." Wanda replied with an awkward chuckle, moving the blanket off of her to stand up.

Loki shrugged.

"Maybe my presence healed your mind and made you resistance to bad sleeps then." He smirked.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's it." Wanda scoffed.

She waved her hand and red magic spewed over her, changing her clothes from the sleeping outfit to a more suitable outfit for going out.

She now wore a blue tank top with black jeans, a red jacket and boots. Various bracelets and necklaces added to the look as well. She also wore a small red crown that came along with her Scarlet Witch outfit. It was shaped like an 'M' but she felt a connection with it and she enjoyed wearing it.

"I didn't know you could do that." Loki commented on her outfit.

"Changing your clothes on command is one of the first spells you should learn. That's like witchcraft 101." Wanda said with a slight grin.

"I don't need witchcraft, I have basic Asgardian magic." He replied.

On that cue, his clothes shifted as well, going from his gray sweatpants and undersized shirt to a black suit.

Wanda gave a shrug, not wanting to accidentally stare again.

"It looks good on you." She said.


"Earth clothes. That's a bit fancy but it looks nice."

"Obviously. I look good in everything. I even made that TVA jumpsuit look nice." Loki said confidently.

"How do you know what a jumpsuit is but you don't know what a nightmare is?" Wanda laughed.

"Not all of Asgardian clothing was good." Loki replied.

"Any idea if we have to do anything?" Wanda asked. "Or are we on house arrest?"

"The doctor wants to see use in the main room. Which main room, I'm not sure."

"You do know you can call him Steven right?"

"Yes. I choose to say Doctor."


The two made their way to the outside, main room that they were introduced to the day before. Strange was standing near the entrance, looking out at multiple other men and women learning how to cast portals.

He turned towards the two as they entered and narrowed his eyes.

"Come with me, don't want to interrupt this session." He said, giving a gesture with his head as he began walking out the same way Wanda and Loki came in.

"Then why did we walk all the way down here?" Loki asked.

"It's not that far from your rooms." Strange replied.


"America can be skittish." Strange cut him off. "The first time I met her, she took my sling ring and ran. And you, Wanda, or your variant, spent a decent amount of time hunting her down and trying to steal her power, so I'm quite certain she won't forgive you too easily."

"Oh yeah." Wanda gave a small sigh.

"Where is she now then? Is she not an apprentice sorcerer? Why else would she be staying here?" Loki asked.

"You two aren't apprentice sorcerers and you're staying here." Strange replied.

"Yeah because you aren't allowing us to leave." Wanda replied.

"Her power is portal creation technically, but we're starting to find out other abilities she has. Also she doesn't really have anywhere else to go, so I am looking after her."

"Are you trying to find anywhere for her to stay?" Wanda asked.

"No. She's safe here." Strange stated.

Wanda gave a confused look, wondering if Strange thought about this kid like a father would think of his own daughter. If so, that was incredibly cute.

The three reached a door, similar to the one that opened to Wanda and Loki's room, but this was a completely different section of the castle area they were in.

Strange knocked on the door and the three heard a "COME IN!" from whoever was inside. Definitely the voice of a child.

Strange opened the door to see his 16 year old girl plummetting to the ground. He watched her land on a large pile of plushies and give a heavy breath.

"Steven! My flying is improving!" She said excitedly.

The room was much larger than Loki and Wanda's, perhaps both together. A queen sized bed was in the middle of the room and a lot of star shaped were hung up around the room. And of course, a large pile of plushies in front of the bed.

"The longest I've been able to hold myself up is 31 seconds. Now I know why you use that cloak all the ti-"

She immediately stopped talking as her eyes landed on Wanda.

"What is she doing here? I thought she was dead." She spoke quickly.

Her hands slowly clenched into fists, ready for a fight.

"Relax, this is a different version of Wanda, one not corrupted by the Darkhold." Strange said.

"Are you sure?" America asked, not breaking her stare.

"Yes. You don't have to like her, but there's no reason for violence currently."

Loki pushed past Strange as he spoke and walked over to the girl, stepping over crumbled up pieces of paper that laid in the room.

"So you're telling me that we have to deal with a child who can barely control her abilities?" He asked, staring the teenager down.

"And I have to deal with an old white man who acts like he's better than others." America replied, crossing her arms and turnimg a glare right back at the man.

"I'd like you to know, I am a God. You should watch what you say."

"And I'd like you to know that I can control my powers enough to know how to punch a star shaped hole through your face, so you should watch your own mouth while you still have one."

Wanda and Strange glanced to each other as they watched the teenager and the God stare the other down, trying to see if the other would break first.

Then Loki turned his head to Strange and spoke.

"I like this one, where'd you find her?" He asked.

"Uh.. On the street." Strange replied.










My favorite quote of this chapter: "I even made that TVA jumpsuit look nice."

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